Durnuld zerzenegger

What went wrong with arnold ?
How did he go from a bodybuilder of world class competing to be the best shaped man in the world to supporting retards as they wave their impotent arms and smile with their disfigured faces ?

He was always an autist. Watch pumping iron.


This is pretty disgusting. This kind of celebrity masturbation comes at the cost of the dignity of the people they use to virtue signal.

1994 was the end of Arnold.

Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw saw it first, painfully shit.


special olympic athletes >>>>> olympic athletes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other athletes >>>> average people

SpecOps athletes aspire to become as fit and as successful as a normal human. (((Olympic athletes))) take drugs and suck jew dick to get on TV and compete for "most steroid induced cyclist/runner/swimmer".

I could swear I've seen that exact same comment on a youtube video, with the same exact response.

They are the peak of human bodily achievement whether you like that or not.
Quite frankly I think there should be a separate drug specific olympics. Where people just roid up so badly they do inhuman feats but die within months. Just so we can see how far can drugs take the human body.

The normal olympics do that.
Look at the tour de france: guys cycle for 80-150 kilometers PER DAY, for two weeks straight, half of it while climbing.
Not only that, but a british guy (busted for drugs 2 years ago) actually managed to always be about 10 km in front of the 2nd placer (so that's 30 km in front of the majority of cyclers).
He's pretty young and he used to do it year after year.
That's how far drugs take you, 150km/day of uphill cycling for 2 weeks.


I bet half of you autists couldn't even out-compete one of these retards in a 100m race. The other half probably qualify for the special olympics. Kys you despicable human beans.


Fite me fgt.

Bodybuilders are not athletes, so it doesn't matter to them, most only care about the looks.

He's not wrong and you know it.

mmm that ball sack.


This. His only advantage was being high testosterone. Now that that's gone, he's going into full limp-wristed beta territory.

Lou Ferrigno is in better shape than he is now.

Nothing went wrong. Just because you can pick on the retarded kids, doesn't mean you should.

Libcucklet ess joo dubya detected! Go back to reddit you fucking CUCK, Donald Trump (Hallowed be his name) said that retards are subhuman scum that need to be destroyed and I ALWAYS stand by my Emporers (bless him) decisions.

Donald Trump is going to gas da retards and there's not a thing you can do about it! How's it feel Cucklet?

Arnold is secretly gay bro. Ever watch some of his interviews? He had posters of shirtless muscle men all throughout his room growing up. When he was Governator he championed gay rights. The dude is a fucking closet homo


Also he didn't say they were subhuman, but someones feelings shouldn't be protected because mommy wanted to drink when she was pregnant.

That said, picking on retards is the lowest form of humor.

Just like when David Cross did that open letter to Larry the Cable Guy. Made him look like an asshole.

wow. its true
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself turn up and into an old woman.

is that a sneaky oathbreaker behind the pepepony?


2/10, even Jews can impersonate Holla Forums better. Fucking nigger.

I want all-allowed olympics, where people get on every performance enhancing drug their body can withstand without collapsing and cut off their legs and replace them with those pogosticks. In the near future they could get even more advanced cybernetics.

Based Arnold, standing up for what's right.
I'd love to see him snap Trump in half like a frozen hot dog; but fortunately for Trump, he defends retards instead of fighting them.

Imagine being Arnold in this situation and having to be all like "damn, retards, you fuckin' fit, all sexy with your athletic bodies and horrific androgynous monster faces. I would totally stick up for you, both the guy who runs my social media accounts and the real me." when all he really wants to do is knock up another hispanic maid in his mansion. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while windowlickers flaunt their disgusting bodys in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing their drool and leathery skin, and just sit there, day after day, hour after hour, while they perfect their sport. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visage but their haughty attitude as everyone on the field tells them them they STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MOUTHBREATHERS COMPETE LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their beastly fucking gremlin faces contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been pitted against nothing but a healthy diet of Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia contestants and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on their egg-like fiveheads as they struggle to writhe suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in their "inspiring (for that is the word they learned to call themselves)" strength, the strength they worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the announcer calls for the next event, and you know you could kill every dysgenic piece of trash in this stadium before security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your political career over this. Just bear it. Get your face in front of that camera and bear it.