King Kong ranking

1933 > 1976 >> Son of Kong >>>> Peter Jackson's Cuck King > King Kong Lives >> King Kong vs Godzilla > King Kong Escapes

Is this correct?



King Kong 2005 video game > everything else

If it was longer and had more weapon variations, I'd agree.

Game was meh.

Only Kong I haven't seen was the 70's series.

The models and animations are amazing. Shooting the enemies is extremely responsive and satisfying. Shotgun packs a lot of punch. The no-HUD gimmick is utilized very effectively. The controls and gameplay for Kong are also great and the level design is consistently fresh. It's objectively a great game.

I see. I guess I never got that far to play as Kong when I played it on my Gamecube. I guess I should go back and play it again.

Nah, this is second best, it's top tier kino


Nobody would remember King Kong if it wasn't for the special effects in the original. I don't understand the obsession with remaking it over and over. It's not like it is an epic story full of memorable characters.

It's melodrama garbage. Too many "emotional" sequences and Kong is too human for oscar baiting purposes. Ann Darrow LITERALLY wants the BBC here. 1976 Kong is a drama, PJ's Kong is melodrama. PJ is an utter hack.

People love monkeys.

Das rite

The 70s Kong was boring, King Kong vs Godzilla was better.

Sure was. And it featured the most "Jap" Jap that you'll ever see outside of WWII propaganda.

Which one the original or the Disney 90's one?

God I loved that character. He was so funny.

By that, did you mean it's kino?

Jackson was never good after fellowship

Banglar King Kong >>>>> everything else

Kinos aren't boring, 70s Kong was unnecessary shit that was slow, dull, and stupid.

First movie you've ever watched that was made before 2003?