Real WW2 History

Outside of David Irving, what WW2 history is reliable? Can I read something like this and assume that it is true, or do I have to be skeptical of it? What information about WW2 can I trust without knowing German and going to the original documents?

Other urls found in this thread:!M4hHRJbA!A4sBs7MBxzGxZ8fMXV95og!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!o0Uk3KTJ

The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945 by John Toland is top tier for info on the Pacific

He really goes in depth to all the measures the Japs took to try and avoid a war with the US and how the US planned the war from the start

I've nothing to add, but this deserves a bump. #SpyMode #RightwingersAreClueless

Many historians leave in things that we would consider red-pilled. They just scatter these gems throughout their large works and without making the same connections someone such as David Irving would.

This book here, for example:

Another example of harvesting red pills from a mainstream work:

TGSNT for a documentary (27 episodes but each is 15 minutes long so very manageable)

"Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Tedor which came out just a few years ago.

Both are comprehensive and very well-sourced works. These should be your starting points. Hitler's Revolution can be found along with many other books in the Holla Forums reading list for September.

Does any user have the MEGA link?

Drown yourself in semen.

While I haven't read this book by Cesarani so I'll refrain from judging it, he's proven to be a worthless (now dead) kike who's pushed the holohoax agenda his entire career to silence nationalists.

He published a slanderous biography on Adolf Eichmann and was a fervent champion of holocaust denial laws, stating: "the fractional loss of liberty entailed in penalising the expression of neo-Nazi views or Holocaust denial seems a small price to pay compared to what can follow if the far right is shielded all the way into power"

Uh, hey, Richard Mandow here, totally not affiliated with that stupid womyn or anything. Here's that link.!M4hHRJbA!A4sBs7MBxzGxZ8fMXV95og

Drown yourself in semen.

Cheers mate, even though you're a faggot.

Here's a link to Holla Forums books in case anyone was interested!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!o0Uk3KTJ

Reported for misogynist spam.

Liddell Hart (the author of the book in your picture) is pretty impartial, I've read two of his books and I was pretty satisfied, the only problem is that Liddell Hart is a military historian and he doesn't cover the political aspect of the war.

Read his works if you want military analysis but don't expect political analysis deeper than a pond from him and take the way he saw the political landscape with a grain of salt.

He said in his "History of the First World War" that the Germans demanded Verdun and Toul from the French as a contingency to secure their western front and the french neutrality but this is a myth and a big one at that, used like the others to hold Germany responsible for the war at Versailles.

The way he also describes how the war started is pretty shallow and puts the blame on 4 people alone, including Moltke which only reacted in the only sane way any military leader could when Russia was mobilizing million of soldiers with no warning.

He's good for entry-level military analysis but usually if you really want to study this aspect of the war it's better to read the memoirs of the generals themselves.

แปปkysphaggot ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โœ”โœ”

Isn't this the memoirs of von Manstein? Isn't Hart just the translator?



Drown yourself in semen.

Drown yourself in semen.

Drown yourself in semen.

Speaking of Toland, his biography of Hitler is pretty great as well. Portrays him as a human being.

Leon Degrelle's books are supposed to be pretty good.

rach posters always make me giggle

To be honest, I like Rach as a poster. I see her posts in a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek manner. Whether or not she's genuine in her beliefs is irrelevant. I can't really say she's a shill as she posts in an easily identifiable manner. Likewise, her posts in and of themselves never shit up a thread, only the scores of braindead anons that reply to her do. It's weak bait at a surface level, but the persistence Rach posts with makes the whole persona more entertaining.

Anthony Beevor is a great one in covering the eastern front

He wrote one book on Stalingrad and another on Berlin.

He wrote with post cold war access to the Russian archives, and some of his details still linger in my mind.

For example the Russians would fly their shit planes at night low over Stalingrad- both to observe and drop bombs like they did in ww1. The Germans hated these planes which had a distinctive noise.

The Russian army raped its way west. Etc

Other good writers- Judts book, Postwar, is brilliant. Just try to find professors and academics who are older - the Brits are fair.


It's really difficult. Pat Buchanan wrote a good book about it.