ITT: Uncomfortably relateable movies
ITT: Uncomfortably relateable movies
That cover looks like shit
I was thinking about it the other day and I've probably seen this movie more times than Hinckley. Should I be concerned?
Is Michael Mann the savior of kino?
Depends, are you fascinated with a girl so badly you'd kill an elite to impress her?
i am just like daniel plainview
I'm triggered.
Its true
It's not
Cox was a better Lector.
William Petersen was a better Will Graham though. The movie's better than Red Dragon.
I sometimes think that. He was certainly a more realistic Lecter.
Harold & Maude
You're a hipster who can't get pussy otherwise so you turn to the internet but even fake anime girls don't wanna date you?
What's supposed to be realistic about a serial killer who eats people?
No, I wanna fuck AIs
It was uncomfortably boring.
you're still here?
He wasn't nearly as theatrical or flamboyant as Anthony Hopkins' Lecter. Cox's Lecter had much more normal mannerisms, so he seemed like a person who could actually exist.
Plenty of Serial Killers ate people
the writer of the books based Hannibal off this mexican killer he met