Tfw Mummy 3 looked better than your shitty reboot


Can't say I want to see this, because I hate Tom Cruise, but yeah, her presence just made this more interesting for me

Tom Cruise filmography is too good for you pleb.

This whole project looks so fucking bad.

Also, does some kind user have that copypasta of Brendan not getting a cameo in the new Mummy?

It's not a reboot of the JUST trilogy, you moron.

I like Minority Report and Rain Man. But he, as a person, is repulsive

It's a reboot of the Mummy property you dumb faggot

What kind of idiot do you take me for? I grew up with the old Universal monster movies. I know it is an old property.

No you don't, you fucking reddit cancer. You just googled it and now posing as a fake nerd, as you redditor vermin always do. Only redditor would say something like "I actually grew up watching something". Die like a shooting star.

Don't mind female mummy, so long as it devolves into a mummy harem in the end.

…they're fucking dead


You mean the one where he does get a cameo?

Bollywood Mummy when?

Why does Tom Cruise's voice sound like it has autotune applied?

most great artists are degenerate freaks. I don't have to like the kid making my food, but if he's good, I'll eat it.

At least there's no white washing.


Tom Cruise has done literally nothing wrong, he was a good man who has been irreversibly damaged by a cult and is now mentally disturbed and emotionally immature to understand his surroundings.

I refuse to watch a Mummy movie without Brendan. Fuck them for not at least offering him a cameo.

he looks so broken.


Only redditors had childhoods? This sounds like something a goon would say. As a kid I had the Universal monster movies lineup at home, the creature from the black lagoon was my favorite but every one of them were great entertainment and as close to horror I got in those days. Is this actually a """nerd""" thing? I thought they were pretty popular even if they have become a bit more obscure as time has passed.

Tom cruise starred in the greatest american kino of all time, Iron Eagle, so he's alright in my book

I've never seen arabs red hair
In any case I think its fair to say current day middle easterners,arabs, terrorists,Egyptians,etc. have little to do with Ancient Egyptians therefore casting an ugly brown tranny and expecting praise for it is retarded also what give I thought this was called the mummy not the mummy's "girlfriend".

You are part of the problem.

hey did you enjoy peekaboo too? awww man it was so much fun!
if i had the time i'd hunt you down and beat you to death with my argonath bust.

im tempted to say yes just to watch you try and emulate this as well

Typical manlet.

The egyptians were semitic people.



is this another, super realism emo movie


Isn't this supposed to be the first of the Universal Monster movie universe? Trying to pull a Marvel cinematic universe with the old horror icons. Looks like it's going to make DC's blunders look good.

Shared universe Hammer Films would have been awesome, though.

Guaranteed trash?

i want to read this; someone please post

How the hell would that have worked considering all the main characters are played by Lee and Cushing?


peter sellers style

Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?


any sexy shots in trailer? for me to beat my self to orgasm

"Brendan is too old! He's a nobody! He can't bring us the shekels! Why would we give hima role? Toss him in the garbage like the rest of the spent actors!"
- Chaim Goldstein, executive producer of The Mummy Reboot.