Blocks your path

Blocks your path

*unzips banana.*

Asks for an autograph

heel hotlar


Tell him that his moustache resembles a cat turd.

And then Mozambique his ass.

Sieg Heil!


If it was Nazi Germany vs. the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany would win.

well it wasn't

Salute, of course.

Use the greatest generation.

It's le super effective!

Show him the documentry evidence and proof that his grandmother was a Jew.

extremely underrated post

obviously my fault then

if they're so great, how come they're dead?

stand aside, I need to get to my waifu

long dead austrian meth addict midget with a toothbrush mustache and rotten teeth blocks my path? maximum violence immediately and then proceed with my 21st century life in which vermin are a minor nuisance.

"Excuse, I must go to my class in Vienna University"

But look how wonderful a world they left behind. You could be a nazi right now, living in a non-jewish non-nigger society. Just the thought makes my skin crawl tbh fam smh


Let's get this straight, user
A society in which the government gasses those who oppose it isn't free. A nation which discriminates against a portion of its population isn't free. The world today is imperfect, but it's a whole lot better than in 1940. Ask grandpa.

Who gassed who? And a nation cannot discriminate against a portion ot its population; it can however take steps to deal with intruders.

You're correct, it was Nazi Germany vs. the rest of the world. And Germany still fought well.

the 1940s had a significantly stronger economy.

this is the most tryhard answer ITT
Congrats; you get a gold star and a free shower


*stares at him

Then I ask him what the meaning of this is.


Let Stauffenberg do his thing or i`ll stab you to death right now


what the fuck is this shitty thread doing on Holla Forums, get the fuck out normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

you stole my name!
I'm the real Shinji!

Sieg Heil!

The Jews, Dahnald….

*sucks his dick*
*brags to Holla Forums*

sigh…i was born in the wrong decade.