When did you realize Temple of Doom is the GOAT Indiana Jones?

When did you realize Temple of Doom is the GOAT Indiana Jones?

if you could somehow replace willie with marion it would be an 11/10

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Last Crusade > Raiders > Temple of Doom ((((POWER VACUUM))))) > Crystal Skull

I have always known this. The general consensus regarding the best/worst of the Indy trilogy is sadly mistaken.

It's shit like you, >>>/reddipol/

Everyone I talk to seems to think Temple of Doom is the best one. Only people on the internet seem to say otherwise. It's strange.

I wish all the movies were Indy BTFOing savage shitskins and stealing their artifacts. 10/10 Kino

All of them are good


Proper order is

Raiders > Crusade > Skull = Temple

Now, onto OPs post. Temple has great sets, yes. Kino pacing for sure. Damn good action (the mine cart chase was a recycled idea from early Raiders production), but better villains? No. Cultists are the exact same as Nazis and Russians, only they hold less morals, which is ironic. Besides the main dude, none of the others matter.


Did I stutter?

Despite being annoying, Willie's pretty hot

It belonged in a museum.

Don't mind me, just checking for newfags.

It was pretty ballsy to make the sequel a prequel and go so dark with it. I love Temple of Doom. But all 3 are great.

Crusade >= Raiders > Temple

Don't mind him, it's just his signature spice.

I don't think looting a temple still in active use counts as archeology. I could be wrong, though.

I know they were going for a darker tone, but Indy's causal racism really pulled me out of the film.

I know the SJW's like to complain about the racism of this film a lot, but I really can't stand the line where Indy goes, "Niggers… why did it have to be niggers?"

Temple of Doom confirmed for redpilled.

I think it's banned in India or something. Whenever they show all the movies, they never show Temple of Doom. So in India, Indiana Jones is a TRILOGY.


Probably the whole Kali ma scene made me realize how awesome this movie was. It had so much amazing stuff in it I'm willing to forgive the annoying white lady. Though is it wrong that I kind of like Shortround?

Did they ban it cuz it showed Indians eating monkey brains?

What niggers there are only Indians in the film.

Didn't know Spielberg was capable of being red-pilled.

I like Shortround too, always thought he was a good sidekick despite being a kid. He contributed the best he could, had good banter with Indy and knew his place, and only acted like an ass to the annoying broad. Sure, he fucked up the spike room trap, but Indy did his fair share of dumb things as well in the movie. Pretty good sidekick overall.

Jews can't be redpilled. It would be like asking demons if there's a hell.

Jews like Bobby Fischer and Kubrick were redpilled.

That and they basically believe the whole movie portrays hindus and Indians in an extremely negative light. Speilberg was denied permission to shoot the movie in India so he filmed it in Sri Lanka. The movie has been banned since its release.


I kind of hate myself for saying this but Temple of Doom is still probably my favourite movie despite how I feel about Spielberg and the rest of the series as a whole. The film is just a blast and I never understood any of the complaints made by people who act like Raiders of the Lost Ark is a flawless masterpiece. Willie and Short Round? I like them, sue me. I mean Willie was essentially just a parody/throwback to the damsels from classic serials, so saying she was annoying just means they did a good job. And how could anyone hate Shorty? Kid's adorable. Oh and apparently the film's too dark but melting faces and people getting cut up by propellers was just fine.

Now why I love it so much is kind of hard to explain but the film just works. It starts off with a fast paced opening, slows down for a bit when they reach India, then gradually picks up the pace until the third act where we've ascended to pure kino. Literally from the moment Indy winks at Shorty to the closing credits is fucking perfect. How can you not have a raging hard-on, watching Indy punch that beefy dude in the face as John Williams' score is roaring in the background? It's fun, plain and simple.

Honestly, I'm starting to believe that the only reason people don't like it is because it's not Nazi-killing porn like the other two. I'm pretty sure nobody criticised Raiders or Crusade for depicting all the Germans as brainwashed cultists but do the same with poo-in-the-loos and suddenly you've gone too far. Well fuck the naysayers, the movie is solid and an quintessential example of how movies used to be fun.


They don't even demonise Poos that badly, really. They make a point to differentiate the cultists from the peaceful villagers.

what about the rich shitskins living in pajeet palace? fuckers don't do a damn thing about the nearby village. i'm sure this annoys the poos more than anything else since it's an accurate reflection of their society.

i havent watched these in forever. i generally recall enjoying all of them fairly equally. But the one with sean connery was fun :^)

Citation needed

And here I thought the Holla Forumslacks were gonna shit all over Indiana Jones because the franchise is anti-Nazi and was co-created by a JOO. Looks like you guys have to come up with some excuse to admit these are great movies without realizing that your alt-right alignment makes you total fucking retards.

Crystal Skull is the definitive Jones Kino

Lets not go and nuke the fridge here user. :^)

ohhhhh that was an epic reddit meme right there brvdder, mind if i share this post chain on /r/4chan ?

Go ahead! thanks for the upvote!

You're gosh darn right trilogy.

No problem pal :)

Sent you some Holla Forums Cash, maybe you'll be able to save up for an Holla Forums Premium Account, that is if you ever get enough money.


congratulations, reddit, you revealed yourself by showing us you don't know a damn thing about Holla Forums.

The entire trilogy is goat, good white kino.


checking by each actor who's a jew
literal >>>/autism/

Only autism can save the white race at this point.


Crusade is better. Lost Ark next. Nazis are the good guys irl, but they made Indiana Jones epic. Temple of doom was dragged down by that fucking goonies kid.

Shorty didn't belong. Indy either needs a hot bitch to fuck, or hate for switching sides because femme fatale, or a real bro who helps out like the dude in the few hat who was also the dwarf in LotR and Sliders. Shorty fits in goonies, but not Indiana Jones where enemies and foils are on a different level.


tbh i wouldn't mind seeing ww2 indy fighting alongside that fat brit from kotcs

I hate the non-sense German bashing its unhistorical to the time frame (1930's US was neutral & still actively trading with Germany) & was unnecessary jewish revenge porn.

I did enjoy the rest of it for being a dumb cartoon-ish action/adventure flick…
I like Temple of doom because it doesn't have the revenge porn baggage of the others and makes sport of street shitters worshiping a potato rock and the "civilized" ones ripping out hearts and eating snakes. Muh diversity BTFO!

You should meme more responsibly, because this "underdog wuz masterpiece" meme does not bring good fortunes. If anything, I believe it manifests right before the complete oblivion of a dying franchise.

See the prequels were good meme, and TFA.




bearded guy looks jewish look at the hook nose non-bearded guy looks like a beta male weak chin pencil neck, etc.
Interesting that the leftists didn't like the jewish looking guy…. so inclusive.

What did they mean by this?

You wish Holla Forums was the mirror of Holla Forums. It's stereotypical tumblrinas left behind by goymergate.

I agree. But movies like this NEED a clear cut no nonsense villain. It is full achetype fun movie. This is why they worked so well. When you have a complicated villain, it requires a complicated and nuanced storytelling.

Mm, I thought was cool shit as a kid but yeah it does rub me the wrong way now. Although more because of showing it TO kids.
I never understood why Temple is the one that got people uppity over violence. Where they fucking HIGH or just asleep during the first movie when people are shredded by propellers and have their faces melted off?

In War Horse Spielberg killed off almost all the German characters even though the book it was based off was a children's book and literally only 1 of them died in it.