Joining a church

Alright Holla Forums thinking about actually doing it. All of my friends are fedoras or echos. Does anyone have any advice on joining a church?

How do I tell if it's a good one and not one of the pozzed "good Christians help Muslim refugees" ones? How do I join the community?

Other urls found in this thread:’s-top-offenders-a-satire/

There aren't actually any church-going Christians on Holla Forums are there? You guys were all either trolling or practicing your own esoteric interpretation of the bible in your mom's basement weren't you?

You want something like Pastor Anderson’s church. Watch his videos for examples of his beliefs (or, you know, read the Bible, since he goes straight off that).

ANY acceptance of faggots is out. ANY acceptance of zionism is out. Obviously Catholics aren’t Christians. Even a sect (if it exists) that rejects the changes made at Vatican II isn’t acceptable, since the foundational heresies are still there.

I can expound, if you like, but that’s a good enough starting point. Finishing with the three Christ-chans (even though Orthodoxy has a little heresy and Catholicism has even more) since they’re cute.

Reported for intl. You aren’t even trying anymore.

Be sure they preach Replacement Theology (also known as Covenant Theology or sometimes Supercessionism) as opposed to Dispensationalism.

Be sure they preach a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture and not the Jewish scam known as pre-tribulation.

Study up.

After the Tribulation: The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed

Marching to Zion


Again, reported for intl.

A church needs to be:
-independent; not part of any larger denomination or group that answers to a hierarchy
-not a 501c3 tax-exempt church that answers to the ZOG
-fundamentalist Baptist
-not pro-zionist (these are, sadly, very rare; you may need to compromise on this and slowly redpill your pastor by showing him Marching to Zion)

Any recommended denominations to start with? Keep in mind I live in poz-occupied territory and the closest church to me is Korean.

yes, that's correct. Deal with it faggot. Christian Identity is as big a scam as Dispensationalism.

he committed the unforgivable sin
he married a white woman to a congo nigger

Independent Fundamental Baptist. King James Only

On the subject of King James Onlyism, here's another one for you

It will be difficult to find a local church that fits this description, unfortunately. I'm in the South where you would think there would be some non-poz churches like this. I haven't looked at every church yet but so far no luck.

So I watch Pastor Anderson's live streams and rewatch his sermons for now until I can find a church locally.

Right now he's going through the book of Jeremiah verse by verse in Wednesday night services.

Here is the full list

Live Streams here

Pastor Anderson is not the pope; you're free to disagree with him on minor issues like miscegenation. At least he's redpilled about kikes, ZOG, Israel, the holohoax, faggotry, and a million other issues where he hits the nail right on the head.

People come to truth. It’s that simple. He believes that 9/11 was an inside job and that kikes probably had something to do with it. Right now people are starting to teach him about white genocide. He has said that if he’s shown sufficient evidence that he will not only believe it, but he’ll start talking about it openly.

And you know where that leads. “Sons of Ham” and all that…

I don’t know about specific denominations as a whole, but following this: is a great idea.

I’m Mennonite, myself. Super traditionalist, not zionist at all, no faggots, etc. The only thing I’m working to change is the overt allowance of non-KJV Bible versions. It’s totally fine to read a different version for an easier understanding of the wording, but you MUST refer to the KJV every single time concurrently to make sure the wording hasn’t been changed.

Joining the community is the easy part. You just got to show up to as many events as possible. Usually the church will have an old lady at some point read a list of goings ons. You will want to attend as many of those as you can.

Finding a good non-pozzed church is the hard part. First you got to avoid the ones that are fully ZOGed.

Unfortunately a lot of non-ZOGed churches are full of ridiculous and infantile beliefs, especially when it comes to eschatology. These are typically KJV-only, 10,000 year old planet types. Sometimes they are even flat earthers.

Even if you avoid all of those, you still got to watch out for the "Charimsatic Christians." These people basically worship the holy spirit and go into trances dancing and praying. This seems really cool at first but they are basically teaching you to rewire the reward circuits in your brain so that you can only feel happy while in a religious trance.

My opinion - your best bet is to find a slow-moving, old lady's church with a lot of fuddy-duddies. They tend to be pretty red-pilled, and avoid a lot of the new crazy "christian" cults. Doesn't matter what denomination, all denominations have crazy's.

Daily reminder that Eastern Orthodox is the closest to being correct because it explicitly supports panentheism. They're also more anti-muslim than most other churches.

My advice is to join the Church of Satan, because atleast their honest about trying to pozz you.

Yes, you need a church where they openly support racemixing!!!

Pic. related.

Not bumping because this is not news nor politics.

and remember, Trump is also not 1000% perfect so don't bother voting for him either.

Just sit and wait for Hitler or something goy, I mean guy.

Reported and blocked.

A minor issue?

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you!

Oh right, Jesus.

Reminder that, despite what people say on Holla Forums, Orthodoxy is NOT in fact the oldest or purest branch of Christendom. Orthodoxy, like Catholicism, traces its origins back to 313 AD when Constantine hi-jacked Christianity and converted the Eastern Roman Empire. Christianity did not disappear between 33 AD and 313 AD. There have always been various groups of independent fundamentalist churches scattered throughout, and they were initially persecuted by the Romans. Currently, independent fundamentalist Baptists carry on the legacy and spirit of these earliest Christians.

Reminder that Orthodoxy cannot even get the basics of the gospel correct and they, like the Catholic heretics, believe in words-based salvation.

And reported for intl.

Maybe tell your buddies it’s not working.

TFW Aryan crusader GF.

They ARE, however, closer to proper theology in other areas than the papists are.

Promoting racemixing is not being slightly unperfect, it's being an abomination.

How many times have Christians said this to me, it must be getting close to a hundred.

1-2% of marriages are interracial. Approx. 20-25% of non-married couples are interracial dating. Statistics illustrate that white women are the least likely to interracial date or marry. Miscegenation is an overblown issue by closet cuckold fetishists here on Holla Forums.

It's the 101th time a Christian reports me, because I am not into Racemix Jesus!

No, it’s not. It’s just not acceptable.

That's amazing, I would think that a non-autist would have given up by now. Good job, I guess. At least your not a lazy nigger.

Yep, reported.

WTF is wrong with you! 1/2% is a lot and incredibly damaging to our society.

Again, Christians are attacking morality and thus God.

Yet, you people keep on promoting Jesus, which somehow isn't autism.

works-based salvation*

The Bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith. As long you acknowledge that you're a sinner in need of a savior, and you believe in Jesus, then you are saved. Any works that you do is just for rewards in the next life.

The 102th time a butthurt Christian reports me.


And now we've been derailed and have gone totally off topic from OP's original post.


Please block 8f084b if you want to continue the thread.

He, I am gonna keep talking.

Nobody forces you to talk to me.

If your atheistical religion isn't true, then abandon it and embrace God and Race.

God dammit that all sounds awful.

Those statistics counted all races and any combination of interracial couples. I also said that white women are the least likely to interracial date and marry. If you were to adjust for that, then it would be even lower than 1-2%.

Which is incredibly high and damaging and anyone who thinks otherwise is a nihilist.

Do you think it's normal that the same number of children get raped, or people get murdered?


You might as well just go all the way and attend Synagogue if you're actually going to consider joining one of these Judeo Churches which are nothing more than Baal Worship.

I highly recommend you listen to the great Dr. James P. Wickstrom and Pastor Visser who give great sermons and teach true racial identity.

Don't join a judeo christian church, just study the bible and try to learn as much as you can from some of the pastors that teach racial identity.

Here Dr. James Wickstrom talks about white genocide.

and here he discusses racial identity.

103th time.

That's not the point. I said the issue is overblown and the statistics show that it is. People make it sound as if all white women are interracial dating and marrying and that there's this enormous epidemic of it. You can't stop it if some enormous landwhale decides to go mudsharking; not like she'll ever find a white guy anyway. Likewise you can't stop an effeminate beta nu-male from dating an asian chick. No self-respecting quality white woman wants him anyway.

Anyway, Pastor Anderson is open to being redpilled about white genocide. Someone already pointed out how he used to believe in the holohoax, but has since come around and openly made a video proving that it's a fraud. Very few people have the balls to do that.

Donald Trump sucks ZOG dick but that doesn't stop Holla Forumsacks from being extremely lenient with him as a means to an end. Very hypocritical then to not extend that courtesy for a pastor who openly states the holohoax for what it is just because he's wrong on one single issue.

Also OP Dr. Wickstrom has a weekly show on called Yahweh's Truth. Where you can listen in and chat with fellow Christian Identists.

Actually you're in for a treat, Dr. Wickstrom will be doing a show in 4hrs and 30mins later tonight.

Hail Victory!

Pastor Anderson is a good primer but he does not teach Dual Seedline Christian Identity.

Dr. Wickstrom will be doing a sermon later tonight on titled Yahweh's Truth with co host Pastor Jeromy Visser.

Hail Victroy!

No, they show vit's a grave problem, even a small amount of black blood can condem an entire population to Hell!!

What are you, some kind of athiest!

I see, your an anarchist as well, because you reject a higher authority!

He is being used to promote racemixing!

Which is why he is allowed to speak to freely!

You guys are too easy to spot.

OP if you're still here please ignore these apostate Christian Identity scammers.

Christian Identity is as much an unbiblical scam as Dispensationalism

Uh, being black doesn't exempt you from salvation. The Bible says that our current physical bodies will be discarded and we will get new, glorified bodies in the next life. All the current races as we know them will cease to exist in Heaven.

Speak freely? He's on the ADL and SPLC's hate group watch lists right next to hardcore neo-nazis. The mainstream Christian establishment, the media, and the world at large despises him. If you read his blog he talks about getting spooky e-mails from jews talking about how Mossad agents are coming to rape and kill his family.

Nobody cares about weev, you retarded jewboy.

Well, GOD, who is actually speaking to my intuition, tells me the Bible is the work of men, that only the White Race and some of the other higher races go to a heigher location then Hell and that all blacks go to Hell and this includes people with a small amount of black blood in their veins.

Yeah sure, they would attack a fellow racemixer, as if he isn't working together with the Jews.


Lord Christ said he would come back for the lost and found sheep. He was specifically referring to the white race.

You have been brainwashed by Judeo-Christian propaganda. Time you start learning the truth about your racial identity if you are not of the seedline of Cain or Esau.

Learn more by going to these sites ^^^


Hi retard.

First I'd recommend you get to know basic theology. Read CS Lewis, it's a good start. Then start on the new testament and move to the prophets in the old testament. Then go from Genesis on to where you started the prophets. Then read the New Testament again. Don't just read it, but understand it.

After that, you will know how to tell apart false prophets from a good church you can grow your kids in.

Just when I thought you could not possibly be more obvious, you surprise me again.

I should visit the church next Sunday. Been almost half a year from the last time now… And I'm a neet with all the time.

the masses for my late grandparents were very comfy.
church is actually pretty comfy.
you don't need to believe in everything they say, but it's interesting and the community tends to be very nice.

I really want to find a nice christian girl. I'm just an average looking dude with a promising career but I fucking hate these college sluts that are everywhere, fucking a different random buff dude at a party but then after they have had enough of whoring, they try to snag a guy with an actual job to just leech off of while offering nothing in return. I'm all up for supporting a wife and family financially, but in return I would like my wife not to have had gone through 15 miles of dick and know how to take care of a household if she wants to be a housewife.

No idea how to find a girl like that though…

Maybe you can't find what you want in a woman because you're not into women.
Human mating isn't any more complicated than our primitive relatives. If the deal ain't sealed in 30 seconds, you done fucked up.

Daily reminder the Catholic Church is the only one that traces back its origin to Jesus Christ himself.

And that Jesus established one Church, not many.

Only the church of Apostles Peter and Paul is mentioned in the Bible.

Current Pope is a Jesuit (anti-Catholic heretic)


Dont know where else to post it, but im reading at the moment about the philosophical debates between christians and polytheists/platonists in the second century.

"Celsus (pagan philosopher) – like many Roman gentlemen – was a social conservative in a certain sense of the word. Celsus had misgivings about polytheism but still defended more traditional Roman religious views. Celsus claimed at hero shrines, the gods can be seen in human form and they do not appear only once “in a secretive and stealthy manner like the fellow who deceived the Christians” [Origen, Against Celsus 7.35]. Celsus lists positive benefits some have experienced from oracles: wisdom, revelation, miracle signs, appearances, health, and prophetic utterances which are fulfilled"

Christians have the occasional saint who performed wonders and it is believed, now what about those other revelations where the divine has supposedly touched our material world?

Are these "foreign" miracles by other faiths the work of devils/angels who are not of god anymore or do they have to be dismissed outrightly as the possibility of their existance would undermine the own claims on historically witnessed miracles?

More like, there's a lot of gods, and they can all produce miracles.
Everyone says their god is the best, that's why they're a worshiper of that god by definition.

The Jews really come out hard in these threads, fact check every single thing posted.

You ought to do more research into your heretical church.




This explains the different denominations.

Join a Catholic one. It's a non-pozzed denomination since they're anti-LGBT.

god isn't real

I'll be fair and say, depends on the people who make up the Church.

The basic rules are all already set on what should be followed. Find a Church who doesn't discard the work of Theologians since 2000 years ago, and that is like minded.

Because in practice, in contemporary times we live in, they will use their faith to justify what they think is right, not what faith says is right.

Hey shit for brains, the book she's holding should actually be titled, "Biblia Sacra Vulgata"

And how do attain these graces? Through your actions.

Look at the heretic and laugh everybody.

by the amount of protestants here i think id be safe to assume some of you think evolution is a lie and young earth hypothesis is true.

Because Protestant Christians are the most hardcore believers, which the world hates because followers of Jesus Christ. This is also the reason that, with the world falling down violently all around, there are no Protestant Christians allowed on the U.S. Supreme Court despite the population of the U.S. being 50% Protestant. Because the world hates God, especially in these end-times.

That's what you meant, isn't it?

Through faith.

holy shit thats the real
oppression right there

Macro evolution is a Jewish lie and is not science. You cannot test it, observe it, make experiments with it. It is entirely theoretical like string theory. A lot has changed since Darwin first proposed it. Back in the 1800s people thought that single celled organisms were just blobs of ooze with no sophisticated internal structure. Since then we have learned that a single celled organism is more complex than entire factories. There is no explanation for how these things could have evolved bit by bit on their own. Even Richard Dawkins now, when prodded, will begrudgingly admit that he thinks aliens might have seeded life on Earth as a rationale for the sophistication of single celled organisms.

Micro evolution (ie. variations within species such as different human races or breeds of dogs) is perfectly in-line with what the Bible says.

As for the age of the Earth, I don't know. The Bible says in Genesis 1 that God created everything in a week, but the Bible also says in 2 Peter 3:8 that a day with God is like a thousand years on Earth - suggesting that time is relative and that 7 days of creation for God were not 7 literal Earth days. The Bible also says in Isaiah 40:22 that God stretched out the heavens, which would explain the expansion of the universe and the red shift in the stars and galaxies. You could probably go either way with this.

Down with ecumenism.

Take your micro-evolution, okay? Apply it over a few thousands of years, okay? Wolf into the modern dog; that's acceptable to you, yes?

Now take that and apply the same effect to the wolf over millions years. If you can go from a wolf to pic related in a few thousand years, why can't greater changes be made in even longer timespans?

There's no such thing as "macro-evolution" or "micro-evolution", just evolution. It's all small variations over the epochs. More beneficial variations survive better, thus having better chances of passing on the variation to the next generation.

Liberals and evolutionists always cherry pick their facts. Ironically, the ones who criticize Biblical literalists for being anti-science base their beliefs on a 150 year old book then pretend nothing has changed since then.

Jesus never established a Pope. Nor did he say the church had the right to throw in a bunch of retarded shit, some of which contradicts biblical doctrine.

Lutheran churches can be pretty based depending on the synod/parish. Stay the hell away from the ELCA, it is beyond cucked (with the caveat that many ELCA congregations are in the midst of leaving to join new, orthodox Lutheran synods such as the NALC and LCMC). Missouri Synod can be based, again depending on the parish. They, at least, still refuse to ordain women, in fact barring women from all leadership positions in their churches whatsoever. That alone would entice me to join them, but I'm a traditionalist and stick with my family, who are in the midst of leaving the ELCA to join an NALC parish.

As a side note, pol seems to be quite unaware that it is our arch enemy Soros pushing all of this liberal, lgbt bullshit onto the American protestant churches. I read in some Lutheran journal, quite casually, that a Soros funded group, along with another Soros funded group of liberal pastors, were instrumental in forcing the ELCA's 2009 decision to ordain openly practicing homosexuals to the clergy. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before, it's so obvious once you think about it. The (((globalists))) haven't stopped at cucking our political sphere, they've made significant inroads in nearly every single Christian group as well.

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, brother.

stopped reading right there. you're paranoid.


reported for being an idiot

how does that disprove evolution?

If you are a man, go to a Mithraeum. Otherwise stay in the kitchen.

Traditional Catholicism, look it up

There is some decent advice in this thread.
But the reality is, you need to actually ask God to lead you to a good church.

That may sound mystical, but there is a practical reality to having faith in God. It should never be solely an exercise of your intellect, but include being conscious of various signs and indicators, things that may seem coincidental but relate to things that you are actively praying/talking to God about.

You are going to need to have an established relationship with God, one where you trust His guidance before joining with any group. Because one of the first traps you will run into is where the group will tell you to ignore your own experience in favor of what the group or its leader/pastor want you to believe.

Establishing a relationship with God is pretty straight forward. Just start talking to him in your head. Be honest, since your literally talking to the being that "coded" you, so He already knows all your darkest secrets and urges. He isn't a dick, but will expect you to face challenges and overcome them. At the same time you will see that He is looking out for you.

Hey papist, you’re going to roast in hell.

Reported, too.

A canine will always produce a variation of a canine. Different dog breeds happen because the genetic information was present in their DNA from the beginning. As the evolution of the canine continues onward, their genetics contain lesser information, not more. It is a degenerative process. There is never new information introduced.

Macro-evolution suggests that the canine will eventually produce a non-canine. That a fish somehow begot a half mammal/half fish. Macro-evolution suggests that humans and plants share a common ancestor. Meanwhile there is no proof for any of this, and no way to prove it scientifically because it requires a fantastical amount of time to properly test it. It is purely theoretical. It is not a real science. It requires faith. Isaac Newton and other great Christian scientists of the past would be appalled by it.

Kikes control all the world's money, they fund and orchestrate all the wars, they control all the media and all of academia, etc., etc. It is not out of the realm of possibility that they would push anti-science, is it? "Gender is a social construct" is taught in universities as an indisputable fact of life. Once you're able to swallow the red pill and accept that the holocaust never happened (despite the entire world propping it up and insisting that it did) it isn't exactly hard to look around and question more things that you had once taken for granted as being true.

Isn't it strange that Jewish professors and scientists are indoctrinating generation after generation of gentile children to believe that they are beasts with no souls, whilst teaching Jewish children that they are divine demi-gods? This is literally what the Talmud says about gentiles vs. Jews.

Pick a church where the belief is that Jesus dies on the cross for the sins of those who seek forgiveness. If you go to a "church" that does not believe this, it's not a Christian church.

The Church you want is the Orthodox Church. Decentralized cell structure makes it impossible to subvert and it is the most traditional denomination. Its also proven its ability to preserve culture and race under the Muslims, Mongols and atheists before so it is perfect for the current world situation.

Sedevacantist Catholicism

Kill yourselves

Opinion discarded


can you guys give me the run down on /christ/ vs. /chistian/? I haven't been there in a while because of all the drama

Hey heretic, you're going to roast in hell.

It's the theory with the strongest evidence. It may change in the future if new evidence appears but to deny it completely with the amount of evidence and consensus among scientists if simply choosing to be ignorant. I want you to understand that. You're not red pill, you're not enlightened. You're willingly choosing to be dumb.

Also, the Holocaust happened. Also the Red Pill is being aligned with science, skepticism and truth and you're far from that.

Are you supporting Donald Trump btw? Or are you the type to shitpost in Trump threads about him being a ZOG puppet and that everyone should avoid voting and just wait for Hitler?

dawkins already proved god isnt real you retards, read the god delusion.

Good Christians help Muslim refugees, read the Bible.

Daily reminder that the word 'racist' only makes sense within the worldview of Christianity in which God creates all souls which are all imago dei and there is a lottery of birth, while the word 'cuck' only makes sense within the worldview of nationalism in which families, nations, and races exist and allowing yourself to be reduced to a second class citizen in your own country means you're a cuck.


Forgot to mention
Fuck you kike.

Orthodox is the best Church for Holla Forums because it is very nationalist friendly with its system of autocephalous churches.

Not an argument.

Hang yourself anti-white

The reason the Jews were accepted into America with open arms is that the Bible was their letter of introduction. And what a letter - surely people whose heroes were Jacob, Joseph, and Esther should be rejected. But Christfags were too busy trying to get in the good graces of Rabbi Yeshua bar Yahweh (I will bless him that blesses thee and curse him that curses thee) to notice what the Jews said in Genesis that they do when allowed into a country.

I went to an Orthodox church this past sunday and it sucked. It was exactly the same as the catholic, and I even heard the priest bless "The holy catholic church" in one of his readings.

There was little to no discussion of the bible and the service mostly consisted of Gregorian chants before we were all dismissed.

Please tell me I found a dud.

DAE selection? No? We're going to ignore selection and thus deny the uniqueness of the White race in order to preserve our Jew-worshipping stories?

Anyone on Holla Forums who thinks the Orthodox Church is the best church, and the Eastern Aesthetic isn't the best aesthetic; need to go read up about Mt Anthos.

I'll repeat myself:

Are you supporting Donald Trump btw? Or are you the type to shitpost in Trump threads about him being a ZOG puppet and that everyone should avoid voting and just wait for Hitler?

You are an unsaved, worldly Christian who is hung up on material matters over spiritual ones. You will burn in hell for eternity.

It was probably a burger orthodox church, which have largely been cucked because of placating the crowd of migrant eastern Europeans.

To be fair, Anderson isn't forcing us to racemix

Matthew 15:26 "But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs."
That is to say, it would be wrong to take the blessings bestowed upon the faithful and freely give them to the forces of evil.

the Bible is Jew garbage and the medieval Church was right to avoid it as much as possible

so basically, you like niggers if they are Christians, but don't like Whites if they aren't?

What did the Syriophoenician woman mean in her reply to this: "And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." ?

So leave the thread, hit shift + click in the catalog, and enjoy posting somewhere else. You're not forced to be here.

S Anderson is a Jew-African mongrel


Please explain further.

Please continue to think you can know the objective truth of existence and foolishly determine your own morality without fucking everything up and contradicting yourself.

The path to hell is paved with good intentions for a reason.

If you want to learn the scriptures I highly recommend The Shepherd's Chapel with Arnold Murray.

It's uncucked based teaching. He shows that God supports many of the things of Holla Forums.

White Tribalism (nations kind after kind), righteous indignation, self defense with firearms, anti-degeneracy, and naming the Jew.

Fucking lol.

Reported for intl.

Go to a Sedevacantist Catholic church

Reported for pro-racemixing.



Fuck off you anti-white leftist trash

Basically a good Orthodox church is going to avoid babbling on about the Church and Bible only.

It's more about the esoteric/aesthetic message of Christ, and staying true to tradition. But you're gonna lose MOST all of that in America/Canada/etc.. as most good Orthodox churches are nationalist in places like Serbia, Russia, Greece, and so forth.

They also generally have clergy that work in cycles between doing pastoral duty, and being a monk. Real Orthodox clergy basically stay celibate, work to provide for themselves, and preach the the faith and guide parishioners as service to God.

user, I have no idea how you just rationalized that verse in that manner.

It simply means that you don't take from the good and give to the bad (i.e. Taking land from farmers and using it to build a refugee camp for the raping Muslim hoards.)

No but they all want to help niggers breed

You can get that aesthetic in the True Church

I know this is supposed to be anti christian shill bait, but the second one is pretty funny.

Looks more like Buddy Christ is saying the quote than perpetrating the action.

Reported for libel.

Filtered for shitposting

Reported for intl.

The Romans did nothing wrong.

Reported for shitposting.

It's about the community as much as the pastor. Be sure to go to the Sunday school. Look for a place with more people your age.

Heads up, that isn't easy, and while these people shouldn't be super pozzed,they any going to be redpilled either

q: why do Black lives matter?
a: because all lives are imago dei

q: why is that Whites' problem?
a: because lottery of birth, brother's keeper, etc.

q: doesn't putting other people's concerns before the concerns of your own race and nation make you a cuck?
a: don't be worldly, individuals are responsible only for their own immediate moral decisions, God has a plan for the world, we're just passing through this veil of tears after all, and it'll end in an apocalypse soon. also racism is bad.

Also, pic related.
I guess Constantine actually did do something wrong

This vid is the sort of stuff a good Orthodox pastor should talk about.

I had no idea the Shepard's Chapel guy was non-pozzed. I just assumed he was because he's on the electric jew.

Watching the vid you linked now.

Do you know if he's post-trib?

Christianity didn't start in Rome. It started in shitskins lands

Christianity didn't start in Rome. It started in shitskins lands

Christianity didn't start in Rome. It started in shitskins lands

Christianity didn't start in Rome. It started in shitskins lands

Well ok then. :^)

Orthodox are bad churches with good people stuck in them. What's good about Orthodox is separate Orthodox churches for each nationality – yet this is actually a controversy because it it technically forbidden.

And the music and liturgy is good - but it can get dull after awhile since people don't like standing for 3 long hours every Sunday listening to the very same songs.

The superstitious crap is really stupid. Bowing down to pictures of saints and mary and singing songs to Mary - it's ridiculous and pagan. Worship a Jewish woman just because she happened to have a baby? No thanks.

Celibate bishops means you've probably got a raging fornication/faggot/kiddie molesting problem. Not eating meat half the week and all of lent is stupid and unbiblical.

No surprise it's unbiblical, the Orthodox don't have much respect for the Bible - they consider that to be something underneath their church and underneith their traditions which come first.

Awesome! I've learned a lot from him.

He is post tribulation. He teaches that rapture theory is false doctrine that tells people to, "fly to save their souls."

underrated post

Wow, even your bait images are gay.

Mordecai, those lands were all white until the muslim conquests

Join the Temple of Kek.

No Christian church is worth it at this point. Join a gun club.

Orthodox or bust. The current pope is a Cocksucker and the next won will be Desmond TuTu from Ooga Booga land.

*One (son of a bitch)

Mariology is an extension of Christology you nitwit. It has to be explored because of heretics who thing she is Christotokos and not Theotokos. There is nothing wrong with venerating Saints and Icons because it is God who works through them with His Divine Energy. You plebs probably think you can know His Essence lol. Autochephaly isn't controversial its normal. The Church is nationalist friendly, not nationalist in itself learn reading comprehension lol. Celibate Bishops is good and they aren't exposed to kids anyway except in the altar where there are married priests, subdeacons and acolytes. Roman Catholics are the kidde-diddlers.

As for fasting, Jesus did it and John the Baptist did it. Btw triple immersion baptism is the true way. The Bible is first in the Tradition you mong not under it. Try reading some commentaries from the Church Fathers who were around when it was compiled, surprise surprise they agree wit the Orthodox Teachings. And the Orthodox Church is the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church according to the creed so no wonder someone heard the priest bless the "Catholic Church"

As far as I know every single Orthodox Service includes Bible readings and that's a lot of services in the week if you go to all of them

>Orthodox or bust.
Looking like a bunch of death worshiping sickos









Joseph was a cuck and Jesus repaid him by abandoning his adoptive father and respectable career as soon as he was grown because he wanted to live as an itinerant faith healer preaching that feels are more import.ant than what you do to layabouts with nothing better to do than listen to an itinerant faith healer



Why don't you show off your ignorance some more friend? Are these "layabouts" the ones who got martyred for their faith? They had more of a spine than any "nationalist" on this board/

Yes, its better to have Blacks and Hispanics believe that everything is permitted! Nihilism is good for you Goys.


If God is omniscient, does He already know someone is hellbound when he is born? Are there people who are born to go to hell? In that case, wouldn't it be more morally just to never allow someone to be born so he can neither hurt others nor himself?

There aren't actually that many missions in Africa or South America. The Roman Catholics and Evangelics have those regions locked down with their cuck doctrines.

Pic related was originally a caravan robber, rapist etc. Under orthodoxy he became a peaceful monk. Would you rather be surrounded by Orthodox Africans or demon worshipping/atheist africans?

I'll be asking about joining a nearby (15 minutes) Orthodox church this Sunday, OP

Thats right goy, let the Jews be in charge of the Africans. You'll be safe in the white homeland in your basement lol

Human beings have free will so they can choose to accept Gods grace or reject it. Theres no point thinking about omniscience because we can't imagine how time relates to eternity which is outside of time


Do we really have free will, or has everything we will ever do already happened and we're just fulfilling our premade script?

We really have free will. It is as if we are stuck at the bottom of a well and God throws us a rope. We can choose to hang onto it as He pulls us up or we can let go.

It's ok to be a proud white Lutheran, fwiw.

I haven't got a problem with each race having its own homeland and its own autocephalous church but if you think Whites should rule the world and use blacks as slaves why don't you look at the USA and see how it worked the first time lol

I found a local Orthodox and SSPC I am going to go check out.

But is it really free will? From God's point of view, we have already made the choice and experienced the consequences before we are even born in linear time.

Oh, the same Luther who said "sin boldly" its okay as long as you have muh sola fide. Nice try but we aren't going to fall for that road to degeneracy

We have no idea what God's point of view as sinners so we can't really speculate. A theologian is someone who can really pray with all their being so if you want to know pray until you see the Uncreeated Light of God and maybe He will tell you the anwer. I can't. Christianity starts off as an existential path and then all that "objective" stuff is revealed to you by Truth Himself.

there is no god but kek and trump is his prophet

^ where feminism and illogical thinking enters your brain and makes it useless. Church of "big Mary and little Jesus" is a woman-worshipping joke. Orthodox are also rabid to not let a man dump his slut wife and start over with a new one, thus giving nasty women power over their husbands. Bad theology leads to bad religion and this discredits Christianity. Orthodox white churches are also very slavic and eastern Orthodox - not consistent with most white American's nationality.

I would consider Lutheran Missouri Synod (stil rejects faggots) and Church of England continuing - except these churches are modernist too.

I like the independent Bible-believing Baptists except I can't find one that doesn't have any niggers or beaners in it and I'd rather be with my own kind.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel very reassured.

Okay kid. Maybe when you reach 15 years of age you can read some Kierkegaard, Plato and the Philokalia and stop being a degenerate.

Mary is not more important than Jesus in the Orthodox Church and from the way you talk I'm sure that you no absolutely nothing about where the Bible came from and what the 7 Ecumenical Councils are. Its a shame seeing as most of the things you believe were decided by those councils. Unless you're an Arian or a Sabellian or a Nestorian right? Do you think Mary is Christotokos or Theotokos? Remember that the nature of Jesus depends on your answering correctly!!


Well then ponder the materialist alternative where you are just a theatre of chemical processes and definitely don't have any free will!

Yeah, you're right. I guess no belief, spiritual or scientific, is going to give me any amount of reassurance or contentedness.

A pleb like you wouldn't know the answer.

"Concerning his [God's] Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:" Romans 1:3-4

according to the flesh

So according to the flesh he is only the son of Mary - Mary is not "Mother of God" and Jesus did not even call her his mother one single time. He only called her "woman".

Your blessing of Mary was rebuked by Jesus Christ:

" And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." Luke 11:27-28

Orthodox don't hear the word of God, they follow traditions, like "Theotokos" which is pure unadulterated baloney.

I believe in the uncreated Trinity that has no "mother" - what a blasphemous bunch of unholy junk! The real Mary would be ashamed if she saw such idolatry. Repent, stupid, and stop believing godless nonsense.

The Word became flesh mate. Are you questioning Christ's divinity? Mary said in the Bible that she would be blessed by all following generations and Elizebeth on seeing her said "Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!"

Shit, man. Start looking for the secrets of the Universe and bask in the wonder of being this primate with a consciousness breaking atoms and wondering about other Universes. For me that's beautiful.

Yes, the universe that God created is truly wonderful. Think about how good it must have been before it was corrupted


There may be a Primordial Mover. But probably he didn't reveal himself to desert shepherds and he doesn't care if you're gay or not.


Fuck off back to /christian/ where this faggotry is ON topic.

nobody cares about first causes etc. Its about living your life in accordance with the Way and not being completely degenerate.

the Aryan nation cares about homosexual subversives trying to corrupt its youth, though

including Christian monks and priests, of course

Protestants and Catholics aren't Christians. They are heretics. Read some history and come up with your own conclusions. As for Orhodox Priests they are mostly married and the monks are in the monasteries, not in the world like Catholic "monastics".

Yeah, I think The Way is man-made, degeneracy is a buzzword and the Bible is a book that should be appreciated as Iron Age Literature.

So you don't really care about truth or god but only about your own cultural prejudices.

Your belittling Christ's divnity by saying it came from a woman - shame on you.

Admit your foolish religious traditions are wrong and that the Bible is right. You won't just like a Jew won't.

" For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." Mark 7:8-9

was Christian Identity even a thing before aryan nations?
like, did any early christian communities believe in what it says?

Christ was incarnate through a woman and in that sense Mary is Theotokos. He put on flesh to save man because He was fully God and fully man. Of course you don't hold to the creeds, Tradition or the Church so you are have no leg to stand on anyway. Christ came to establish the Church on Earth not write a book. The Bible was put together by the Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church has guarded its teachings for over 2000 years. Yours is the "tradition of men" established by the reformers hundreds of years after Christs Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Good luck with idolatry!

lol yes. Byzantine Empire, Alexandria, Antioch, Rome, Celts etc. Need I go on?

why, yes please.
I knew racialism was a thing. but the dual seedline thing is also in Jewish myths
the negroe being the beast of the field is something im still investigating

Basically this. Orthodoxy. Period. Least pozzed, makes most sense, just generally kind of cool.

This is absolute rubbish. The Didache, Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch and other documents are pre-Constantine and support the Orthodox point of view


When will these heretics learn?


All Christians believe that Christ is fully God and fully men - so pretending that we don't is a dirty lie.

What we reject is your stupid and blasphemous and unholy and idolatrous and superstitious and pagan and unbiblical deification of a devil that you fanatically worship under the name "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" - a Jewish idolatry:

" The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." Jeremiah 7:18

You people are nutty and discredit Christianity with your ignorant unbiblical traditions.

First pic is interesting but I disagree. Daodejing, Greek Philosophy and Church Fathers are high tier and Old and New Testaments are God tier. Zhuangzi goes full impersonal Dao despite the Dao being benevolent according to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu and the Greeks built the Philosophical side of Christianity while Jews preserved monotheism so that the Saviour could come. Both are somewhat obsolete/transformed now that the New Covenant is in effect.

If it isn't anti jew it's not good at all.
But the orthodox are pretty anti jew afaik.

Seeing as the Bible is part of the Tradition we preserved why do you accept it? Why do you trust our canon? Why do you trust the teachings of the Reformers which are tainted by the Latin errors over the original Church (such as sola fide, sola scriptura, Calvin etc.)? You don't have any understanding of history or theology and you have set yourself up as your own Pope to interpret the Bible however you want rather than submitting to the teachings of the Church which is guided by the Holy Spirit.

Also you aren't a Christian as you are outside of the Church which Christ established.

I worship God. Gods chosen people are the Church which is the New Jerusalem. You don't understand this because Protestants don't understand this and spread this rubbish teaching around

Ivan, you're wayyyy off. But, if you want to enjoy Russia, you're in luck, because that country is still going today. Keep looking for the alphabet, called Cyrilic, and when you find it, you'll know you are in the right place.

You can't even see the logic-loop of Bible rejecting foolishness you are stuck in, just like a blind Jew trusting traditions instead of God's word. So you are like a Jew and learned nothing from their mistake. How pathetic.

" And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:6-9

All right Billy Bob, but be careful when you play with those snakes!

Stay away from western religion. It's all luciferian.

Sola Scriptura isn't Biblical. How's that for a "logic loop" bud


>Christ-stains now ACTUALLY BELIEVE that the IRS is out to get them and can magically instantly know their every word and action as a congregation

I'm not butthurt about Scripture I read it every day. You can't even point to a single pagan thing in the Church. The first icon was written by St Luke who also wrote the Gospel according to Luke, you better remove the Gospel of Luke from your Bible.

" To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20

" Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 1:3

" As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine," 1 Timothy 1:3

So you only trust the Old Testament as authoritative seeing as the New Testament hadn't been created when those Saints were writing’s-top-offenders-a-satire/

Important list of offenders against Sola Scriptura!!

Never trust these anti-christians!!!!

To add to the scriptures is a sin (Prov 30:6; Rev. 22:18), and it is unnecessary since St Paul told St Timothy with them we have everything we need:

" But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:14-17

The apostle John was the last to write scripture and he closed the final chapter of the Book with this warning:

" For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19

The first century closes and so does the scriptures with that warning. By adding traditions with new bogus teachings your "church fathers" were stupid and messed things up and sinned.

Just go shopping from church to church and when you've found a pastor/priest who doesn't sound like a whithering faggot, then you've found your new church.

PRO TIP: If the pastor is wearing graphic tees like pic related, walk out and never return.

The need for a church is gone though. All aspects of traditional society are gone, including the religious beliefs and superstitions. The churches and temples are merely fronts for wicked propaganda, targeting both the old mostly, as the young are targets of the schools and the media. The gods have fled to another plane.


Just read the Bible you faggot and do what it says

Who decided that the Apostle John was the last to write scripture? Thats right, the Orthodox Church did. The Church never added anything or took anything away from the scriptures but the Latins and Protestants did. Your canon is smaller than ours.

icons are not idols. And Orthodox don't worship angels.

Theres no point in arguing with Protestants because you interpret the Scriptures in whatever ways you want. The Scriptures are only interpreted correctly inside the Church that Jesus Christ established and it is historically clear that that Church is the Orthodox Church and not the Roman or Protestant churches

The Godhead is the Essence of God not the Person so that verse doesn't even apply. This is ridiculous!!

Christ-chan a cute!

That's all I have to say, dropped Christianity a year after leaving the private school.

I'm a heretic. A heretic that knows the books of the bible at least.

the eastern church

You're an apostate unless you became a gnostic or a muslim or protestant or something

Traditional Christianity is only gone if you don't look and/or can't see. Once again, I reiterate, the Orthodoxy is far from pozzed. Pretty much the only thing I can spot that's changed is that the Orthodoxy hasn't DEUS VULT'd anyone in the last few centuries, but then Christians as a whole haven't, for whatever reason.

But still, religious beliefs will never disappear. It pisses me off that Holla Forums actually believes this, and that there are actually atheists on here, considering how anti-Jewish this fucking board is… and yet no one ever points out how atheism and the "scientific" *theories* that have been pushed as fact (when they make absolutely no logical sense whatsofuckingever) have been formulated and pushed by Jews so that the societies they control are more degenerate.

Basically, atheists are bluepilled as fuck, and this world will never be able to rid itself of the redpilled individuals.

Science and Religion shouldn't mix. They are two different things. I agree that atheists are mostly bluepilled though.

Look into Anglican Church in North America.

They expressly reject sodomy and female bishops. The one near me is half families and the other half is single white qts looking for husbands. And membership is growing nationally because if you want to avoid the pozz there's few options.

Why would anyone join the Anglicans? Its Frankenstein as the Church: part catholic, part protestant and part Orthodox. Just read up on the different churches and choose!


Everyone wore robes in those days lol. I'm guessing you're one of those people who call your dad by his name and don't call anyone doctor or professor because you can't into context

Protestants are the greatest threat to Christianity because they have perverted the teachings of Jesus Christ

why am I responding to this troll?

Oh, learn something new everyday.

If I met Christ-chan, I'd convert back


Says the long-robbed pagan idolater who ignores the Bible and prays for 3 hours to a painting of an angel and a woman and thinks Jesus Christ is a literal piece of bread that one eats and shits.

Your dangerous and bizarre religion is pseudo Christian, and I'd say more except I know that there are some well-meaning but completely deluded Christians stuck in it.

When christians don't have pagans and atheists to fight, they fight among themselves.

And worse, they think they are all true christians and the others are heretics!

Truly hilarious.

Protestants are more papists than the Orthodox. You just set every single man up as a pope rather than trusting in the Holy Spirit which guided the Ecumenical Councils.

Christians have always fought against heretics. The True Church is the one that has had the same teachings for over 2000 years.

Christians have always fought among themselves.

The true church is bathed in blood between christians.

Unifying religion my fucking ass.

Even atheistic cultural philosophers like Oswald Spengler saw that Cultures are strongest in their youth when they are the most religious!

Get fucked.


…Except science exists thanks specifically TO religion. You seem to forget that prior to particularly large push for atheism from the Jews, the VAST majority of scientists in the world were either Christian or Jewish. Science has had, for almost the entirety of history, a very strong connection with religion, and thus most every technological advancement throughout time has had at least some religion being part of it. Secular science is just an extension of Jewish propaganda as they make shit up and say, "It's science, goy, don't question it or think about it logically too much."

Ahaha, fucking hell. You ACTUALLY think that's what Orthodox Christianity is like? Seriously? You're not only a heretic, but an uninformed one.

Historically, the Orthodox church has the greatest claim to being of the church established by Paul. I won't call Catholicism 'heresy' necessarily, but I sure as hell will call out anything else that isn't Orthodox or Catholic out as the heresy that it is.

Also, the "they fight amongst themselves!" point is kind of ridiculous. That's how EVERY ideology works. Surely you don't think everybody on Holla Forums shares the same believes aside from religion? Come now.

Don't join any protestant churches, even traditional European ones are cucked to shit with female bishops and acceptance to national cuckoldry.

You have two realistic choices:

There's also the Church of the East, but I'd advise that you keep to your own people and your own culture. The Catholic church is very 'universal', hence the name 'Catholic', which might be the more appropriate church for you considering they're open to all cultures to join their church for salvation.

I'd like to stress that you should join a church based on your own understanding of theology, or your interpretation of what is heretical and what isn't, based on actual historic study.

It's wrong because it's fighting over jew book instead of something that matters.

Nazis and lolbergs might fight each other, but they are unified in their belief. Christians themselves divide into different secs and fight among themselves over worthless shit.

The Orthodox religious pharisee likes to call Bible believing Christians "heretics" - and that is exactly what the Jews called St Paul for the same reason:

" But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:" Acts 24:14

And what is your more peaceful example comrade? Atheistic communism?

Well you obviously don't believe that the Holy Spirit guided the Church or the Ecumenical Councils or the Apostles and other Church Fathers.

The Orthodox Church is also Catholic. As far as I know both the Roman Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church claim the same name which is in the Nicene creed

OP here, probably should have mention I was raised Presbyterianism and went to Awana club as a kid but traded that in for a fedora around age 10.

The Catholic Church obviously isn't an option because of the heretic Pope. There is a girl I know whose family is Orthodox, that seems promising.

I don't think the shit Christians are divided over are "unimportant." Things like, "You added/removed from the Bible" and, "You think the way to Heaven is different," are pretty damn big things, actually.

European original pantheon? Pantheism?
Tacticus respects both the germanic pantheon and likes them to the roman pantheon.

He didn't call them durr heresy!

I'm just going to leave this here.

It matters jackshit when you realize the Bible, the Church are nothing but wordly matters that don't amount to jack.

And the way to Heaven? You don't even know heaven exists.

You can quote Scripture as much as you want but you still don't understand what it means because you are outside of Tradition and Scripture is a part of Tradition and doesn't make sense out of it. That is why your reformers had to create their own man made traditions and pretend they are taught by the Bible. Pro-tip, the Bible deosn't teach sola scriptura, sola fide or any of that nonsense

Tried larping the Odin stuff, have a mead horn. All I got was other fedoras to larp with me. Was kind of looking for more of a community.


And how old are you? Do you have a brain? Why can't tell for yourself who is lying and who is telling you the truth about real Christianity? Is it really that hard?

One guy wants you to follow his golden robbed religious leaders and their books of contradictory traditions so you can bow down to pictures, pray to a woman, and eat a god who is a cracker. They other guy says read the Bible alone and find out that all that junk is man made nonsense, worship God with sincerity, go to him directly, just repent and trust in Christ and you are saved. And you can't tell who's lying and who's telling you the truth?

The Orthodox Church acknoledges that there is truth outside of the Church but the fullness of truth is in the Church. Plato, Lao Tzu, Kierkegaard etc. are still recommended reading according to the latest Church Fathers such as Fr Seraphim Rose.

Are you a real protestant or are you just trying to make them look stupid with your pathetic strawmen?

No, you're right. But you don't really see Orthodox missionaries in Africa or the Americas. Catholics just seem more fervent in spreading their faith across the globe.

I took that into consideration, but I highly doubt that most Catholics even like the Pope. Catholicism seems decent in regard to the historical importance that church had to western Europeans ever since the church gained power.

I'm from the Church of the East, but if I had to personally choose another church it would definitely be the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Try joining the Asatru Folk Assembly, they have groups all over north America and Europe. They are staunchly opposed to non-Europeans joining and are they family oriented (hence the name) and as far I I can tell dead serious about not being "LARPagans" i:e no funny robes and shit.

There are actually. Catholics sometimes forget how vast Russian is and don't realize that we spread the Orthodox faith all the way across to the Japanese, Chinese and native Alaskans (aleuts or whatever). We have some missions in Africa and South America as well but you guys have more influence there

OP which country are you in? Might make it easier to help because Orthodoxy can be a bit confusing.

Also here are some resources:

Thats enough for the basics

Anyone who is interested in Christianity should start a prayer rule for the morning and evening as well as personal prayer.

Once you start going to church start looking into ceaseless prayer.

Allow me to redpill you on the term "Catholic"

It was used rarely as a simple adjective in prechristian days to mean something like "amalgam" or all the different things put together (cata- broken, holic- whole).

Some clever early Christian used the term to describe what was happening as people in many different languages and nationalities throughout Rome were becoming Christians - it was a "catholic" type Church.

Now the word caught on like a meme and everybody started using it because the lingo fit. Constantine converts the established pagan religion into Christianity and moved East to Constantinople. When Emperor theodosius shows up next he is back in Rome he wants to re-focus away from Constantinople back to the capital. So theodosius says that the term "catholic" only belongs to churches that are under the Roman Bishop - the guy he controls in that city. All the world's bishops told the emperor to get lost, that they could use the term "catholic" independently.

But ever since then the Roman Catholics have pretended that the term belongs to their church only - and to those who are basically affiliated with it.


" But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matthew 6:7

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Oh no, is it a contradiction? No! Tradition shows the way. We choose the Tradition of the Church and you choose the traditions of men

How can you people believe that the Church went wrong the second that all the 12 died and wasn't corrected until some German reformer showed up who wanted to take out half the epistles and the Apoalypse and told people to "sin boldly"? Honestly, how can you believe this? I'm seriously asking

We don't need no stinking tradition to clear it up because the Bible already makes it clear.

" Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;" Romans 12:12

Instantly praying as needed throughout the day relating to the situations one finds oneself in.

You guys go the pagan route and just pray the exact same words over and over again which is forbidden by Christ. But you ignore everything else he says so just keep on marching into the fog of your vain traditions and don't let anything the Bible says stop you.

You are taking what Luther wrote out of context, he often said outrageous things to make a point, not unlike many things in scripture that are highly sarcastic too.

But you guys always think in the framework of man's traditions so you see Luther and automatically think he is our "pope" which is bizarre.

All you need is written in the Bible - and it was constant reference to the scriptures that gave Luther's writings such power. He tore down traditions that were a bunch of nonsense by using the scriptures, and this was right and proper.

"Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge." Proverbs 19:27

How can I make you understand that the New Testament didn't even vaguely exist until 50 years after the death of Christ and wasn't set in its final canon until even later. The only thing that the Apostles had was ORAL TRADITION. The Bible wouldn't exist without Tradition. Jesus didn't write things down! He told the disciples to preach the Gospel not to invent the printing press and write books. The Church safeguarded Tradition. Without the Church you woudn't have the Bible. If the Church was corrupted at the time it set the canon then the Bible can't be trusted. Scripture is either a part of tradition or it is completely false but it can't exists as scripture alone in a vacuum because then it has no authority.

I'm gonna print screen this for future reference.

lol implying the Church Fathers didn't constantly refer to scripture. All of their exegetical homilies are on readings from scripture done according to the Church calender, all the ascetical writings are full of scriptural references. Open the Philokalia on any page and I'm betting there will be loads of scriptural references.

Scripture evolved out of Tradition therefore your whole worldview has no leg to stand on. I can't make it any easier for you to understand mate. The Liturgy of St James was already evolving under St James, brother of the Lord and one of the 70 so our liturgics has an Apostolic foundation. St Luke the Evangelist painted the first icon so iconography belongs to Tradition alongside scripture and serves a similar purpose. It educated people who couldn't read in the history and theology of the Church. God worked miracles through the Apostles and yet you don't believe that He continues to work miracles through Saints. Well He does because His Spirit has not left the Church.

Not true, there were very early lists of the books of scriptures that the believers themselves vetted by the Holy Ghost as being accepted writings.

This is important to understand in the context of the cessation of miracles and tongues and so forth. Those supernatural evidences were given to those people precisely because they did not have a bible yet, but were being given texts and God proved that they were genuine by the miracles that were common in those days.

" And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" Mark 16:17

" Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds." 2 Corinthians 12:12

" I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:" Revelation 2:2

So the apostles proved to the world that their mission was divine and their words were from God by means of those signs and miracles - and this validated the scriptures that they gave.

Hence after those apostles - not just 12, but all of them who wrote the New Testament - after their decease with John it was closed (Rev 22:18).

The traditions of men that came afterwards have no such attesting miracles and are not the words of the apostles so they are not authority for the church or over the church. They are helpful commentaries, with good and bad mixed.

No, in fact I was going to write that what Luther did "was just like the early church fathers" but then you would have had some snarky reply as well. The point isn't that Luther is an authority - it is that he utilized authority, the scriptures. That's the key.

" For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." Hebrews 4:12-13

" Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain." Philippians 2:16

Find your new home here:

Last straw, bro. Bl. Jacinta, St. Maria Goretti, Little Nellie of Holy God, and the rest of the best lolis are now in Heaven, praying for us.  

lol so you post an Orthodox source while saying that our Tradition is wrong lololololololololol

There is no break between the 12, the 70 ad the Early Bishops and we have their Epistles such as the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, we have catechetical material such as the Didache and many more examples I can't be bothered naming but you could easily find. It agrees with Orthodox Tradition because it IS Orthodox Tradition.

Wrong link to the list, that was OT, this has NT:

Yeah a fragment dated to 170AD that has the full canon that only confirms what I was saying bro. That scripture developed out of those 170 years of teaching according to Tradition

Let me put it another way. What happened to the Churches that the Apostles established and sent Epistles to?

Your reasoning the Jews could use - "we gave you the Bible, therefore we will tell you how to understand it using our traditions". You guys pull the same "we are in charge" gimmick and for the exact same reasons - to make money, have religious authority over other people, manipulate the truth into lies, etc.

If you were honest and your traditions were true you wouldn't at all be afraid of what the Bible says and would accept it as full authority. Obviously you know that the Bible cannot be authority because then you have to change. That shows your religion has a bad conscience.

The point of the list is that they knew the scriptures already - they weren't defining it by any councils, it was just accepted because everybody knew it.

But as for the false teachers, they arose immediately afterwards.

" For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears." Acts 20:29-31

Yet you think those men were all holy, which is naive and goes against what Paul wrote. Also they were so bold they took over the churches and kicked out real Christians associated with St John:

" I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God." 3 John 1:9-11

We do accept the Bible as full authority and we understand what says in context. We know where it came from and thus the Church was able to tell which texts were inspired and which texts weren't. The Orthodox Church doesn't have heaps of money and most Priests have to work part time to support their families.

The scriptures were known by the people in the Church because they had readings in all the services (and we still do) but Gnostics were using other books therefore the Church had to establish a canon so that that Gnostics could gtfo and heretics like Marcion could gtfo and everybody else who was teaching contrary to the body of the whole Church represented by the local Bishops guided by the Holy Spirit. Does that sound like Protestantism to you?

Where is it then? Show us the proof it exists and carbon 14 dating results.

This is typical nonsense and made-up fairy stories of saints that bring discredit on Christianity.

We do know that Paul warned about:

" Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." 1 Timothy 4:1-3

1. Forbidding to marry: that is the Orthodox church's celibate clergy and the "no divorce or remarriage" false teaching.

2. abstain from meats: that is their fasting weekly and before communion and during lent, going vegan those days.

According to the Holy Scriptures, your religious traditions are from the devil.

Read the early christian section of this:

Then read the Epistles written by those Bishops (Clement, Ignatius, Irenaeus) which are recognized as part of Tradition (apart from heretics like Marcion obviously) and tell me if their writings sound like Protestantism (they are Bishops for Gods sake! You don't even have Bishops!).

No wonder you are confused.

Show me proof that his Gospel was actually written by someone called Luke without using Church Tradition (I don't believe that any of his icons still exist but some people do).

1. Clergy can marry, monks (and therefore bishops) choose not to which is biblical (eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom).

2. Fasting is a Christian act according to Jesus and John the Baptist as well as the Didache

3. The Holy Spirit doesn't guide heretics

I'm not citing it I want you to have some basic context so you stop meming me 24/7

Also by Luke.

Seeing as that sentence is on the Godhead and not the Person of Christ and therefore out of context being used against iconography I can't tell from your 4 words whether you are against icons or for them. Clarify?

I'm assuming you know a lot here as many Christians don't even know what is meant by three Persons (Hypostases) in One Essence (Homoousios)

That's your response?

Easy. The title "Gospel according to Saint Luke" appears at the beginning of his gospel so it is accepted by me as Bible doctrine that he wrote that book.

Nevertheless, you haven't provided a response to any of the scriptures that prove you traditions are wrong.

History of the early church and commentary and letters by so-called "church fathers" are extra-scriptural materials, and therefore NOT doctrinal. They might contain some true information, but they might not. We test by what the scriptures say.

Nowhere in the scriptures does anybody pray to the Virigin Mary for anything. She is in Acts 1 and everybody ignores here and doesn't ask her advice concerning anything. Nobody has any paintings that they offer incense to. Etc. 1 Timothy 4:1-3 says your religion's false doctrines come from devils.

Considering your statement was nothing but atheist bluepill stupidity that pretty much reads as, "I'm enlightened by my own intelligence," yes, that is my response, because it's all the effort your statements were worth.

That you would even ask to verify implies that you somehow thought it was worth more than that, and if you do truly believe that, then you're clearly a kike-level moron.

Now, unless you have something of any worth to say regarding the topic of what religion for OP to try out - and you don't, obviously, thus your atheist shilling - you would do well to just leave the thread instead of trying to derail it.

"Atheist bluepill stupidity" at least doesn't take the existence of heaven for granted.

A kike doesn't doubt, he would you want you to partake in this pointless exercise and argue more about their jewish scriptures and wasting time doing nothing.

We were making progress bro. We established that the Bible was compiled by the Church out of documents from the Apostles who knew the teachings of Jesus by the oral Tradition. We had seen that the Bishops of the Early Churches were either the 70 or taught by them. What happened bro? We've gone back to sola scriptura again, an unscriptural, untraditional doctrine taught by German reformers! Ach! We'll get there mate.

Hmm… what's that I smell? Could it be… derailment? Why, yes! Yes, it is!

GTFO you D&C faggot. Filtered.

you know it

Your bishops mutilated and emasculated themselves by having their testicles removed? That's what the word "eunuch" means. The word "eunuch" does not mean "a celibate person with testicles" it means "a person with no testicles". You have changed the words to teach a doctrine of a devil, according to 1 Timothy 4.

Your religion teaches constantly to abstain from meats on certain days and this is a doctrine of a devil.

" Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." Galatians 4:10-11

" Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." Colossians 2:16-17

I think I've sufficiently rebutted your Orthodox religious traditions in this thread so that those reading will not be fooled into joining. I'll end here.

the Catholic church has been horrible since Vatican 2 and their acceptance of Jews, even worse now with their anti-christ pope.

Protestant churches are all corrupted by the Jew, even Lutheran churches.

Evangelical church = lol babby AIPACs first shill

I suppose Orthodoxy and isolated non-denominational churches that don't get funding from Jewish lobbyists are all that's left if you're dying to find a group to study with. Although, I find that it may be better to actually infiltrate say any non-denominational, go to their studies and push their minds, challenge how they interpret the passage and bring them back to historical Christianity.

Also, there's a lot more qt 3.14s at non-denominational places that you can mold to your way of thinking (if you're a strong man) that you can waifu up

Just go read some Kierkegaard mate and stop with the New Atheist stuff. At least get to the higher tier Nietzhe, Camus, Spengler stuff if your desperate to take the atheist path

Nowhere did I say I was enlightened.

Seems like christians love their strawman like their kike God.

You think (((they))) would be ok with a promoting race mixing - holohoax exposal tradeoff? You haven't been around very long. Kikes absolutely cannot resist kvetching about "deniers," I don't give a shit how much they love race mixing.

That's like locking one of them up in a room with some bagels and lox on one side and gold bricks on the other. You REALLY think he's going to go for the salmon? Give me a fucking break

I don't see how reading some guy's philosophy means heaven is suddenly proven.

You are even wasting more time.

Playing video game is more productive than this shit.

1. I paraphrased Matthew 19:12

2. How is fasting from the devil when Jesus and John the Baptist fasted? Its even a pre-new testament teaching of the Church so it can't be wrong unless scripture is also wrong

You haven't rebutted anything and you are running away because Satan is scared you will learn something and is whispering in your ear

You can't prove anything in Philosophy or Religion you can only live it. Thats what faith is and you have faith whether you follow Christ or make an idol out of race, or money, or women etc.

If it's faith, then we can pick and choose.

Unfortunately, christians think their religion as Truth. When you say it's truth, you need some proving to do.

Hes done nothing but set up strawmen against everyone in this thread

Christians don't care about what Jews say because the Church is the New Jerusalem and the new Chosen People

Pay the Protestant no mind. Anybody with a lick of sense understands that the only true denominations of Christianity are Catholicism and Orthodoxy… and since Catholicism is pretty much heretical thanks to their Pope (burn him at the stake is my suggestion), Orthodoxy is really the only proper denomination to go to.

Pay the edgelord atheist no mind either. I'm pretty confident he's a D&C faggot.

We say that Truth is a Person that you can come to know or choose not to know. You can't prove pure materialism either without making logic and reason completely pointless

Nigga, Jesus fasted out in the desert while Satan tried to tempt him by saying he'd give him the whole earth as its king, but first he would have to bow and worship.

No, even when people don't listen they still learn while they argue and they will be more likely to turn to Christ and the True Church

Who has? Aside from yourself, the only other people I've talked to in this thread is the Protestant and the atheist, neither of whom I've strawmanned. Senor Enlightenment speaks like a fedora tipper, so I called him one. That's not a strawman.

That's a good point. You clearly have more patience than I do, though.

Except if a Person exists, there are some proofs behind it, just like Truth.

How I do speak like a fedora tipper?

The mere fucking doubt that something heaven exist is somehow fedora tipping?

I criticize the fact you guys care about way to get somewhere that is unprovable like heaven instead of bettering the already existing world around you.

But the proof is in the lived relationship unless you always try and prove your own existence through abstract ideas which are based on many assumptions anyway

I meant the Protestant has strawmanned everyone

I exist because I think.

The others exist because I can interact with them, and they themselves can interact with each other.

holy shit this song is pretty nice

Basically what I'm trying to say is you choose the Way, Truth and Life or you choose death, nihilism etc. but there is no proof for either view other than living that particular path.

Okay Descartes you have some catching up to do.

There is 'proof' if one is spiritually aware enough, if someone is dim there won't be any proof.

The idea that you just "live it" without "intellectualizing it" is silly and a non-starter, and can lead you into absurdity and falsehood.

Way, Truth, Life has nothing to do with the kike God.

These are actually provable.

You live according to tradition/revelation/intuition by faith and then Truth shows himself to you. Living according to the Word is faith. Faith isn't some mental abstraction.

You have some weird definition regarding faith.

Then you risk living in falsehood, a vicious circle of self-referential nonsense confirming itself with coincidences and feel-feels; this is the problem of all "existential" movements and why Kierkegaard missed the mark so drastically.

Every person on this board who wants their race to continue already believes in an abstract point to life. There is no logical reason to continue the race life is absurd as an atheistic existentialist but intuitively we sense that there is a point to life. Lao Tzu is one of the greatest examples of intuitive theology. Christ is the greatest example or revealed theology.

Existentialism is the continuation of nihilism. If you're an atheist you're probably living as an existentialist

They are both non-starters and don't bring us one bit closer to the truth.

It's not an abstract point in life.

We want our race to continue, our children to be born because we love our race and we have our duty with our ancestor.

With miscegnation, foreign invasion and declining birthrate, our race will die and that is a quantifiable fact.

Lol are you someone who believes in "science" aka "progress". If so, " Whither? For how long? And what then?" As Spengler said.

Except what you think are Truths are just lies made by Jews. Think about it for a moment. No matter what, there'll never be an answer to the question, "How did the singularity get there?" regarding the Big Bang theory. And even if that theory were replaced, there'd always be the question: "How did [insert universe-beginning object] get there?" That question can never be answered by science because the implication is that someone came out of nothing to create a universe… but science says something can't be created out of nothing, that matter can only be manipulated, nor created or destroyed.

There's also another question regarding macro-evolution: If we evolve due to stimuli in our environment and for no other reason, what part of our environment demanded that we gain such intelligence that we can contemplate the existence of a god and the meaning of life? And if there WAS some stimulus that prompted that, why did it only happen for us and for no other creatures? Therein lies another question that science will never be able to answer, because science is not the answer to everything. I repeat: atheism has been further formed and pushed by Jews because with atheism comes degeneracy, as polls have shown.

Furthermore, I want you to see at least this much off the top of my head: The Old Testament said the Messiah would be crucified. Jesus of Nazareth as an actual person in history, was crucified. The Old Testament said He would enter the Temple. Historically, He *did* enter the Temple and we know about his fit of anger in there. The Old Testament says the He will have disciples, and Jesus of Nazareth is recorded as having disciples. Based on the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, I think it's safe to assume that Judas was the cause of that, as the Bible says.

You say nothing can be proven, but that alone is proof of even a few of the Old Testament's prophecies being fulfilled.

I can't say I understand the statement. Do you think caring about a god and a Heaven somehow renders us incapable of ALSO being able to try to better the world around us? If so, don't you find it strange how Christianity's tenants are basically ways in which to better the world around us? Religion and caring about the world are not mutually exclusive - indeed, I'd say that they complement each other very, very well, at least if you don't belong to some destructive religion like Islam or Judaism or any of the other, smaller destructive religions.

But *why* do we love our race and want it to continue? If there is ultimately no point to life and we will all die someday, tell me, why do we care if our race dies? To you, it's an inevitability, and an unborn child can't miss the life they never had, hm? Without a spiritual side to life, there is absolutely no point to anything.

In other words you have no compelling reason for continuing the race other than primitive ancestor worship. Good luck convincing people to not be degenerate and race mic etc. This is why making race into an idol is foolish idolatry and utterly pointless

The Bible is a jewish production.
And there doesn't need to have an answer to why there's a big Bang, we exist now, and existence is precious thus we maintain it.
And? Science continues to change over times, question that cannot be answer might be answered some days else, still doesn't change the situation that we exist now.
Not at all, because religion is invented so that we can better our world so that we can get to heaven/some idealized place. The point is: if we know the point is to better the world, why bother with said idealized place and instead just go straight bettering the world instead?
Because our race is what made us great, thus we have a desire and duty and continue to keep it that way.
By all means, keep it spiritual, but when you spend time arguing about nonsensical shit like heaven and scriptures when you can argue about improving the lives around, you are missing the point of spiritualism.

No. Far from that.
I'm a Vedantist.
But I appreciate Christianity and Traditionalism

The love for our race is as compelling as any reason can it, in fact, the love for something exists that is race is more realistic than loving something that is alien as the kike god.

So this is what Christianity is to you, propaganda.
I thought making God into an idol is heresy for you Christianity, you realize you are not worshiping God, you are using him.


Sorry OP but going to church won't help you.

All churches practice an idea called Theological correctness.

It's the same shit as political correctness but specially orientated towards a specific Theology also known as Dogma

What you could do is try to form a church without Theological correctness. See where it leads.

loving your race is fine, but I think he's asking what is your relationship to the Absolute? how do you relate 'race' to God or his will?

Unless you can relate the two, you can't impute real meaning and purpose to "preserving race". It would just be a hobby or sport, not a purpose people would accept as morally objective…

There are ways to relate the two, of course, but do you have any?


Precisely, we live for True Love and that Love is self-emptying/self-sacrificial because we are made in the image of God and strive to return to His likeness. The Essence of the Trinity is as Love because each Person loses His self in the others thus God is a personal God and loving God.

God isn't the absolute, he has no will.

The real meaning and purpose of preserving race is to keep the greatness of humanity.

And as human, we have a duty to keep the torch of our forefathers, not to please any kike god, but to honor the treasure our forefathers left to us.

I've actually watched this whole video

He doesn't talk about scripture or moral lessons

All he says is that they are the true church of God, everyone else is wicked.

great sermon dick…

I live for myself, my family, my friends, my city, my nation, my race.

I don't live for god. I don't give a damn if he hates or loves me because he cannot do shit about it either ways.

God only helps those who helps themselves, thus God is unneeded because everyone is capable of helping themselves.

theology, which the Churches preserve (to greater or lesser degrees), is an indispensable objectification and a conditio sine qua non of the faith of the heart. Without orthodoxy you just have progressive individualism, empty gestures and sentimentalism – not sanctifying faith.

Mystical theology and Dogmatic theology go hand in hand. Intuition and Revelation are partners in the search for Truth

then you are missing what is essential in life, and your projects and hobbies are trivial.

God hasn't been essential in life, haha.

People can live without the knowledge of God.

So you are an existentialist or you are a theater of chemical processes that has deluded "itself" into thinking it has free will. Well then, everything is permitted and you can kiss your race goodbye

That's why they put in the bit where Jesus calls them the synagogue of Satan and liars and fake Jews, right?

But why is existence precious? If one is a nihilist, nothing matters because we are not judged. One day, we will all die, and our history will have meant nothing, because nobody will be around to cherish it. So if we are not judged, who cares if we live or die?

Except science is supposed to prove things, and they'll never be able to explain where the source of the universe came from because that source would need a beginning and THAT source would need a beginning, etc. The only thing that could change that is if somehow the universe changed to be able to spontaneously create things, which we have verified to not be possible. through plenty of experimentation.

Because the "idealized place" isn't obstructing us in any way. It's not even in this plane of existence, so while you frame it as some obstacle, it clearly isn't. Besides, as I asked earlier, without some idealized place, we have no reason to better this one, because we'll all die and turn to ash and nothing will have truly changed.

That's ancestor worship. All you've done is rejected God for your ancestors, when all they did is fuck and fuck up, just like humans do now. With no spiritual side, there is no difference between them and us, because we all contribute equally to the eventual nothingness that will be humanity and the earth itself.

No… not at all. Spiritualism requires that one pays attention to the spirit, and if we don't argue over what is the true way for our spirits to live on, we aren't doing very well by our own spirits. Besides, you assume that there isn't plenty of time to talk about other matters when there very obviously is. You also seem to think that the time we spend talking about scripture and Heaven is somehow adding to the time necessary for, say, the day of the rope or some other such progress-enabling event to occur. It's not.

You can only live in the physical world without the knowledge of God. Nothing more, though.

Mormons actually aren't Christian, though. They're some of the most heretical of the heretics. Not that it matters these days anyway, considering most denominations of Christianity are pozzed to shit.

God is another name for the Absolute, the eternal, the Good, etc.

of course he does

relating to God is what makes humanity great, what makes us more than base animals. Being made in his image we can cultivate noble and beautiful souls.

yes, so can animals, but they will never attain the meaning of life. And whatever "collective" they form will be degenerate.

If we want to our race to continue, we would follow the things that are good for our race, so not everything is permitted.

The fuck are you babbling about?

That's not true. People believe whatever they want despite whatever the dogma says. The fact that in order to get in the in-group you have to accept the dogma doesn't mean does who reject dogma don't have faith. The big question is who is right and who is wrong

Which you can't have in a theological correctness environment because any dissenting voice will be snuffed out.

Same shit.

Orthodox is the only non-cucked Christianity. And even then, if you are in the USA you need to watch out for cuckoldry that has been infiltrating it just by the fact of being in the most Jewish nation on earth outside of Israel.

Jesus calls the jew fake jews, thus he still has respect for the "real jews", when fake jews and real jews are still the same shit.
Because we can only experience precious things when we exist, thus existence is inherently more precious than non-existence.
So you do good because you fear judgement.
If so, the existence of God does not matter in that scenario. But there's no proof that that scenario will happen.
That just means science will exist forever. Just like the universe.
It's obstructing you in your very own thoughts, and you are happily wasting time discussing this shit, or even killing yourself over this shit, so yes, it does obstruct you.
There's a reason to better this place, it's stop the scenario where we all die and make that impossible. Not to run somewhere in some mythical plain.
If our ancestors fuck up, we wouldn't be here now. I would worship the ones who give me their legacy than any foreign god.
Uh, in the case of humanity all die, faith will also die, thus there will be nothingness, with or without spiritualism.
I pay attention to the spirits of my compatriots, to pray for the greatness of our ancestors, that's more than enough faith and spiritualism, because it's both rooted in tradition and blood.
It's really consuming the time when we could talk about something else.
Not really, since I also have the knowledge of my ancestors, their spirits are infinitely more relatable than any foreign God.

Dissenting voices are bad when they are dissenting from truth and the good.

You only think dissent is something good in itself because you are saturated in Jewish culture.

Sounds like schizophrenia.

Animals live greatly without knowing the meaning of life. They live truly and honestly.

I respect the collection of wolves than the degenerated collective of christians. Liar and thieves who just want to scam money out of people.

your faulty suggests to the OP, mainly:

you're not telling OP anything constructive, and you're missing the point that truth is propagated and preserved through dogmas to some degree, otherwise you just get chaos

I think humanity is great because we are able to think for ourselves.

No, it means the god of Abraham's fathers, the semitic god of war.


Because they actually express their nature in their pack, the lone-wolf beta who never has a pack and never mates is not to be admired and respected.

Similarly, Men who don't relate to the Absolute don't attain their essential nature…and whatever collective or ideology they create will also miss the point.

People don't institutionally change something that is good unless they are jews.

They will try to change what is bad, or not working.

As far as Christian Dogma is concerned, it tries to extract meaning from the bible.

Look at what Paul said regarding greeks and jews.

That they are all in God. Ok.

Well did it work? Clearly not. Why can't I affirm that Paul was wrong?

OP wasn't looking for a church so he can adopt a dogma, he was looking for a church to find people that he can relate too.

Dogma in order for it to be good, it needs to wield results. Clearly the dogma the theologians are practicing now isn't working.

how so?

Wolves are badass as both lone wolves and wolf pack actually.

They are like humans that way.

Modern christians are massive cucks who spend more money to help africans than their own races.

the beta wolf who gets kicked out of his pack, never mates, can't feed himself properly, and eventually gets killed by the pack is not a wolf to be admired. He never attained what it means to be a wolf.

similarly the atheist never attains what it means to be human.

has nothing to do with your claim about theologians and dogmas. total non-sequitur

You could try going outside.

I find it funny that you got quads for rebuking 'meme magick'.

Christ was talking about vain repetitions, not just repetitions. there's a difference, and the difference is your interior mentality/intentions.

Pretty much this.

Also, as weird as it sounds, Southern Baptist isn't that bad, but you gotta be careful, large churches get a cult of personality going, smaller (less than 200 people usually) is where it's at, large enough to be independent for the most part and small enough to have a close tight knit community, and if the church is doing well then they're constantly shuffling some people in and out due to spinning off groups into new church plants.

Pretty much if you want non-crazy, you go with Baptist, most of the people who are in the church are hard workers and somewhat red-pilled (not so much on the whole thing about the Jews being the root of our problems, but enough to know where liberalism [read; progressivism] is going to take us and what to do about it). Have a lot of German Mennonite backgrounds in my particular congregation, so that probably helps immensely.

No. Christians are the REAL Jews, because we believe in God and did as He asked. The fake Jews were never Jews. They call themselves Jews, lovers of God, for nothing more than power. They believe none of what they say and care only about having the power, because that allows them to deceive and manipulate. Real Jews are Christians. Period.

But nothing is precious is there is no point and nothing further than life. Once we die, all of our memories of the things that you call "precious" apparently evaporate and fade into nonexistence. Preciousness is an illusion to a nihilist.

I do not fear judgement, and I do not do good for the sake of judgement. I do good because I love myself and my people as God has made me and them. My statement about being judged was me saying that there'd be something more, either Heaven or Hell, and that existence doesn't end when we die.

Nor is there proof that it will not. Such is the definition of faith, is it not?

This isn't really an argument against what I said, mate. It's just an irrelevant statement.

No, it's not. Nothing is being obstructed as I think of it, because (1) I don't spend my every living moment thinking of it (2) even if I did, religion and spirituality is, in part, making the world a better place, as I've said.

Except the death of humankind is an inevitability, even according to atheist/Jew scientists. The Sun will explode, or the universe will eventually begin to retract, or whatever. No matter what, humanity is destined for an end, so your point means nothing.
So you aren't an atheist. You worship your ancestors.

Says you. I believe otherwise, and you can't prove me wrong in that regard, so what's your point?

Except it's not spiritual to worship your ancestors. It's not faith, either. Your entire religion is, "People before me fucked enough times for me to exist, so I must worship them." That's meaningless.

Then why do you keep responding if talking about religion bothers you so much?

Except you don't believe in anything past death, so we have no spirits to you. To put it bluntly, you've replaced worshiping nothing while thinking there'd be nothing past death with worshiping corpses while thinking there'd be nothing past death. It's a false choice. Nothing about you changes as a result of that, nothing in life or death changes because you think that, because to someone who believes that there is only death and the end, nothing has meaning.

Your beliefs contradict themselves, my friend. You're guilty of doublethink. You think life should be cherished, but have no reason for cherishing it since no part of you will carry over into anything once you die. All you've done is given yourself a reason to live while consciously telling yourself that nothing has a point since there's only the end. For this, and I don't mean this in any negative way, but I truly pity you. I hope you one day find a meaning to life that's a least somewhat more substantial in terms of thinking.

You continue to say Christians scam people out of their money, and yet here I sit, with no money and no money ever having been given to me based on my Christian or Orthodox faith. My friend, if we were in it for the money, we could claim victimhood so strongly that the Jews would shit themselves, because while the Jews like to parrot their false number of 6 million, the Orthodoxy was cut down by over 10 million by Stalin, and yet the Orthodoxy has said nothing and never will, because it does not care for money.

That's impossible. How can nothing be?

Look at Paul's actions. The controversy of

The idea that all the people of the earth are the same, or could be the same after they transform to one belief system has failed.

Even the idea that men and women are equal has failed.

No. It is quite clearly stated that the difference is akin to the difference between man and God.

Really? Where?

they are the same in the sense that they have the potential to relate to God..hence the qualifier "in Christ" after he says "there's no greek or jew".

Paul literally says women shouldn't speak in churches…he hardly advocated "equality" among the genders. And he said the husband is the head of the household, etc

1 Cor. 11:3

Note that Christ is the Logos…

That's scientifically wrong.

So in one place, Paul places all nations, and even man and woman on the same level,

and then establishes a hierarchy?

Why isn't he consistent?

Talk to guy who think humanity will all die.

Perhaps you should try to understand…
The fact that we are matter does not mean we have equal amount of energy as the sun. Although in one way it could be said 'we are one' with the universe…

Oneness in Christ =/= equality. This is a hoax that nobody believed until the last century.


Because our souls may be equal, but we are not built physically and mentally equal, as Holla Forums is very much aware. The lad explained this flat-out in the first post you quoted.
Pay attention.

So I guess christians should be gassed to when the day come, since they admit they are jews.
But there is, our children are precious, our family are precious, our race is precious.
The fact we die does not stop things precious from existence because there exist people who live after us.
Then what's your point. If you do not fear being judged, then the desire from doing good comes from your own, not from God, not from fear. The existence of something after Death matters not.

Faith can believe in supernatural, unrealistic thing, for science, something must be proven to exist first before it can be proven to not exist.

You are trying to prove science wrong/pointless because it cannot prove everything right now, I'm saying if science exists forever, it will keep proving thing forever.
It's obstructing your time and my time right now.

In fact you have a point.

I should stop discussing this pointless crap and do something productive instead.

Well oneness in Christ could be described as unity right?

In the case of men and women, thou they are one in Christ and therefore united, they still need to follow a hierarchy.


But what about nations? United but with a ruling hierarchy?

In what Paul said is he right? Why?

Now as for the Theologians, they took Paul's words and meaning twisted it and turned it into the shithole we experience today.

Well if we are physically and mentally different why is our soul equal?

Christ preached the parable with the gold coins ( or weights?). It meant that people received different gifts, which is consistent with what Holla Forums is aware, but if the last guy who buried the coin had equal soul with the others why was he punished and not saved?

Isn't the idea that souls are equal wrong?

Wow, aren't you clever.

You've yet to give much of a reason why they're precious when there is no purpose to anything, since there is no afterlife, according to you.

And? Just like you or me, they'll die. If there's no God, what's it matter what their actions are during their lives? Why care about anybody else? Hell, why doesn't everybody just kill themselves? Right, I forgot, because life is somehow precious while simultaneously being useless. Got it.
And I have a desire to do good because I view it as my responsibility to make the best of the world that my Lord has created for us. And unlike rotting or long-since-rotted corpses, I know He's watching and that I am doing well by Him. If He did not exist, I would see no reason to do well by anyone, because life would've come about by scientific accident. I wouldn't matter to anyone or anything, because we'd all just be a pointless little accident that'll be gone eventually.

Tell that to the Big Bang theory. It's a shitty theory that even its creators say should've been discarded, and its never been proven, only propagandized. So you're incorrect. Something does not first need to be proved in science to be disproved. Indeed, the very notion that everything must first be in a state of existence in order to be disproved is ridiculous in and of itself.

That's the first truly smart thing you've said all night, lad.

Because Earth and Heaven are very, very different. What is necessary and useful on Earth is not so in Heaven.

Nope. To answer the question of the man who buried the coin, he was punished because he could've done more with the money, as the others did, but he instead buried it and did nothing. To put it into the context of God, the man did not use his capabilities to further the Kingdom of God. To put it simply, he would've been a moderate Christian, one who believes in God, but does nothing to help others see the light of the Lord. The man was given gifts by God and he didn't use them, for whatever reason.

Now, his soul isn't less than any other man's soul, because to God, the soul is measured in one's capacity to embrace God and spread His word and to be faithful. The man's soul was just as capable as any other individual's soul is, but he would be judged for not going forth to use his God-given gifts.

I hope I'm making sense. I haven't slept in two days or so now.


Because the soul of a man and woman are the same and of equal value, but women fulfill a different position in the world. Women are not less important or below us because they are supposed to be submissive, they are equal in every way and this is just their proper place where they can live their lives to the fullest extent.

How enlightened of you :^)
*tips cross*

I'm back, I find you christian point of view to be interesting.

Basically, you think everything is pointless/doesn't matter if there's no God. Your family, your race, your principles are nil unless you believe in God.

I would say that's basically nihilism, a delusional brand of nihilism, since at least nihilists do not think up of God to justify their lives.

The dinosaurs did not believe in God, they lived to their fullest and now they are extinct (their children, the birds live on), yet they leave behind a legacy that still leave us gasping. If one day humanity all die, the other living beings will come to appreciate humanity's greatest deeds, just like how humanity was impressed by the dinosaurs, and the idea of God will just be regarded as another case of superstitions.

And no, the Big Bang Theory is not the end all be all, some day it might be disproved, such is the fate of all science, science is constantly evolving.

How does that sound like schizophrenia?
Sounds like straight up honest prayer to me. Everyone who prays is somehow a "schizophrenic"?

Calling it "schizophrenia" sounds like gatekeeping.

Because it's self-delusion.

It's no different than talking to an imaginary friend.

You imagine that someone isn't real because you only talk to them in your head?
How do you know they aren't real?

So your view of reality is dependent on the validation of others?

If you talk to someone on your cell phone that you have never met, how do you know your not just imagining the whole thing?
Do you need someone else to physically validate the phone call?

First off, the calls are recorded, and I can actually go out and check if they are real human beings or not.

If there's no human being on the other side of the phone, then it's a ghost call and that's some serious supernatural shit.

If you can only talk to them in your head, and no one else can talk to it, then yeah, that someone probably isn't real.

All you christfags do is cry whenever someone says anything negative like that. Stop being such pussies.

You literally sound insane.

You would play the victims on every board of the chan.

And you would never surpass the jews in victimhood, because the jews are always a minority, both racial and religiously, they are the perfect position for victimhood.

This is some kind of babby-tier argument even medieval peasants weren't this theologically stupid.
This isn't even mentioning miracles people have seen and experienced throughout the centuries. Just because you can't physically explain it with science doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Heck, there are things in this physical world that technically shouldn't even exist since they break the laws of physics.

But they exist, and there's nothing you can do about it.

These miracles are actually witnessed by multiple people, and the planet is backed by science or at least quantum physic. Things that aren't explained by science do not mean they are explained by God.

In fact, I actually encourage investigation of the supernatural. Scientific people who refuse to dig deeper in these events is a huge flaw of science, and show that the majority of scientific people are just dogmatic as the religious.

This does not mean talking to yourself and agreeing with yourself mean God/your imaginary friend exist, that's simply delusion.

How does this work? How are you online?

My grandfather was a Mennonite. He was excommunicated because he joined the Marines. His brand of Mennonites were very close to Amish in the way they lived: large families working the same farm for generations, and adding new rooms to the home as the family grew. When I lived near Mennonite communities in the Midwest they were all farmers and all wore the traditional clothing.

But since moving to a more urban area I see Mennonite churches in cities and suburbs. These people are wearing whatever they want and obviously not farming. How does this work?



only true christians are gnostics, all churches since the early councils support the heresy of the trinity

I have gone to many different churches, for what you describe you'll want to avoid the left-leaning churches like the anglicans and methodists, both of those focus on social justice warrior stuff like helping the poor and bringing in immigrant families. the baptists and pentecostals are pretty hardcore but if you live in the south you'll end up in a black baptist church and since youre from pol you probably can't handle that. the pentecostals have LOTS of hot chicks from my experience but you're not there for that yet, you're there to stop your degeneracy and become an ass-kicking exorcist. later you can marry your virgin bride but for now read the bible and don't read books about the bible, which is what they'll stick you with. everyone elses impressions are wrong. read it yourself.

and don't worry about this king james only thing, that's retarded. saying Thou are a sinner instead of You are a sinner is not going to change your life and some sections are massively mistranslated in KJV, off the top of my head Mark 2:22 makes less sense in KJV than in other versions. I like New International Version btw but there are other good ones out there.

but really, dont go to church, you'll regret it later. im not joking.

that picture is stupid and you are stupid. at least tell us where its from so we can read it in context. also, google seems to have nothing on Odins supposed faggy behavior, so I'm labelling this as a baseless troll.

Also worshipping Odin is lame but not as lame as Christianity, and Im a christian. stop your faggoty worshipping! get off your knees and stand before your god like a man. you reduce yourself by giving all the praise for your successes to an invisible god. worship is not cool, it's super beta.

The Revelation of the Trinity is hugely importantant! Even more so than Gods revelation to Moses that He is "I AM the Existing One"

The Orthodox Church is the only Church that has preserved Christian Truth

People here don't seem to realise how intertwined religion and culture are. Christianity has made so many countries and peoples great. If you want to start exploring religion and spirituality it really helps to have an appreciation of the higher culture of your people in art, music, philosophy etc.

Christian worldview. This is a seriously good talk

A good book to read is 'Christ the Eternal Tao' by Hieromonk Damascene

Just examine the difference between the worldview of the old Orthodox countries and the current worldview of the Atheistic West.

The Orthodox monarchy is an icon of God ruling over the Kingdom of Heaven

He is also the Tao

Making an idol of race and offering up a holocaust to it is not going to preserve the culture of your people. Every people needs Truth through His body the Orthodox Church and a Monarchy that guards that Orthodoxy and provides an example for the people


lol nope. Thats heretical protestantism not Christianity

So you believe that Jews are still the Chosen race? Because that is what you are implying by failing to understand that the Church is the New Jerusalem and Christians are God's people.


Its not in the bible, it was invented by the early Roman church founders as a way to kick out those "evil" people who thought that Jesus was not actually God.
Basically, "Hey guys, look at this! 3 gods is actually 1 god!!! Don't understand it? well you got to trust us as to the truth! Good thing we are so close to god and can tell you what you are allowed to do!! oh and by the way, you got to pay taxes and not slave revolt, it says so right here"

Plus they removed all the good books, like how Solomon summoned demons and stuff like that. Basically took out all the parts that could empower the underclass and replaced god-worship with man-worship with the "3 gods is actually 1 god!" stupidity.

Politics by itself is pointless because it will always be subverted. The Orthodox Church is very good at preserving race and culture because it has a decentralised cell structure that is impossible to subvert and it is ultra-traditional and does not budge on what the Truth is. Additionally it is anti-jewish as Judaism is a heresy

The revelation of God as the Triadic Monad shows how He is absolute Love as well as absolute Person. Any God who is one in essence and person must be an eternal egoist like the false "god" of Islam

Don't worry about creating beauty goys! The world is meaningless and besides, culture isn't 'cool'!!

vid is example of beauty

We should start a church with secret white nationalist teachings hidden in the doctrine, and use the laws around freedom of religion to protect the white race, while making tax free money which we could then use to fund white causes.

Sorry but humans are not 3 persons, humans are only 1 person, and are capable of love. Why not god? Isn't god greater than man?

At least the god of Muslims and Jews is consistent. 1 god. 1 person. Most belief systems that involve some kind of source or initial creator have 1 god, not 3. Even pantheists usually draw back all of their gods to one initial god at some point in the past.

probably the only exception to an actual monad would be zoroastrianism, but that one doesnt have some silly idea that god is 2.

So with the Trinity we have something pretty outrageous, and also not found in the biblical canon. So where did it come from? Political machinations of the Romans. They exiled all the people who said that Jesus was a man, not god, and burned their books, and carefully edited the canon to support their views.

lol won't work people will smell the BS. You have to either sincerely believe and join Christ's Church which is the Orthodox Church or choose eternal death. Orthodoxy is already good as St Paisios warned us against zionists and the system of autocephalous churches preserves national culture and prevents subversion of the Church Hierarchy

Humans aren't pre-eternal. If God existed as 1 in eternity whos He going to love? Humans can love because we are made in His image. All this Gnostic BS and Judaizing has been completely refuted already just look it up for crying out loud!

God loves himself.

OK sure, but doesn't that go against your whole point? Each human is 1, humans love.

And no, this stuff has not been effectively refuted, unless you mean book burning is an effective method of refutation. Gnostic gospels were all destroyed, a few partial remaining copyes werent discovered until the 1950's and the mainstream theologians have yet to adapt

All Christianity is essentially heresy. Christ only cared about revolution for the Jews in Palestine. Gentiles becoming the new Israel under his banner is something he never expected or wanted.

Go back and read the NT with this in mind: Christ was preparing to overthrow the Romans in Jerusalem, and was trying to reconcile observant, orthodox jews (the Pharisees) with the assimilated secular jews (like Judas) under his presumptive royal leadership.

The Gnostic mysticism was also something he would have never been interested in.

How's your kike worshipping going OP? Stop pretending you're not a Christcuck yet.


My man. Praise Mitras, praise the sun.

That's literally the exact opposite of what nihilism means. Might wanna look at a dictionary.

Interestingly enough, I've not seen you explain how it DOES have meaning without God. If there is nothing past life, what meaning does anything have?

Absolutely gorgeous stuff.

Not true; after the Jews killed Him and He resurrected, he commanded his followers to spread the evangelion abroad.
Jews definitely didn't like this turn of events, as proven by history.

I'm a LARPagan and I'd rather become a ( non-cucked ) christfag than a fedora


Anderson sometimes misinterprets Bible passages to fit his preconceived worldview. Acts 17:26 "And hath made one blood of all nations." is his defense against any racialism whatsoever.

Forget about blood type and organ donor compatibility. The Bible says "one blood" and it's obviously not a metaphor! Sheesh, you fundies love you personality cults.

If you're looking for a serious/non-pozzed curch you're probably going to have the most success with Baptists who are King James only and do soul winning.

Yeah, pretty much the only group of white people who still reproduce above reproduction levels, but I know a couple of pictures showing some cucks totally changes that number.

Not unless you hear a voice in response.

If One Person loves Himself then He is an eternal egoist. True love requires selflessness which you can't have if you are the only self

There is 2000 years of tradition teaching how to distinguish between spirituality and delusion (prelest)

Vid is what American culture can be
All the women in my church have between 2-6 kids

If you think religion isn't important in fighting against degeneracy and political subversion you're naive and you will fail

I would perhaps put the baptists second after the Orthodox as they are too steeped in the rubbish commercialised fast food american culture rather than genuine old world culture

posting on this site is completed f'ed

Deus Vult

Christianity is the foundation of European culture

Look at Anglican-use or Latin mass Catholics, or possibly Orthodox.

I know the Pope is annoying but he can't change doctrine.

The problem with all this white supremacist Nazi rubbish is that High Culture existed before Germanic barbarians arrive in Europe. The Byzantine Empire, Alexandria and Antioch were highly developed under Christianity and it wasn't racial chracteristics but Islam that led to their downfall. Russia also reached high levels of culture under Orthodoxy which the Jews tried to destroy with atheistic communism.

The Pope is more than just a figurehead for Catholics and it is pretty obvious that the Vatican has been completely subverted since the Vatican II council. Thats why a system of autocephalous churches is so important. The current Ecumenical Patriarch of Orthodox is clearly working for the New World Order but when he tried to organise a Vatican II type council this year the synods of the other churches all told him to fuck off

They got it wrong though because the Church fathers were all reading the Bible in the original Greek instead of the King James Version. :^)

They got it wrong though because the Church fathers were all reading the Bible in the original Greek instead of the King James Version. :^)


It's of Semitic origin and not European. Calling it tradition is the same as calling Communism a tradition.

Go back to your containment board with that delusional shit

Why do you think the Jew media pushes atheism? Because its good for our race?

Doesn't matter, Europeans made it European for over 2000 years. It's an integral part of European culture whether you cucks like it or not.

I admit to not understanding specifically the atheists on Holla Forums. The entire point of Holla Forums is to be redpilled and to redpill others, generally while shitposting and enjoying the memes. Now, redpilled people know of the Jew and their schemes and generally make sure to avoid anything and everything that has the smell of Jew on them… except for atheism. Atheism isn't as big as it is today because we no longer need religion or because we're suddenly just so much more enlightened… but because the Jew conspired to make shit up and shove it down our throats. I mean, it's not just some fuckin' coincidence that as the educational system goes further and further down the shitter with more and more idiots, and as the world becomes more and more degenerate… there's more and more atheists! These things are all tied together, yet its the one thing atheists on here seem to hate accepting: They're taking that Juepill hard and somehow think that in this society that that we're all striving for, religion won't be needed, that we can do everything as a secular state… The mental gymnastics these guys pull is just incredible.