What's Holla Forums's favourite drug?

Mine has to Holla Forums LSD

weed, runner up is hydromorphone.

ever taken them together?

neck yourself :————–__DD


but i quit all drugs and alcohol


sure have, fun time.

Pot and RX is always a 50/50 of being either amazing or awful

Definitely definitely heroin.

well, it's not like it does anything crazy or unexpected on me. I don't take a large amount usually, so I've never been scared from it.

I've had some bad withdraw, but that's the worst I've had from it.

How long clean? Why did you quit? Don't you miss it?

I think I'm addicted to electronics

sounds pretty normie

Favourite combo then? SWIM has only ever tried pot with ritalin, pretty good in SWIM's opinion

anyways, I don't usually mix drugs, other than with weed. i've grown pretty fond of weed and some dxm.

might just be me i guess, bu i love the feeling i get from it.

Better than on their own though? And sorry for the autistic SWIM I thought it would be kind of funny but immediately regretted it afterwards

dont trip about it dubs.

They of course are both good on their own, but together they form a feeling in me that i love.

what about you?

Yeah I mean pot with ritalin was way better than either on their own but I'm not really a fan of other drug combos, especially anything with alcohol or shrooms, as those highs are pretty harsh on their own
(Counting alcohol as a drug because its much more damaging and mind-altering than alot of oher recreational drugs)


I've been clean from weed for about a year now. Molly I did like 2 weeks ago because I had 3 pills sitting around, and that will be the last time. I quit weed originally because I needed to get a job still haven't. I decided I probably wouldn't start smoking weed again even if I got a job. Alcohol I quit about a month ago. All other drugs I haven't touched in years. I quit alcohol when I started taking Mormon lessons, and now I'm baptized as a Mormon. I figure I'll take it seriously as long as I'm going down this road so that's another reason I won't be doing drugs, and alcohol. Now that I've been doing the whole religious thing for about a month I don't feel like I need drugs anymore. A big reason I even did drugs was for the escape from reality, now I just deal with reality as it comes and have faith that things will be OK.

Do you want to have an absolutely blissful experience that will change your life forever? I will tell you how. Take great care on the ritual, as that is what it should be considered, for it can be dangerous if done in a hurry without the complete procedure planned out beforehand — once you begin, you cannot stop midway. You must go all the way or you may experience permanent damage or in worst case scenario death.

Mad respect man, it really takes alot to just man up and fight off an addiction to better your life
You can still use drugs recreationally and keep down a job/practice your religion, it's all about finding that sweet spot between responsibilities and fun

This is true, but with Mormonism specifically we have the Words of Wisdom which basically say to stay away from drugs and alcohol completely. Right now I'm pretty dedicated to following them strictly, but I'm also pretty new to this whole thing. I'd really like to stick with it and see where I end up living the true Mormon life. It seems like a pretty decent way to live. I don't judge anyone else that chooses not to though.

You do realize that Joseph Smith only made up the religion so that he could keep slaves, right?

how do I get drugs with no friends?

Steal your mom's xanax

I don't think people use xanax. my bro's on sertraline and sister's on prozac though but they don't do shit.

Do whatever makes you happy, I'm not here to debate whether 1 religion is right or wrong. I was rotting away in my room alone shitposting on here all day every day until I met some cute female missionaries. Now I meet all kinds of nice people every Sunday, and my life feels better than it was. I don't really see how that's a problem personally.

I'm high on life

dont listen to other user anon, you're better off than most of us

thats pretty homosexual

I hope every user on here eventually finds something that makes them happy. I spent 12 years alone in my room before giving religion a shot. I just got lucky that 2 cute girls happened to show up to my door to talk to me and get me into it.

Yeah for me it's drugs man, not that I need to escape from anything I just really like them

I know that feel, I had a lot of good times on different drugs.

I'm a Baptist so I give Mormonism a lot of shit sometimes but Mormons are some of the nicest people I've met, worked with some Mormons that had great work ethic and super helpful, they have a lot of honorable qualities even if I don't like the religion.

My dad actually grew up a baptist, so I'm kinda surprised he didn't give me a bunch of shit for this too. But he also pretty much gave up on religion once he had kids. I didn't go to church as a kid even once. I've wanted to get into a Christian religion for a while just to see if it would improve my life and maybe make it possible to find a traditional girl, but didn't want to do it alone. The Mormon girls were so nice, and they made everything so easy that I just went with it.

How long does LSD last?
I have had this tab sitting in my wallet for 8 months now I think?
Maybe 12 because I think I got it late 2015 and early 2016.

Yeah that probably isnt as potent as it was before
I really cant answer you because noone buys expensive drugs and leaves it in their wallets for a couple of months

One of my friends gave it to me and she wanted me to drop it with her to see how I reacted.
My girlfriend freaked the fuck out at this prospect and so I still have it in my wallet. Thus I never did anything with it and it sits behind my ID in a little paper slip.

If it's sitting in a paper slip then it's probably lost a lot of potency, possibly almost all of it if your wallet has been hot often.

I live in Texas and its been through some of the hottest months of the year so I am going to guess its nothing more than a shred of paper at this point.
Oh well.

just take it when shes not around
Anyways explains it for you, because she gave it its probably pretty shit quality and low potency anyway so there's no use in trying it out

It might be mild but it'd still be worth taking to see. Just stick it up in the front of your gums above your teeth. Maybe nothing maybe a little bit.

Don't, unless you're 100% sure its LSD

chances are the potency is extremely low by now. i'm not an expert on the chemical so i couldn't tell you though

Not entirely sure because said friend is a lady who only got recently (by recently I mean like 12 months ago when I got it) got into buying weed and acid off the internet.
How she got it, I don't know. She made nearly all the rest of my more adventurous friends drop it already. With good and bad results, only 2 ended up in the hospital because they had a bad trip and that is out of 8.

Bad trips don't get you into hospitals unless youre already incredibly unhealthy and frail, I wouldnt risk it


only proper drug i've tried is hydrocodone. plan on taking a good 40mg for my birthday next week.
i love the feeling, but the fucking nausea coming down makes me hate life so i don't do it often. any way to curb that?

i'm interested in trying more stuff, i just have no idea how to get it. one user said to find doctors that get reviews like "just trying to push drugs", but the majority consensus seems to be 'know a guy' which is shit advice.

order it from the dank web with buttcoins

nope. too complicated, too risky.

guys I want to buy some drugs but weed is 20 euro per gram here. too scared to import from south africa or other cheap country because I'd imagine weed isone of the easiest to detect drugs. should I forget about weed?

what drugs would you recommend for cost effectiveness and least impact on health? alcohol's ruining me

not really user just order from within country. I've bought prescription meds illegally plenty of times not one package stopped.

Not that guy, but what do you do if you live in a shithole where only 10% of the population have internet access and drug use is punished harder than murder?

then you gt a job get money and move to the first world, we'll welcome you with open arms and give you welfare

caffeine tbh, weed is ok, but only a small amount infrequently, and with coffee.

it's not the transaction i'm worried about so much as the online and security aspect. i am absolute shit with techie stuff. no idea how to set up a bitcoin account or a proxy or even how to get to the deep web, other than tor.

Sushi is my drug. I can't live without it.

all I've ever tried are California rolls, I thought they were kind of gross, are other sushi types better?

Not the other guy but cali rolls are basically fake crab w/ mayo and avocado wrapped in rice/seaweed. It's "sushi" in only the most generous of terms.

Try getting something with salmon or yellowtail in it, spicy tuna rolls are good too even if not very authentic they're at least made with raw fish.

Which drug do I need in order to encounter the primeval ahegao?

Drugs are a means of escaping the reality you have created for yourself, rather than merely changing the things you find unpleasant. Plus, the drug industry (both legal and illegal) are dominated by Jews. Drugs are a Jewish Trick which leads to escapism, and finally, nihilism. All so you forget how wonderful living in an Aryan world is.

Haha celibacy and straight edge that's gonna attract teens to your cause. The alt right ought to learn from Kai Murros, but that would cross swords with what Holla Forums is really about: kvetching over ways to gain power over women.

I am neither alt-right nor am I interested in teens. You must be projecting. To merely gather those of intellect and integrity who, being people of virtue living in a world of vice, feel out of place and lost. Those I call my friends.

Hail Evropa.

Cannabis Sativa, aka reefers.

Nice tongue and lips, if a kiss could kill, right?

You do know it's just the rolling stones logo thingie?

Read my text: "Tongue and lips". For all I know the stones coined that term.

if LSD is a jewish trick then why did taking it make me more open to the idea that Hitler did nothing wrong and eventually leading me to the red pill?

LSD forced you to look at reality from a different perspective. That's what drugs do, user. The trick is believing you need the drug in order to think differently, or that using the drug to change your perspective is better than using meditation, exercise and contemplation to arrive at the same, if not greater, shifts in awareness. You begin thinking that taking the drugs is far easier than learning to meditate or putting in the effort it takes to become /fit/, and you're right – it is easier. But its also self-destruction and causes you to rely on it, either through chemical addition or psychological.

Leg humpers from Holla Forums ALWAYS get triggered when I call them alt right. You are emotionally invested into Holla Forums which means you lack the intelligence to find that shithole dislikable.

The average person on that board has at least one tattoo, a kratom addiction, and is placidly at ease with his own intellectual dishonesty.

That's your rationalizing of your low social position.

