Jesus I can only imagine the industrial size suppository red pill Stefan had to take over this past month

Jesus I can only imagine the industrial size suppository red pill Stefan had to take over this past month.

Other urls found in this thread:, Robert D. "E Pluribus Unum- Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century -- The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize." Scandinavian Political Studies 30, no. 2 (2007).pdf

Molyneux has been on a roll for at least the last six months. He's tossed his ancap pipedream aside to focus on what really matters: race and immigration in the Western world. He understands that if those two problems aren't fixed, then NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

I no longer believe in ethnic egalatarianism


It's now 100% fact that Stefan browses Holla Forums on an almost regular occasion, or at least has been doing so for a long time (possibly on Holla Forums initially but got out after he realized what a hell hole it was). Congrats Holla Forums we showed him the truth.

Hey Stefan

How dare you, I have hair.

He shouldnt be criticizing mexicans for La Raza racial nationalism when that is the answer that western whites need. Call out the hypocrisy that whites cant be proud sure, but it is easier to promote western whites than bring every other race and culture down to your own (white) low level.

I wonder if he saves our memes

The problem isn't their nationalism, it's that they're displaying it in the wrong country.

Shouldn't they be displaying Mexican nationalism in…oh I don't know…MEXICO?!

I wonder if he saw the comic Ben Garrison made of him?

does he ever actually answer the guy's questions?

There also massive hypocrites and don't know shit about history. Just listen to dirty spic George Lopez to learn what type of retarded trash they believe.

oh look, another e-celeb thread




Absolutely. Instead of fixing their own country they come to America to funnel money into Mexico without fixing their infrastructure which doesn't solve anything. They have nothing to be proud of right now. They leech off of a better country without doing anything to solve their own country's problem.

everyone ignore this shill

I'm almost finished with the video but so far, not really lel.

Seems he's taken this as a huge opportunity to vent, calling out niggers, kikes, spics.


go suck his kike cock some more, you blue-pilled faggot.

reminder, molycuck is a literal jew

Thundercuck? Really? Get out of this board you liberal faggot

filtered shill

strawman the video doesnt prove shit next you'll link "leafy takes on h3h3"

It's like calling yourself a "proud independent adult" while living at your parents house. The spics love their "Mexican heritage" more than Mexico.

In fact, there is another race that does this. Places the value of their so called "ancestral heritage" over their ancestral country and shoves their pretentious admiration onto the rest of us. Hmmmmm, who could it be…



not an argument



Fuck outta here Schlomo. This Jew isn't part of your little gang.

He hasn't tossed it, hes just come to realize that its only compatible with ubermensch and so is focusing on changing hearts and minds rather than straight up pushing ancap ideals.

Just like Milo right retard? Good job exposing yourself as an idiot.

Molycuck doesn't say who writes his material, tells people who don't give him money that they are parasites, and says isreals wall is just like Trumps wall, never mentioning that it is occupied land and that the jews are bulldozing houses.

nice try.

I think you're autistic user

>Posts a video that's the better part of two hours long

Sage because OP is a faggot.

I don't even think hes Jewish by their standards. I think hes mentioned once that there might have been a Jew on his mothers fathers side but thats about it, this isn't enough to making him Jewish according to Jew standards and furthermore he doesn't identify as one.

Hence why the schlomoshills get in an uproar whenever he's brought up.

strawman argument
He says that if you are against Trumps wall, you must be against Israels wall not that Israels wall is exactly like Trumps wall. Its an argument from principle that if you think secure borders in one place is immoral it must be immoral everywhere because you can't apply morals selectively.
If you understood the English language you would know this. Stick to Hebrew, jew shill

sorry schlomo, no sheckles for you, try shilling his garbage again tomorrow, I'll be here to expose you.

you don't even know what you are saying anymore. he equated the two walls, never mentioning that isreals wall is on occupied land, and funded by america.

explain that , kike,

anyone with an online presence


its not relevant, because it is an argument from principle you nigger.

Gee, the kikes sure were triggered by this particular thread.

I wonder why?

he let a 9/11 kook talk for over an hour about holograms, no planes, etc, and then when people said he should talk to someone who actually knows more about 9/11, he deleted their comments.


It's basically him ranting about white guilt and how everyone is allowed to be racial supremacists except for white people.

I kind of feel bad for the caller. I can't even remember what his question was and he spends the whole time listening to Stefan give him the whole, 'you're not white so you don't know what it's like' treatment. It would be insanely funny to hear him do that to an uppity black, since black people love using that bullshit on whites, but this caller seemed pretty reasonable.

Strawman, We are talking about wall building here. Further, nobody gives a flying fuck about sandniggers and occupying land. If occupying land that hasn't always been yours is such a huge problem just about every country in the world needs to be disassembled.

Thanks kike, I think that post speaks for itself.

doesn't sound like an argument to me.


His IQ talks were what brought guys like Christopher Cantwell all 1488 and split a sizeable chunk of his libertarian audience off.

Stefan ain't perfect and has a cucky past, but what he's doing at the moment where it can really matter is significant.

conservatives donate more money than liberals
therefore stefan makes conservative videos

You're projecting

Just like Milo the kike! Seeing a pattern here?

Milo the kike isn't even on the same level. Lets not even remotely try to make that comparison shall we?

I'm assuming part of it was coming to terms with the fact that dudes name is Stefan.

you are worse than goymergaters, because you think you are better than them while being just as much as a cucked faggot.

He did pull one of our memes in his video though regarding the Black, Brown, Asian, and White pride from Wikipedia comparisons. I think he's really trying to not rock the boat and scare off his audience so he reels it in like Alex Jones with the JQ.

All we have to do is exactly what happened with the conspiracy theory and libertarian crowd. Scoop up as many as possible in the comment sections.

I think you mean 1433

I cant remember the exact quote but Cantwell has said several times "The only thing I don't like about Hitler was that he was a statist" which sums up his world view.

I think you mean left-libertarian, the right-libertarian audience stuck with him and he gained a large number of conservatives.


Milo glorifies hebephilia and sucking feces-encrusted black dick. He also uses a Mac.

Stefan is anti egalitarian
Milo is pro egalitarian
Stefan is anti r selected behaviour, promiscuity etc
Milo is a literal cock sucking faggot

explain how they are the same despite the fundamental philosophical differences between the two. Your reasoning can't include "Well he changed his mind on things when presented with evidence" You and I both know that the vast majority of Holla Forumsaks are reformed leftists and cuckservatives.

For most of them you don't have to, AnCap goals are the same as NatSoc goals its just the proposed solutions are different (market solution vs government solution).



By far one of the creepiest shills I've seen

Stefan "Defoo the Jew" Molyneux

The kikes want Holla Forums contained, when they see people like Stefan red pilling the masses they get triggered.

right wing death squads when?

No. Ethnic Nationalism is a zero sum game. Whites need to conquer the world and enslave the goy…er I mean…niggers.

Is it your first day or are you just stupid?

I mean we're all reformed something or other. Not many people go straight from not being interested in politics at all to ethnic nationalism right off the bat.

the renegade shills are too obvious

Thanks user.

filtered for taco breath

This was inevitable. Stefan's obsessed with facts and dialectics.
In past years he could stay comfortably in the Platonic Realm of Ideal Forms and blither on about how the NAP should, must and will be the defining principle for human interactions.
Now reality has impinged on his self-imposed ivory tower and he has to come wallow in the blood and muck of materium with the rest of us.
The facts are the facts, and his love of precise grammar and functional logic inevitably lead him to this current state of thought.
I just wonder how long it will take for the MacDonald-tier JQ to start showing up in his stuff. I bet he's already self-censoring on that area.

I would argue Black Lives Matter had more to do with the schism we saw among Libertarians than anything else. It had been festering for awhile, but BLM was when people chose sides.

The criticism he posted is Ryan Dawson. It's nothing about Mexico Dawson is after Molyneux over 9/11 and Israel. It's interesting, Dawson goes super leftcuck over race, but all out names the Jew to the point they want his head on a pike. Molyneux is doing the exact opposite. Full on about race like he's about to go all 14/88 any second, but still pulls back about the Israel lobby and such. I'm not on a side. I watch both. I want to see the two debate.

This. They do not care about anything that is discussed about on Holla Forums. This place is an echo chamber containment zone that they realize is just an unavoidable necessity. What they do not like WHATSOEVER is when Holla Forums memes go viral and Holla Forums helps them spread. This is what they fear more than anything else so you will always see any thread about a a redpilled youtuber being shilled hard. They did it with evalion, gex, now stefan. It works on a lot of people because they have many tactics, their most effective is probably associating the emotion of annoyance with a viral video maker by spamming shitty threads about them in the catalogue. Another way is d/c using the word "e-celeb".

Ethnic Nationalism is only a zero sum game when all ethnicities are equal

They are not. White Europeans are superior evidenced by hundreds of years of global dominance and innovation. Ethnic Nationalism is a negative sum game for all non-whites

I don't trust him really, but if the Jews think the best strategy right now is dropping soft red pills via people like Molyneux, why stop them?

Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

how would that not be tossing his ancap aside? he would be arguing from a hypothetical at that point.

He still wants to reach ancap. He's just come to understand that there's no way to get there if society is full of IQ 80 shitskins that only vote for gibs.

Stefan Godlyjew has really become a champion. Loving this niggers work recently

Ok, I guess that would be like a conservative stating "Yeah, I think Communisms great, but I don't think we'll able to reach anytime soon, if ever, because of the fact Marxism ignores important social and political factors amongst groups of people which they would consider sacred and instead, asserts that people will throw away these sacred institutions (eg. culture, race, religion, tribalism and other beliefs) in order to overthrow the bourgeois to acquire the means of production and thusly, create a worldwide peaceful society".

That's the line of reasoning I see from Molyneux, perhaps he does want ancap to become a reality but from his second to last video he uploaded, it sounds as if he is abandoning that because of the fact that people are different and have different interests due precisely to language,culture,history,religion,race and tribalism. Unless if you have some evidence which he states something else, I just don't see how he's taking seriously the ideas of absolute libertarianism seriously anymore. If anything, he'd become a Traditional American Conservative (a paeleoconservative, not a neocohen/cuckservative).

He started out pretty lolberg but his transformation has tracked with the change I've noticed in comment sections over the past 6 months or so. Perhaps it's selection bias but it seems like a shit ton of comment sections have gradually been overtaken by nationalist race realist as of late. And there aren't enough of us on cuckpol fullpol or TRS to raid that many sites so consistently day after day. My fear is that they are going to start shutting down more comment sections (as many did a few months ago) as that is one of the best places to redpill normies.

No I don't think thats quite right, since the beginning he's been pretty clear he doesn't expect to see a stateless society in his lifetime. His first tactic was pretty obviously geared toward that idea (multi generational change). He says now that he frankly didn't realize how far back we'd sunk and how the antics of the left of have set us back more generations than he could hope to educate. So, he decided to dedicate his time to reversing the societal damage done by the left to get back on track with his original plans.

You don't think people can hope for an ideal while at the same time fixing what urgently needs to be fixed?

He has stated repeatedly in several videos over the last month that he still holds ancap views, but saving western civilization has to take priority.

I'm similar in that I personally don't really like the idea of an authoritarian state. But right now I'm pretty close to natsoc because it has proven effective in revitalizing a demoralized society. It's a short term solution until we have put out the fire, long term solutions can be decided upon after shitskins and traitors are gone.

No he hasn't. He's taken strategic measures to increase the chances of electing Trump so he has a greater chance of reaching more people and maintaining his right to freedom of speech.

His channel is exploding at times with 2000 subs a day.

Also that's projection. Sustainable monopoly of force is a pipe dream.

He's an Englishman who's seen vast swathes his home become inhabitable by English people.

You can bet your bottom shekel that he's always felt this way deep down, though the Saxon obsession with fair play and stoicism saw him weather the storm for a while, hoping things would improve - fortunately, another typically English trait happens to be stubborn adherence to the warpath once their anger becomes insurmountable.

jesus fucking christ can this kike learn how to edit his videos already?

Stefan is a great guy, I love watching him decimate pozzed lefties


He's Irish.


100% true, your ties should be to the nation that took you in and protects you. Last I checked they left mexico BECAUSE it was a shit 3rd world nation.

t. 4th gen beaner that has seen the cholos and wetbacks ruin all the good will I fostered in my town in the span of 5 years.

This. Even Mises and Hayek agreed that fascism and NatSoc were good temporary measures when a civilization is gravely endangered, but only as a transitional period to AnCap/Small Government society. Exactly how that transition would take place is not elaborated upon and seems dubious but apparently libertarians are not stupid enough to think a free market fixes literally everything including civilizational collapse, it fixes economic problems, but what good is that if you are not going to have an economy, nation, or culture anymore from globalist kiking? AnCap remains an option as a long term plan but only after we have secured the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Holla Forums does not have a monopoly on the ideas of natural hierarchy, race realism, etc. any rational person doing their own research can just as easily arrive at these conclusions independently. My first exposure to these ideas was actually reading The Bell Curve, not Holla Forums, and moral and cultural relativism always seemed like bullshit to me when they tried to teach it in school having been exposed to vastly inferior and immoral cultures in my youth.

Lived on the border. Used to visit Mexico every weekend with my family when I was young, distinctly remember stopping 10 years ago because of the drug wars.

Spics stick to their own like no one else, and have a pension for a glass ceiling of success.

From Molyjew to Holla Forumsyneux. Kick ass.

I understand what you want, libertarians, I do. We all want liberty and freedom to be ourselves, but the narrative that the untermench want to live and let live is a lie. We gave them equality, and they want conquest. There are some laws that cannot be repealed - Natural laws. Hierarchy and conflict are features, not bugs of the human organism. Be on your own side. Awaken, white man!

They viewed national socialism as the lesser of two evils when compared to communism, because the former maintained a nominal ownership of private property, whereas the latter didn't. From an economic perspective it was the difference between a catastrophy and a total catastrophy. That's hardly an endorsement.

we call it "Pinochet Libertarianism"

I used to be a libertarian before I went full 14/88. All I wanted was the freedom to do whatever the fuck I wanted, as long as I don't hurt anyone else. I then realized that this sort of government can only work among a people with a relatively high IQ and a uniform culture.

I hope the guy doesn't OD. Too much too fast can have debilitating effects on the mind that can take months of recovery.

Just remember to take a moment to breath and appreciate something beautiful once in a while.

An "e-celeb" thread which doesn't get deleted.


I didn't realize this also applied to Mexicans, I always took it as a parable for blacks



I want racial nationalism for everybody, so that all peoples will get what they deserve, and whites will be able to reach their potential.

lol, I really like the direction Steph has taken. He has a pretty big fanbase, right? He is doing Kek's work.

No, he isn't. Watch his video on the London election.

They're full of shit, if they were real nationalists they would never emigrate and abandon their nation state, even if it was worse than the worst African failed state. That's what nationalism means: Being willing to live through hell and then die for your people so that future generations have a shot at prosperity. In truly nationalist countries emigrants are reviled as traitors.

For every nation, expat communities always have a particularly retarded brand of meaningless, dumbed down nationalistic pride that their compatriots back home rightfully despise. For instance, even Turks in Germany are hated by Turkish Turks.

Immigrating to a country and then not being loyal to it is already bad, but the bigger sin of Mexican immigrants is refusing to stay in the country they're supposedly nationalistic towards.

Everynody saves the memes broski

This was overall a pretty great video. I think Stefan really outlined a lot of the sentiment that I, and other, white people have been feeling lately. I don't identify as a WN, but in the past 6 months I've been getting more and more fed up with the blatant white racism in the media and have recently found myself having WN leanings. I see this shit at the workplace; I work with several nogs, a few of them are good guys, but the others bitch about how the white mans keeping them down or how terrible white people are. And its really fucking aggravating that I can't step in and defend my race without being branded a racist or jeopardizing my job.

This will be the true reckoning once a majority of whites in our country and elsewhere say enough to this white shaming horseshit. They seem to forget what happened the last time white nations had an issue with each other, let alone what will come when a minority group steps out of line.

The atom bomb was a taste of what white people are capable of when pushed to the brink.


Bingo. Finally your catching on.

Only way to do that is with national socialism combined with eugenics.

When succesful the nation will have a high iq degenerate free population that is unfied under one people one culture and one race that will do anything for their fellow man.

Until that day comes we have to life in thos nightmare

Which one?



This. They don't give a fuck about America, they only came here for gibmedats. Hypothetically, if Guatemala was as powerful and was able to provide the same gibmedats that the US has, you'd bet your ass those dipshits would flood there instead.
Too bad the nationalists there got fucked by their own government when they attempted to do something about the drug cartels.

Fresh meme video

I always thought it was odd when people pointed out that Stef has jewish ancestry through his mother like it's a negative. Anybody familiar with his history knows his mother treated him like shit and that he and his brother got away from her.

Jews gotta jew


people are a part of a multitude of "tribes". they're demographics, like whites and blacks, christians and muslims, and communists and capitalists.

sometimes people of the same ethnicity can adhere to the same ethos.
whites, blacks, yellows, etc… can have an ethos that is practical and be at odds with other people who adhere to an impractical ethos.

in this way, politics is a kind of 3d chess, and the d&c tactics reflect it.

also, whites have been socially and politically disempowered by other tribes in the name of "social justice".
yet, they are oblivious to the equal yet opposite reaction of justified social justice that is incoming.


I just stopped in at 4cuck to see what shillery was going on, and the Molly thread was just shills posting pictures of him with circles under his eyes and memeing that he's gone insane. No mention of WHY he's gone insane, of course. Nothing mentioning anything about actual libertarian stuff or even posts about his mother being jewish. Just shitposting. And that was one of the 3 threads that looked like they might contain anything of substance. So whatever he's doing, he needs to keep it up.

And before anyone starts spouting off about how we're superior here, when was the last time you saw a holohoax info dump here? I KNOW this place is crawling with newfags. It's USS Liberty day and there's two threads with barely any replies.

1:13 in he calls out the Jews.
Stefan, don't do it. You are on thin ice here.

and be given a ruling position over the rest of the cockroaches

I don't what gen beaner i am, probably 3rd or 4th, haven't met anyone in the family who doesn't comprehend and fluently speak english. Fresno is becoming an absolute shithole because of all these niggers and cholos.

Let me know when he says Hitler did nothing wrong and Holohoax is the greatest lie in history. Until then, he's controlled opposition.




Fam, oldfag reporting in. What can I possibly add to those threads that we haven't done in the past 3 years?

The only thing I could say was to post the shit out of it on your twitter and goybook accounts, alternate accounts of course, and spread the word.

Twitter and Faceberg locked that shit down this year. Not defeatist, but no one offered or created a work-a-around.

If you think there is any legitamite news regarding the USS Liberty and Kikeland, I am all ears.

When the newfags are ready they will willingly search out that info, they have to be hungry for those redpills.

Holohoax info dumps were getting worse than Trump and KEK dumps, they were the new slide thread - it was out of control.

As has been said that's fine if they did it in Mexico.

I think he would be fine if all races really did start just working together, because he was talking about how the races need to honestly talk about IQ rather than it being magic racism and working together to make everything better.

I just don't think that will happen, and most of us would point out that we'd just have smarter people who still hate us and are now more capable of killing us.

I noticed that. It should be jarring to everyone that it's like that.

Not good enough. You're supposed to have fully renounced Spanish in your move to become American, this isn't a bilingual country. What you've done is proven that non-whites don't fully assimilate, even when they think they have. Someone pointed out that of people with spic heritage, they say you only need to know English to succeed, not because you should to be American. It's part of it.

What the poles and other whites did in the early 1900's when your ancestor came is only taught their children English and then only spoke to them in their shitty English. They changed their family names if they needed to. Their grandchildren never heard the original language no matter what it was. They had fully assimilated and become American. Instead of any of that you continue to speak to each other only in Spanish, and it doesn't matter how much non-Spaniard blood you have you speak Spanish primarily anyway.

One of the reasons white Americans are in such shit is that they think everyone who is here, born or not, has already assimilated. They've already learned the language and their only loyalty is to America and American citizens. I think it's clear that non-whites never assimilated, and nobody past 1965 has assimilated either no matter the race.

You guys are clearly here because you're also angry about the low IQ shitskins ruining everything. Problem is that you're not off the hook yourselves because you're showing that civic nationalism doesn't work after complete refusal to LARP as WASPs.

Oh well. At least you hate illegals.

Holee shieet, this guy took one giant redpill.

It is inevitable, people will be redpilling themselves by the sheer circumstances we face right now. Trump is only the start.

I think I'm still willing to be proven wrong, but I no longer think I will be. If that's how it is then so be it.

pic related

I think you're right. The ideas people rejected out of hand before out of purely emotional reasons, they will instead seek to find out of purely emotional reasons.

They will become even angrier when they come to find out that all of this information, on race and IQ and so on, is not only scientifically valid but has been fully known since at least 1922.
The revolt against civilization : the menace of the under man
by Stoddard, Theodore Lothrop

Has IQ tests, and solid theories that it's all about genetics in there. It even tracks the fact that smarter children advance much faster than average. If we had actually applied all this information in education we would have moon colonies by now.

The most interesting in that same section was the part that said the difference would remain the same between two children, such as if one has a mental age of 10 and the other a mental age of 3 and both are 6 years old. So for 8 it would be 12 and 5.

Let's apply what we know about Kenyan children. Some will know where I'm going with this.
White children pass the mirror test for self-awareness at 18 months.
Kenyan children pass the mirror test for self-awareness a 7-8 years old.
This means that under this system they have a mental age of 1.5.

He says that once the physical age is 16, the mind stops increasing, for all but the smartest. Does this mean that a 16-year old kenyan is metally 3, and they stay that way?

People learn their whole lives and experiences and emotional events shape them even past their puberty and can shape their character up until their deathbed. This however is governed by your learning capacity, and it is apparent that IQ measures that capacity to an extent and predicts how people will turn out.

Surprised this thread isn't bumplocked yet. I guess the mods are still asleep

hotpocket faggotry aside, Stef continues to get more based after every video. Most of it I think was spurred with the rise of the God Emperor and how quickly Moly jumped aboard.

any anons here call in/ have suggestions?



#1 was better though

/r/ing the webm where hes says the only reason he didn't kill her is because she's his mom

Jesus I can only imagine the industrial size suppository red pill Stefan had to take over this past month.

ya know what chaps my ass? Idk about you guys but taking the red pill and the sudden isolation I felt as result made it insanely difficult to handle. Im glad these fucks are gettin red pilled but we took the burden of being the lonely ones where they are taking the red pill and finding safehaven in the communities we've build around the truth.

someone had to do the heavy lifting m8.

we are trying to save most of these people after all

Aye, it's hard. It's like in Carpenter's "They Live" - the world you know is suddenly very alien and you realize the myriad little things gnawing at you weren't just illusions or personal depression, they were real.

I'm glad to have been redpilled form an early age by my father and having grown up in the countryside before we moved. You do end up finding your own people after a while, but it is hard, especially in our current pozzed climate.

Not samefagging just posting from mobile

Maybe the recent outlawing of Holocaust denial in Italy and it's implications not yo mention thought crime being prosecuted in the West. Should make for an interesting discussion with potential redpilling but tame enough for normalfags.

I might have to fake an Italian accent though.

Everyone in a group wants equality when they're the loser. Once it's given to them, then they take over and suppress the group that helped them. Equality is a trojan horse - no good deed goes unpunished.

hes not redpilled until he does a "truth about the holocaust" video

Is scott manley stefan molyneux?

I'm at the stage where I don't care about the shame, ridicule or hardships I may or may not face. Hell the German Reich, the first to free themselves from the International Jew were mass murdered, scattered and denigrated as the most evil people to ever exist, creating a religion around the "underjude". Whatever happens, let it happen and let us win so our children can live in a peaceful world. No matter what punishment we might receive, it would be all the more painful knowing that we couldn't save the next generation from this evil.

He's still retarded economically, with all that Libertarian shit.

Well, political views are the first step, and if you want to rebuild a truly white society, it will not happen via libertarianism, he is coming around to that too, slowly.

another prove that
is one of shilling tactics

oy vey, don't support spreading red pilled ideas, you are not some e-celeb cuck, are you?

You'd have to be stupid or insane to not notice all the violent beaners with mexican flags rioting at Trump rallies.

Further, who looks at that and says to themselves, "hmmm, yeah, I stand with these people"?

I doubt Scott Manley is right-wing.

Just curious, why is it that half of Holla Forums seems to be surprised that someone who calls himself a philosopher, thus in the pursuit of truth ends up with Holla Forums-like beliefs/content? Unfettered free speech on Holla Forums is what kills leftists to the point they don't even show up anymore because they know they'll be made to look like fools.


I liked this part, I wonder where molyneux goes from here. I heard him mutter something about the jews, even specifically ashkenazi jews. It seems like its only a matter of time now.


nah. Only the strongest races deserve to prevail. Why should we leave resources for niggers and spics to squander when they'd serve a better use in the hands of whites?

watch his other vids where he talks about his ancestry. He's Irish ethnically. Maybe he's culturally English, but he's irish in a genetic sense

So when are the krautjews, the potatojews, the vodkajews, the pastajews, and the frogjews going to be evicted from America for us pure Anglo folk to enjoy?

Well I heard him say "Anti-racist is code word for anti-white" today to a caller

So I'm guessing yes

It's also a true statement.

Guatemala actually had a fascist dictator at approximately the same time as Uncle Adolf was in power, from 1931-1944. People got pissed when he banned freedom of speech and the press in 1944 so they overthrew him, but he actually ran the country much more efficiently and virtually eliminated corruption

Pretty based if you ask me. Had he been able to do his thing Guatemala possibility wouldn't be the drug infested violent shithole it is today.

t. legal castizo descendant of Guatemalan immigrants


Pardon the autocorrect.

Because after wegas the jews, we have to not become the new jews.

Who is the jid being interviewed?

That has nothing to do with the 'mental age' term. It's only talking about brain function and ability. The assigned age would be the function and ability of an average white child.

you still have to go back

Well I don't exactly plan on us becoming a parasitic nomadic tribe of moneychangers who infiltrate and corrupt societies from within, so I think we're fine.

He understands that if those two problems aren't fixed, then NOTHING ELSE MATTERS

I wish more lolbertarians and spergy ideologies would get this

Most are stuck on the idea that there is no actual difference in races, beyond the literal color of skin as if that's the part that's relevant.

The other are the ones that think anyone should be able to go to any country, except nobody wants to go to Somalia.

get out taconigger

listen to the kike squirm lmao

I'm a member of a real lolbertarian organization.
Actually almost anyone in our group knows that and we're on board with nationalism.
We think that libertarianism is a great way to organize high IQ homogeneous society with western values and strong national spirit.

But then again we're eastern Europeans.
The western libertarianism has turned to a total cuckfest.

At least the youtubers are coming along.
I don't know if it's the happy merchant comments or what but yt is much further along than faceborg and other sites.

I read Reason for years, but since Trump announced his candidacy the place has been taken over by Jews, cucks, and retards.


The problem with Holla Forums freedom of speech is that you can get flooded by malicious posters who intentionally degrade your medium and scream at you about suppressing freedom of speech when you try to deal with them. The IRL equivalent might be NGO's made with the express purpose of agitation and even if they lie their lies might be compelling enough to cause mayhem or even destroy you.

In any case; freedom of speech benefits those attempting to redirect the course of mainstream thought and right now that includes us. It also enabled cult-marx subversives redirecting traditional norms in the past decades.

The problem with libertarians is that they project all the time. Like 97% of libertarians are white & wealthy. They think that everyone on earth is like them, i mean you look at libertarian event and you can't even find a token black guy.
They are completely out of touch with reality, because they always hang around other libertarians, who - like them are polite and friendly and good neighbors, etc. etc. and when you are constantly in this warped environment you actually begin to think that the world is made up of polite, hard-working, decent human beings when the reality is that at least half of them are not even fully human.

Im glad molyjew is now Holla Forumsyneaux


Of course you are.

Have you ever listened to Mark (((Levin)))? One of the things he wants to see happen is that people can "vote with their feet" and go to any country, and that way the most successful and best run has the most people. This is somehow a good plan.

That's the sort of thing we hear from lolbertarians. That is anti-nationalist. They assume all people are rational actors.

Which is why it's so hard to point out that low IQ people, especially nonwhite ones, have unsustainable amounts of children who are our responsibility to feed, no matter where on Earth they live. Rather than letting them starve because they're the ones that fucked up.

So back to you, I no longer understand how you can claim to be a libertarian. Especially a nationalist libertarian, because that just seems like a contradiction in terms to me.

I think this is the reason for the growth of the alt right. People whose gut told them Trump was a good thing, and they had been happy reading the intellectual stuff written by your standard (((think tank))), but found them to be acting with an irrational hatred of Trump. Then finding places like AmRen and learning all kinds of new information.

He's the one who commissioned it.

he even has the jewy accent, lel


Yes this grating reaction to Trump and the semi-mainstream counter-reaction against he cuckservatives I think is the most fruitful situation presently for nationalists. The cucks and internationalists can't help but expose and marginalize themselves.

vid related

unless someone else did, yes. It was a commission, as per Zyklon Ben's own tweet.

This is true for the west. However, we here have lived with kebab and gypsys for a long time and know that it's wrong assumption.
Also one can make a point, that if there's forced welfare for the less capable, they'll be out bred by the more capable.

It is to an extent. However we're trying to be rational and practical, not just blind ideologues.

Again, this is true for the west. We here don't give a shit about appeasing minorities or associating with them. We're interested in getting together the "polite, hard-working, decent human beings" (like you said)

As a whole I'm not here to debate or defend libertarianism. The point of my original post was, that you would be surprised how red pilled most libertarians in eastern Europe are. Their world view is more consistent with yours than that of the "mainstream libertarianism" (muh adlas shrugd)
We're practical people, not leftist retards.

Sorry for double posting, but I just want to clarify this: Let's first deal with the imminent threat of our physical survival as a people. And after this is done, we can argue as much as you want what's the best way to manage the economy and trade in a homogeneous, white, high IQ society.

That's why stefbot has gone full Holla Forums, that's why, I and a few other Holla Forums oldfags had no problem redpilling our whole organisation.

What is this 'NewEuropeANP'? Never seen it before.

I like his point that it doesn't matter what you think if you let millions of people into a region, they will do what they want instead.

We have blacks? Not sure how that's different.

In what way? Not needing to pay for people themselves is why they have so many kids all paid for by the state.

I was mostly asking how does that even work?

That's definitely a good thing. I just think it would be shitty if eastern european genetics are the only ones to make it to 2100AD.

In many ways though, that's currently a subset of a subset. As you're pointing out we already agree that we should probably stop committing suicide which is a huge step.

I don't really have a particular specific ideology I adhere to anymore, other than I'm interested in hearing about anything that involves attempting to survive, which yes does include NatSoc and am also anti-communist. It's within the trying-to-survive context that matters now, because everything I know about lolbertarianism is really rendered useless because as shown by that video it turns out that it's really just open-borders-ism. So what's left if you remove it? It's no longer open ideas and freedom of movement.

People have made claims that fascism in general is actually a transitory ideology and in reality only moves people back from the edge of destruction and then would turn into something else once finished. That seems possible to me, it's just that other than Chile no place has ever reached that stage. Chile happens to be the exception to that 'You're Probably Not A Libertarian' video.

Just seems like a discussion between people who are already part of the same coalition to me. I don't think we'll work against each other until it's over. Just like how there are some valid Labour Party lefty reasons to vote Brexit.

Well pretty close to it anyway. I think he'd be fine with high IQ mass immigration including Asians. I no longer think that's a good idea for either people, because while their societies are also stable they are still different than ours. Which means I don't think we should mix countries or races. I think we should both help each other from our own countries.

What is this 'NewEuropeANP'? Never seen it before.

I like his point that it doesn't matter what you think if you let millions of people into a region, they will do what they want instead.

We have blacks? Not sure how that's different.

In what way? Not needing to pay for people themselves is why they have so many kids all paid for by the state.

I was mostly asking how does that even work?

That's definitely a good thing. I just think it would be shitty if eastern european genetics are the only ones to make it to 2100AD.

In many ways though, that's currently a subset of a subset. As you're pointing out we already agree that we should probably stop committing suicide which is a huge step.

I don't really have a particular specific ideology I adhere to anymore, other than I'm interested in hearing about anything that involves attempting to survive, which yes does include NatSoc and am also anti-communist. It's within the trying-to-survive context that matters now, because everything I know about lolbertarianism is really rendered useless because as shown by that video it turns out that it's really just open-borders-ism. So what's left if you remove it? It's no longer open ideas and freedom of movement.

People have made claims that fascism in general is actually a transitory ideology and in reality only moves people back from the edge of destruction and then would turn into something else once finished. That seems possible to me, it's just that other than Chile no place has ever reached that stage. Chile happens to be the exception to that 'You're Probably Not A Libertarian' video.

Just seems like a discussion between people who are already part of the same coalition to me. I don't think we'll work against each other until it's over. Just like how there are some valid Labour Party lefty reasons to vote Brexit.

Well pretty close to it anyway. I think he'd be fine with high IQ mass immigration including Asians. I no longer think that's a good idea for either people, because while their societies are also stable they are still different than ours. Which means I don't think we should mix countries or races. I think we should both help each other from our own countries.

It's a defunct channel of former libertarian/ancap turned white nationalist Ryan Faulk. He made this transition earlier than most and influenced others to as well.

He and fellow autistic powerhouse Sean Last operate this website and are active on this youtube channel:

Fuck me, I meant to say NO forced welfare for them.

It is, I'm just too tired right now to make coherent points or to add anything of value to the conversation, since we basically agree.

You are absolutely correct. It's not just IQ it's also temperament, which recent studies suggest that it's genetic or at least epigenetic. I don't think Holla Forums has caught up on that yet, which is shame, since it's a huge argument against diversity.

Here's some dank science you might enjoy looking at:, Robert D. "E Pluribus Unum- Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century -- The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize." Scandinavian Political Studies 30, no. 2 (2007).pdf

I'm back to lurking and laughing at idiot leftist. I currently have no energy to do anything else. I would love to have this conversation but it'll have to be some other time.


Many of these threats are economic, usurers and (((wall street))) robbing our future and driving down birth rates, welfare state incentivizing r-strategist niggers and immigrants and punishing hard working white nuclear families, economic franchise systematically denied to whites by affirmative action, in-group Jew nepotism and cartelization in major industries such as high finance and media, etc. You cannot really postpone the issue of economics until "we ensure the survival of our people" because economics is a major part of our survival and prosperity.

It's interesting that the NatSoc endgame was essentially the creation of a pan-European knightly blood aristocracy in the proto-form of the SS. They were attempting to create a new aristocracy after the old order had fallen and Bolshevism loomed as a great specter in the east with cells deep in their own nation; necessary to be smitten.

The SS would act to unify the previously civic-nationalist divided European and especially Germanic volk in their shared battle against Bolshevism; afterwards forming a new knightly eugenic aristocracy. There were plans in place for the victorious SS men to willingly pursue eugenic breeding and for the best Germanic women to be paired with them, and so on, to recreate the historical ideal of the Aryan.

So their fascism could have been a transitionary form to aristocratic government related to Nietzschean and maybe traditionalist pre-French Revolution etc.. philosophy.

I don't know how much truth he specifically speaks in the video but I'd expect a war hero* and leader of men like him to not be the kind of person who lies much.

*simply meaning someone who risks their life courageously for an ideal

Well as Molyneux has said, you have to take evidence as it presents itself and change your views accordingly, and that if you don't do so then you were never interested in the truth or logic, reason and evidence. Even if it turns out the evidence is actually old:

Got it.



Sure you can, we already agree what it shouldn't be. That has nothing to do with what it should be, which is for later. Right now we agree that what we have today isn't good.

That's no different than the NRx people wanting a Monarchy or the AnCaps wanting nothing.

I've seen that video and he didn't seem to go into that much detail on that subject. What you've put there even added to it. To me it sounded like only those of German blood would be added to the actual German state, no matter where they were, and those other ethnicitys would have their own countries free from interference but all looking toward the betterment of Europe as a whole.

In any case, it would have been better than the EU.

Our merchant friends worked hard to redirect that line of inquiry and the racialist NatSoc loss in WW2 and the following holocaust pity narrative helped them do so.


A major sticking point for me is they probably wanted to ethnically cleanse the Slavs in the east or force them into a laboring class. I mean they essentially already were a laboring serf class and the bolsheviks harmed them gravely for decades anyway but the NatSoc view of them as racially degenerated I feel is incorrect and distasteful. My own Slav baba was sent as a slave laborer to a German farm during the war but funnily enough she was happy to escape the Red Army and quite enjoyed working on the German farm.

I'm also not sure about their morality in general and think it might lead to undue cruelty from anti-Christian material reductionist beliefs.


God bless you Stefan.

Whereas the Slav problem had to be adressed, do not doubt for a second that PlanOst is falsification. I assume that Hitler would eventually be forced to give space to the Slavs. After all, if he had indeed planned for mass extermination or deportation, he would have roughly 100 million potential insurgents within Europe, egged on by leftover equipment from the war and kikes oy veying like never before. If you look at states like Slovakia, Romania or Hungary, you can see that Germans did not attempt ethnic cleansing or restructuring of their governing bodies until the war deemed it necessary. Then you also have the fact that Hitler intended to join Poland into the axis prior to the war.

Whether by realpolitik or morality, Slavs would have not been extinct or deported from Europe, had Germany won the war. It would be impractical on economic scale and painful in terms of execution. What could have happened, however, is division along ethnic lines from Poland to the Urals and installation of pro-German proto-natsoc governments.

Speaking of which are there any historians here to comment on the validity of this image?

I would like to know as well, as a lot of Poles nurture their eternal victim complex until today. A full DE-PL rapprochement is urgently necessary.

It is fantastic and I like it.

Have another.

Well in terms of going back in time even if it resulted in the other outcome, your heritage is so close to the events that it's possible that you would not have been born. Even if none of your ancestors died, just because they may have met each other and married at different times and have conceived on days or even hours that differ from the events as they happened, leading to someone else being born to them, someone who is not you.

You could, in fact, claim that this is the case for absolutely everyone in the west today.

It's weird after so many years of killing le ebul notsee in countless WWII vidya. I can't wait until there's one that Churchill never got his propaganda machine going, and someone else in Britain allied with Germany, and you can play as a Brit against commies.

I don't know the historical people in it, but I can tell you that it meshes well with what I know about the timetable and when the killings of Germans in what had become Poland began before it was stopped. I had been wondering why there was such a large gap in between Polish control and German deaths, so that seems like a very good explanation to me.


I'm from Poland, and that is true, although, I learned about it from David Irving. Very few of us know this stuff, only the true red-pilled ones.

The Polish goverment was very nationalist prior to the war, and we knew about the Jews. We had university ghettos, boycotted the Jewish stores and started a system of interest-free goverment loans, that Hitler ould be proud of.

Furthermore, we wanted to move the Jews to Madagscar so they would not interfere with our culture. This was always a drem, though we lacked the international reputation to enforce this on the French. (Madagascar was a French colony.)

On personal level, I'm Nat-soc and sympethise with Hitler, but if i were to live during the war, I would still fight them with all my strength. Before the war, I would be rooting for a German-Polish alliance, but still, during the war beeing a fifth column is no help to your country.


I literally just saw a video yesterday where he said he was Irish/English/German

that's his ancestry according to himself

honestly wouldn't it make more sense for that plan to not involve killing slavs but to reorganize subhuman/mongrel slavs? like the ones with mongolic blood or genetic conditions?
it's always mentioned something about % so I assumed always that it was the % of Slavs that were not deemed aryan/european to be allowed in the polanda-ural area



That's no different than how GLR fought alongside his country, and later changed his position.