June 7th Pre-Game Thread


Tomorrow will just be the cherry on top. How high can we get the delegate count? 1488 remains the meme goal.

Also, the road to the contested Democrat Convention will be a fun side show.

Will Sandberg manage to pass Shillary in pledged delegates? Will Republican voters face black panther style voter intimidation at the polling booths? Will tomorrow be the official start of the race war, kicked off by an illegal immigrant killing a Trump supporter? Post your predictions.

Not much of any importance is likely to happen tomorrow, but it should be an entertaining shit show regardless.

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What exactly is expected to happen on 1488 delegates? Or do we just do it for the numbers?

I'm pretty confident we can get past 1400 delegates tomorrow, but much past 1500 would be pretty hard. So 1488 is just for keks.

Trump announces he has perfected human cloning and reveals Hitler as his VP


There's a total of 303 delegates being awarded tomorrow.

If Trump has 1239 and wins them all then he will get to 1542 delegates.

So Trump only needs 249 out of 303 which is a bit over 82% to get 1488. Not sure about unbound delegates and how they shape the final total though

Why'd you just greentext his post without changing it at all?

I thought it was a great post and worth emphasizing.

Only Hitler can make Israel great again :^)

to israel*

Speaking of Modern Day Hitler, has anyone read Look Who's Back? I hear it is a lot better than the movie from Holla Forums.

I watched the film.
fucking dropped. it had above average social commentary. although common with these controlled opposition films is they subtly reinforce it.

Somebody spoon feed me. Are there elections today? I don't have talmudvision and am scared of the open-air jew.

Tomorrow. Trump already clinched but we still want to meme him to 1488 delegates

Hillary will almost certainly clinch tomorrow as well but hopefully she loses California for maximum Bernout butthurt and Democrat party infighting


glorious. thanks.

if Trump gets 1488 delegates, then



I liked it. The dog shooting part was fucking retarded though.

I dunno, I felt like it was pretty redpilled. The cuckhold main character tried to betray Hitler and ended up in an asylum.

It's trying to appeal that way. IT does bring up legitimate realities, but when it really does come down to the issue is fucks up on purpose.
Almost as disappointed as Falling Down.
I hope that was just a story design not an actual projected idea.
In absolute retrospect it's a fucking comedy. I had some keks.



He hasn't clinched it via bound delegates if I remember right, which makes tomorrow important. When he wins California he'll have enough bound delegates to take the nomination even if every unbound delegate stabs him in the back at the convention.

According to this site, Trump has 36 unbound delegates.

So he only needs 36 delegates out of 303, or about 12% of the votes to ensure he clinches the nomination.

Even if he loses those 36 delegates, he can still get 1488 delegates if he wins 285 delegates, or 94% of votes. This is pretty feasible, especially since it seems like the GOP is starting to hop on the Trump Train to make sure they don't get the rope when he's inevitably elected.

34 actually, since he needs 1237 and is at 1239

I think Trump has it in the bag by now. Not that we should get lazy, keep up the memes boys, but shit is looking good.

Who are the 3 major contenders at this point? Trump, Hillary, and Sanders. Trump is tied or has a slight lead on Hillary, depending on where you look. But if she beats Sanders for the nomination, a good portion of his voters will go to Trump. They hate her about as much as we do.

And if Sanders gets the nomination (which doesn't look likely but it could happen) then Trump will still come out ahead of him.

no violence

until after the elections, for now, just lick your wounds for the camera and cry about how all of your life you just wanted to practice Democracy.

Don't forget to mention that they called you a white devil before they attacked.

They shoehorn some holohoax shit at the end but otherwise it's pretty enjoyable

Thanks. I was thinking of that picture, but couldn't find it in my folders.


New Jersey user reporting in. Im really looking forward to voting tomorrow. There is alot of support for him here. Possibly more then Hillary, at least in my area which is surprising. Alot of the folks in jersey dont like chrispy creme though


You realize they had to get this past the kikes and into mainstream media right? And they'd be arrested in Germany for not toeing the line on the kikeocaust. They did the best they did with the tools they had, and I think the movie's generally good reception and high quality overall helped push the Overton window a little bit. Ironically it's like you're saying "dude wait for Hitler."

Biden could get rammed in at a contested convention, in which case we turn up the creepy Biden memes to 11 and he'll sink like a rock too.


This would be the biggest shitstorm in Holla Forums history.

Not long now until it's June 7th even in Commiefornia time. Already the 7th in New Jewsy.

Who /comfy/?

and further undeniable proof that trump has divine support, and he and Holla Forums has been blessed by kek

Who here is voting at opening time with MAGA hats?

I'm going to work early tomorrow just so I can see the results come in at real time

How can we meme the 1488 delegates?

With Kek's blessing

Good luck, Ameriburger bros. We're counting on you, and I hope you MAGA. My country is doomed, so I live vicariously through you.

NM fag here. I did my part!

Would you like to know more?

why does this thread have such little activity

I was up late so I'm just getting back to it. Should be more activity as we get closer to poll closings.

When are polls closing today?

Jersey closes in 20 minutes.

We 1488 yet?

Soon, Satan. Soon.


Jewgle still says 1477