Sorry Holla Forums

Sorry Holla Forums.
I can't hang with this anymore.
I have been waiting and waiting for this shit to get better, and it just keeps getting worse instead. Schools will be letting out in a week or so and I can not even stomach the thought of what will happen here then.
I have held out as long as I could, but this place is officially utter shit and I am leaving.
Pics related, they are my farewell pics to you all. Thanks for the good times.

where u fronna go

You're the cancer.

and stay out faggot


thats no way to talk to an old Holla Forumsrethren =[

Mods are worthless. If we wanna fix this place we need to do it ourselves. Spam every cancer thread to let the outsiders know they don't belong here.

this. and sage in the email field


I am sick of seeing that gay blogposter make 5 threads all about cumming and having 3 other fags join him in gay erping. That shit is getting spam derailed the next time I see it. Same with the trap threads.

So you want to derail a gay thread with other gay shit?

I won't be posting gay shit. It will be spammed with our holy defender against the gays, AJ.

Why do you want to ruin our fun Daddy?

cry more

Fuck you fag. This is the cancer you brought upon us.



Good luck, OP. Go gentle into that good night.

I keep wanting to go over to /erp/ but it doesn't feel the same.

No one cares faggot, we don't want it here.


Gays might be getting accepted into normal society because of jewish subversion but that shit doesn't fly here.

It's not gay if one of us is a cute grill.


why don't you spam that garbage over at /kennedi/?

Posts and exchanges like these make OP sound pretty fucking reasonable. All of you need to grow the fuck up. It is like 5th grade in here anymore. If the mods won't do anything about it, it is because this is how they want it to be. Deal with it, enjoy it, or do what OP did and leave. Only a nigger trashes a place so that it is even worse just because he doesn't like it.

Fuck off, autist.

t. OP

A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.
A little bird named Sage told me >>>/kennedi/ is better.

No, not OP. But trending that way. I still see hope, and since I am not an oldfag I don't have all the mental attachments to this place that some people do. So I can enjoy watching it burn even if it doesn't recover.

t. OP

The bird was right. So go to /kennedi now. And don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/
we should ask Dysnomia to close Holla Forums for the summer and link it to /kennedi/

The problem is NOT a lack of good threads, the problem is a preponderance of shit threads. Your theory is fucked, m8.

Come on you little bitch, this thread would've 404'd with no replies which is the correct way to handle these threads if you hadn't bumped after 6 hours.

Ja wohl, mein Herr!
Of course you are the ultimate judge of what threads belong and what threads don't, after all it is YOUR board, right?

Fuck off, Adolf.

They are called time zones, btw. The world has them, and lives their lives by them, not by the clock on your nightstand.

You know how I know that Holla Forums is really over? Because an user (OP) can't even fucking say thank you without getting shit on. That is pretty sad, Holla Forums.

Probably has to do with why there are only like 50 people left on Holla Forums anyway, not counting the raiders.

So where to now? Endchan?
This place doesn't give a shit about having a good time anymore. I've tried everything, but nothing is getting better, only worse.

Wherever your going, I'm going.

This is why I wouldn't tell you where I am going if my fucking life depended on it. Ignorance is what I am trying to leave behind.

That's not what your post ID says.

For years I have been wondering
WTF is wrong with her arms? Why are they only fat above elbow?

i couldnt resist =[ i fell asleep after merit bumping ur thread.

shit got out of hand it seems, now that i see it today. =[

your pants are on fire, faggot.

It doesn't matter what timezone you're in 6 hours elapsed between OP and the first reply you mouthbreather.

It's OK. Time is not an important concept in the space-time continuum of the chan life.

Tell me user. I'm having the time of my life in the alcoholic thread. You will find it shortly.

Endchan, while great, is low population and dicey anons who give zero fucks about human interaction. At least, that's the case. Not the original Holla Forums we knew from back in the day