The movie was sincerely much better than the show is...

The movie was sincerely much better than the show is. The movie had a silly Count Olaf standing out against a quasi-realistic world, and he felt like a unique creation to the movie. The show has a silly Count Olaf matching an equally silly world, and he doesn't feel like anyone other than Neil Patrick Harris except when he's playing a character-within-a-character.

the show, movies and books are all reddit tier garbage

Don't just post a buzzword without anything to back it up.


If you don't know what reddit is, it's time to go back to reddit.

The movie was bleak at the macro level, but funny at the micro. The show is just bleak in comparison. Count Olaf loses his comical evil touch and is just nasty, and everyone in the world is a selfish idiot. And that's not fun to watch for a long time.

The weird thing is, they really did their utmost to visually ape Carrey's Olaf and then when NPH doesn't deliver on the charm, it's really obvious. A role like Olaf demands talent and confidence.
The thing that stays with me about the movie are the extensive improv sessions Carrey would do while the crew was taking promo photos and testing costumes and sets. What's obvious is that Carrey owned the role, comprehensively. He was the Count and he spent the entire time testing lines and improvising, while the crew was cracking up in the background.

But he's Neil Patrick Harris. Like, almost literally. He looks and sounds exactly like Neil Patrick Harris in a wig.

I don't disagree..


lol redditor

Why is this news? That show is dumb and unnecessary, and only pedos watch it for that loli. That 3 name Barney asshole is a nobody, and the story is stupid.

Da fuck did you expected?

The original author wrote the show and it got pretty good reviews, so I expected better.

she's not even cute tho

Dear god, do people still trust reviews?

So what?
From who? And who the fuck cares?

That doesn't stop them from lusting

It's pretty dull yeah.

Still, Cobie breaking a pool cue over her knee got me hard as diamonds, holy fucking shit.

Spot. Fucking. On.

The movie may have been better than the books, but it was still garbage. The books are top-tier kid lit though.

I think the greatest crime in all of kinematic history is that the only kid lit to get watchable movies was harry cucker, and as a result there's an army of overgrown children convinced that it's the greatest, not just kid lit, but superdeepnadult literature of all time when there are a million kids' books that are a million times better.

Enders Game was alright. A lot of kids lit gets produced into movies, but its generally ignored by the mainstream because its for kids. Harry Potter was already hugely popular, so the momentum just kept reinforcing itself.

Holes with Shia LeBeouf was alright as well




I'd fuck her manjaw, if you know what I meme.

the worse part of enders game is ending It practically ripped off the force awakens! :'^)



I shiggy shaggy

I forgot this show existed, and will forget it again when this thread dies.

You're the fake tranny poster though

for some reason she reminds me of dale cooper
sorry about the tumblr tier gif, all i could find

Been afraid to ask about pic related, please tell me she's legit user.

Are all of their relatives niggers of some persuasion?
First Monty is Indian, and then Josephine is just plain black.

Fucking Hollywood.

He has a weaker jaw

