inb4 not politics, but /x/ and /tinfoil/
1.) the people presented here are politicians and career military people, even a former president, speaking publicly about this
2.) the certain confirmation of alien life would be the biggest political event in human history

So, Holla Forums what would be the first thing to happen?
personally, I kinda doubt the "mass riot and looting" (unless some worthless nignog was treyvon'd the day before by pure coincidence)

What would be the long term effects?
Would the elite use it as a confirmation to keep forcing diversity on us?

And last but not least, what kind of aliens would be the ones to contact us, and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reagan talking about a hypothetical alien threat.

Child-molester, murderer, satanist and general psychopath Alister Crowley claimed to have made contact with a "demon" and made a drawing of it.

There are no aliens; there are only demons.

Nigger, it's just an early tool of globalism that has long since been abandoned and only fringe schizos still are interested in it

yeah how about no

while many consider crop circles to be nothing more than a hoax, there has been more than a few with particularly strange aspects.

This is one of them.


and I suppose that with the universe the size that it is, you two can prove this beyond all doubt?

bit retarded, I'll agree, but clean and sustainable energy… what's not to like?

There is literally nothing wrong with exploiting fossil fuels untill they run out beside the sandniggers living over them and the jews.

Humans, for better or worse, can get used to almost anything.
With that said any new tech the aliens might share with us could be a game-changer.

Looking at mankind dispassionately, I'd say humans aren't worth the trouble to help. They are too flawed and are not to be trusted in the long run.
If I, an alien, needed certain minerals or something I would just take them in the middle of the night or make a deal with some venal government officials, giving them the intergalactic equivalent of beads and trinkets to obtain their help.
We have a small board with some resources on this topic.


sauce on that?

IMO the reason why technologies aren't disclosed is that they want to unify the Earth into one government so there won't be any conflicts with this potentially even more destructive technology.
Don't want to have Cold War:Whole world ayy lmao edition.

….user, I just…


Look at the people talking about it they are all establishment best shabbos. Aliens would be a real good redirect away from zog.

Obongo would put on his serious voice and get on TV with a serious face. The God-Emperor would bring the bantz. The UN would desperately try to be important. Putin would claim its a NATO militia. The kikes would "oy vey there are goyim in space - better tell them about the six gorillion". The niggers would claim they built the spaceships and the aliens stole them and then chimpout.

thanks for the links, user.
but the board seem kinda slow, so…

I do…
Fuck it, lets just get the ultra mega perma happening going star wars style and call it a day for mankind.

It would be the Spanish meeting the Aztecs
Humanity would be gone

Imagine a debate between Trump and an alien

Climate change = a way to tax the entire world based on very sketchy computer models and piss poor data gathered on a fraction of the total surface of the earth.
The amount of heating they forecast is about 10 times less than the measurement error they would incur

bullshit, they all get blacklisted and commercial pilots, military officers etc. lose their jobs.


fuckfuckfuckfuck…. wrong video link. sorry about that.

doesn't that depend on the aliens?

the vikings met the feather heads 500 years before colombus, and even then it took several centuries before they did the dodo.

what you are saying is "it is guaranteed we'd get infected and die from space aids"

When I was a kid both me and my father were outside looking in the same direction. We both saw something "dart" between 2 large puffy clouds in the sky. It happened in a fraction of a second, the object was silvery in color and traveled on a downward angle. It never came out the other side of the cloud and I did not see it again. To this day I still have no idea what it was, and I distinctly remember my father saying "what was that".

200? what took you so long? did you stop for a pizza on the way?
well, you aren't using your time in a good manner, I'll tell you that much.
See, this is my problem right here.
these guys are so low on energy.
I got nothing against aliens, some of my best friends are aliens, aliens love me, I make great business deals with aliens.
but these guys are so low on energy.
Let me just make one thing clear:
I will do such a better job at conquering the universe than these guys, I'll tell you that much.

crowd cheering
Aliums confused as fuck

The possibility of alien life on earth is 0.
Think about it rationally - the closest inhabitable planet is 90 light years away.
Do you think some alien race would waste its resources travelling for hundreds of years just to discover nothing, and would then be stupid enough to be captured by some retarded humans?
We are talking about a species advanced enough for inter solar system travel.
And also, do you not think the govt wouldnt lie to its own employees that "we might have aliens" so that they dont disclose important military discoveries and data?

Reptilians being low energy because they are cold blooded explains Jeb "Truttles" Bush so well.

I am sure the space pope divided the unknown parts of our galaxy between great space superpowers in some space treaty of Utrecht. I am sure that aliens would inform us we have been the property of space Portugal for thousands of years.

Holy shit my fucking sides.

Jesus Alium Christ I hope Space Soccer is at least more entertaining than Earth's version…

That argument is stupid, they are aliens, we don't know how they would or could work.

We humans travelled to antartica and the moon, without getting anything in return besides science.

If they are anything like humans, that would be reason enough, but even if they are not, they are alien, they could explain their reasons in ways we couldn't even fathom.

Please tell me about them.

They could literally come to earth to make crop circles and then fuck off forever. They don't have to explain shit.

Yes, the aliens could have evolved to be trolls and their memes could be cropcircles.

Anything is possible, when you talk about a subject detached from reality..

Yes goy- I mean citizens of Earth :^) The entire world should be ruled by one small group of coincidences so that ayy lmaos will come and share their technology with us. And also all the races must blend into one so there will be no more hate!


Pretty sure that's what he was arguing against.

Humans also climb mountains and like in monasteries making complex sand designs which will be destroyed as soon as they are completed. Aliums don't have to be trolls to expend tons of energy just to come to earth. Their religions could be mind-blowing.

Do alien exist? Most likely. However, I warn every Holla Forums user and normie alike: if aliens show up out of nowhere, spouting globalist shit, bank on it being a ruse designed by jews.

If any real aliens showed up, they would have our backs, not degenerate kikes. Just imagine what an alien species would see when they see our world. They would instantly realize that whites are the species with the most promise, and that shitskins and jews are just holding us back.

It might be part of their religion to travel thousands of years, to make crop-circles so that they can attain enlightenment.

In all reality, Aliums would probably just fuck our shit up and harvest our planet

It's like in Age of Empires when you send a single horseman to the other teams town to see whats up and he gets raped and murdered immediately. Then you send your whole fucking army and rape the other player to death.

That's basically what rockwell was. Expect no mercy

Are they legit? I don't know but they have dozens of pilots military and commercial in their ranks tons of LEO's etc.
You decide I spent a long time reading on such things and today I still don't know what to think.
From a math standpoint odds are on we are not alone in the universe


More than a few smart people have predicted that if/when the alien presence is announced it will be an earth bound hoax to drive the population to a preselected goal.

I am pretty sure there are aliens out there.

What would be the long term effects?

There have been weird shits going on and nobody freaks out unless they had incidents with them.

They knew diversity craps can screw the humanity over so they don't force on everyone 100%.

I don't know. Maybe the animals that are capable travelling through space or dimensions and somehow get on the earth. Other kind is they would be human from the future.

Wasn't there something on the freemason stone? I can't remember what it say, the population need to be reduce to 500 millions in order to control them easier.

Humans are a wild card.

How such thing be kept a secret?

This screencap always ends up in this sort of threads, and while it surely is something worth thinking about, I sincerely hope that it isn't the case.

Certainly a pessimistic view of things, but still interesting

If they exists. They would have activist and unlawful trouble makers.

That means they would try to contact us no matter what.

This has not happened, because it can't happen.


They themselves don't know we exist.

Or they don't care about us as we are ants to them.

If any aliens came by earth they would destroy it because they see how degenerate us humans are.


Alien royalty would want to have exotic human pets. Human traffic would be over the top if they'd think themselves so high and mighty.

Or they would use us as their research subjects.

They already do

Yes, that's the Georgian Guidestones. 500 million max population.

That is the stone! Thank you for knowing what I was trying to say.


Yea I know m8, they are obsessed with the sexual production for some reasons. It's creepy. Maybe they cannot breed but I would be wrong though.

Not necessarily, we don't even know what kind of life we're talking about here.

Life made of gas as opposed to carbon based? Perhaps we couldn't even see such beings. What about their intelligence? How do they communicate? It could be completely foreign and uncomprehending to us.

this guy says, could we be ants to them? Perhaps they're so far out of our realm of understanding that out knowledge to them is comparable to an ants to a human. Imagine an ant walking along your porch, you're completely oblivious to it as you enjoy your relaxation. You drop a playing card, and you bend over to pick it up, and notice the ant. You decide to pick him up, at first he tries to run, but eventually you have him on the card. The ant is moving and moving, but you keep turning and flipping the playing card. The ant cannot escape, and the situation is probably mindbending to him. No matter where he goes he's still on the playing card, no matter how far he goes or which direction. That's the level of mind fuckery we could be discussing here.

Or it's possible that they exist on a different plane of existence entirely. We only move in a 4th dimensional space. Could they operate in a higher dimensional plane that we would be oblivious to?

You make the implication that they're anything like ourselves.

Wont believe it till I see, smell and feel one raping me.

They're fake anyway. Created to make you waste your intelligence on figuring out if they're real or not.

They can breed. They have genetically engineered artificial bodies that can't and that have an indeterminate lifespan which relies on alterated adrenaline obtained from cows. I remember I was doing research on extending lifespan and I started thinking about adrenaline. Came across the alterated adrenaline stuff and was like holy shit I knew it.


The universe is huge,
How can aliens not exist?
>/threading your post

We don't even know how big the universe actually is.

Do you actually know what exists pass the moon? The stratosphere? Your hometown? Or do you rely on (((others))) to tell you that?

It may seem like we command unlimited power to an ant. We can conjure up planes of existence out of no where, (playing card) end the ant's life on command, drop the ant on a completely different world, etc, etc, but as we know, we're not all powerful godlike beings, in fact we're quite fragile and certainly mortal. And even we could seem like such a perplexing force. Imagine those properties applied to us and aliens.

I mean, I've never been to space so it's possible that I'm just being led by the nose by some particularly sneaky jews, but from the evidence I can see with my own eyes it's not too out of the realm of possibility that there exists at least one species, not even as crazy as I propose, perhaps at a level of technology and existence as us. Aliens don't even have to be way more advanced than us.

They've had a different name through out history, but there is certainly a something. And almost ubiquitously throughout mankind. Probably human nature to tell tales of things mythological, or outside of our realm.

So they have hormonal problems? If they are advanced enough to be able to engineer themselves then they would have fix the problems easily.

When I first had tube access like 20 years ago I read the shit out of this stuff before the tubes it was really hard to find widely distributed print info. Look up the dulce wars, there was a guy Phil Schneider that gave lectures on it. He suicided himself with rubber lab hose double wrapped around his neck o_0. He used to pull up his shirt during his lectures and show his scars and he had a hand blown off supposedly during the big firefight with the aliens.

True or not? I have no fucking idea

I don't think finding bacteria in mars water is going to change the political landscape in the west by much. Better stop distracting us from the real issues here on our planet and focus on solving our problems before we think about how we would potetentially maybe if, and only if, aliens came to visist we would MAYBE communicate with them.

so please

Worded that wrong, they have created artificial bodies for one of their hybrid slave species. It's not a hormonal "problem". It's like what happens when we take an adrenaline shot or how our adrenaline spikes in life or death situations.

Or they create hoax to distract us from exposing the EU's true form.

They would harvest the niggers and mudslimes, to be used as weapons of war against other advanced species (much like (((THEY))) use them against whites).

But user, they're already among us.

You're supposed to lurk, femanon.

His family is jewish.

There are no aliens. Fuck off, /x/.

It sounds noble, but it's actually foolish.

Let's suppose that alien life exists and is friendly enough to share technology.

Such an act effectively renders each earth government irrelevant. After all, none would hold any sway within the Orion League's senate (the interstellar body which governs trade in this wing of the galaxy). Meanwhile, assuming that space faring vessels are included in the aforementioned tech, anyone who wanted to fuck off to another planet could. We'd see a mass exodus from the planet, as more and more groups decide that they'd be better off following their own rules on their own planet N lightyears away.

They aren't afraid that we'll destroy ourselves as a species; they're afraid of losing their prestige and power. They are the detestable force which implores the chick to remain inside its egg for fear of what's outside.

Okay but why are they so interested in the human sexual reproduction?

Jews in poorly made costumes telling us to blanda up and that we should believe everything they say because "their intellect is superior"

Piss off
I am not pushing the shit make up your own mind.

You can find tons pro and con. I just found it to be cool to read about prior to sept 11.

When human beings don't act as a singular entity, why should alien species?

Although the likelihood of an alien governing body taking interest in earth is exceptionally low (barring some sci-fi McGuffin, any resource they might want from us would be more easily obtained elsewhere). However, if private individuals have access to space faring vessels, why shouldn't there be eccentric individuals who might swing by?

Slavery is easier when you have hybrid species. It's the same as race mixing. If you are a child born of two races then you will accept both races and you are not likely to argue against multiculturalism


If you want to see a real life example find a pond with duck and geese. Find the hybrid and observe how it interacts with both species.


shiieeet meant to upload this one

So jewy.

first of all we wont meet aliens first, we will meet a drone, an artificial diplomat or a plain old nuke out of nowhere if they dont want competition over the galaxy

I'm going to piss on just to spite you.



Dubs say it all.
It's like the kardashev scale. We are Type 0 civilization.
Imagine encountering Type III civilization. We would be like chimpanzees to them. Animals.

Maybe the reason why there are no signals coming from they sky isn't because there are none. It's just because they are using methods so strange to us we can't even comprehend or detect them. Like natives of Amazonia encountering helicopters or mobile phones.
And even if the civilization transmitter such signals in their past as a civilization they would have no problem erasing them or smth. when they get advanced enough. Just like from that infographic that compares space to the Central park at night. There are no policemen and the night lasts forever. And you don't want to be shouting out loud that you are there to a pack of space nogs to kill you or intergalactic jews to enslave your world for quark shekels.

Hell we could be in a matrix type system of a Type III civilization on one of their colony worlds right now and wouldn't have a clue about it.
Or in process of being enslaved by the jew to sell us out.

The aliens r..right?

Probably yes. Maybe it explains why the jews seems so off. Who knows, it is fun to guess. Please tell me I am wrong because this is creepy.

Great idea for a thread but hellyer is pretty gay. He had a lot of fredibility due to his job but hes mostly just repeating shit hes read on godlikeproductions and other equally shit tier sites.

Ive ordered leslie keans book, government officials, military and pilots go on the record. Has anyone read it before?

I've thought about this as well. If you've figured out >light speed travel, then you're going to need >light speed communication. They aren't sending radio signals into space that we can pick up on, because radio is too slow to be of any use to them.

Imperium of man when?

It is possible, with enough fissile material, to create a nuclear pulse propulsion ship that reaches as much as 0.25 C. When used as a weapon, this is absolutely devastating, a craft the size of an average rocket (about 10,000 tons), at that speed releases more energy on impact than 1000 times the worlds nuclear arsenal, and it is impossible to detect due to relativity. This means that any species at any moderate level of civilization poses an existential threat to everything in their galactic neighborhood, a single volley of relativity missles can wipe out a solar system and there is no way to defend against it. Game theory dictates you exterminate any extraterrestrial species the second you are aware of its existence, it wouldn't even be overkill to annihilate planets in which you are uncertain if there is life or not. The likely reason we have not encountered aliens despite it being a probability (see Drakes equation), is because they have killed each other or are keeping as low a profile as possible to avoid annihilation, and SETI is a multibillion dollar waste of time that is going to get us all killed by ayylmaos, fuck you Sagan.

In all likelihood the aliens probably made agreements with the jews

That's some lovecraftian shit there


Well we're fucked

We'll that means that game theory is fucking retarded

Maybe is this why communism is so unnatural and strange to us?
It isn't an ideal state of governance for a species that survived through harsh communication and gathering resources for their offspring to survive.

It would ideal for a very hive mind type of a civilization which uses masses and not individuality to succeed.
Where shared identical common knowledge is the norm. Internet would be a good factor on that road but the problem is that human nature is stronger than conditioning.

Communism may as well be an ayy lmao style of government forced down on us with the help of the jews. The closest community that has those kinds of characteristics.

*nervous chuckle*

Um…o…ok…What is the chance that you think you may be wrong m8?


That is a very interesting theory m8.

The Grayyy LMAOs are just an eternally cucked race of drone.

It's probably likely.

WOw, this thread is totally nto an attack on Holla Forums's character.

We better not let jews cuck us to ayy lmao.

Yes, the math standpoint does seem to indicate this, judging on the insane number of galaxies harboring insane numbers of stars. It seems quite mathematically improbable that we are completely alone in the whole universe.

However, the mathematical standpoint you speak of unfortunately also makes most likely the truth. Space is incomprehensibly vast. Just searching for this info quickly on google shows that the fastest space craft we have created, Voyager, is traveling at 1/18,000th the speed of light. A journey to the CLOSEST star Proxima Centauri, at 4 light years, would still take 80,000 years. Then, once you (i.e. your great descendants) get there, who knows if they'll even find anywhere habitable or anything really interesting. How far things actually are is really quite sobering. Our only hope of useful interstellar travel will probably have to involve violating some of the natural laws we've come up with.

And another group of aliens made agreements with the Nazis.

He thinks saying 'inb4' invalidates the objection



You are correct in a sense, but like a lot of people in this thread, you are falling for the deception that we are dealing with DEMONS, not aliens, so it would be a satanic style of government, not ayy lmao style.

yes goyim. its aliens and their technology. we totally have not been suppressing technology for decades or working on genetic hybrids in underground bases. its aliens goyim. the earth is round and we went to the moon. there is even an alien base on the dark side goyim.


Aliens don't have any real use for Jews either.

Except the hybrids. Earth is extremely rich in resources.


There are no aliens. There is no AGW.

Let's imagine for a moment some aliens similar to us, but more advanced, discovered us. Not the ayys that some people say are already here, but regular ones just looking into a habitable planet out of curiosity. What do you think they would think of how things are going here?

How confused would they be?




Holla Forums I am very fucking disappointed.

I have always been quite interested in Ayyyy’s. Recently Earth politics has heated up so much that I have almost forgotten about Ayylogy.

It is impossible to speculate without any knowledge of how they would be developed but I should image they would be baffled at the self detrimental behavior of European man in much the same way that races who do not seek to directly take advantage are confused as to why we allow ourselves to be walked all over.

Pic related.

Dude aliens in the 50's were just cover for testing military aircraft. The spike in the late 1980's matches up with testing the B2 and how much do you want to bet that the spike the last few years has nothing to do with the LRSB and god knows what drones they're testing. has tons of shit like this. Sometimes its just too expensive or not worth while to declassify a project. Google "lenticular missile" and "project mogul" to see how any government agency would use aliens to cover up weapons testing.

Aliens might exist, hell they might have even visited Earth, but the chances of them visiting in the last 50000 years of behavioral modernity vs the remaining 3.8 billion years life was around is miniscule

Let's first assume that God (or any religion) doesn't exist. The world is exactly as we currently know it, Big Bang and all. Now, our understanding of the Universe is simplistic, and even now we are constantly changing previously known facts, but for simplicity let's assume so.

So a planet to develop life as we know it, the planet's conditions have to be perfect. Absolutely perfect. Goldilocks zone. Now, we could assume that there is more sentient life then the ones we know of, such as sentient stones or some shit, but let's assume only carbon based life is possible.

Next, after the planet is in the right conditions to develop life, it has to actually develop it. There needs to be the right chain of events to not only create microorganisms, but sustain them so they can foster. This could take billions of years.

Next, these microorganisms need to grow and evolve into organisms, organisms of various different types. These organisms need to survive multiple mass extinction events over the course of millions of years.

Now, the organisms need to develop intelligence. First they have to be organisms that can actually retain intelligence and not some plant or jellyfish or something. And they need to keep growing that intelligence. They need to become a civilization. Discover fire, create societies, and not kill each other. This will take thousands of years.

Once they've created a society and managed to not kill themselves, they'll need to be able to develop interstellar travel. First, they need to figure out if this is even possible. If they do, they'll likely first spend time colonizing their own star system before ever considering leaving to visit other solar systems.

Now, let's say they've developed faster then light travel. They can travel to other planets and solar systems. Now they need to be in the right time frame as we are. If time is an infinite line going forwards and backwards, then the odds that the two of us would have a space faring civilization at the same time are pretty slim. It's very likely their species will extinct themselves before us, or not even be single cell organisms by the time we're extinct.

Oh, and we'd also need to be in the same galaxy. Again, if there is infinite space in the universe, then we can assume there are infinite galaxies, so we'd need to share galaxies. Or alternatively, they'd need intergalactic travel, which will take even longer to develop.

In short, assuming life isn't just a weird anomaly find here on Earth, or that all Earth religions were wrong, then the realistic chances of ever finding sentient life are almost completely 0. As close to 0 as possible. And the odds of ever finding this sentient life in your lifetime are even closer to 0.

my nigga

What do you think, OP? That these agents of governments successfully went rogue and are talking about intel that classified (if it exists)? Or, do you think they are being used a mouthpieces? Seems like a trustworthy old man, huh?

The fake alien invasion will be the final card they play.

1. Massive depopulation ("they're nuking us!")
2. Mass monies exchange, taxation - you always hear about maybe a war is *just* what we need to stimulate the economy
3. Dissolution of national borders ("too inefficient! Plus, we need to unite under the flag of EARTH!")

It's that simple. If an alien species is advanced enough to have 'antigrav' ships, they do not need to come close to us to: study us; mutilate cows; encode messages in corn.

It's also possible the concept for radio and communication through telegraph/phone etc. may never have successfully been created. They may have a courier system for their news.

Don't forget history's biggest faggot who literally made semen a sacrament in his degenerate religion, and created the 9th level of the O.T.O. as the faggot-only covert power structure of the organization.


It’s only the definition of the word, but whatever.

Do they come from "inner space"?


This old geezer is a prick who wants to come off as the smart elite guy that knows more and is above the plebs.

If Aliens were visiting earth regularly we'd all know, not possible to conceal this.

But on the whimsical chance Aliens are already here, I'm glad aliens are not leftists.

The aliens would breed with humans and create a mongrel race?

People would start cults and spend their time trying to contact the ayy lamos instead of working hard like good little goys

Really? A race that can travel through space wouldn't be able to hide from monkeys that can bearly leave their planet.

Check your privilege ET shitlord.

Space aliens are the trick. UFOs are mundane air traffic and we are the uncontacted tribe.

I was so fucking mad when that show didn't go full cthulhu.

Pessimism and pragmatism often end up as bedfellows.

Short Version: A noticeable amount of how aliens are pictured is pozzed up.

Only our tech levels can be akin to ants; our brains are overdeveloped. {could be we had a spacefaring civilization pre-ice age}. No proofs though, just speculation on the origins of our brains.

Of course, if a civilization consisting of supercomputerized AI units, or merge with such, it is very hard / impossible to grasp them - or if they are multidimensional. Comparisons: ants and flies or humans and birds - perhaps even humans and animals or humans and spiritual entities.

Of course, such entities could be simply referred to as abstract environmental hazards.

That's one thing that annoys me with the ancient alien shit. There's no reason to beleive we couldn't build all those ancient monuments. It's true that the current paradigm can't explain it, but that doesn't mean ayys came and built us some pyramids. That just means egyptplogists are wrong about the sophistication of ancient Egyptian technology. The same goes with a lot of very ancient cultures. People get stuck on the progressive view of history, that history has always been an upward movement of technology and "social" progress until today. That shit is patently false. We know that several civilizations have had advanced (as advanced as modern historians are willing to admit) technology that were lost with time.

Have you ever heard of Graham Hancock? I think he is really on to something with the younger dryas that happened 12,500 years ago being a meteor strike that wiped out a fairly advanced civilization.

What I'd the UFOs and other weird things are just our off world colonies seeing what happened to their home world. :O

just finishing up re-reading one of his books: "fingerprints of the gods". would recommend to all Holla Forumsacks

kinda hammers home that yes, chances are very high that there was a high "white" civilisation that got fucked over hard around 12-10,000 bc. Whether war, ice melting from ice age, or meteor, who knows.
The egyptian and central american peoples (i.e. pyramid builders) were pretty much brought up from cannibalism status (read their early day myths) by the remains of the high civ and eventually died.

then depression hit me- since throughout history, any high civ eventually gets torn down (usually through demographics change), and as advanced and noble as we may be compared to niggers now, overall we are just barely above them, when compared to the 'viracochas' and original egyptian rulers.

I've been meaning to read some of his work, but I've settled with watching his documentaries and interviews.

I'm almost certain now that the mainstream history is fucked up. Look how messed up relatively recent history is, and realize that we have no way of knowing what is true history, and what has been changed for political agendas. Just about every ancient work is just a copy, made by the same group, where the original "mysteriously" burned in a fire shortly after being copied. It doesn't help that modern historians and archeologists are so shill-like , calling fake, or "natural formation" on just about everything that messes with the narrative, with little to no evidence. I usually chok it up to old grumpy professors who don't want their entire life's work being undone with a single discovery, but I never rule out malevolence.

Not politics, but /x/ and /tinfoil/

Somebody post the rebuttal, then.


You could talk about the political impact of aliens existing. Alien life is pretty much an inevitability, whether they are ayys that come here shaming shit up, or primitives that we find when we colonize a new world it doesn't matter. You don't have to talk about the generic tinfoil aliums, but I guess that takes imagination.



A little fringe speculation article I wrote back in September regarding "aliens" and kikes:

tl;dr - basically, this whole deal about extraterrestrials could be a false flag, a misinformation and propaganda tool, to terrorize and force the public into submission, one way or another.

Just realized that someone already posted the screencaped version
Huh, good to see that there are people who saved that. Noice.

Don't believe me, I'm just an user on an image board.

My father worked at Area 3, knew people at Area 58, so many jews, so many as far as he and they had found back in the 70s was, all this Alien crap was just made up to ensure the public didn't understand all our weapons programs.

Also the distance between stars and the difficulty of space travel, I mean don't you think a "white" race on another planet has to deal with their form of niggers? Especially there is no nice theoretical way to cover large distances in short times. If you truly think there are aliens abound, then there technology is so advanced they are probably standing behind you outside of phase, and have been studying you for the past decade.



While possibly not aliens, definitely UFOs:


"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth."

— Colonel Gordon Cooper, Mercury / Gemini Astronaut

"I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real. It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now."

— Captain Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

"…I've been asked [about UFOs] and I've said publicly I thought they [UFOs] were somebody else, some other civilization."

— Astronaut Eugene Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander

"I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. […] It looked like a saucer, a disk. About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me - and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared."

— Captain Donald Slayton, Mercury Astronaut

"Statistically it's a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligence, life forms out there. I believe they're so advanced they're even doing interstellar travel. I believe it's possible they even came here."

— Dr. Storey Musgrave, NASA Astronaut

"For nearly 50 years, the secrecy apparatus within the United States Government has kept from the public UFO and alien contact information." "We have contact with alien cultures."

— Astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary

"In my official status, I cannot comment on ET contact. However, personally, I can assure you, we are not alone!"

— Charles J. Camarda (Ph.D.), NASA Astronaut


"Unknown objects are operating under intelligent control… It is imperative that we learn where UFOs come from and what their purpose is…" (1) "Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense." (2)

— Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, first Director of the CIA, 1947-1950

"We had a job to do, whether right or wrong, to keep the public from getting excited." (2)

— Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Scientific consultant for Air Force Project Blue Book

"Of course UFOs are real, and they are interplanetary. The cumulative evidence for the existence of UFOs is quite overwhelming and I accept the fact of their existence."

— Air Chief Marshall Lord Hugh Dowding, Commanding Officer of the Royal Air Force during WWII

"We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the La case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

— J. Edgar Hoover, first Director of the FBI

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity… anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

— Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

"This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious."

— General Nathan Twining, US Air Force, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1955-1958

"Unidentified Flying Objects are entering our atmosphere at very high speeds and obviously under intelligent control. We must solve this riddle without delay."

— Rear Admiral Delmar Fahrney, USNR

"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets".

— General Douglas MacArthur



"It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are interplanetary craft of some sort. I and my colleagues are confident that they do not originate in our solar system."

— Dr. Hermann Oberth, the "father of modern rocketry"

"The least improbable explanation is that these things are artificial and controlled… My opinion for some time has been that they have an extraterrestrial origin."

— Dr. Maurice Biot, leading aerodynamicists and mathematical physicist

"The possibility of reduced-time interstellar travel either by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations at present or ourselves in the future, is not fundamentally constrained by physical principles."

— Dr. Harold Puthoff, Director, Institute for advanced studies at Austin, Author of fundamentals of Quantum Electronics


"The phenomenon of UFOs is real. I know that there are scientific organisations which study the problem. It must be treated seriously."

— Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."

— President Harry S. Truman

"…I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."

— President Gerald Ford

"I don't laugh at people any more when they say they've seen UFOs. It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was."

— President Jimmy Carter

"I looked out the window and saw this white light. It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, have you ever seen anything like that? He was shocked and he said, "Nope." And I said to him: "Let's follow it!" We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it."

"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world."

— President Ronald Reagan

I think they're implying white people are too advanced to be related to niggers.

The way I see it, there's only two ways that any given ayy species could make it all the way through evolution and into space without dying out midway, so long as their development even remotely follows the principles we know:

All successful alien species that reach the "interstellar civilization" phase of development form a unified NatSoc or equivalent/traditionalist authoritarian empire, either during the rise to or following the achievement of interstellar travel. As far as humanity knows, progressive Marxist ideals simply are not tenable by all logic, and lead to self-destruction at some point in all conceivable cases. This means that a functional single-species empire cannot survive into the interstellar phase while retaining this ideological stance, as it will simply either kill itself in its stubbornness or adapt out of it by necessity. The inevitable result of a species' development is either an authoritarian empire with traditionalist views that is distrustful if not outright hostile toward all outsiders, or a silent collection of worn-to-dust graves on a forevermore-lifeless rock.

In a galaxy with multiple sentient species in the interstellar phase, they'd almost all form empires of this kind by nature and necessity, those who did not likely being either dead, conquered or still planet-bound. Older sci-fi media often portrays this kind of arrangement properly, with a number of distinct alien empires being the sole occupants clearly-marked and claimed regions of space, and only working together with other species in specific cirumstances, only living together in places often shown to be lawless hellholes due to the absurd logistics of trying to get so many different organisms to coexist.

Through exploitation of resources/inter-species contact/technology left or provided by more-successful alien species, one or more alien species successfully reach the "interstellar civilization" phase and survive together, in complete spite of their progressive leftist ideologies. While for lone species with no aid progressivism and similar leftist ideology is a slow suicide, with groups of species it may manage to be slowed to the point that it does not kill before interstellar travel is available, and until other species can provide resources and other aid to slow the degradation to a crawl. One such way that such a system could function would be for one species (likely the eldest in a region of space) to succeed via traditionalist authoritarian doctrine, then have a number of coerced/conquered species feeding off its success like parasites, creating a "diverse series of interstellar civilizations" that's really just one species and its conquests/parasitic infections/etc.

In this case, the aliens would be a bunch of space Marxists who've found a way to maintain stable interstellar civilization in the face of leftism's perpetual rot for long enough to forget why it's so terrible. I think it'd look similar to what thoroughly-kiked Marxist sci-fi tends to show, such as "federations" or "councils" chock-full of many flavors of space kike who claim to lead their species but have no real ties to their kinds, and civilization hubs housing members of all known species that quickly devolve into cesspits due to the conflicts between various species ideologies and natures. As stated above, the main way I see this really working is for one species to form an empire like in Option 1, followed by goading its lessers into buying the lie of unity and interspecies friendship/love, in order to keep them weak while gaining power perpetually, similar to kikes and their grand plans for Israel in the global scheme.

I suppose such a circumstance of many leftist species surviving despite the odds against such an ideology functioning could also occur if ancient alien technology/a predecessor species/etc. were involved, but by no means would it be any less cancerous. Rather, the only real difference would be that it'd be whichever space commies got a hold of the artifact(s)/the predecessor's attention first and thus got the chance to exploit it for their own gain who held the leadership role.

Sadly, I'm inclined to expect ayys to be of the "progressive diverse nightmare federation" variety, rather than the "series of SpeciesSoc empires eternally struggling against each other for survival and dominance" type of old sci-fi. Assuming they do show up anytime soon and aren't just a kike ploy using smoke and mirrors when it happens, it'd be just our luck to have to contend with space kikes on top of our local flavor, assuming they haven't been one and the same for a while now all things considered.

Might be a little too tinfoily for Holla Forums, but I've read that jews are suppose to be our "control mechanism" for mining gold (which makes sense because of their obsession with it) , and that they were entrusted a long time ago to "control" humanity. Where as whites are descended from the actual ayys. There are supposedly two factions that care what happens here. Angels, who beleive that humanity(white people) has potential, and demons who align themselves with the jews, who care want to keep humanity stupid and subservient. Ragnarok is supposed to be their showdown, where the "gods" who care about humanity , face off with the faction that just wants gold to repair their atmosphere.

It's also possible that ayylmaos are advanced enough that they have arrived at a socialist utopia where everything is automated and most citizens survive off basic income. For this to happen, science would have to progress to a point that we simply don't have on earth (i.e., cheap, plentiful, renewable energy, plentiful food, etc.). There is some merit to being the smartest, kindest empire that also carries the biggest stick. Having said that, the civilization would probably have to initially establish dominance via an authoritarian government with traditional values.

I don't know about the angels / demons aspect of things, but I would believe that (((they))) are controlled by aliens, especially given the hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn–maybe a portal? It also could be that angels and demons were just aliens all along, and we've been calling them angels and demons.

Obviously I'm talking out of my ass here and don't really have anything to back it up, but if I found the exposé that revealed all of the above were true, I wouldn't be surprised.

Oops, meant (you)

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity… anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

Don't tell me that it's jews again trying to stagnate the humanity technological development? Please tell me I am wrong. ;_;

This guy gets it. The first radio transmission with enough power to reach space was in 1936. The first nuclear weapon, and thus the technological possibility for nuclear pulse propulsion was in 1945.

A 9 year gap, almost insignificant at interstellar timescales.

This means that any civilization possessing radio is a potential existential threat. They might be nice, but it's foolish to trust a species, about which we know nothing, with the technological capability to wipe us out.

The only rational choice is to destroy any detected civilization with relativistic kill vehicles.

Until we actually have contact with aliens go back to /x/. talking about the what ifs is little more than mental masturbation. All I'll say is that we would finally have a bit of fresh air to breathe as the focus that is put upon people's minds would be put unto those AYY LMAOs

I want to fuck an ayylmao.

We don't know what they look like or how the alien sex works so why would you wanted to have sex with the aliens?

sexy naught time, gimme a kiss

if it has a hole in it, some yahoo is going to put his dick in it.

I wouldn't put it past (((them.)))

Or we already have contact with aliens, and someone is keeping it a big, big secret. There's considerable evidence for UFOs. Major world governments know this and have have disclosed evidence of credible UFO observations, as I pointed out in . For example, The COMETA Report, released by the French government, and interviews with an Iranian Air Force general who fired on a UFO craft from his fighter jet. The Iranian government produced a TV recreation of this event. It's public knowledge there.

Keep in mind that 130,000 people worked on The Manhattan Project and it never got out. It would be ludicrous to say there aren't secrets of this magnitude today.

If they'd have real tangible contact with Ayy LMAOs their "world peace" problem would be near completely resolved by making it public and making it seem like there's an extraterrestrial threat to mankind. Yet they don't do it, so I doubt those contacts.

Or they're keeping it in their back pocket. Instant "world peace" would make it more difficult to plunder the world.

Nordic alieans best alieans

Aliens are spirituality for materialists.

So you're telling me that an intelligent and superior space-travelling civilization that has the capability and the desire/goodness to help Earth and humans would not do it out of their own initiative, but instead they would conspire with the corrupt elites in order to keep secret their advanced technologies that could end material/spiritual suffering on the planet Earth? It seems to me that we can draw a couple different conclusions out of this hypothesis:

1. The said alien civilization exists, but it does not aim at helping humans, but at keeping them as slaves, for whatever reason - which seems unlikely to me, for a civilization could have only achieved techonological singularity after they've transcended conflict.

2. It's all a psy-op that they're preparing for decades, they have secretly developed techonologies that they would reveal at the perfect time, as the ultimate step for imposing the new world order, uniting all people through a new type of religion, with the goal of "eternal peace" - this could have religious connotations, according to numerous prophecies about the end and rebirth of humans: Kali Yuga, the Apocalypse or other astrological predictions etc.

3. It's all lies and a distraction from the real issues.

That is disgusting.

Because Giger's work was inspired by a sex addiction, nihilism and LSD. The aliens' heads look like penises and you can find all sorts of perverted shit in his works. Some people on here apparently recognize the shapes very well and it triggers peepee tingles.

Tbqh I think the most likely explanation is your #1. There are plenty of reasons for an alien civilization to want to conceal its presence on earth and hide themselves to humans. We're funny, we're beautiful and we live on a beautiful planet. We could be a tourist destination, we could be a reality show. We could be a resource-rich world. Humans could be useful as power plants / some other utility. I don't fucking know. But there are plenty of reasons an alien civilization would want to control earth and its inhabitants.

um what? Whether or not a civilization has inner conflicts has nothing to do with its benevolence to foreign powers.

Ok now this is truly degenerate art.

Angels and demons might as well translate to allies and enemies. Angels are kindred spirits who have our best interests at heart, and demons are assholes who want to exploit us.

I beleive that most ancient t religion are just stories pasted down to help the culture whom they belong to focus in what is important.

I wish you spoiler that. Honestly that is very unexpected. I had no idea that the people are interested in alien eroticism. Hang them.


you don't want to make love to a xenomorph? what are you, a bigot?

That's… really goddamn fascinating. I've always been optimistic that if there is intelligent life out there capable of interstellar travel, they would be technologically beyond the need to conquer other species.

A while ago, I was also thinking about the great filter. Most of the challenges are ones external to ourselves, but what about the ones that aren't? Do you suppose intelligent alien species have had to deal with their own version of jews, commies and cultural marxists?

Forgot to add: Do you suppose there are ayylmao NEETs? How much faster and more advanced would their internet be? What about the dankness of their memes?

I'm almost certain kikes are our great filter. It's possible other species had something good similar, but it's possible jews are unique to us. I'm kind of wondering if deep down they know what they're job is, to prevent humanity from fulfilling it's potential.

Face-meltingly dank, I would imagine.

the blue thing ayy lmao

what's your steam?
look for "Low-T Cuck" let's play

And here is the real point. It's all a hoax.

The rumor and illusion of alien life will be used to tap into the retarded masses' expectation of the supernatural to control them in case of a revolution.

There is no possibility of another intelligent form of life existing in our vicinity. The earth has its own way. Everything here conforms to it.

the closest thing to an alien that could exist here is a 'jew'. Everything they are is built like a pyramid to thrust the top of it into the position of most unnaturalness.



Well I think anyway.

They want us to meet them, but fear we're too violent to coexist.

all part of the struggle to become the masters of their universe.

white people conquered the world, then we granted the colonies freedom, now they are flooding us, when we crush them we too will become masters of our universe.

You might think of it as our final trial before space conquest.

I like it.

I just don't like the "other ideals" dragged with it.

They don't work.

They're subverted.


Wait, what if our different "gods" are really manifestations of different alien races, seeing which god humanity seeks the most (i.e. which race they'll ally with the most).

I vote the human god.

We come in peace.


I'll wait for more immediate contact.

I'll search, but not so much it distracts from more immediate problems.

This nigga gets it.

we have caused more than a few liberal meltdowns.

does that mean we are closing in on alium tier memeing?

I think they'll push this slowly.

I think we'll hit genetic engineering first.

Become aryan.

Holla Forums is full of double-digit low IQ retards like you now.


feels bad, fam.

Nordicist detected.

Genetically, "pure" Aryan would look like their Siberian ancestors, not Scandinavian hunter-gatherers.

The fact we exist means they are either:
The test us to see if we'll be ok to join their brethren.
Also to observe their actions and give a unique twist to how they few the outside world.
Like how kids play with food.

However, I think these beings have to be intelligent. And what we've seen on earth is the more intelligent they are, the more likely they're able to respect reason and logic.

And they might need our help, rather than want to exploit us.

They might see a quality in humanity that is unique and if put in your "team" can help the team greatly.

Think of this as a captain seeking a new key forward or defenseman

See where I'm going?

Unintelligent people look straight to what they simply have in their team and ignore possible new members.
Intelligent people take on players that meet eye to eye with them.

If they are up there, they might be similar to us, but different.

But we care about ants user. To an extent.

Only cruel people put ants out of their misery if they are not a potential hazard to their environment.

Oh god.

I just said something important.

You're not saying..

They're milking our adrenaline?

Lol, try switching ID's next time before you reply to yourself faggot. Just because Reagan said a thing doesn't mean it's all a hoax. There is plenty of evidence for alien life.

Again my theory:

Gods (and possibly anti-patterns)are manifestations of alien races?


Remember that aryan ayylien?

In all reality.
I think no aliens exist because intelligence and overpopulation cancelled them out.

We could in fact, be the first ones.

If we get our shit together.

It's just playing with fantasies and ideas.

Nobody here knows for certain our realities.

It's about as strong as any old nomadic story.

Funny how that nomad meme comes up again.

I think that's the real reality for humanity.. for now.

We'll explore space, but eventually meet new peers.

Like the nomads.

They're really rare, as I understand it.

I don't know if I want to be meming ayyliens into existence, tbqhfam.


Nah we are ALL the anti-christ.

It's a riddle.

Because if I say we're ALL the anti-christ; NONE of us are the anti-christ.


What a fail.

Advanced aliens do exist but they won't be biological.

They probably know we exist but we're probably no different than animal/bushmen to them.

I thought they found sentient life in a rock pool recently. Or rather life that has different chemical makeup to most life on Earth.

Bang goes that theory. Because that increases the chances ALOT.


If aliens are "contacted", it'll be for human purposes.

Didn't scientists 'discover' we're in a simulation. Electronic phases… wew.


Memes might help us estimate though user.

It just needs more scientific approach rather than anonymous shitposting.

I bet they're already jewing us.

They have bigger problems user.

Like dimensional problems.

Problems we cannot even fathom.

I bet even God has this problem.

They don't.

Nobody does.

Natural selection of memes. That is all.

Mate I'm just here going "fuck me, we have a lot of work to do"

Become Ayyyyan then

Only if they believe in the values we uphold as well.

Or at least are able to negotiate with in a way other than just simply "become slaves".

I.E: Become annexed.

Might be the only option if we're unable to fight.



I know.

We won't be either.

Nanotechnology user.

Isn't that basically the plot to X-Files?

Hope you're all ready to get invaded by Ayyyys while Chaim greedily rubs his palms together thinking of all the sheckles they will make by switching sides to the lmaos.

I like to imagine that they known what they're doing. Because , otherwise they are dumb as shit, and that feels like underestimating our enemy. I eman, they had a chance to rule the world. They had whites completely brainwashed to the point where we invade nations to protect them. Imagine if instead of pushing miscegenation and feminism , they pretended to fight the very forces they created. In the 90s, before the Internet got big, they could have swung everything to the point where it would be in their favor forever. Instead they decided to destroy the very thing protecting them from extinction.

fuck off, they're there because you are fucking this shit up. Stop fucking it up.

You are the real "terrorists"


OP can't inb4 you stupid fucker.

Eh, I personally find the Forerunner scale to be better.

Read that 1994 prophecy on project bluebeam. The faked alien invasion is supposed to be preceded by economic collapse and a holy religious war between europeans and muslims (sounds awfully familiar, don't it?)


Sage and report.

yeah…. time to re-read the protocols, I think.

OP appreciate it, since there are so much hurr durr hating in this thread.

posting some weird photos because I think we have a longer and stranger history than commonly believed, and aliens may have noticed/had part in it.

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

for someone with no interest in the subject you sure as hell post a lot.

one would almost think of you as a shill, kikenstein.


Come on.

I know you are a kike shill, but since others are reading this:

white people was in all likelihood created or aided by pleadians.

considering the sheer number of stars and planetary bodies orbiting those stars in our galaxy alone, life someone else in the Milky Way is virtually a mathematical fact.

Whether this life is simply one-celled organisms, intelligent, or something we don't comprehend fully is up to debate, but it is ALSO true that it is extremely unlikely that any actual intelligent life has visited our planet.

You would first need to have a planet that supports life. You would then need to have life develop independently on that planet, and wait for evolution to form an intelligent species over the course of a very long time. This species would then need to develop reliable long-distance space travel or FTL capabilities which, as far as we know, is a physical impossibility at this point (fastest you can go is near relativistic speeds). Even IF this species could go just below the speed of light, it would take hundreds of thousands of years to get here in all likelihood (there are closer stars, but the chances of close stars having life supporting planets is very, very low, let alone intelligent life). Keep in mind that, in all of mankind's history of sending out messages into the cosmos, our transmissions to date have only penetrated a small fraction of the distance in the void that makes up our galaxy.

Having been visited by an intelligent alien species is an event requiring a past chain of events with probabilities so low you can almost reliably say it's something that will never happen.

I really want to believe that.
But where did the brown/black scurge come from?

Paul Hellyer is a nutcase. You're not helping your credibility by citing him.

Maybe meds were but not snowniggers from scandinavia.

Wouldn't quantum entanglement be a possible solution to the communication problem? Could you entangle two particles and then use a standardized method of altering them to create a type of telegraph?

Should have said protocol, on reflection. Also, forgot that I had sage on, so bamp.

called an ansible in science fiction.

yes i've thought about this.

to my knowledge right now this hasn't been done because it's expensive to create and maintain entangled pairs. also distance that entanglement holds and action at a distance occurs hasn't been tested (at the distances you're talking about). there was a recent article about a test being done over a couple miles i think. don't remember the article but you can search. also because one entangled pair would represent a single bit, you'd need trillions of them to send large files because the entanglement collapses eventually / when used to send a message. so eventually you need a replacement.

if you're the first to develop instant communication using entanglement you'd be a very rich man. right now on mars missions when a probe enters the atmosphere it either crashes or lands successfully and the team running the mission can only wait, observe, and hope. imagine true real time control of rovers or robotic asteroid miners, or instant communication to mars, venus, jupiter, let alone the rest of the universe. so yeah the first man to develop that becomes very very rich.

So… just hear me out, this may sound a bit, "Out there", but this is probably the thread for it.

What if the rothschilds are using a mind reading machine to steal thoughts/ideas/tech from aliums?


The state of the local particle does not predictably reflect the state of the distant particle. You can’t get information out of the changes in state.

Kill yourself.

seriously believing in "aliens" is probably the sign of the utmost retardation. No hyperbole. Just a total lack of free will. The complete extinction of critical thought. Humanity tossed to the side. Cattle status locked in.

It's what the jews want you to think so that when civil unrest reaches a critical point they can roll out a smoke-and-mirrors show and make you retards believe the aliens/jesus/whatever have come to rule the earth.


Just because you say so?

Quantum entanglement can exchange quantum information at superliminal speeds but it can have no causal effect on the macroscopic world, otherwise it violates causality.

An important assumption going into the theorem is that neither Alice nor Bob is allowed, in any way, to affect the preparation of the initial state. If Alice were allowed to take part in the preparation of the initial state, it would be trivially easy for her to encode a message into it; thus neither Alice nor Bob participates in the preparation of the initial state. The theorem does not require that the initial state be somehow 'random' or 'balanced' or 'uniform': indeed, a third party preparing the initial state could easily encode messages in it, received by Alice and Bob. Simply, the theorem states that, given some initial state, prepared in some way, there is no action that Alice can take that would be detectable by Bob.

The proof proceeds by defining how the total Hilbert space H can be split into two parts, HA and HB, describing the subspaces accessible to Alice and Bob. The total state of the system is assumed to be described by a density matrix σ. This appears to be a reasonable assumption, as a density matrix is sufficient to describe both pure and mixed states in quantum mechanics. Another important part of the theorem is that measurement is performed by applying a generalized projection operator P to the state σ. This again is reasonable, as projection operators give the appropriate mathematical description of quantum measurements. After a measurement by Alice, the state of the total system is said to have collapsed to a state P(σ).

The goal of the theorem is to prove that Bob cannot in any way distinguish the pre-measurement state σ from the post-measurement state P(σ). This is accomplished mathematically by comparing the trace of σ and the trace of P(σ), with the trace being taken over the subspace HA. Since the trace is only over a subspace, it is technically called a partial trace. Key to this step is the assumption that the (partial) trace adequately summarizes the system from Bob's point of view. That is, everything that Bob has access to, or could ever have access to, measure, or detect, is completely described by a partial trace over HA of the system σ. Again, this is a reasonable assumption, as it is a part of standard quantum mechanics. The fact that this trace never changes as Alice performs her measurements is the conclusion of the proof of the no-communication theorem.

I would recommend you take a look at how particles are actually entangled.

I'm really not up to the task of explaining it, but when I looked into it, it seemed a lot like the whole "Schrodinger's cat" analogy. Which is a dramatic but poor abstraction that only serves to obfuscate what physicists are actually working with in the eyes of a layperson (like me)

Here is a good example of what I found:

In other words, Bob cannot tell if his own measurement created the result, or he obtained the result Alice caused by measuring first.

The means it'd likely go 50/50 making it look like random noise. The only way to retrieve information about the result is by contacting Alice normally. Is that about right?

kill 'em all

evolution or failed experiments.

MK Ultra is real enough.

Yes thank you for concisely summarizing my lazy wall of text copypaste

Oh MacArthur not you too.

Just how long have they been planning Bluebeam for?

Here's a thought.

If reincarnation is real.

If we are not bound to any single race.

If our bodies, our genetic vehicles of DNA orchestrated matter, are what define us, and are defined by us.

Then by all means, the Imperium of Man is the way of things.

We have no need of Xenos. The human body is perfectly capable, beautifully mortal, and divine in potential.

It is our vehicle. I have no desire to inhabit another vehicle. All Xenos attempting to steal or corrupt human conditioned souls must be purged.


What the fuck mods.

Kill yourself.


Post yfw you realize kali yuga was an ancient jewish trick to get people to kill themselves.

Because you're giving up your agency.

"oh they're super powerful and I'm scared, may as well give up lol"

That's basically the summation of this entire thread "oh lawd we's so scared, help us oh lawdy." Caring about ayy lmaos is slave morality bullshit. If we need to purge them after we purge the jews, then we do it.

Reincarnation is almost always bound to the race of one's previous lives because the spirit wants to return to a body that resembles its past.

I am not very comfortable with the idea that the jews may be stagnating humanity's technological development for their own selfish motives. If this is true then don't they realise that we would be out in the space and colonising the planets decades ago if they did not suppress them?

This is the shittest /x/ tier thread I have ever seen, there isnt even any intellectual arguments just what ifs and nonsense. Everyone so far who participated in this thread should be ashamed.

If aliens existed and they found us they would wipe us out. Simple as that.

just the picture from this post basically sums up all that needs to be discussed about aliens

But we don't have a clue what the aliens are like. Nobody is right nor wrong, it's just that we are conversing.


pessimism is the only acceptable outlook, right?

and what exactly is so terrible about thinking about the future and possible events that would change our society profoundly?

Since at least 1917. The propaganda phase has existed for decades.

No they wouldn't. Or it at least is highly unlikely that they would. They would observe us as animals in a ZOO called earth.
Any civilization that has technology to travel to anywhere in the universe wouldn't be bothered by an anthill.
They can get any resources they want by fusion. Or any other dead planet in the solar system.

We are just an interesting specimen for them. You don't find a civilization that just started space travel everyday.
They would be looking at their own past when looking at our present and try to figure out what makes us different from them. And try to help us in subtle ways.
Or just mess with us to get some new allies in the future. Politics seems a very human invention and wouldn't be surprised if they went with it just for the hell of it.

I'm imagining some ayys sitting in their intergalactic space ship parked and cloaked right above a Trump rally, smoking ntzchakian quark sand, cracking jokes and sniggering at the bantz dat blonde monkey makes. Then make a lightning strike a tower or a festival just to mess with their puny intelligences.

this is an ad hominem shill thread

trying to rope Holla Forums into the flat earth crazy types

Good find OP, this is going to be the biggest psyop since Appollo 11.
I urge you all to read the bible. We are alone in this universe and this is just another ploy to make the masses believe we are not alone, we are not special. Don't be a fool, blue market technology is atleast 2 decades ahead of free market technology. And in this age 2 decades is a LONG ASS TIME. Just look where we were 20 years ago. Open your eyes before it is too late, get on the winning team user, dont let these demons who control these zionists pull you down with them. This is what they want, that you choose their side unknowingly. DONT DO IT. READ THE BIBLE.

That is very creepy.

Lay off the weed bro, in the off-chance that aliens do exist and have visited earth there is a 99.999% chance that the first people who spoke to these ayyliums were the elite, because after all they are the true rulers of earth, and they decide.
I imagine they would just tell them something along the lines of: Our people are still developing and need to be herded and controlled in order for our species to survive. We also have 2 species here on earth the jews we call gods and the goyim who are less then dogs, please dont even talk to them, ok bye.

Suppose that aliens visit earth. Whom they interact with will be largely determined by the personal motivations of the visiting alien in question.

If their goal is simply to learn about humans, they'd likely not engage with us. Instead opting to lurk more, consuming our media. If they did engage with humans, such individuals would do so in the same manner that an anthropologist engages with a primitive tribe. They might attempt to live among humans to observe our practices directly, but they'd have nothing to gain by engaging in talks with us as "equals".

Now, if their goal is political in nature, desiring to include earth in some interstellar community, they'd have cause to interact with human political institutions. However, that's not necessarily a given. It'd be a simple matter to simply annex earth from orbit. Regardless of how advanced their small arms may be, the simple threat of orbital bombardment would be enough to ensure capitulation. It'd also allow them to more directly set the terms of human integration. So, their communicating with human leaders would hinge on them possessing philosophical beliefs which preclude them from the unilateral tactics mentioned.

There's also the possibility that the alien has no meaningful motive for visiting. That is to say, the alien is visiting earth for "shits and giggles". In which case, they may engage in communications with human leaders, but in the manner that elves are said to have interacted with kings of old. They could be deliberately feeding human elites bad information, that they might enjoy the pleasure of watching said elites get killed.

Eh, wouldn't place too much stock into this

There's nothing "alien" with the Crabwoods agrogram, it was badly executed and the binary code was full of mistakes.

Crude copper tools could definitely make those holes.

Aliens ain't getting anywhere near us, I mean, if you had the ability to completely avoid humanity, wouldn't you? They have absolutely nothing to gain in interfering with us and everything to lose in not maintaining radio silence and keeping their distance. Any species that can into interstellar travel isn't going to be stupid and reckless.

I guess thats why the History Channle has been wall-to-wall SECRET ALIEN CONSPIRACIES THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT for the past 3 or 4 years, because its such a closely guarded secret?

Project Blue Beam, m'niggas.

Our planet doesn't have anything of particular worth that isn't more abundant and easily obtained elsewhere. Only thing we have unique is our life which isn't useful to extraterrestrials beyond studying out of curiosity and for novelty.

The Great Silence is best explained by radio waves being a rather shit means of communication which get drowned out by background radiation not very far from their planet of origin.

UFOs have been used as cover by the military, yes.

But accounts of UFOs date back to way the fuck back to whenever the Vedas were written up to now. So for the past several thousand years.

Dude Bernays isn't anywhere near the father of modern advertising. He's the father of propaganda, not advertising.

Someone like John Kennedy would be the father of advertising, and there were dudes doing it before him.

It's been around as long as there have been literate people.

Humans are some of the best warriors in the universe! The harsh environment of earth, sciences and the endless wars of annihilation have made them into the creatures of the nightmares. Most interstellar races are terrible at warfare compared to the earth peoples, since they neutered their fighting instincts to maintain control of the peoples and rarely fight.

Its not just human size, endurance, strength, courage but the battle trances that humans go into that allows them to be so effective with their massive kinetic weapons naturally, calculating the trajectory of dozens of projectiles with hundreds of variables that are constantly changing ever so slightly, is astonishing.

Pssh, we're weak, we have no redundant organ systems, we can be killed by withholding oxygen for a few minutes. Get over yourself, puny human.

Reagan's quote is the sort of thing I'd say if I were hinting at something I was frustrated about having to keep secret.

And you conclude that after watching the galactic version of the Thunderdome?
Any hypothetical Ayys that you ran into would just scramble your brain, divide you into thousand little piece just by looking at you or just rearrange your atomic structure into lettuce. Or any other horrifying stuff that one couldn't even comprehend.

Remember that an intelligence 500 000 000 years more advanced than you is basically God from your point of view.