Is Tesla on the verge of running out of cash?

Other urls found in this thread: 7004/Marcott_Global Temperature Reconstructed.pdf

Tax scheme engineer will come up with a new government program to milk. Maybe he will divert the meals on wheels program, food for elderly people, to Tesla. Of course the sales pitch is, "A new paradigm in robotic food transportation". The nu-males will rejoice and scream "Paradigm Shift!"

That would be nice.

Or maybe he will threaten to move to china in the hopes that Trump comes to his rescue with parachutes made out of dollar bills.
"Today i am proud to anounce that another yuge business was saved from Tchai-Na, Yuge news. Wouldn't you think that is yuge? it's yuge right? i mean i think it's yuge."
*muffled USA! USA! USA! in the distance*


opinion discarded

Just wait for it.

They are at full liberty to lie.


i would do the same in his position tbh. appearances are useful. people judge based on appearances. investors are people.

you want to build a persona of being hip, cool, successful - looking the part helps. and being perceived as hip, cool, and successful will get more investor money than the other company - all other things equal - that isn't perceived as hip, cool, and successful.

take care of your appearance and learn to manipulate the masses tbh. tesla taught me that.

I doubt he will for various reasons:

1. Solar city and Tesla have some government contracts down the pipeline, using their battery banks as grid buffers.

2. They might break out into the Island power market like they did in Samoa.

3. Solar tiles will undoubtedly be taken up by swpl municipalities giving them juicy contracts.

4. They're on track to becoming one of the largest producers of batteries(providing they don't pump all of that into their cars)

5. California will not let their love child die and if Musk can harness the climate scares in regards to Trump he can surely swindle the state out of a billion or two.


People have been saying Musk is going to lose his shirt for a decade. He hasn't. They said they weren't going to sell more than 1,000 cars. They did. They said that Tesla could never hit a mainstream sedan pricepoint before incentives. They did. They said that the rockets weren't real, they were. They said that his reusable design would never work, it did.
Face it, the faggot is south african Tony Stark. He's like the fucking terminator, he's going to do what he set out to do.

those people aren't laughing anymore.

Yeah well this was over 70 years ago so that probably has something to do

they laughed at him; now they are skeletons. that should teach you all you need to know.

Everyone one of Musk's schemes relies on a government tax break of some sort or government contracts. Without taxpayer funds Musk's business would not exist.

Makes sense in a world where oil companies are getting hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tax breaks.

If you're going to be libertarian, at least be universal about it.

Yeah, and every business relies on government tax breaks or government infrastructure.
Do I need to bring up the interstates or state roads and the untold billions of dollars it saves every year, for every fucking business?
Do I need to bring up how the US government subsidizes natural gas and oil, to the point where it makes Tesla's loans and government contracts look like fucking chump change?

this guy looks like an asian with white skin

I am not a libertarian. Musk's businesses are unsustainable without government intervention. Oil and gas would still exists without government tax breaks.


I am pretty sure he is a jew.

do jews have large necks naturally?

Meanwhile the two largest US automakers had to be bailed out, even with their US government subsidies, tax breaks and contracts years ago during the recession.

Plenty of mega corps get bailed out, you're complaining that Musk isn't some market magician or exception to the rule.

Business is business.

Hyperloop is retarded but has he said anything bad about Tesla?

The difference between Musk and everyone else is that Musk's products are not sustainable without those protections. Without the cheap credit from the FED Solar City would not exist. Do you understand their business model? Ford will continue to sell cars, some years better than others, because their business is sustainable. The technology is still underdeveloped along with the infrastructure around it. The cheap credit is also probably why Musk can sell a shitty $70,000 battery car in the first place. Musk's businesses are the direct result of a misallocation of resources because of loose monetary policy(in a nutshell).

What the fuck is unustainable about an AC induction motor and electric drivetrains? Are you retarded? What you should say is that it's an uphill battle. You're fighting in the trenches against internal combustion as the status quo.
What is actually unsustainable is internal combustion.
The only thing that could be construed as underdeveloped is the energy storage, the batteries.
You're retarded.

And further, if your precious businesses that are sustainable without all of the help, why don't they just forego it all? Oh wait, the two largest automakers almost fucking died. Talk about unsustainable. Meanwhile, Tesla didn't even have their DoE loans or major tax breaks or tax credits at the time, and still survived.

I was not clear at all here. Charging stations is what I am referring to. Every home, business, parking lot, etc will need charging stations everywhere for people. Gas stations already exist and I can fill up in 10 minutes if I am slow. Who wants to wait 2-6 hours to charge up their battery car?
Interesting that you did not touch the financial part of my argument. If you understand it you know I am right and if not you are a moronic ideologue.
You sound like someone who posts on Hacker News btw.

You do not need a "charging station" in your home. You can charge on 120v and 240v. I've seen drunk niggers run 240v to their hot tubs.
Charging stations can be anywhere. The grid is everywhere. The investment compared to opening a gas station/mini mart is insignificant, and probably pays mostly for itself for plaza space that businesses can rent out, not only to serve people who are charging their vehicles but anyone.
You can charge a tesla at a supercharger, in parallel, in as little as 30 minutes. It's only going to get better.
The argument concerning "muh tax breaks muh subsidies"? How about the fact that the automotive industry would not fucking exist were it not for government subsidized roads? Pretty unsustainable business model, dipshit.
Perhaps you don't understand the reasoning behind the interstates and state roads in the context of economics.
Just hang yourself, dipshit. You're a retarded hypocrite who can only rant in every single thread we have about how Tesla TAKES US GOVERNMENT TAX CREDITS. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.

The auto indsutry existed before much of the road infrastructure of today. The interstate was not built until the 1950s.
Tax credits is not the whole story. Loose monetary policy is why Solar City exists and why Musk can sell cars.
Then quit sounding like you post on Hackew News.
Inversion of reality, how typically Jewish.

What we know about you:
1. You are a Jew.
2. You post on Hacker News
3. You are so stupid you must be inbred.

GM is currently unsustainable without the government.

Are you sure you're not conflating business practices with products? Sure Tesla is going hordor in 1 million directions and following goals that they couldn't possibly reach for if they didn't have misallocation of federal funds but can you really say they wouldn't be a car company without it?

I very much doubt that Tesla would keep on acting like it is acting without subsidies.

GM will shrink without support but they would still be in business. Telsa relies on cheap FED money and tax incentives. The technology Musk is peddling is not ready for prime time. Once the cheap money goes, so does Telsa. GM will still be around. What is so hard to understand about that?

Tesla would be less prestigious, smaller, less projects and its cars would be more expensive but that doesn't mean they wouldn't exist.

Even then if everyone plays the game, why do you approve of subsidies making something cheaper but disapprove of subsidies making something exist?

Until it does, the best solution is hybrids where you can fall back to petrol if you need to but can manage on charge from your house with short trips. Actually, the best solution for me, sorry to say, is not an Apple car, it has to be user-serviceable, which few fancy modern cars are.


The Model S is the best car in the world.

Electric transportation is the future.

Tesla will become the U.S.'s largest auto manufacturer.

Nice try, Dr. Goldstein

What if we produced smaller, cheaper electric vehicles that weren't necessarily cars? Why must they be cars and why must they drive on the street? Sure bikes exist, but people are lazy, so how about something like an electric bike, but with 3 wheels so you don't have to put in the effort of balance?

Electric Elio-cycle?

Cars are convenient for a lot of things that e-bikes can't do. You can carry loads of people, with shelter from the elements and without worrying about balance. There's always going to be a place that can't be filled with bicycles.
Also laws would have to be considered. In some countries those hoverboards in your pic are banned from public places because you can't drive a motor vehicle on the pavement but you can't drive it on the road either.
Personally i want to see more longtail cargo bikes, like pic related

That engine control boards shit themselves because of ESD.

Asko references aside, isn't the production of batteries and possibly motors? heavily taxing enviromental wise?

While I hate shilling for normie shit like Surly, this is the only cargo bike getting

Radwagon is US based, it's the result of a Kickstarter project.
I really wish I had room for a cargo bike. I'm stuck with a fucking folder because I have no room

Remove the ESD. Problem solved.

It's true that the production of new batteries apply an environmental tax. However, it's not always necessary to make new ones when old batteries can be recycled at a fraction of every cost.

They can be recycled better than solar panels can, at the moment. In fact, I'm pretty sure that solar panels can't be reliably recycled using any modern technology right now.
Meanwhile, Tesla batteries that can't be used in a high performance vehicle are going to be used for grid storage, then there's going to be reclaimed.
It's all part of Musk's master plan. He recycles batteries from his cars, uses them to fill the EVIL government contracts, then goes on to recycle them by smashing them with a hammer mill and separating cobalt, aluminium, and copper. Basically he's going to makes loads o' money, fucks bitches, and do it cleanly.

Why don't we just build 100 nuclear power plants and tell the Arabs to go fuck themselves?


I fucking hate anti-nuike fags, the green party in our country has managed to get a hold of the opinion that nukes are bad, we've been "ready to get past that" for 40 years now, THERE WILL SIMPLY BE TOO MUCH ENERGY FOR OUR SMALL COUNTRY!


I fucking hate the greens.

Oil is more than just a power source. Crude is used in making a fuckton of stuff, from medicines to plastics to asphault.

Because radiation is bad, man. 60 year old light water plants literally leak radiation. Tritium water, bro, beta emittors: they're radioactive!

Now, please, excuse me as I go bathe with well or city water containing measurable amounts of radium-226/228 eat a bananna containing potassium-40 for breakfast, going about my day in my body composed of carbon-14.

Seriously though, the waste isn't actually an issue, and you probably wouldn't want to throw it away. In dry cask, the biggest risk they pose is some dumbfuck muslim getting hold of it and making a dirty bomb.
Meanwhile it's just sitting there, not harming anything, until people get their shit together to re-use it as fuel in modern reactors.

Just because you can charge at 120v doesn't mean you would want to, it is still slow as shit at 240v at 100amps, at a rate of 58 miles of range per hour of charging. And most people aren't going to have a spare 100 amps worth of capacity in their load center. This also requires the car to have dual high amperage chargers, when they only come with a single standard amperage charger. 120v at 15 amps from a normal home outlet would charge at a rate of 2.5 miles of range per hour (the table only lists 240v so I divided it by 2). Charging these things are slow as shit without dedicated infrastructure.

Realistically, an average car has around 300 miles range on a full tank, versus the upcoming Model 3's 200 miles range per charge in the basic configuration. Of course, this does not account for cold weather, heating, etc.

And second of all, the charge time at ~240v ~40a, from a 50a breaker, is around 4 hours at most to recharge.
This is conservative, for a commute (100 miles) every day. That's ~30 miles per hour of charge.

For long trips, you're going to have to go the supercharger route, but there's plenty of them afaik. It may not be the route you like cross country or state, but it is cheap compared to gas.

And, actually, 4 hours is extremely conservative. It's 3 hours according to Tesla's calculator, NEMA 14-50 outlet.
Probably $600 or so for the cable run, depending on the length and whether you want a professional run.

So, nah. It's not needed, though it is an option. Most people don't have a 200 mile commute.

A Camry I4 with its city rating of 24mpg and a 17 gal tank has a range of 408 miles.

Something like a Camry has at least twice the range and takes a few minutes to refill from an empty tank. Parts are readily available anywhere so when you need to get it repaired out of warranty you dont get raped by a dealership.

you'll pay the electrician that much just to tear down dry wall so he can run the wire/conduit unless your load center happens to be in a unfinished garage. It also assumes that you have that much spare capacity in your load center. This also assumes you own a house rather than rent and apartment, condo or home.

Plenty of people drive more than just their commute to/from work in a day. A Tesla really only shines if you're stuck in gridlock all day long.

Try 600+ miles you godforsaken shill

ONLY 4 HOURS!!! While you're waiting for your overpriced, subsidy grave to charge, i am living the good life. You know that it takes 40 seconds to fill up a real automobile? Bliss.

kys Chaim

Which is exactly as stated in my service manual for Asko's with ECU's that shit themselves, aka the entire WM200 line of washers: replace the V-belt for one that has ANTI-STATIC in fuckhueg letters on it

And with that comes the secondary question: is recycling batteries enviromentally taxing?

Come at me bro, AWD and a boxer engine that takes dieesul = 45 mpg.

I would fucking kill someone for a 380V/55A outlet in my garage.

4 hours per charge is just too much. Until pic related is developed, or something similar (did someone say biogas?), we simply have no solution. Hydrocarbons is just too efficient.
Also, something I hate about Tesla cars is the lack of serviceability. Poor form.

How's the one-room studio apartment going?

Why don't you want to run your diesel engine with coconut butter, user?

A car is going at an average of 25 kW power continuously. Charging it to drive for 1 hour will therefore require 30 kW (accounting for losses) continuous charge for an hour. At 220 volts that would be 135 amps. Now, in what fucking country a generic home appliance outlet wiring would possibly sustain any more than 50 amps. Chances are the whole apartment is fused for less than 50 amps. Note that for 120 Volts mains, amperage is almost double that figure. So you most definitely need special charging stations, complete with high power mains connection. And even at that, charging takes long time comparing to filling up a tank.

Battery powered cars is retarded. They should instead focus on fuel cell development, to convert fuels directly into electricity without burning them. But of course Tesla not gonna do that. Their object is not to drive innovation and progress, it's to scam people out of their money.

Friend, you are the retard here.



i like how triggered autists are in this thread, over the inevitable switch.
some are so triggered they wish for a hydrogen infrastructure like gasoline so it eases the transition for him, trying to sound smart by stating that electric cars draw "25 kW power" continuously.

How much power does electric car consumes while running 90 mph and in the busy city on average?

it's not going to be running 90mph, and in the busy city it's not going to be using much, it's stop-start, accelerate, brake (which is regenerative, i.e. it gets energy back)
meanwhile combustion burns even when idle, and especially in start-stop.

Running a car off that must smell fucking delicious

it takes 30 minutes to charge at a supercharger on the highway.

yeah and the model 3 can theoretically have 350 miles with an upgrade, it doesn't change the fact that little to nobody drives more than 100 miles for a commute everyday.
the only time people do that is during trips.
there was a government study with the numbers in the last thread.
the fuck? why would you start tearing down drywall to fish conduit a supposed 90 feet. you run it through the basement, or up through the attic where there are additional heat considerations, then up/down the wall.

So, no figures, and no argument.

I'll break it down to you:

Power consumption of the vehicle has dick to do with the kind of motor it uses. When it runs fast, it depends on aerodynamics, and when it accelerates it depends on weight. Any car weighting about a ton will be using 50 kW or thereabouts during mild accelerations. It's when it's done accelerating, power drain drops to 10-15 kW or so. That's how much there is resistance in tires. A car shaped like Tesla ones will probably on the lower side of drag coefficient so it probably runs a bit lower power output at higher speeds, but not by much - any car that's not a cinderblock shaped has about the same aerodynamic drag. So running 60 it will probably drain 20 kW. What does it say, 30 miles per hour of charge at 10 kW? Sounds about right.

The 25 kW figure comes from 8 L/h average fuel consumption for gasoline engine with 250 mL/bhp/h fuel efficiency. It does not appear that electric car has any better power consumption - predictably. You didn't thought you can move a slab of steel using up less energy just by using batteries instead of oil, did you.

Oh wait I almost forgot.

Idling gasoline engine consumes just under 1 L/h of fuel. That's 3 kW going down the crapper but next to 8 L/h average that's insubstantial, especially considering idle to running ratio.

That could've been stem cell implantation.

The model S has an EPA "equivalent" 88 city mpg figure, and 90 mpg highway. Good thing they did the calculations, because I sure as fuck didn't want to do them.
The model S will probably have an EPA equivalent closer to 100 mpg, city and highway.
Cruising on the highway (50 mph) only requires around 7.5 kW, at most.
Starting and stopping in the city, according to the EPA equivalent, is pretty efficient. And it's definitely not "25 kW continuous."
So, nah.
Please stop posting.

Yes I will, knucklehead such as yourself that "sure as fuck" doesn't want to do the math is not worth my attention.
Yah nah fuck yerself m9.

sorry, are you upset that I pulled out the EPA range figures? you seem really peeved
you do know that the teslas and the volt get 4+ miles/kWh? you're a fucking retard that doesn't know what "25 kW continuous" would entail.
meanwhile, batteries are only getting better, charging breakthroughs will happen, and the grid has enough excess capacity at night (in the US) for 3/4 of the population to charge, if they wanted to.

so yeah, you don't have an argument.

Pretty sure I just used your own words and figures there to prove my point, which is that electric cars can and will drain as much energy as equivalent gasoline car. I don't trust the figures coming from (((musk))) for obvious reasons. That's because, obviously, you can't cheat physics. You need energy to drive massive objects and to overcome wind and tire resistance, none of which give a tiniest sliver of shit where will that energy come from, and will require equal amounts of it for any two otherwise identical objects. But you can shit into everyone's heads by promising 300% efficiency of the new cutting edge tech, providing they shell out the money for it.

Also, just a quick fact check. To get the amount of energy needed to supply the nation worth of electric car, you just need to multiply their power by the runtime. Let's be generous and say it's 10 kW for light vehicles, 50 kW for heavy vehicles, and 200 kW for trailer trucks and the like. There are almost 200 million of light vehicles, 50 million of heavy vehicles and 2.5 million of trucks. Light vehicles normally used only a few hours a day, let's say 1 hour average for all vehicles; heavy vehicles are used more like 8 hours a day, and trailer trucks tend to run for well over 16 hours a day but let's cap it at that. Light vehicles make up 2 000 000 000 kWh worth of daily power drain, heavy vehicles make up 20 000 000 000 kWh daily, and trucks make up 8 000 000 000 kWh, totaling at 30 billion kWh daily drain.
To swap oil for electricity, you'll need to quadruple nation's power output first. Even personal cars alone will make substantial dent in the grid's production. Also daily reminder that 80% of electricity comes from fossils anyway.

Exactly. Most of our electricity comes from coal. It would a better idea to revisit Diesel's coaldust engine than to continue to waste time and energy on electric cars. Batteries are great when they're stationary. Driving around batteries that weigh hundreds makes absolutely no sense from an efficiency standpoint even when you ignore charge and conversion loss. Electric cars are inefficient.

Except, they don't. As you said, for the model S, it's almost 1 more mile per kWh.
But the fact is, you're not even close. Both the volt and the model S get around 4 miles per kWh. I could also get into the jap electrics, where this figure is better, and actually calculated by the EPA, and not some retard on an anonymous imageboard who thinks electric cars draw "25 kW continuous" from their pack.
No, you won't.

No, it doesn't. Only if you live in a shithole like west virginia. And natural gas converted to electricity and used to power a car is much more efficient than burning petrol yourself.

I don't see any hard numbers in that link. Opinion discarded.
It is, except Tesla's not busy with that. Instead, they're dicking around with laptop batteries while contributing jack shit to development of thereof.

Source is somewhere here

This is the type of mental illness that is the reason why we have electric cars in the first place.

Or rather,

Natural gas is oxygenated in a fuel cell, producing electric current directly and without combustion. Better works with hydrogen, which recombines with oxygen thermally neutral - natural gas fuel cells tend to produce a lot of heat in the process, they also get coked up with carbon. Efficiency is lower, but you can potentially harness the intense heat for extra power and other uses, and it still doesn't produce pollutants.

CNG conversion can be done but it's just kicking the can, but if you really want to be mentally ill about it hydrogen is better.

I meant along AC lines, dipshit.

I didn't find anything. Provide a direct link or fuck off.
They are practically golf carts and very unsafe, but it's still not going to happen. Where is the electricity supposed to come from? It makes absolutely no sense.

Again, the issue is where and when that happens. Capacity is not an issue. Transmission is.
Yeah, I'm going to bow out. Continue to be salty that electric cars are happening whether you want them to or not. Your rambling on an anonymous imageboard is not going to stop them.

Elon Musk relies on cheap credit and government tax breaks to make his business "work". Tesla and Solar City are what a mis-allocations of resources looks like.

They are retards. They've been shutting down coal power plants and blocked the construction of new ones for more than a decade. Even you should realize that you can't power 150 million cars while simultaneously shutting down the coal industry.

You are bowing out because the truth is not on your side. It's not me who is going to stop the electric car mania, it's reality. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.



I heard that Mercedeses running on chip shop oil smell delicious.

When you inevitably have to go through studs, and have to drill holes through them.

garages rarely have basements.

garages rarely have attics

You're going to end up ripping holes in drywall to drill holes in studs. Or if you have a detached garage, it will have to be entirely rewired because the load centers in them arent going to have 100+ amp load centers in them, or have wires thick enough to handle that.

Your $600 figure assumes that the load center is located in a non-detached garage and has a shit ton of spare capacity in it, which due to home builders being cheap, it wont.

Only city dwellers who never leave their safe space would blow tons of money on a glorified golf cart that can't even leave the city.

Gas cars let you refuel anywhere. Diesel cars let you refuel at numerous stations (due to the popularity of big trucks and semis that run on diesel). Even fucking E85 cars aren't constrained because they can run on gas too, and most E85 car owners don't bother with E85 anyways due to this. To make matters worse, your electricity likely comes from coal and nuclear power plants, which all have their own environmental issues.

The only electric cars you'll see are hybrids because they can run on gas and therefore don't have the range issues of cars like Teslas. Electric cars are a rich mans golf cart and only serve to virtue signal to everyone around you that you care about the polar bears somewhere, despite the fact that your car is running on coal energy.

The thing about electric power is that the environmental cost of running one coal energy station to run 1 million electric cars is cheaper than the cost of running 1 million gas engines. Even then, the environmental is easily improved when you exchange one coal energy station with a cleaner source of energy. This cost is far smaller than the cost of replacing 1 million gas engines to run on electric motors and batteries.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
she looks awesome -- would love to lick her for hours and then penetrate deep with my big cock

Is there any chance of a serious discussion about character design or should I create a new thread?

26, average build, tall, a little hairy. love getting throat/face banged by thick uc cock :3

Thanks OP. I made a Hillary and a Donald and they are staring each other down til the 8th of November.

The magma would just coat the Earth above you. If it didn't melt through the hatch, the super heated air coming in through the intakes would bake you alive, to say nothing of the toxic fumes.

I'm tempted to run a campaign based around running more low-level "scum" operating at the periphery of the Federation, analogous to Firefly a bit. I just don't know if it'd be worth it.


So many shills in this thread shilling against Tesla. Listen you fucks, we're past peak oil production for while now. It's time to re-tool every car factory to start producing electric cars or we're not going to drive any cars at all.

It can leave the city fine, just probably not along the routes you want.
Also, the recharges (which take around half an hour to an hour) are free, for now. And even when they cost something, electricity is cheap. A dollar or two to recharge the equivalent of a full tank of gas (300 milesish).
No, they do not. You are a moron.

Even than, it's a few thousand dollars at most. I doubt you've ever actually fished any conduit, you sound like a moron.

For example I know if I got one I probably couldn't go the fastest route to NY. Fast enough, though, and it'd be cheaper.

All that I'll say is that I wouldn't invest in it.


And yes, I am aware of the irony of using environmentalist nutjob Bill Nye as an image macro.

too bad ZEV tax credits aren't obamabux

regardless of whether you're retarded for claiming someone who's definitely not greenpeace, someone who flies on jets and worked for boeing, as an 'environmentalist nutjob', anyone who's not retarded knows that peak oil is just a meme.
the real risk is that we find more and more of it, which we inevitably will, and won't change before it's too late.
that's the opinion of anyone sane. oil isn't going to go down in price, artificially adjusted or not. there's enough carbon layered from microorganisms piling up prehistoric seas to really fuck ourselves down there.

not to mention the slow burn of methane clathrate and ocean acification.
honestly, you'd have to be retarded if you think it's alright to guzzle oil and gas for the next century, or half.
not just the amount of people it kills, and will kill, but the fact that it's unsustainable.
thus, we have morons trying to discredit anyone who recognizes the simple fact of the greenhouse effect as an 'environmentalist nutjob.' because there's no real justification to actually stay on particulate and carbon spewing energy except for momentum, and money.

One more

I guess in the next million years we might run out of oil, better prep up those wind mills and solar panels

Elon Musk will make a brilliant comeback. Screencap this.



Global warming is fake as a pornstar's tits. The earth has always undergone periods of heating and cooling. What was the fucking ice ages you liberal H1B loving noobs?

yeah, and we have records of it all because we've pulled ice cores, we have geologists to interpret the rocks, and everything's pointing to our intervention in the past 6000 years with agriculture, especially since the industrial age.

That's usually all we're actually presented with at all when the case is being presented. I'm still on the side that it's happening but it's hard to prove significant human causation when climate can change and vary rapidly from causes other than human emissions over the same period of time.

I never hear any of these new age climate experts talk about the effects of testing thousands of nuclear bombs over the past century, or the effects of poor government policy. But I hear plenty of talk about fossil fuels even though we're continually advancing ways of burning them cleaner.

The amount of government funding related to climate change and the huge way it's been politicized over the past 60 or so years is a massive red flag.

Wew, what an anomaly. Yeah man, it's all a "natural" cycle.
I guess "natural" mother earth woke up and started to party, not in response to all the carbon and methane that's being pumped in the atmosphere, but just because it's just her time of the month. 7004/Marcott_Global Temperature Reconstructed.pdf
Only reasonable explanation, tbh.
Or, no, wait, it's actually the Sun somehow at a solar maximum even though that's an 11 year cycle. That makes so much more sense.
It's definitely not our problem, though.
lmao, if anything nuclear bombs would've cooled the earth slightly.
I guess you don't know how volcanic eruptions work either.
Natural gas is a gangway between ships. It's only slightly cleaner, and that's only if you trust the retards pumping it, because methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure has the potential to match coal from a climate perspective.

We can't even trust the faggots to build and maintain pipes from the 80s that don't survive hillside sloughing and leak hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude, just this week.

No, there is no "clean" way to use any of it. The only clean energy is nuclear, and the oil and gas industry has made sure to plant as many shills as they can in environmental movements to discredit it.

Meanwhile, solar and wind power is a joke. Even if you ignore how dirty solar is from a pollution perspective, and how expensive both wind and solar are for their output and upgrade cycles, more people die from solar panel production yearly than will ever die from nuclear.

The only lives nuclear has on its hands are a hundred or so people who signed up for accute radiation exposure on the cleanup crews of both Fukashima and Chernobyl. No general population has ever died or gained an observable, increased cancer risk from accidents involving scaled up submarine reactors that shouldn't have been built in the first place. Not to mention, the lack of containment at Chernobyl or the fact that they caused the accident themselves by shutting off the pumps.

I look forward to your reply, faggot. Prove me wrong.

not to mention, wind and solar require natural gas backup. there is no purely wind/solar infrastructure because it's a joke.

He could have avoided all this embarrassment by accepting his fate and owning it. It's sad he went this far to placate his insecurities. Hair not going your way? Just shave it all off! SCORCHED EARTH MOTHERFUCKER!

Christian Von Koenigsegg is a good example of not being a bitch. Pic related

t. 25 year-old balding user

Underrated post. Natural Gas (for fertilizer) and Oil (for pesticides) are also the basis for our modern high performance agriculture. With 7 billion people, the only reason basic food hasn't become completely unaffordable for giant swaths of humanity is because of cheap, available oil. If petrochemical fertilizers disappeared suddenly and we continued to try to feed everybody, we would deplete the soil in a matter of a few years.

There are GMOs that increase N-7 efficiency substantially in the context of soil so it's not an unsolvable problem without petro fertilizers. Same with pesticides.

And there's also the potential of GMO bacteria that could replenish the soil at an accelerated rate, but that doesn't make money compared to the GMO crops.

What happened?

Because the world population and its demands are always going to stay static, right? The demand and use is and has been growing ever since we found this resource and our demand hasn't diminished since then. This has become a habit for our species, we're addicted to all of the boons it offers us. I think the crude oil resources are a jump-starter for humanity to become an interstellar species and because of this we need to learn how to manage without it. Or we'll be stuck here until we suffocate in niggers and pajeets.

Elon Musk is from South Africa, he knows what's up and has real motivation to move on to the next saga.

Yes our demand will keep increasing, but so will oil. Now there is even more oil on Earth than was ever thought to exist, and I bet that as time passes and new techniques of discovering it will be invented, we will have more and more oil. Plus, oil can be found on other planets and moons, though I do believe that by that time, we will have other substances to use on space ships.

What if we've been fed a bunch of lies about the amount of crude oil that is available? It wouldn't be the first time. Thing is, we cannot depend on finite resources, because that just shifts the inevitable crash to future generations.

There is no such thing as an infinite resource, nor a perfect resource. The closest you could get to infinite is wind/solar. Both of those have significant drawbacks that prevent them from being viable main energy sources. You can't place artificial limiters on resources because you believe that it will be better in the long run. The bottom line is things have to work and they have to work now. How will you do ocean shipping on electric tech? 16 wheelers? Air traffic? Tanks, Supersonic fighters? Construction vehicles? Those things won't be running electric without being plugged in the entire time.

You could, maybe, possibly, switch individuals to electric, but electric doesn't have the capabilities, and it won't for > 100 yearsmaybe forever, to replace everything else.

It means that he doesn't maintain a strong exercise regime and also he maintains a highly processed food diet.

you want to be successful kids?
well you better be born with:
-multiple talents
-good looks
-moderately wealthy family
-no genetic diseases like Diabetes
-good genes in general

whats that? your parents were retards and believed the meme than "anyone can be happy genes doesn't matter"? well TOO BAD

It's not necessarily lies. As science and engineering techniques improve over time, so does our ability to detect and estimate the presence of undiscovered crude oil.

Anyone can be happy, genes don't matter. If you want successful kids, they need to be taught and develop self-discipline and respect. It is a fact that children who were observed in having strong self-discipline have better life outcomes than children with weak self-discipline.

You don't need a wealthy family to end up with a comfortable middle-class lifestyle from a poor lifestyle. What you do need is the proper approach to financial planning, financial education, social interaction and other general forms of education. The reason why the rich stay rich and the middle and poor class stay as they are is because the rich teach different financial principles to the middle and poor classes. Why do I know this is true? Big cash windfalls such as a lottery win teach us time and time again that the presence of cash does not imply you are rich. Being rich is a mindset that is related to your education and planning that results in money being drawn to you.

i dont have the corpse of jesus christ in my basement, you tard

that's fantastic fam

No, but you do have a goldmine between your ears.

Bro he's been dead since 1943

Eh. The rich prey on everyone else. The Federal Reserve, the cronyism in Washington, mass 3rd world immigration. The rich make their money by stealing first and foremost. A modicum of self discipline can make the money last multiple generations. Lottery winners are not representative of anything other than people who play the lottery. Without poor people there would be no rich people. You can't disprove that statement either.

This is actually what is taking place, or rather people were far too optimistic. Many shale formations are getting their recoverable estimates reduced in the 80% and 90% range.

Besides that, shale is a last ditch effort to keep the status quo going. The wells deplete incredibly quickly and are much more energy intensive to create.

The true metric is how many barrels of oil (energy) it requires to get one barrel out of the ground. We are quickly approaching 1:1. The question is how fast does the whole thing lose it's viability. And will we have anything in place to negate the loss of supply when that happens.

Nitrogen efficiency is a very small part of a very, very big problem. Oil is used to drive irrigation, farm equipment and processing, as well as sanitary packaging.
Meanwhile millions of acres every year are being converted from agriculture to suburbs. So less land being worked harder. Soil erosion is also a huge factor as well as depletion, fertilizer doesn't replace everything the plants take out.

So, now that Musk is part of the Trump advisory team, where's the autistic individual that was whining about Obamabux.

yeh I know you trolling but right now there is a huge blocker to this vision.

Apparently a Tesla battery pack can cost over $30k to produce.

Thats just nuts and will constantly hamstring the company unless they find some magic fix.

Peak oil died after the GFC. (the insane demand for oil died off)

Right now oil prices aren't the problem, crippling debt is.

Battery packs are rented out to car owners and has a lifespan of many years for charge-discharge cycles. Fully depleted battery packs are returned to Tesla to be recycled into usable battery packs.

His business plan is actually to use them for grid energy storage. Just because it's useless in a high performance car doesn't mean it's useless for grid energy storage.
Then, presumably, they'd reclaim the a large percentage of it through recycling.

He went and shaved his eyebrows and eye lashes because they were balding as well, huh.

Not really.

Peak oil died because of the shale boom. Nearly all the added surplus production in the world since $143 a barrel in 2008 has been US shale production. Before the shale boom, production was constrained

This was as much about profit taking as it was about fucking Russia with the long dong of western capitalism.