I like boys

I like boys.

t. Girl

There aren't girls on the internet though, retard.

I like girls
t. man
captcha: owljaz

Lol okay then

I like girl's bodies.
t. Boy

Someone actually capped my post, wow.

@No. 6429122
stop attention whoring nobody gives a shit who creates the memems

Jesus Christ.


Leave and never return.


How much?

Hey fuck you buddy, I'll do what I want with my posts.

How do you get the linkify arrows next your number

To what are you referring?

What do you mean?

never mind i fingered it out you just clickety click on the texty text and it linkifies automagically xD

I see the Britons are up.

t. ur mom lol


Post dick.

This faggot is posting on Holla Forums too.

You misunderstand.
The rule 'There are no girls on the internet' does not, in the strictest sense, mean what it may seem.
The rule actually applies to female privilege.
In the open, a female may use her femininity and 'assets' to get her way. As you can see this, it is almost easier to fall into this trap.
Enter anonymity.
On the Internet, specifically places like inageboards, you almost always have forced anonymity. You have no profile, no display pictures, no way of telling what gender, race or age you are l. This almost completely removes the female privilege.
This is where things like 'Tits or GTFO' come in.
The only way to prve femininity is to humiliate oneself by posting tits.
Anonimity removes female privilege.
In summary.


stop telling Holla Forumstards about Holla Forums its already fucked up enough

like your average Holla Forumstard can't find a legacy board…

Are you the Drumpf poster?

1. Holla Forums is retarded even for us. I mean all they do is talk about black dicks.

2. Is that a Super Saiyan Nigger?

2. Yes, yes, it is.



Whoa, checked!



all me