Now, this is going to sound weird and piss off both sides for one reason or another, but hear me out for a second…

Now, this is going to sound weird and piss off both sides for one reason or another, but hear me out for a second…

Anyone else see a similarity between Trump and Jack Sparrow?

Not in appearance, in style. The gimmick with Sparrow which other characters occasionally point out is that by the end of each film he comes out on top, but the audience is left wondering whether he somehow planned it all from the beginning, or just has a stupendous amount of dumb luck.

Everyone said Trump wouldn't win the election, and then he defied all the polls. Everything he's promised he's doing and everything works out to his favor. Even when it looks like he fumbled it works to his advantage or backfires on the other person. When he called Chris Cuomo "fake news" erroneously, Cuomo intended to run with it and use this to call Trump a liar over and over, but in the first interview since he said "being called fake news as a journalist is like being called the n word as a black person, or an italian person being called an italian person slur" subsequently he had to publicly apologize (network probably made him) and in the end only he came out looking like an ass.

Trump makes a couple throwaway comments about the size of the inauguration audience, the left obsesses over it for days oblivious to the huge mountain of actual stuff he got done while they quibbled over it.

Gorsuch *may* have said he was disappointed in Trump, off the record or in general or something like that. Is it bad Trump's supreme court nominee may have disagreed with him about something? No, it gives Democrats a reason to vote to confirm him.

The most major and perfect example of this though? The moment that won him the election to begin with. "Only Rosie O'Donnell." Everybody laughed. Is he joking? Is that a serious answer?

Trump is either a complete genius or the luckiest man on Earth.


Are you saying Trump is a charming rogue or that Jack Sparrow was using 4d chess and not actually improvising?

I'm saying OP is autistic to think of the connection and then make a long post about it.

I believe this user is trying to give us a demonstration of projection.

Quoted user did not come up with a retarded idea and then type oyt multiple paragraphs about it.
I think this user doesn't know what projection is.

He gave a pretty good argument why they're similar characters.
This isn't twitter where you rely on a gif of the fat black chick from Community to make your arguments. This is Holla Forums. It requires some intellectualism to be able to debate here.

Funniest post ITT tbqh

You're forgetting a key point, Jack sparrow didn't have the Russian government backing him up. Drumpfler is so far up the Russian governments ass that he couldn't get out even if he wanted to.

Pick one.

I picked both because I think outside of the box.
Unlike you obviously.

Almost 3 months since the election and still butthurt.

O no Drumby got bloostered the fandango off this world

It's been more than three months since Gumby sugged slav cog you dum hwite sis meal

I thought the election couldn't be rigged!

I like it. You get deported last.

would you, Holla Forums?

You just went full Drumpftard! You NEVER go full Drumpftard!

I just did. What are you going to do about it?

I'm gonna build a Flumpy wall around you you stoopid poolyp, and then I'm gonna start the day of the gumpf and make your not my potus cry


I like you, fam.

I don't NEED to do anything, you do a good enough job of making YOURSELVES look retarded

This. Just because we lost to humpfty doesn't mean we can't build our own wall around you dumb dumb neo-nutzees.
Day of the wall is coming blimpturds, you better watch out, I'm known to teleport.

Honestly curious. Did the webm in give you any joy whatsoever? Did you feel something? Even a little?

I don't watch drumpfaganda you shitler wannabe, go jerk off to a brick wall.

kk brb


I felt disgust and fear. What did you feel? Go ahead, take off your mask and show us all what you REALLY want.

pic related


Nuremberg Trials were the original twitter bans. With an addition of torture.


I see more of a similarity between Trump and Nicki Minaj.




REALLY makes you think…Can we just get it over with and admit that the republican party has become the gay Nazi party? I'm SICK of tiptoeing around this subject.

What homophobic comments, you're not very tolerant. I think you need some sensitivity training.

What do you have against gays?

Your bigotry is worse than mine, I don't hate you because you're gay I hate you BECAUSE you're a Nazi. Guess what? I'm not alone in my beliefs. Does that scare you? It should.

So you hate me because I'm a gay jew. Good to know you fascist neonazi.

GTFO Frumplet, I'll choke you with bricks for falseflagging like this.

I'd like to say I'm suprised but this is EXACTLY what I have come to expect. They are called DrunpfTARDS for a reason, don't project your bigotry onto me. SCUM!


RUSSIANS HAXXED DEMOCRACY BY…telling the burgerniggers the truth about the DNC and podestas hot dog parties?

your story bruh, it doesnt hold up at the water cooler, nevermind in court

probably the gay ass parades they drag their traumatized children to, also the penis gummy bears, the nasal way a lot of them talk, how their stupid fucking lobby only cares about their own shit, stuffing gerbils into their ass, the list goes on

homosexuality is infantile, its a form of retardation, thats not automatically a bad thing, at least 1% of pretty much any population is homosex and can be highly developed people but they are still stuck in their anal phase basically, nature fucks up every now and then, it is what it is, you gotta figure out how to live with it or fix it maybe if you even can

you shouldnt hang them from a fucking crane I guess but you shouldnt promote that shit either especially not as the state, you want actual couples that can shit out actual babies, not underdeveloped sexual deviants that give each other diseases like its a fucking year long STD secret santa

theres also the whole pedo angle but I dont wanna get into that shit, fact of the matter is this faggotry is being pushed to cause cultural conflicts with more traditional societies which can then be exploited geopolitically

basically faggots are irrelevant when they arent being used, you shouldnt drag them through the desert with your f-150 but you shouldnt act like its a fucking political issue either you cocksucker, its idpol, live the way you want but dont force others to fucking love you, the most you can hope for is tolerance which literally means " I dont fucking like you but I will leave you alone" funny how batty boys have subverted that word to mean "I have to say the olympic tranny is beautiful"

the ass is fat do




This is funny because trump is indeed trash.

If the point of this character is to make sure my animosity and hatred of leftists remains freshly burning bright, you're doing a fantastic job.

Does this TRIGGER you, drumpftard??

Triggers him into wanting to suck as much BBC as humanly possible while some creepy orange retard watches.

Post the video where Trump says he would love it if Ivanka dated a black guy.

Careful there cucks. I'm a russian hacker and I will hack you !

No. I'm not a racist or a homophobe. Maybe you're projecting.

This is accurate.

Fucking trumblebumbles, I can't believe you defendle your orange bobblehead afyer being bombled the flunk off repeatedly.

Wait, are you suggesting homosexuality is a negative thing with that image? Woah, slow down woth your bigoted alt-right agenda.


This is why you lost you sick retards.

he's a useful easily controlled idiot who is great at distracting normalfags with his "rude comments" and "sexism". basically Reagan, but an asshole instead of dignified. SOP for the GOP.

He is second if I bad recall, the last one was a 100 years ago.

Really can be both. The media had been dredging up comments he'd made about Rosie as though he was like that with every woman. It was a fairly open fight the two of them had been having for ages as soon as it was referenced it was easy to just laugh at how bullshit the accusations were.

Anyhow, I don't see much similar between Sparrow and Trump other than that both seem to come out on top in the end against seemingly insurmountable odds. Sparrow does so by looking out for himself first and foremost, while not caring how he looks doing it. While Trump cares a great deal about sticking by his people that stand by him.

What Trump does fantastically well is act a bit like a magician. He'll be doing one thing in one hand while the real action is going on in the other hand. It confuses the hell out of the media because they're used to the idea that politicians are supposed to be responding to how the media frames things, while Trump is perfectly capable of framing the national conversation himself. This is part of why it's pretty valuable he has someone like Bannon as an advisor as well, since Bannon knows better than most how to play the media against itself.

A good example is the rally Trump did to show off all the veterans that love him. Trump knew the media would all swarm in to cover his event where he'd comment on what his views are about Obama's birth certificate, so he had an entire event going with one vet after another endorsing him and talking of how fantastic he is. At the end, he spends a couple minutes saying Obama is American and that Trump has put this issue to rest. The media was so eager for some big salacious event to use to trash Trump that the televised the entire event live on a variety of networks, so Trump used it to help advertise the support he has. It's using the worst instincts of the media against them and they're powerless to stop themselves.

So Trump actually plans his own actions like this. He knows what the media will go after whereas Sparrow is just winging it.

who is this thirsty chick?

Damn sounds like Trump is smarter than they make him out to be.

It's part of what made following the campaign as entertaining as it was.

You'd see one day that a competing campaign tried slinging mud Trump's way and the next day he'd turn situation on its heads.

Another example, that people were talking about some minor scandal around Trump (I forget if it was the Trump university case or whatever else), then this odd tape surfaces of Trump seeming to pose as his publicist. Everyone stopped talking about the random minor scandals and instead were laughing at how Trump was acting like this fun playboy with his posing as his own publicist. He denied doing it left and right, which made the media just talk about it more in an attempt to ridicule him, but it ridiculed him by making him seem as though he did some funny stunt.

It turned what had an anti-Trump period in the media into a light hearted anti-Trump period in the media.