Trump coin

Hey Holla Forums have you heard about TRUMPCOIN yet?
Soon to be the official currency of Donald J. Trump.
Example: You have allocated a $50 donation and you buy $50 of Trump Coins @ 5 cents each. A few days later the coin is valued @ 10 cents each. Your now in 100% profit. In a nutshell, not only can you donate your original intended amount to the campaign you can also profit from your original donation. What you do with your profits is up to you and of course you can donate all your proceeds to Trumps election campaign if you wished. However, we like the idea that theres something in it for you to. As Donald Trump says - he wants to make you all better off financially!

I feel if Holla Forums put their full meme power behind this, we could all make a lot of money and support trump at the same time!
Sorry about the clear advertising, but this is important

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Bumping with Trump.

Shitcoin scam is Shitcoin scam

How is it a scam? We could start using it just like bitcoin. It has Trump's meme power behind it, there's tremendous potential here.

Jesus that is cute

I too want a little piglet.

This guy gets it
All these shitcoins been going downhill ever since Dogecoin
And that went to shit pretty quick

Its fucking trash
premined trash

I still see it having potential. So what if you can't mine, get in on it early and make an investment of like 10$ then wait.

Just another hype pump and dump coin on shitty sketchy exchanges


I'd be more behind it if this was a donation scam to fund professional tier redpills


OP go an hero now

how about we don't go the way of Rome and refuse to mint coinage that bears the face of any living man?

i mean i'm a big trump fan but this is the line. iv'e had ancestors shed blood back in the revolutionary war and the civil war to Vietnam and ww2 and my brother in law was "smart" enough to sign up for the national guard after 9/11 so their is that least it made him cut his hair and turn his life around iv'e read the history's of this nation and many others and i don't like where we are headed and i see trump as a way out. a way to "perpetuate the cycle of empires" and give the united states a little more time. perhaps long enough so that the end of the united states doesn't line up with the fall of Europa and spell doom for the sons of europe. at least we need to get someone in office who will not aid mudshits in europe during the inevitable race war to happen "soon" and hopefully aid those who have right to that land. i think trump will do that at least.

just bought a few hundred today

you have to go back

I don't get it, where does the profit come from? How do you put in money and get out more? Sounds fishy, like a pyramid scheme where the only ones to lose money are the ones who fall for it last.

Implying that Trump would care for anything other than the Greenback or perhaps Gold.

It's virtual currency trading

So it's worth more now.

Basically you're buying a digital asset that appreciates and you can sell it for a profit. (But it's not tied to anything other than pure speculation.)

I know right. I wonder if a cute little piglet could grow up into a smart and potentially fierce piggy who would bite Muslims on command.

So its like a stock in a way?


In a way.

This is probably just a pump and dump guise.

It does seem like easy money though, buy a little now and sell it off in a couple of weeks.

Glad I'm not the only user going full-faggot tonight.

you're literally describing shekels

Do people spell 'Sheqel' incorrectly as some kind of joke?

This has always kind of bothered me.
Might be the autist inside me.


So if you are out of the loop on cryptocurrency, he's a summary from a former altcoin miner:

When people send each other cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, the one that started it all), the transaction that takes place must be confirmed to be legitimate, and then made to be impossible to revert or alter later.

If I give you 50 Bitcoins, the network will confirm that transaction, and then, using encryption, will make sure it is impossible for me to take back those 50 Bitcoin, or to duplicate them, or to give you more than I actually have.

Every transaction is publicly visible to the network. Computers that "mine" cryptocurrencies will regularly receive new transaction data from the network. The computers confirm they are legitimate, then encrypt the data as it gets added to the "blockchain."

Every new "block" of transactions encrypted in the "chain" is adding another layer of encryption on top of the previous layers. Depending on the cryptocurrency, after a certain number of confirmations are finished all transactions are considered 100% permanent and tamper-proof. If I recall correctly, Bitcoin considers 6 confirmations minimum to be safe. That takes about an hour, again if memory serves.

The computers that are "mining" cryptocurrencies are rewarded with cryptocurrency in their "wallets" upon completion of the work needed by the blockchain.

Now here comes the ugly part. Bitcoin has been copied and cloned countless times over the years. Some of them are genuinely interesting cryptocurrencies that add unique and useful new features, but the overwhelming majority of these clones are featureless garbage with no actual merit to them. They are often referred to as "shitcoins" and if there is a pre-mine (where the creator of the coin mines X number of the currency before making it publicly available) then they are often referred to as "scamcoins" as it usually means someone just wanted to make a quick buck off people who will later buy/trade their new shitcoin.

Trumpcoin is probably just another shitcoin/scamcoin, or at the most it might be another harmless "memecoin" like Dogecoin. If you actually want to mine it for shits and giggles, then be my guest, but I would advise you not to actually buy/trade for it.

I heard about this coin but I don't know how to mine it, can someone explain please ?

Oh, you just reminded me that coins that can't actually be mined by the community are typically frowned upon as well.

Nope, unless he endorses it which I doubt it since he doesn't knows shit about technology.
It's a bad idea to make a coin after a meme, which was proven by Dogecoin despite it's impressive backing.

The only future I see for this is if the alt-right adopts it as official currency but most use vanilla bitcoin already.

Considering that on the US dollar there are going to be fucking Tuberman and on the UK pound Jane Eyre replaces CHARLES DARWIN then yes, I think faceless papers and coins are the way, at least for a while until we defeat leftists.

Another internet ponzi scheme, kill yourself OP.

iv'e never really liked people on coins/bills.

always found it strange that we don't share any common philosophy or will that the founding fathers had, yet they are on our coinage. its not like we are trying to bring back what they stood for when the founded this nation. no one wants to have free speech, no one wants the right to protect themselves, people prefer a safe, stable, secure slavery to freedom of any kind. no one believes that the law should be written to protect the freedom of men(and women) rather than written to control. every time i learned about the founding fathers in elementry school. evey thing they did was overshadowed with the fact that some of them owned slaves. and that this fact made them "ignorant" their was no attempt at instilling the culture that built/founded this contry into us. just some new culture of feeling sorry for the "Crimes" of the founding fathers/our ancestors. a culture of giving to the poor and brown and that we needed to be punished for things that we did not do but we "benefited from", witch hit me hard because i'm a decedent of a poor Irish man who was kicked out of Ireland by the British for being the uppitest potato farmer, sent to work in the new world as an indentured servant. only to join up and fight in the revolutionary war. my family never owned slaves and always suffered like the commoners of Rome suffered unemployment and cut wages do to "free" labor being imported. and suffered again as the north "rightfully punished the south for the sin of slavery" by disproportionately taxing raw exports form the south witch the cotton "barons" passed the cost down to the poorest of the "free" poor. and so my fathers fathers father… took up arms and joined the confederacy. but do i share anything with them? no, i share not the nation witch they where born in. not the culture, and not the people. hell i'm wasn't born into the same nation that my father was. and my nephew wasn't born in the same nation that i was. the cultural shift is happening so fucking fast nowadays. the're is no anchor no tradition. if anything the "worship" of the founding fathers could have perhaps protected and preserved the culture/ideals that made this country great.

but now we get "civil rights" activists as being the hero's. those who perpetuate a cult of needless change and instability that leads us all into chains.

Why electronic currency, not real money?

Hail Cobra!

I raised pigs when I was a kid. Not factory farm ones, but show pigs. First thing you learn is they are smart as fuck. If they don't want to be in their pens they are going to find a way to escape. You need to use locks that require a key or a high level of manual dexterity. If it is a simple drop latch lock they are going to figure that shit out in minute, same with a twist latch.

Next thing you will learn is that pigs are skittish as fuck if they don't know you and when they do they can be pushy and overbearing in their affection.

That is of course if you castrated them. If you didn't castrate them they can be fucking mean. They will charge you, bit you, and attempt to knock you down and gore you with their tusks if you piss them off.

They will charge you, bit you, and attempt to knock you down and gore you with their tusks if you piss them off.

Wew lad, this attempt to use Trump to hawk cyber money has me getting all wet and sticky in the checkbook.

Are you selling any bridges?

>(and women)

Post the tits I KNOW you've got…

Fiat is the enemy.
