How stupid is your city?

Post examples of how stupid your city is, and we will collectively decide which one is the worst.

Pic related, it is the pot of Fail Soup (with a side of turds) that is Grand Rapids, MI.

You voted for Trump. I hope all y'all drown in some shit

I don't know where you live, but you're a living example that wherever it is, it is dumber than OP's town.

Trump is a retard, though.

it seems like it is more the jornalists stupid not the place of your residence

What does Trump have to do with this thread? Fuck off.

The journalists are stupid, yes. That is part of the overall image of stupidity my pic portrays. But it is more than the journalists. The city paid $400 million dollars to fix the sewage system. They celebrate their success in eliminating the sewage discharges and pat each other soundly on the back 3 hours after the system fails and dumps 38.7 million gallons of shit into the river. The reporter had nothing to do with that. That is all Mayor Blissfullyignorant.

You are a retard.

stay mad fags

Trump's gonna bring back the bad old days of no one getting medical insurance except perfectly healthy young guys who will never need it. Also taking away your autismbux and other forms of disabilitybux and telling you all to life yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work.

Holla Forumstards are the reason Holla Forums is such shit.
GTFO to your own board, you felching faggots.

Can you Holla Forums and Holla Forums faggots fuck off? You ruin every thread.

No kidding. I can't take any more political shit.

get the fuck over it


I love it when we all get together like this.

Works for me

Pollies are worse cancer than ponies and pedos. They should be b& for posting here.

oh fuck off pedo. Holla Forums IS Holla Forums

I can't help but wonder who is behind this post.

there was a municipal election in my country this month, and my city is the only municipality that elected a representative from the Feminist Party

try to beat that

I should add that she got 6,138 votes

please tell me you're joking.

It has been since ~late 2015

you should lurk more, kikeniggerfaggotdegenerate. 14ϟϟ88.

Well this thread got derailed pretty fast… The stupidest thing my city has done is stopping of their routine controlled burns of forest area. 5 years of neglect resulted in a pretty bad fire that cut a lot of people off from roads leaving the area. Fires are part of the life cycle for some species here, but they don't care about that, they just wanted to save money in the short term.

You faggots will lose in every fight. Sucker punching, pepper spraying old women, covering yourselves with black bandanas and hoodies. It's because you're publicly ashamed of yourselves. Every time you try to fight us, you will lose.


Here's an antifa faggot who thought he could cover his face and get away with sucker punching a "Nazi".


Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia
they attacked one of the governor candidate because of it's race and religion. and the worst part it, no official actually stopped their blasphemy and they actually won the election, despite most of their program has been done by the ex-governor and few other that hasn't been done is pretty impossible to do and extremely sounds like just an idea that never be realized

You're from Indonesia?



most people are

lmao if he was actually working his union would have reprimanded him