People here who tell their friends about

People here who tell their friends about

Do your friends scroll here from time to time and if so, are scared that when you confess a storyhere, people you know, will know it was you who posted it?


I worry about that even though I have no friends and barely even talk to family members


address in image

I worry about it more with people that know me but don't know I post here but may browse this site themselves.

Don't any of you have a group in college, with who they shitpost and make memes?

Almost everybody I know, know I brows here.

Its impossible for them to know unless you name names which they are familiar with. Just change some details of the story to enable plausible deniability

That's gay user

But let say I tell them a storie without telling them the compromising details, but the happen to have 🐝'n lurking trough the whole story a few days before.

If I tell people what site I'm currently on or something, I say that Holla Forums is terrible and dead and there's almost nothing of value on there anymore.

Sad thing is I'm not entirely lying.

But I know people who might brow's here and I'm permabanned from cuckluxchan.

I only have two friends that know I browse here. One comes here for Holla Forums, /n/ and /newsplus/, but doesn't browse Holla Forums that I know of. The other probably doesn't come here at all. Then the people I'm around most often lately don't know that I browse here and I have no idea if they lurk. Probably pretty unlikely, but who knows.

No because I'm a neet

I didn't have any friends in high school either so I doubt it would have been different anyway

I miss when there was pedoshit on the front page all the time so you normalfags wouldn't tell all your friends about this place in fear of being labelled a pedo.
I guess the upside is that the same thing already happened to 4chan so when you tell all your normalfag friends about Holla Forums they just say "why would I go to that dead shithole when I go to 4chan already"

I told all my friends about the pedoshit and was labeled a pedo.

Feels bad.

I used to have an almost neet friend, now he found a job a work, just to pay for animes and figurines in his parents basement.

I got called a nazi for browsing Holla Forums

feels good

because you are a nazi you racist piece of shit

You have to at least pretend you're a nazi to avoid being banned from Holla Forums though.

I got banned from pol, because I letting the muslims in would help us get rid of all the queers and kykes.


the truth hurts user, to find out the candidate you supported is not your savior, but an utter moron
luckily, there's a community of people who are willing to lead you to the truth, not just about trump, but about the entire political establishment
>>>Holla Forums

It is a core unalienable part of the American psyche to have the freedom to make bad choices.

Merkel is a globalist and Trump isn't. She wants to erase the German people and their entire culture. What don't you understand?

Both are establishment candidates, the only difference is you've been misled into thinking Trump is different.

Sure thing, boy.

All his policies say no. Try harder shill.

I'm only here because I got banned from 4chin at home and at work.

feels bad

Trump, Clinton, 2 sides of the same coin, only doing what gets them votes, no concern for their voter's concerns once they get in, because from there on they're serving their capitalist overlords. Inherent flaw of democracy.



holy shit your insufferable just shut the up

All you faggots do is talk about traps and moan about Holla Forums.

Holy fuck, do you people even read the shit you talk about?

well clearly you haven't or you wouldn't have just made yourself look like such a retard.

lurk moar

Geee you guys have successfully baited this thread into something political.

Why do you think Holla Forums is the most hated board on the site?
Not even Holla Forums is as desperate to turn everything into politics and ruin all discussion forever.


But this is B

Indeed, it sure smells like Holla Forums

Funny that Graphs says nothing about Opiate Overdose deaths?

Communism has the most kills of all ideology, I guess we should listen to the top player on the server. Except you're a fucking camper.


I don't tell anyone my browsing habits outside of normalfag-stuff, but someone I know might browse /islam/ so I'm careful about what I post.

Angela Merkel may be smart, but that doesn't mean she isn't fucking evil. Holla Forums doesn't like her though.

Except when you're 15 and you want to bang a 20-something because you two are in love. Then it's exploitation and rape and super-rape and will cause cancer and AIDS to let you make your own choices.

I'm a 22-yo white guy, and I'm going out with a 12-yo girl. We just don't see what the problem is. There's nothing sexual between us, we just really enjoy hanging out together, and love being in each others' company. We appreciate other people don't understand the depth and joy of our relationship. The funny thing is… this aint pasta bait.


My friends use 4chan, it's very upsetting.

All the faggots at my school know about cuck chan but they will never find this place. Secret club ftw lol.