Amazon interviews: “Your eye movements and running applications will be tracked”

Amazon interviews: “Your eye movements and running applications will be tracked”

The following information will be collected during the duration of the exam:

Your microphone
Your webcam
Your physical location
Your clipboard
Your mouse location
Your browser size
Your browser tabs and windows
Your head movements
Your eye movements
Your mouth movements
Your entire screen
Any website you visit
Any other applications running
Number of display screens connected

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Amazon is a bunch of globalists user. The CEO of Amazon owns the Washington Post and uses it to constantly feed people globalist propaganda. And to make an endless barrage of anti-Trump articles after Trump said mean things about them

How can any sane human being subject themselves to this?

you want money dont you son?
i hear money is important. Whens the last time you had a date?

Not him, but three years.

Bezos knows best. He has built a multibillion dollar company, and if he wants to track plebs, then plebs need to accept being tracked.

This whiny engineer isn't worthy to eat the corn out of Bezos's shit.

Is part of the interview process determining if you are in fact a replicant?

How are globalism and the CEO's views on Trump at all related to anything in the OP's post?

What is the best way to fight this?


FWIW I think the problem is not so much the brazenness of this. Interviews already enforce many stupid, synthetic standards of dress, behavior, speech, etc. This is just more of the same, adapted for a technical context. The real injustice is that none of us have had a chance to learn about this growing up and train for it, like we knew about "wearing a suit = first impression++" and were able to just accept that a suit is necessary and budget for one. This is like an exam you are not allowed to prepare for. Well, at least now we know thanks to OP.

It's okay, not like you losers can get a job at Amazon

Shill :D

I'm sure amazon cares about a board filled with unemployed faggots that has 6pph

Sounds like a replicant auditor.

News flash: Amazon a bunch of globalist kikes who want the goyim to know who's boss.

The Linux Foundation does similar with their exams. Maybe not quite as invasive but they still make you get on a webcam and have someone watch you the entire time/record you.

but first impression would only increment after the original value of first impression was assigned to wearing a suit?? so the next guy to interview gets assigned first impression and does better than us because now they know we an overdressed autist because we desperate for a job??


Fuck I am afraid this will become standard practice eventually.

I do have a job at Amazon in their warehouse, and now they're making me work 60 hours a week for peak season. I want to get hit with a fork lift so fucking bad.

good riddance cunts

If your company doesn't do this simple test it's pretty much guaranteed you're a replicant.

looks like the CS grad meme is real

Nigger then they'd know something is up.

What happens if you don't have a


You could just have another computer next to you and use that to cheat. Some autist spent ages thinking of there anti-cheating mechanisms, he forgot the most simple one of all:

Use a different computer to cheat on.

Definitely pajeet-optimized practices.

Just work for a company that doesn't do any business with India, OP. There are lots of smaller companies around. Bonus: more likely to be able to use nerd tech (you know what this PHP imageboard needs? haskell!) Penalty: more likely to have to grapple with someone's nerd tech.