How do I stop falling for typical Jewish tricks?

How do I stop falling for typical Jewish tricks?

step 1: take off the hat










$${\huge TRUMP}$$

$${\tiny TRUMP}$$

$${\small TRUMP$$

$${\big TRUMP$$




Become a Jew









`` TRUMP ``


``` TRUMP ```



Trump is too powerful and good.

are trumpcucks the biggest cucks in history?

wear white bed sheets for protection

Fuck off lefty retard. We know it is you who make all of these lame Anti-Trump threads

it's funny as fuck though

You already posted the same pics several times over the past week. No one cares about how much you dislike "le orange man".


ZOMG you got me. I am now a full Bernie bro, now please leave



I'm happy to help

Not leaving though :^)


Can you kill yourself? Please, no one likes you & you would be better off dead.

What proof do you have that Hitler killed himself?

Nice I got dubbz, kek will bless me with shill mans death.

White gen has nothing to do with bitchs fool & everything to do with 3d world immigrants flooding the 1s world.

That 3d pic, what are you a raceis? Pol is the board of peace all are welcome.

Like you give a shit about global warming. Just pay you're corbon tax goy.

You're memes are weak Step it up Fagget. That last pic, who gives a shit.

watch porn, you'll be more focused and mature

These marxists faggots are shilling so hard , they know they're going down.
Trump was the best choice given the current circumstances.


Even their Marxist Pope (Zizek) said he'd vote for him in this election.

stop watching the televised jew
stop surfing the world-wide jew
stop reading the tabloid jew
stop smoking the herbal jew
stop drinking the liquid jew
stop lusting for the vaginal jew

Lol epic fail

Silly wabbit, Tricks are for Jews!


Quite possibly the most tiresome, knee-jerk, sheepish cartoonist in the world.


At first I was happy to see someone that was against Trump, but although I am not a Natsoc, you disappoint me.

I enjoyed the dump. nice to see someone point out all the hypocrisy for once.

Pretending that Trump voters regret their decision is the same tactic media tried on Brexit. Watch them blame it on old people next.

Haha. You pathetic same fag.

Step 1: remember to change the file names


sounds bretty güd tbh

Cultural queer marxists getting btfo is all that matters.

You can't stop falling for jewish tricks you silly goyim. Just accept we control both sides.

wrong. also bump

investigate Cultural Marxism and the Holocaust.
Convert to a true religion, in its orthodox form.
Give up lustful sins, greed and malice.

top kek mischling

You: "Ow! Thinking hurts! He's posting stuff I disagree with and I can't think of any rebuttal."

trumpcucks in charge of being retarded

you could've had free healthcare and education with Bernie and to the lesser extent Hillary

now you're getting raped by Wall St bankers all over again and you cucks are crying on r/thedonald that your orange elitist tvdaddy is siding with other elitists in raping your privacy and destroying the middle class

fucking lmao. truly the dumbest group around. keep wearing that red fedora though.

Why the fuck are people like this allowed on Holla Forums, go back to cuckchan faggot

You're against free speech when you disagree with it? Typical Trump supporter…

Im australian mate I dont support trump. Im sick of you limp wristed faggots infecting every place I go. Keep to your shitty imageboard because you dont belong here.

Oh wait anyone seriously advocating Bernie is either a troll or a faggot from reddit, nice bait.

typical trumpcuck thinking dicksucking Chad makes you a Chad. you're just a useful idiot cuck for people who hate you.

she lost. get over it.

boring typical response.

protip: you also lost. you're just late at starting to realize it.

google how to be presidential and stay in power

Madame President NEVER EVER


you're still going back


OP has no power here

Stop being such a paranoid little faggot, and even if the country does fall then it was bound to happen sooner or later, but not because you're so scared of an tanned guy with blonde hair, it'll be because paranoid SJW antifas like yourself and Snownigger Holla Forumsacks were too paranoid and outraged to calm the fuck down so they had to start a civil war.

Sounds good to me.

How did you not notice Trump sucking Israels dick at every opportunity?

I liked Adolf Hitler, I still haven't changed my mind 70 years later.

Israeli Jews are just worthless and pretentious leeches who do nothing but sit back and eat. American Jews are the real threat as they are all manipulating puppet masters who want to control everything and only shill for their leech of a country to protect their minority status.

Think for yourselves, for once, cucks.