Defend this Holla Forums

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Fuck the kikes for opposing ethnonationalism for Whites (not to mention for promoting an extremely average looking kikess like (((Scarlett))) to enormous fame) and fuck Oxfam for pretending that everyone that doesn't surrender their entire nation to mudslimes, niggers, and various shitskins is "so evil omg ;_;!"
Best outcome for Israel/Palestine is a murder suicide.

You mean just by being the girl in the marvel movies?

Jump into an oven.


How? In what way? What's she really done besides capeshit? A couple here and there when she was younger, I guess. What's something in, say the last eight years, that she's starred in that showcases her talents? She can't act; not very well, anyways. Her voice is like sandpaper. Her acting range is limited to anger and being really concerned about something, otherwise you could replace her with a log and get the same effect.
She's a set of jugs and an ass. Her only draw is that teenage boys (and adult men) want to see her naked. And when she's not being eye candy, she makes sappy, feel-good shit that teenage girls (and adult women) go to see because they need a good cry.

Overrated. Boring. Uninspiring. 8.5/10, would resize rectum.

kike kike kike

What's an ox, fam?


I mean, Oxfam is a shitty leftist propaganda outfit, but even they're better than fucking israeli occupation forces

Get one nose job and get 10% off for an extra future jaw line rework, act quickly for Schlomo's time limited offer!




Wow, I guess she really believes in SodaStream. Might have to order one now, if it's that quality a product.

Holla Forums is a zionist board tbh fam

From Chloë Moretz instagram.

that means ur all gay lmao ;)

you silly goys better believe it

Only for Mads.

No such thing.

Fuck peace. Let the semites kill each other.


So does anybody have one of these things?
How do they work?


me thinks the fags doth protest, too much.

nobody sees movies for scarjo
and she is a shit actress really terrible stuff

Better than Jennifer "my boobs are drunk" Lawrence.

And invade Europe?
I can see your nose from here, mud

Escort this guy to the >>>/oven/

We could solve an energy crisis by putting jews in ovens. And the kikes should agree to that, they don't want to be anti-environment, do they?

This guy gets it 💝

Burning human bodies takes significantly more energy than it produces, especially if you want to save space in the mass graves by burning the bones too.

Implying the Holohoax happened in this universe. They don't need scientific proofs , listen and believe 😂


Oh my god (you) made me angry grrr



I hate jews and soda stream is trash, but what's wrong with a kike shilling for israeli products?
