Google pulls app that names the jew

Following a detailed investigation by Mic, Google has pulled a Chrome extension that was used by racists to identify and track Jewish people online. The plugin, called "Coincidence Detector," added a series of triple parentheses around the surnames of Jewish writers and celebrities. For instance, visiting the page of Mic writer Cooper Fleishman, you'd see his surname presented as (((Fleishman))) – turning the symbol into the digital equivalent of the gold star badge used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany. Until Google banned it for violating its policy on hate speech, the plugin had just under 2,500 users and had a list of 8,768 names that were considered worthy of tracking.

Other urls found in this thread:



And on the same day, a bunch of kikes ironically start naming (((themselves))) on social media.

Pure coincidence, goy.

I love how Google recognizes that the very existence and fact of a Jew is offensive.

It's like that Goebbels quote….call a Jew every name under the sun but call him a Jew and he recoils in fear,



Such as? Also which browser do you recommend?

It is deeply antisemetic to be aware of Jews in your midsts, goy.

We need more jew identifying memes and programs since it seems we've hit a nerve.

Bump and report for ban evasion.


Freedom of speech is stupid anyways.

Shouldn't it be possible to make out own Jewdar and share it as a torrent?


srsly i need this

Damn, why I hadn't heard of this before it got taken down?


Why the fuck would they make an app like this for jewgle chrome.

Port this shit to other browsers ASAP!

Just look at this thread.

Anyone who says naming the jew is too extreme is a bluepilled faggot or a shill. Just look at their reaction to being named.

For a bunch of crazy racists, they sure are scared about others hearing the truth.

It must be because they're crazy and not luring people into discovering the awful, kosher secret behind societal decay :^)

I never would have heard of this if they didn't remove it.

Now I'm going to get it. What's the name of the add-on? Is there a firefox version?

firefox will be able to use chrome addons pretty soon

Top Kek I'm surprised it took that long.

Anybody who uses #$%CHROME$%^ is retarded.

Looking forward to that. It'll make it a lot easier to spot (((them))).

What browser ya'll use? Can I download this extension somewhere else?

Anyone have the list of names for scientific purposes?

It no longer works for me.


what to use, then? everyone told me firefox is fucked too

We dont need it anymore.


Chromium or one of those firefox derivatives like iceweasel

Palemoon with startpage as search engine

What add-ons do you suggest, next to the usual WOT and Ublock Origin that I use?

Did palemoon get those fancy modern video plugins yet so I can view youtube at 60fps and go on twitch and not have webms and mp4s bug out on Holla Forums and shit?

Only thing that held me back from palemoon. Video playback was bad

what is with VPNs not working all of a sudden? Has any statement been issued from on high explaining that? Have you seen the /polmeta/ or Holla Forums thread about it?

video playback is still awful and I keep seamonkey on hand for that reason

PALEMOON, CYBERFOX, VIVALDI are decent. Although Vivaldi is a Chrome fork

Blender / Random Agent Spoofer (Just go with Blender)
Smart Referer
Self Destructing Cookies

Just use firefox. The only problem is if you use it as it comes. See "Tweaking":


Thx, but fuck - they make it so difficult, and I'm so fucking lazy. I'll check it out, though. Has anyone given any word as to why VPNs aren't working anymore?

Thank you kindly, user, I've added them to Pale Moon.

I assume the video plugins situation will be resolved fairly soon?




Is Brave good and functional?

>>>Holla Forums605608

Better than supporting google, or firefox sjws like a cuckold.

It's my go to browser. Hasn't crashed once and it loads faster than any other browser that I've tried. Automatically blocks all ads and adds https. The only knock against it is that it doesn't have add-ons atm.

Can it block scripts? did you get any shekels?


which is why you should use icecat.

What I want to know is … why?

What's wrong with just marking someone as being Jewish, is it a racial / hurtful / whatever crime to simply inform someone oh this guy is Jewish.

It's what the person does with that info that matters and this app was simply a search tool for it

I guess that jews hate being called "jew", considering that they call it "anti-semitism".

Only way to identify Jews is by race or religion. Eradicating these concepts through globalism ensures no one can ever catch them. How can you identify a Jew when race and religion cease to have meaning?

It's because they know their only way to destroy us is to pretend to be white just long enough to kill us all.

Absolutely fucking hilarious.

There is not even the slightest suggestion of anything related to EMOTION let alone hate in that add-on.

"Coincidence Detector," "Echo Factor," and some generic settings are the only text on it.

All it does is put parentheses around Jewish names.

They were very obviously nervous because of the recent articles about the add-on. It might become popular and normalfags would start seeing how many Jews are a part of every facet of Western civilization.

Those only work if you know anything about computers. For the average joe, you'd be fucked with everything crashing and going to shit.

You morons better stop taking your purple pills and wake up. Jewgle is a zionist tool. Avoid like the plague, especially Chrome.
