What am I looking at here?

What's going on here?

She doesn't really look fucked up, just being edgy with her fashion and doing a glam butch look. Looks like a cooler dude than her twilight co-star.

goddamn newfags

Is she back to fucking men now or is she still a dyke?

Strap-on counts as not being a dyke?

She is trying to remain employed, so both.

Oh, it's just Kristen Stewart.
She looks awful, shame since she used to be so cute.

An actress that gets increasily more insane the older she gets. Absolutely nothing new.

she cant pull of that shaved head

Thick makeup are usually used to cover their cocaine habit.

Looks like taking limey cock up her pooper really did fuck her shit up.


I'd still screw her

She fucked the director of Snow White and the Huntsman. It was this big controversy

yea but was it in the pooper. she is a whore


so she's fugging politicians from 3rd world countries that also double as Dr.Pavel lookalikes now?

Dr. Pavel, I'm vampire whore.

If I remove that tattoo, will you die?

what went wrong?

lol who had this as a waifu

she needs a bath.

Wow she even looks dykish now