What's the best film to watch with your friend's daughter...

What's the best film to watch with your friend's daughter? I'm looking for something light-hearted but not corny like Frozen or old Disney film.

Perhaps early Dreamworks? Shrek?

She looks like Elizabeth Olsen.

A Serbian Film

Maisie's Destruction

Except that girl is attractive, Olsen isn't.

She makes Jenny look like an old maid. Jenny fags BTFO.

Any girl makes Jenny look like an old maid.

Blazing Saddles.

Blue is the warmest color

Taxi Driver

Nobody watches films these days. All the kids now just enjoy watching nazi e-celebs such as pewdiepie.

The Golden Compass

Can't blame her, Russian beer tastes like shit.

Been a while since I last watched it. Does it still hold up? I only remember the cool bear fight that ends with one of the bears having its jaw ripped off.


Bitch, ever watched Fantasia?


>>>Holla Forums



What is she saying?

Something in vatniki.


What's the best film to watch with your wife's daughter?


That depends on whether or not you're doing things Woody Allen style. For now I suggest the cuck movie of 2015.


Could be worse
