What to do about the niggers

Seriously, what is the general consensus on niggers in a society that's NatSoc? I think most would agree that coons aren't like the Latinos or the Arabs or the Jews in that they're so fucking shit that they deserve to *ahem* "disappear." We know from when they were slaves that a nigger controlled by someone stern, but fair is a happier, more productive, and infinitely less destructive nigger. With proper oversight, porch monkeys can become something useful and kind of good. Now, pretty much all of us concur, as white nationalists rather than civic nationalists, that they don't belong in our countries, so how do we handle the niggers to make them useful and happy while still controlling them? Or would we just abandon them to their fate in Africa and let them wipe themselves out? That seems a bit of a waste to me.

Anyway, discuss.

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1) suppress birth rates
2) blend with low IQ whites
3) further suppress birth rates
its pretty easy, really

Gtfo retard you're no better than the jews.



Motherfucker, who said anything about re-enslavement other than yourself? I said control, not enslave, unless you're so stupid as to think slavery is the only form of control, while on a board talking about how a certain group of people controls the western world without the use of slavery?


They will be relocated to Tel-Aviv, there's not enough diversity there.

put them in africa

I knew we'd toss them out because we don't want them breeding in our countries, but do we just let them kill themselves in Africa for the rest of time, or do we do something to make them somewhat useful to themselves and their race?

Mind you, I have no opinion here either way. I'm just legitimately curious what Holla Forums's opinion on the situation is other than just "toss out who we can, kill the ones that tell us no".

Free sterilizations. They mostly don't want to be fathers afterall, so most of them will be very happy about it. Natural Euginics. Furthermore, subsidize emigration to Africa for the "good blacks" so that they can become good elites in Africa.

Pick a less retarded image.

I picked an image that current niggers are deserving of.

Turn them into a hyper-religious warrior caste, we'll send them into battle.

Like what Islam is doing.

Maybe take a hint from the Saudis? Keep blacks living together out of the cities and strictly regulate when they're bussed in to work.

I like the idea, but who would we send them into battle against?

it's called liberia

Other countries niggers, it'll be like the olympics, every four years we'll all have a war using them and them.

Pre-WW2 germany incentivized kikes to travel to israel.

In similar fashion, incentivize blacks to move to Africa somehow. Fuck, as much as I would like to see South Africa be an all-white country, at this rate, maybe get a 1:1 exchange of american pavement ape for South African white and bring them over here since they basically aren't allowed to emigrate.

But if it were me, I would cut all forms of welfare and sterilize them. If forced sterilization is too unpalatable, maybe a financial lump sum of money for sterilization that drastically drops off in value if they have children. Like 25,000 or so. Hell of a lot cheaper than caring for them their entire lives.

Fuck NatSoc, it was tried once and it failed. We don't need more National Socalism. Each country's application of Fascism will end up with a different result, for Germany in the 30's it was National Socalism, because that's what Germany needed. It will, and should be different today.

OP is a nigger.

Except NatSoc failed because of a war the Nazis got and were always going to get because they told the Jews to go fuck themselves, and for no other reason. Within half a decade, Germany went from one of the poorest countries in the western world to one of the most prosperous and innovative. Unemployment was at 0%, people were happy, degeneracy was punished, and overall things worked fucking amazingly.

I think you've jumped the gun on National Socialism way too quickly, using a single example, and a bad example at that (the war ruined the 'sample', if you will) to disregard what it did and could do. I will say, though, that a good fascist nation would be pretty excellent, though Lord knows Mussolini's implementation had itself some major flaws.

Literally this.

Eh, I don't like niggers, but they aren't worth the gas. Gas the kikes, the dune coons, and the spics right off the bat, definitely. The rest aren't godawful enough to be worth the effort and money in killing. Hell, if we just throw 'em all in Africa and forget about 'em, they'll do us the favor.

they hold any civilization they inhabit back. They still live in mud huts and are incapable of progress

Eradicating them is necessary for humanity to advance

purge the men during the happening

no rope and trees, just a bullet to the chest

Are you fucking retarded? Niggers are the biggest criminals in the US, they rape, steal and murder like no tomorrow.
Fuck off, nigger.

Are you incapable of reading? I said in the original post that controlled niggers are useful. Uncontrolled niggers, like the ones you mention, are fucking destructive pieces of shit. I made the distinction, so why the fuck can't you?

Should the world ever get uncucked enough to look for a solution just do what we do with animals (often unintentionally) habitat reduction.

Allow them to live in increasingly smaller areas.

You don't have to do anything harsh to them and in a few generations the problem is solved.

Let's be real. Every society, whether rich or poor, whether homogenous or multiracial has a somewhat impoverished underclass.

It's just how life is. Some people are better at doing things than other people. We need to break the nigger mentality, and allow most African-Americans to become Black People.

You do this by allowing some blacks to succeed while having a majority black and mexican underclass.

There is nothing wrong with this. Where there is money there are people willing to work for the money. If the job is as a nanny, a lawnmower, a gas station clerk, a retail employee, a cook, a waiter and on and on, someone must do this work.

Why not allow blacks to do that jobs that white Americans do not want to do. I see nothing wrong with this.

This was partially my point in the original post. I want them to have some form of control by us because they've shown a historic need for it. With some control, they can become less of niggers and more of 'black people'… nonetheless, I don't think they should operate in any of our countries, because they're just genetically too different. Hell, Holla Forums has aversion to our closest genetic relatives, the Asians, living in our countries, so blacks definitely aren't going to be part of them either.

And let our impoverished underclass of white people take those jobs as a gas station clerk, a lawnmower, a retail employee, etc. instead, eh?

You've clearly had no experience with niggers.

I ran a company that hired tons of unskilled labor. Spics were the best because they'd just plod along all day doing as they were told.

Niggers were totally useless. They'd simply not do their jobs and steal from customers. These were your mythical "black men" too, not just the hood rats.

You'd be better off using trained chimps.

Send all niggers on a one way trip back to africa.

Niggers have proven time and time again they only exist to muddy up the waters of progress and societal evolution.

Hm, if this is actually true and even the non-nigger niggers have gotten to be mostly lazy, then perhaps the best solution is just

If niggers want to be black people they can in their own homes.

It's not the white mans job to raise these animals up or help them in any way and we have absolutely nothing to gain by having the "good blacks" in our countries

This user has the right idea

1. Kill them
2. Deport what you can't kill
3. Kill the descendants of the deportees when the country needs to expand

Goes for ALL political ideologies. Not that fucking difficult to understand.



Nice try Jamal.

This is what I agree with. As much as I'll get shit for it on here…America would not be the same without black people. I like Classical Music, but I really love Rock n' Roll and Jazz music. And while I think white people generally can perform better in these art forms (and these art forms were mostly made by mulattoes rather than full nigs) I think they are what makes America uniquely America.

We are the country where the nigger can become civilized. No other country can claim to civilize the nigger, but we can.

To be even more extreme. And maybe I've bought into the bullshit. I often think back to ancient times when "God" or if you believe "Aliens" provided humans with some knowledge we otherwise wouldn't have had. What if that's what white people in America are doing for blacks. We are helping them to evolve and become better people than they ever could have been on their own. I think the best black people (the most civilized and proper) would not be how they are without white people. Most of them would probably admit that as well. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with raising someone up and civilizing them. The problem is that not everyone will get the message. For every nig that recognizes the reality, there are 9 who choose to be straight up niggers.

I won't disagree with you. I've only interacted with blacks and niggers in social and academic settings. I can't think of a job I've had where I worked around a lot of black people.

However, I think the problem is distribution or races. I read a study a number of years ago..wish I could find it. It was about how students in high school will tend to self-segregate by race (blacks sit with blacks, mexicans with mexicans, whites with whites etc). But there was a caveat to the study. People would only self segregate once their racial population reached 20 or 30 percent.

In other words, if there were just a couple of token black kids in a white school, they would hang out with white kids and do their best to act like their white pupils. This is just normal human behavior craving social acceptance. If the only people who will accept them are whites then they will act like whites.

And I think that is a good thing. That means that minorities can be civilized and become like white people, it's just you have to limit how homogenous their populations can be.

If you have all black neighborhoods and schools, you will get niggers. If you have communities that are 90+% white and only a few % black or other minority then they will become civilized out of necessity.

I think this is could be the great triumph of America. We could parade our black people around the world and be like "look how successful they are compared to the niggers in your country". And to be honest this is already true. Despite our "legacy of slavery" there is no better place to be a black person than the USA. No nigger in South Africa or Nigeria or Botswana is getting rich. But a black person in America who acts white and is smart can become a millionaire.

You say it's not the white mans job to raise negros up to civilization and to help them realize higher pursuits. But if we don't, then who else will? And if we do, doesn't that mean, on the whole, less niggers overall?

If you want less niggers then just fucking kill them you dumb nigger.

Should we not make them civilized? Should we not give them the chance to rise up before killing them is necessary? And even if they are lesser than we, should they not be used for manual labor or other needs which we would rather not concern ourselves with?


No Jamal, I want you all dead, I want your land and I don't want your dumb nigger self to exist whatsoever. For every reason you can think up, I can think of a million otherwise. I got no pity for you and I got no remorse.

I'm not a nigger or black man. 100% white here. Just playing Devil's advocate. Realistically we will never eliminate the nigger here so we should figure out how to properly manage the nigger.

Yeah we will Jamal, you can go first.

I agree with your sentiment, We must do better than the kikes that leave them in this particular culture.

Niggers only exist in the first place because they're subsidized.

Eliminate welfare, eliminate the nigger.

You are wrong.

If you were correct, then African countries which are so poor that they cannot provide welfare would be free of niggers.

Yet we know this is not the case. The problem is much greater than that of benefits.

I have a biblical name and it is not Jamal. Eliminating the nigger is theoretically possible but in practice it will never happen.

The proper answer should be obvious to everyone

The next conflict the United states gets into in Africa we need to keep the land we take and turn it into a penal colony.

One strike is a US Prison with visitation rights, and normal rehabilitation.

Second Strike is exile to Penal colony prison busting rocks all day then forfeiture of American citizenship.

Third strike is execution

Consider regression to the mean:

Perhaps we might save the intelligent and moral blacks, eliminating the rest, and allowing these intelligent blacks to repopulate back to millions. You would end up with a population of dangerous blacks with an IQ of 88 instead of 85. That's why it is dangerous to interpret on a national level non-whites as individuals rather than genetic superorganisms.

Same goes with any third world population. Saving them probably requires an injection of white alleles. Bringing them up to first world standards through interbreeding would just turn them into a population with European allele admixtures. Better to just breed whites.

It would be a hell of a lot richer considering the trillions spent on Black welfare. Imagine the public good that could have been done with that money.

So blacks really require strict step by step instruction and intensive management of their personal lives to become civil. This is in a future with a shrinking manual labor market.

I feel more comfortable watching footage of blacks and white fighting rather than getting along because of factors like the regression to the mean and so forth.

Right now we can all agree on separate countries.

Now the question of What to do about niggers / spics / non-whites is contingent on the next type of discussion: separate planets.

As you all know, we've barely even fixed the first discussion, and we are way to early for the second type of discussion.

Because right now until Europeans can actually be free enough to make Aryan spaceships possible, we only have this one planet, and we either have to share or it'll be a nuclear-level war. Don't think for a moment the chinks will hesitate to use the samson option if it becomes clear that whites will not share the planet.

Give them a one-way ticket to Liberia. They'll be happier there with their own kind.

Initial purge through impending race war, then a legal dissuasion from continued residence. These rules would apply to niggers/spics/muzzies/jews.

1. make miscegenation illegal
2. only allow for one child to be born in a family. Children born out of wedlock are not to be accepted by public institutions such as hospitals or schools
3. segregated communities and schools
4. not allowed to run for any public office
5. only stable families can receive government financial assistance

Just some basic concepts to revert them back to a 2nd class citizenship.

They'll be killed if they go back to Africa. Even if you bribe the dictator, they will eventually be killed by the locals. It's a waste of petrol sending them there.

Before you think of a different uninhabited place to send them, remember that if it is uninhabited it means that it can't support a life sustaining economy.

Similar to the Madagascar Plan. It's just not logistically possible.

Liberia was literally colonised by american niggers who have gotten along just fine without us for 100+ years.

If it was possible to move them one way across the Atlantic then it is also possible to move them the other way.

Agreed and on top of that offer non-whites the option to be sterilized for a small amount of money that will get high time preference nogs to stop breeding.

Holy shit, the virtue signalling of alt-cuck is strong. Go educate yourself, newfags. You can't overcome genetics. A nigger is always a nigger and you can dress a nigger up, clean him up and he'll still eventually revert to jungle life, shit throwing and general savagery. There is no such thing as "black people". Why are you even here? Did you miss the road to redcuck or something?

what about Epigenetics, which is the idea that environmental factors can influence and change DNA?

we know that morbidly obese individuals can have actual changes to their DNA which contribute to their children being obese as well. In other words in the nature vs nurture argument, nurture can become nature after a generation or two. Who is to say this can't happen with niggers as well.

Regardless, say you ship niggers back to Africa or exterminate them. What about mulattoes? Quadroons? Octaroons?

what do you do with them? Get rid of them even though they can contribute to the economy and make a living for themselves as well as make the nation itself richer?

if you make them feel like they aren't 100% black you defuse the racial issue. Again, you must also suppress birth rates

The solution for last century would be to add sterilants to the water supplies of majority black neighbourhoods, and if you were really creative, perhaps they could be biologically engineered into marijuana too.

We don't need to do that though. Within the next 30-40 years, I'm certain that our knowledge of genetics will advance to the point where we can design the next generation, rather than relying on the current one to produce it. In such a world, everyone will choose to have a beautiful white baby with nordic features and the ubermench shall reign supreme. Any remnant niggers that survive outside of the lebensborn2.0 will be so vastly deprecated that the ruling classes will regard them as little more than nuisance animals, and would cull or relocate them guilt free.

They were decent in the past but it's impossible for them to return to that stage since they got infected with the muh racyss and gibsmedat mentality (pic related).

The niggers are less dangerous than the latinos, due to their destructive lifestyles, they don't breed all that much in America.

The real problem is the niggers in Africa, now these coons don't have abortions and are overfed by the (((NGOs))).

Don't rely on genetical modifications.

I think you're talking about the discredited Lamarckian evolution. Epigenetics, in my understanding, is about the activation of DNA, not a change in it. You have to remember that humans don't even use like 90% of their DNA in a 1-to-1 manner

One of the standard non-arguments of our time. Also the means by which the terrible legacy of the holocaust is directly imprinted upon the DNA of modern day kikelets. Haven't they suffered enough? Do another six gorillion need to die in hilarious and improbable holocoasters?

listen nigger. id worry about surviving the happening before you worry about us sending you back to the serengeti. epigenetics is more the idea that consciousness itself can change dna. being retarded in the first place complicates this process.

How much more do we need to fucking do? They can succeed now if they fucking tried.

This. I also used to hire a lot of manual labor. Blacks are the absolute worst. You literally have to stand over them and tell them what to do every single second or they goof off. And my god do they complain about EVERYTHING. "I ain't doing that," "I ain't touching dat," "I'm not payed enough for this," etc. etc. Out of hundreds of Blacks I have hired only one impressed me with his work ethic, and he was a Jamaican that came to the US to WORK. And if the Blacks that show up to work are that awful imagine the ones who don't even bother to find a job……..

As much as I despise spics in my country the ones that work at least work their asses off. You literally have to tell them to stop when it starts pouring rain else they will work right through it. They also invite me over for BBQ's, and are generally pleasant to deal with. They still have to go back though.

He is correct, the issue is the west still feeds them when their incompetent governments don't.

Looks like you just solved the problem.

I say ship all the niggers to georgia and build a mighty wall

Except we give them food, too.

They're entirely dependent on handouts.

I have a lot of doubts about this claim that, before the 1970s or some shit, blacks were far more civilized and educated. I see this portrayal all the time in popular media. Showing blacks of 1920s on, as being very dignified and respectful. And I've heard the (bullshit) claim many times that blacks used to be going to college a whole bunch and making more money than ever, but then Ronald Reagan importing crack into black communities caused the educated young blacks to suddenly start turning into thugs.

My guess is that they were still violent niggers for as long as they've existed, and I think it's mostly untrue that blacks used to be much better-educated and less violent. Everything taught in schools and pushed by popular literature made by liberals of the past, seems highly composed of propaganda that was originally concoted by people who didn't really have to live around blacks back then.



God fucking damn it, dude.
Get your shit together for the love of all that is unholy.

Ok nigger, I'm going to help you out here, because this is fucking sad.


Ship them back to Africa, cut off all foreign aid and let Nature do its job.

Fuck off, kike.

Why don't you White Nationalists get out their on the street and do something about the "niggers" instead of hiding behind a keyboard demanding others do what you will never do.

It's probably the same reasoning used when people claim music was better in "insert era here". They look at the best examples and gloss over everything else. I have no doubt in my mind that niggers were just as feral 70 years ago, maybe they were more afraid of triggering whitey because they didn't want to get lynched.

Please don't make magic cards if you don't understand the game. That card is ridiculously overpriced.

Those subhuman apes are already killing each other in droves, all we have to do is sit back and relax.

Also build a wall to make sure Whites stay a majority in the USA

That's reasonable in older sets, and considering it's not supposed to be a playable card, but a representation of real world events, kindly go fuck yourself.

Nigger detected. Allow me to explain in simple terms.

Cowardly WN detected. Get out there and do something Adolf! Show us "normies" how it's done. Go to a BLM event yelling "Niggers, Niggers!".

I'm sure the Jews would have multiple orgasms reporting the event.

Tactical decisions can seem cowardly to the double digit IQ nigger, yes.

That's the very point I just made, retard.

Do me a favour - take a long walk off a short pier.

Do what the Egyptians did: force them to build gigantic and pointless stone structures until they die of exhaustion

I think you're lost, reddit is the niggerloving website, not Holla Forums.

Too stupid to even understand my point. Just the same old vulgar obsessive compulsive trans nazi replies.

Kill them all

Slavery isn't an inherent evil anyway, and even if it was who fucking cares, they're niggers.

My answer is just kill them. Smartly or brutally, doesn't really matter, they're a pest, they've gotta go.

found the nigger

Recover the transportation costs by turning them into bio-fuel, or let the chinese can them with teriyaki sauce, or else sell them as fertilizer.

saged for 4cuck-tier


You can go back with them.


I don't really have a burning desire to kill niggers, I just don't want to be around them. Send them back to Africa, but kill the ones that resist being deported.

Kill them all. Don't make the same mistake twice you fucking kike!


This is why we need to vote for the ((Democrats)) over the ((Republicucks)). Dems support planned parenthood whereas Cuckservatives want to save all the mud babies and give them jobs because Jebus loves all the mud children.


Milo, please die of teh G.R.I.D.S. already you nigger loving jew faggot.


That's right, you faggots love adopting mud babies.

As an European, they simply do not belong here and should be shipped back to Africa at any cost. That simple. Hell, I'm all for even helping them develop at least some sort of stable civilization in their homelands where they can do their own thing in a sustainable way, at least until they manage to fuck it up again anyway.


Fuck you. We did that. It was called colonialism. Then we left them to their devices and africa collapsed.

The whole of the Earth is OUR birthright. They will be shipped back so that we can regroup, and then reconquista will take place.

The only thing the colonial powers did wrong was leave any of the natives alive.

Hey retard, ever heard of former Rhodesia or the Belgian Congo?

Niggers are incapable of running a western style society on their own. Like the jews they are parasites and need whites to maintain their Obviously niggers cannot

that's their problem, as I said if it helps them get the fuck out willingly it's better for everyone, if they cannot manage it themselves for long, let them starve and go back to the stone age, they can't come here anyway

How is any of what I'm watching reality? It's surreal.

Underrated comment.

It's too late. They've already established their culture, have a homeland, and hate anyone who isn't as shitty as they are . They are opposing. They must be destroyed.
The first step into integrating people into your nation is destroying their culture, and reeducating them in the new one.
This was almost done to the Native Americans in the United States but some political issues and Jew wars shut it down. Nearly successful. (Renaming Names, Strict Education, Controlled Opposition, Disallowed old culture,etc) Now they're a unassimilated race without culture or reason (see high drug/crime statistics) that is far too gone to complete the original goal.

this. as long as you suppress birth rates.


Build new section 8 housing in west Africa.

Close down existing section 8 housing in the United States.

When they get out of prison, release them to section 8 housing.

Offer any of them who aren't already in section 8 cash reparations if they move to section 8 and renounce US citizenship.

Ship em all to Liberia

Ship em all to Liberia

There is an instruction manual called Ethnic Cleansing Operations but Holla Forums doesn't let us post pdfs so you'll have to find it yourself.

woah now

why did they have to shoot the gays?
I would much prefer a war between niggers and mudslimes

Are you dense? What kind of question is that. There aren't any niggers in a white NatSoc society.

No shit nigger, slavery has been the standard across human history for millennia. Abolitionism was just an inevitable result of British/American swallowing the french revolution blue pill wholesale that we then pushed onto the rest of the world.

You're much more hard pressed to make a solid argument against slavery than for it, assuming you can't rely on pozzing. Humans aren't equal and they're property of the State, why shouldn't they be legally traded as property between each other as well?

They're the least of our problems, and most of the trouble they cause is because of terrible social policy and direct provacateuring by jews.

If we can manage to handle the problems of the white replacement schemes (Hispanics) and the general yoke of Jewish rule, then niggers are going to be reduced to a manageable problem.

I think it should be a consideration that when we talk about any AMERICAN nationalist sentiment, niggers are, for better or worse, included in that, since they've been in at the ground level of the country, just like white people (Note: this notion does not justify race mixing).
This notion turns Holla Forums into a salt mine, but nobody has arguments against the idea beyond "Muh ethnic nationalism" which is not an idea that applies when you're descended from Italians or some shit who came here less than a century ago.

I think if there was a robust voluntary relocation program, you could massively strengthen the "love it or leave it" meme with regards to the large number of niggers who have no sense of patriotism and fawn of Africa. Besides getting rid of many such people, those who stay, yet still spout vitriol about the country of their birth, are robbed of all rhetorical power. Combine this with segregation (much of which is in place voluntarily) only implemented as a COMPETENT policy, focused on important aspects of living space and working life, NOT on petty bullshit like segregating buses, restaurants, water-fountains, and bathrooms.
In this way, you create a society that is (oh jesus) "multicultural" in a way that doesn't turn the involved cultures into a mud puddle.

the state isnt real edgelord. its a collectivized imagined father you never had. the state has always been the sum of the individual. therefor the state is property of the individual. statist are the biggest cowards of all, placing their imagination above objective reality.

Bring back roodypoo you shit niggers

The State is a meme. Its as real as every other meme.

Not that guy but what "Tactical decisions" whats the plan then nigger remover?
Can i guess?
Post on Holla Forums about niggers while a black is breading your girl you fucking cuck.
You better earn your red laces "white man"

give them a clear democratic choice.

Africa or Death. Let them sit there and do w/e they want nobody should intervene if dey wuz kangz then they ll be fine on their own. We already game them all there is in temrs of science and technological know how.

Like the treatment of feral cat colonies, the most humane way to address the problem is population control.

Trap the wild nigger, spay/neuter, and then release back where you caught them. Even if you do not catch them all, every operation will have some impact since one bull nigger can easily give rise to several litters throughout its adulthood. They will be able to live out their own lives and won't breed out of control and destroy society.

It's important to understand that they are wild animals and need to respected as such and given a wide berth. Some might be able to be domesticated, but it is a large resource commitment which could be better applied elsewhere.

Ideally, the state is the kingdom of heaven on earth, led by a king appointed with the divine right. It is the only true organization of men that all order stems from.

Regardless of religious foundaitons, if you value order, truth, justice in human civilization, you must respect the State as a fundamnetal and necessary, and the State's most fundamental duties is maintaining the monopoly of violence and the arbitration of property.

On a side note, calling something a social construct isn't an argument. The concept of a discreet individual is itself cultural, naturalistically, humans are interconnected entities with many intersecting agencies guiding at both the micro and macro level. Yet, it proves useful to maintain an objectively fictional concept of yourself as an "individual," just as it does hold useful to entertain concepts of the collective, civilization, righteousness, etc. as if they were struck in stone.

Mules have been around, too, that doesn't certify them as part of the fabric of the country. Niggers were property and tools; when they were arbitrarily dubbed man and not barbarian and released into the civilized world, they never managed to integrate or do anything to disprove their primitive nature, despite all our help. They are nothing like the European immigrants that came to American and justified their integration into society through intellectual & economic contribution.

The barbarians invaded by the Roman Empire didn't just become citizens because sheltered romans who never met them suddenly felt guilty. They had to earn it.

Return them to Africa and tell them they got off lucky and there ain't help coming.

Tell them if they go to Africa they get cake. They’ll take it WITHOUT QUESTION because niggers have no comprehension of planning for the future.

all order stems from adherence to natural law. the state is necessary for less evolved individuals. your conception of individuality is what makes you eat a bite of food instead of giving it to others. without individualism, there is no survival so i dont see how you can even attempt to argue that individualism is cultural.

You need to take a course on biology. There's more to your body than its separation from other humans. Both living and 'nonliving' systems, conscious and not. The law of God and the ruler is natural law. This conversation is over

Most people would say ship them back to Africa and don't let them come out.

I am more like kill them all and let's make Africa white.
Remember Rhodesia. Remember South Africa.
The fucking chinese are getting a leg up on us ffs.

Theirs, or ours?


i understand what you are saying about individualism. i dont understand how you can come to the conclusion that a "king appointed with a divine right" should lead the state in "heaven on earth". not possible unless you purge avarice from mens souls and condition them to submit to whatever the king wills. and if the kings will is in line with natural law, he serves no purpose because men can use the eternal law of reason to surmise the harmonious way of living without a tyrant king. you are advocating being a cuck.

Send them back to Africa or exterminate the lot of them.

Retard British paternalism never works with the black bastards as they are NOT fundamentally changed into better beings via a white father figure watching over them.

They only behave themselves for the most part under white paternalism as a result of the threat of violence much as a child will behave itself for the most part to avoid being spanked/having it's ass whooped by daddy.

The National Socialists unlike the British cocksuckers understood the niggers on a racial level and saw correctly that their collective character could never successfully co-exist with white/aryan society hence they must be separated from us.

Whereas once again retarded individuals of British blood and low IQ Christians ie ALL Christians falsely believe through some form of alchemy/paternalism/nurture the nigger can be made into gold/changed for the better/made into a creature like us with enough work put into them.

Well I and history and Uncle Adolf and the Third Reich and Dr. Albert Schweitzer are telling all of you no…

No…the nigger cannot co-exist among us.

He must be removed or put down.

Reason being for removal is our own race lacks the collective maturity/instincts/will to resist portions of us mating with the bastards creating disgusting mongrels that are for the most part nearly or more inferior/dangerous/deadly than their pure black blooded counterparts.

A mixed race nigger for example doesn't generally gravitate to the white genetics gentle/good/societal uplifting nature but uses whatever greater intelligence the white genetics provide it to become a better predator.

Again in closing remove (send them back to Africa/or separate them from us onto some other land mass) or exterminate the niggers.

Those are the choices.

A king leads his kingdom like a father leads his household. He cannot expect to be respected if he does not lead with generosity and sensitivity, but he also must offer resoluteness, constancy and rightfulness in turn. If his subjects rebel unjustly, they will be put back in their place.

Oh really? Where is it? The only successful government in history beyond monarchism is aristocracy, which is dispersed monarchism, and arguably fascism, which carries much of the logic of monarchy into the modern world in its foundationally patriarchal character.