Less than 50

less than 50 UUVB: unique users viewing board


That's a rather conservative estimate.

outpost them or get fucked kiddo

cuckchan has quantity

we have quality :-)

You chose my image, thanks famalm!

no user, there are far more than that
it's just that I don't post or create threads because I've run out of ideas for things to do, and when I do post or create a thread there's little to no contribution and only detrimental shitposting instead of funposting or contributional shitposting

no we don't. the quality is as poor here as on 4chan or worse. the two are linked. when you have no quantity, morons, niggers and turds such as yourself post any old bullshit just to keep up the appearance of a live board. you just proved my point.

420chans lasted forever. 7 Holla Forums is still active(the only board on the site that is but still). Have you guys ever considered instead of hitting 200 pph and like half or more the posts are people saying get out or kys or some other whiny shit that its better to just play into each others stuff and try and have fun?

Like why does the board gotta be fast? Can't you guys just carry good discussions? What happened? This board was really good in 2014 and 2015.

so, 11?

not this forced meme again

long cat

I don't mind that Holla Forums only gets dribs and drabs of traffic compared to that other place. That other place has a signal to noise ratio of about 2/98.

q4 2014 was godly. hell i even influenced the loli fucking game unteralterbach since "she" removed that dumb ass beretta 92fs on the menu screen.
i miss 2014.

1 of them is a furry too

Why is this news to you?
And why are you implying that it is a bad thing?
The slower this board is the less retards with short attention spans will want to use it. That has been the point from the beginning.
Go take a look at 7chan/b/…slow as fuck anymore, but still up and running and very little of this 4chan bullshit. They don't have any fewer users than 8ch/b/ does, and their users are actually happy and not complaining to the BO about the state of the board. Why not? Because it is too slow for the retards to get their jollies.

Bottom line is that the best things in life are worth waiting for. Quality takes time. Planning. And careful execution. All the faggots with ADHD can not function in a quality environment because they simply don't have the self-control.

Everyone always posts about "how to fix this board". The answer is simple. Limit people to one post every 5-10 minutes. Boom! Just like that, all the 4chan/reddit kiddies would disappear. Think I am wrong? Just watch the replies to this post and see how many of them think it is a shit idea.

Thats a shit idea because some people are involved in active doscussion in 2 threads, making them wait ten minutes just to post an explanation is literally just a waste of time.
Also just so you know im right someone is going to disagree with me (this literally means nothing you monkey)

You're retarded

Hello first page

We still have too many normalfags. Let's get this number to the single digits

Maybe if you had taken some more time to craft your reply you wouldn't come across as such a dumbass. And if everyone did that, this board would seem like it was less full of dumbasses. Quality and quantity are two very different things, user. You can not have both on a chan.

I agree with you. Though Holla Forums seems to be cursed with users who desire speed. And the content here has become massively repetitive in comparison to what it was like at one point. Its all just shitflinging, stale repeat threads, and people accusing each other of being x now. This board hasn't even had a good raid in awhile and meta threads and meta posting seem to make up the majority of it. I've ended up going back to some of my older slower haunts honestly. I keep checking in and it just keeps getting worse. I can't remember the last time a post on this board made me laugh and I check at least every other day.
