Repeat after me, Lord of the Rings is overrated. I love them, but Jackson's directing...

Repeat after me, Lord of the Rings is overrated. I love them, but Jackson's directing, the pacing the editing everything suffers after Fellowship and it shows the future of Hackson. Fellowship is great and maybe even perfect. But The Two Towers, as enjoyable as it can be, suffers from the back and forth nature and the shit acting of Elijah Wood, Frodo scenes are shit besides the ending. Even Merry and Pippin are annoying and Gimli and Legolas start quipping.

Lord of the Rings is overrated. I love them, but Jackson's directing, the pacing the editing everything suffers after Fellowship and it shows the future of Hackson. Fellowship is great and maybe even perfect. But The Two Towers, as enjoyable as it can be, suffers from the back and forth nature and the shit acting of Elijah Wood, Frodo scenes are shit besides the ending. Even Merry and Pippin are annoying and Gimli and Legolas start quipping

How about your get on your knees and gulp my thick, disgusting load you whore?

Make me, you perverted pig.

why do people find huge tits attractive

Tits are the thinking man's body part.

Post the nudes.

replace feet with legs. nobody care about tits. and you posted and ugly annoying jew

Huge tits = sign of fertility / filled with milk
We are also drawn to suck it. Its perfectly fine to be attracted to them since they are sign of healthy femininity

Literally everything from caterpillars to niggers have legs. Only white women have beautiful voluptuous, milky, silky tits.



btw, sine we can embed pr0n now, did you fags see jew silverman's new sex scene?

Why would you want to see a kike having sex?


get out

how do you know they are doing anal

the good acting

Jew spotted and reported


no one cares about your feefees here Holla Forumsyp


Because we aren't queers.

If Sarah Silverkike showed up at your home right now, said nothing, just took her pants down and presented her ass to you, would you stick your dick in it?

No, I'm gay

No because I dont do used goods. To the oven with her

I'd put something in her oven if you know what I mean.

The Two Towers is the weakest out of the three but the battle at Helm's Deep is the best battle in all three movies.

Based on the photos of her in the shower she's not all that impressive. I'm not sure how the hell she looks like she does on the red carpet.

Does Silverman use a girdle when in a dress? This could give her a curvier figure.

Have you never felt the pleasure of rubbing your dick on a massive pair of breasts?

This thread was shit but now turned good.

How do you know your load taste disgusting?

I'm not sure. She just doesn't have much hourglass going on when naked. It's like seeing an Imp from doom.

she's pretty qt too

I'd slurp her ass up and do the old nazi trick of shoving a wooden stick up her kike ass only it would be a different kind of wood.

Lord of the Rings is a shit trilogy saved only by the genius that was the Hobbit trilogy. Prove me wrong.


It's dumb in some places, but I'd watch it over Harry Pothead any day of the week.

Lord of the Rings is overrated. I love them, but Jackson's directing, the pacing the editing everything suffers after Fellowship and it shows the future of Hackson. Fellowship is great and maybe even perfect. But The Two Towers, as enjoyable as it can be, suffers from the back and forth nature and the shit acting of Elijah Wood, Frodo scenes are shit besides the ending. Even Merry and Pippin are annoying and Gimli and Legolas start quipping.

in today's list of shit that isn't true

It almost is tbh.

merry and pippin where the best characters in the movies though

You know I'm fine with this since it's a LoTRs thread but holy shit we really have turned into Holla Forums.

Especially not after seeing her in user's xhamster vid and after seeing her shower nudes on Holla Forums.


>doesnt like where the board is going

cucks dont deserve a good board. only those willing to make it great again.

also weak threads get shitposted idiot, thats life here. dont like it - go back.
