BO we still have a problem

The board vol here (aka "master shake") is currently astroturfing cancer threads, dismissing complaints and has been using a twitter account linking directly back to this board to send unwanted messages to an eceleb probably half his age. Most of them appear to be drawings made by his daughter (who he boasts about abusing and evidently named after a character from LOTR) while the threads deal mostly with infantile larping and rape fantasy. The FBI has already been tipped so I would suggest revoking his mod status asap before things get any worse.
Pic related archives

Other urls found in this thread:


Waifu posting is cancer but the worse problem here is a mod giving anons post history on demand and also bumping his own threads while anchoring the ones he doesn't like. What is worse about cuckchan again?

Sudocuck is assmad

Sudocuck/truthseeker/master shake are the same autist, being a mod just explains why he's here 24/7 and the spamming never gets deleted. But you already knew that didn't you.

smh tbh

pic rel
tripfags/namefags, tons of normalfags, and you can't say nigger

OP is a faggot. I dislike the waifu posting too but there's nobody stopping you from hiding the threads is there? Make your own "waifu" thread if your really that butthurt about it.



Take care of your daughter you cringey subnigger.

Keep crying bitch nigga. Maisie will never be queen, you're going to have to deal with that.


There's nothing funny about child neglect/abuse user, but go ahead and laugh if it makes you feel edgy.

You must be the mod since anyone else here knows jenny cancer is posted in literally every thread.

Maisie lost.

Same goonery that ruined Holla Forums tbh

Ask yourself this question:
If you go out on the street and stop a random person around 30 years of age, and ask them:
what's the chance they have the sligthest information about who the hell she is?
But when you ask them
and they answer yes, there's a high chance they remember Arya Stark.

There's your win


What's the problem with that?

In 2016, nobody know your Jenny here. In 2015 either, I know, because I was here, Maisie-ing all day long. Oldfags remember me I am Gifmaker

fuck this made me laugh. too much autism.


Maisie Williams is the eternal queen of Holla Forums. I know I haven't contributed much to her shrinethreads, but it's simply because I trust you all to not be fags and have good taste in women. I love you all, keep fighting the good fight, and stop newfags and hotheads that keep saying Maisie isn't queen of Holla Forums.

what the fuck is going on in this board



We just need to move to a topical board already where people actually discuss movies and television. Tired of all this fucking Holla Forums and Holla Forums shit that the moderation tacitly approves of.

let me help


There were two alternatives made already, and no one posted on them besides four people. Indians choose to shit in the street, Anons choose to shit in Holla Forums.

Sure is reddit around here

tbh i want cuckposting banned on sight but it's not gonna happen.
learn to deal with things you don't like. stop crying to mommy and making her fix everything.

Cuckposts and maisieposts get deleted or anchored all the time. Don't care personally either way but mods should have to follow there own rules.

Being able to make your own board and handle it the way you want was one of the main points of this site.

tbh I want trumpposting and natshitting instantly deleted + banned on sight
but Idnt make threads to cry about it ;)

BV, you never told me whether I should buy Sam's book or not. Tell me how to spend my goodboy points money.

the first three rules get literally broken all the time on this site

I don't see illegal content on this board, the board rules don't say that the global rules don't apply, and no one here has complained about blanket-bans of IP ranges.

what part of "on this site" did you not get?


Your image is proof that Holla Forums is the best board on Holla Forums.

Pick one

Why are you even here if you hate this board?

Mods don't decide if this board is right or left anons do. You should go make your own board faggot.

Holla Forums has board culture, we have memes, we have banter, we have fun. No other board on Holla Forums can rival us in these regards.

That's not what I said.

You know I post I Holla Forums pretty regularly and I have never once seen either that image or that truthseeker namefag there.

t. Truthseeker.

Truthseeker is a meme. It's a joke

That makes sense.

These Holla Forumssuckers and other outsiders don't know what memes are. Unless it's a green frog or a catgirl, they're out of their depth.

Honestly, this entire board is an overflowed toilet that needs to be flushed. But, I have to admit, it can be entertaining at times. Trannyposter is funny. That namefag who was all socialism rules was funny for a minute. But now that he moved on to being a nigger loving cuckold, this is barely Holla Forums-tiered faggotry.

It's not surprising in any way whatsoever that there's some baby-raper running the show. I'd be more surprised if it weren't.


Everything posted here besides the nigger spam is objectively more entertaining than tv shows and films tbqh.

If sudocuck was a mod he diffidently would of deleted Holla Forums posters.

Naw that would only leave a few anons talking about veganism and bbc. Also without Holla Forumsacks there would be nobody to troll with his shit tier memes.

really makes you think