I’m Not Running for President

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Who was this guy again?

The cucks don't even have enough energy to run against $hillary.

The guy Bill "Renegade" Kristol tried to draft for a third-party run against Trump.

(((Bill Kristol))) is a war criminal, a traitor, and is an actual dangerous subverter. Never forget this.

Top lel. I knew this fucker didn't have it in him. I could have sworn in read somewhere this was like the last guy on kristols list. I wonder what will become of the Renegade party….I am now a #RenegadeRocket


What a bitch ass nigga, this is why conservatism is such a fucking laughingstock and why cuck is the perfect word. It's not like he wasn't able to handle the bants, he wasn't able to handle a week of time.

For real, he chickened out but he did the right thing. He would have achieved nothing except MAYBE cleaning the path for Clinton and people would have noticed. That's hard to forget. It would have made him enemies, just imagine him having to try to say some shit about San Jose and pinning the blame on Trump.

He had "french" in the name. Of course he was going to surrender.



I don't get why the French get so much hate. They are innovators and explorers. It is their flag that is on the moon.

I think that deserves a little respect.

its shitty bantz, everyone who isn't a retard knows about the fact that the french were pretty much dominant until ww1 (the only reason the brits act hard is because they are an island, the frogs had to earn it all through combat). that being said, you do know that its the stars and stripes on the moon….

wait a minute, I just got your joke, the solar radiation took all the color out of the american flag and made it white…

10/10 good joke

He says that like it was ever a possibility. The Renegade Party might as well be a bunch of kids painting a refrigerator box like a race car and making engine noises.

Ohhhhh shit. I just got it. Goddamn, and here I was ready to absolutely lose my mind. Gold star for you.

I was so triggered I was probably going to lose my shit at , thank god I read and realized the joke

They really think that just because they would not be running under the GOP banner, people will think that they are independents/outsiders and not cuckservatives.

These are people who don't understand why the people just won't listen to them. They think they have all the answers so we, the ones who oppose them, are wrong every time.

French knew he had 0% chance of winning anything and didnt want to face the Trumpstaffel. They may have already started fucking with him for all we know.

This is what happens when you try to reneg the God Emperor.



Good God, Bill Kristol's having a meltdown. Just look at all these spastic tweets.

This is a man loosing his shit in real time.
We broke him, good job goys.

Was it him a few days ago that specifically said that trolls don't bother him, or was that someone else?

TBH I dont think they want to. They just dont want Trump to win.

So unless something has changed and they think Trump can be bought/blackmailed somehow, the cucks are either going try to get someone like Romney out there or shill heavily for Gary Johnson from behind the scenes.

Is someone has to state that Trolls don't get to them then they fucking get to them.

Exactly. I was just hoping it was him that said it, what with him losing his shit on twitter. Christ that would make my dick hard.

So it's official now?

Any good Kristal memes we could dump on his twitter?

yeah I could use some, he's still tweeting

Even radiation is racist against blacks.






In before niggers start to irradiate themselves because they think it will turn them white and give them superpowers

And in an era where #cuckservative was a epithet most politicians wanted to avoid, French had no chance as a literal cuck (raising an adopted African daughter).

Nice Jewish meme you got there.

Seriously? Source? Kristol wanted us to have a literal (in the biological sense) cuckold as president?

The kikes persistent

Ah, a Battle of the Bulge reference. He's still LARPing as a fighter against Evil Nazis.

Fufillment of prophesy?

True, and extremely offensive. I support him being kicked out of the GOP. He is a (((Democrat))) plant. I cannot recall him advocating anything right-wing.

I love seeing the old board meltdown standards playing out on national fucking politics.

I haven't seen "I was only pretending to be retarded, my puppets!" yet, but I'm sure it's been done.

He is afraid of the memes created on the Trump train.

He's really making himself look like a fucking pathetic shitstain.

Can his vaunted independent even run in all the states anymore if he even finds a candidate? Deadlines must have or will soon pass, I'm sure.

It's amazing how completely fucking up his own ass he is, to look so petty, spiteful, and willing to throw an election he knows he can't win just because of his own pettiness. He's going to be a laughing stock for years after this toddler-tier temper tantrum.

More than half the country have already passed the deadline.
There is literally no point of a 3rd party run now other than the steal votes.


most have their deadline in July or August. Texas' has already passed and a couple more are coming up at the end of June.

in addition to the paperwork, they also have to get the necessary number of signatures on a petition. a lot of states require like 1k or 5k signatures or something. but, some require a percentage of their registered voters so it can be upwards of 100k signatures required.

full details in the archive.

you're wrong. check out the archive for the deadlines and requirements. kikestol still doesn't have a chance in hell though.


(((Bill Kristol))) has become impotent

Considering that he wants to spoil the election in favor of Hillary… yes.

Holy shit. The man is delusional. Who does he have credibility with? Kristol new JUST man when? I think we might need some suicide concern reports on social media.

Link to archive then?

Nevermind holy shit I'm retarded

Maygen Kelly on now running #nevertrump. Show all about Trump U. She is having French a Glen Beck on soon.