You jelly pc fags? Enjoy your digital games

You jelly pc fags? Enjoy your digital games.

can do
enjoy your load times


Digital games aren't that bad when you have free online.

I don't even pay for PlayStation Plus.

also enjoy no mods, and paying for online on top of internet

Yes I want some shitty mod that crashes the game. You do know games have stricter quality control on consoles? Sony and Microsoft charge game makers a lot for the privilege of being on their platforms. This weeds out all that early access shit you see on steam.

Then how do you play online RTS or grand strategy with any controller you want?

platforms exist to serve the games, not the other way around


I don't. I play JRPG, racing and The Last of Us (even the PS3 version looks better than most games on PC today).

Why don't you try city builders, Cities Skylines is really good.
If you want to see the most impressive physics in vidya also look at BeamNG.


I would like to but I'm going to need to spend way more on PC hardware. I can't really upgrade my PC because it has DDR2 RAM. So I have to buy a whole new motherboard, better case, cpu, gpu… $$$$.

Planet Coaster is what I really want to play given I enjoyed RCT1-3 back in the day. They could port it to PS4 and enable mouse/keyboard support.

I was expecting OP to post pictures of an ancient analog video game machine from the 70's.

Honestly just save your money and make the leap in the second half of this year, the key to cheap PC gaymen is building at that right time and later this year intel moves to the 10nm process making everything else very cheap while it looks like the 10nm will only offer ~10% gain.
My MB, CPU, RAM ect. are 6 years old, the only newish things are my GPU and monitor

at least a PC has games.

Maybe I'm getting old but it looks like shit tbh famalam

haha consoles are so superior xD
im poor btw

Enjoy discs breaking after a few years. Did anyone mention that yet? Yeah, enjoy your broken discs.

looks like it has good waifus

Cool story bro

No point in physical games when all the "physical" thing it has is the fucking printed cover. No manual, no artwork, no nothing.
It's the same as me printing the cover for any game I download and burn the game into a disc for preservation.

back to twitch with that cancer

This isn't a fraction of the superiority of PC.
Stay jello,

Go back to twitch.

If you have to sit through installation, you're better off sitting through quick installation on a system built to your exact needs.

Did you know you can plug controllers RIGHT INTO A COMPUTER here in 2017?