How does he justify being a Libtard?

How does he justify being a Libtard?

He's british so nobody cares what he has to say.


Sounds like a pro-free-speech argument in jest. But its a weak and cowardly one, as it is fighting a strawman even most SJW antifa goon types wouldn't defend.

is he saying that seriously or is he making a pro-free speech argument? pls help i am autism

What the fuck do you think?

Its a sarcastic joke.

i don't get it



These fucking DRUMPFUCKERS are beyond the levels of retardation that I though was possible when I started posting here. These DRUMPFLARDS can't even see a joke when it is right in front of their morbidly obese, dorito-encrusted faces. I know they are all autistic, but COME THE FUCK ON
It is incredibly obvious to anyone with half a brain that DRUMPF is only pretending to be on le peoples side so that he could get elected and make himself and all his Russian business cronies rich by selling out the American Workers. But no, all of these moronic Drumftards had to fall for his obvious lies, and now we are stuck with a racist cheeto in the white house for the next 4 years.

no one's buying it, nu/pol/

but… he spends most of his career bashing christianity…


all me

But its literally the argument these cucky anti-free speech people do. You shouldn't be able to make a joke if it offends people (so you still can joke if you don't offend anyone! lol). Gervais is not wrong here.

Their argument speaks of jokes that offend [protected minority]. Why they should be protected minorities is another whole can of worms. One false argument sustains the other.

Obviously it's a joke, perhaps the victory of Trump has awoken his tiny, beedy little BLACKED eyes and realize that pc culture is cancer, but then again he's always been a bit of an outsider in the comedy ring.

2/10 made me reply

I thought he was being serious. Because he's gonna get responses calling him a dumbass and why that's the case.

Nobody has ever said that Ricky.

The problem people have is rich assholes like you trying to dictate what i can and can't say and lose my job and might end up on the streets if i speak my mind.

So i hope you fucking die a horrible slow death of diabetes.


Quite a few actually argue it, as stupid as that sounds.

It's part of why you find so many unfunny comedians and webcomics around now where the only 'joke' is trying to do silly sounding words or portray things as cute. It's because there are legitimately people now that will, with a straight face, say you should do comedy that offends no one.