Black woman

wtf is wrong with wizards?

Americans are so uncivilized compared to their brit counterparts

No sound


Humans are the bad guys?

She's fucking a white guy so its all good.


Of course it's the americans who have this barbaric practice

Do wizards fuck house elves?


This is why we need Witch Hunters!

They have to do whatever you say, you know. Unless you give them clothes.

Why do they racemix at the end with the bakery? Isn't it illegal?

They're so brave!!

Yes, and it funny because when you watch the movie she comes off as the most fucking incompetent ahitty leader ever. A horrible criminal, who goblins can figure out who is he, manages to sneak his way to the highest level of her adminiatration. She passes the blame on to the former wizard cop for not informing her about the magical creatures when the president was the one to dismiss the cop earlier. She doesnt listen to the magical creature expert about the magical creature attacking and killing people. Has death chambers that are regularly used without trials, even on people tangeantly related to severe charges

And worse, when all hell brakes loose, the best she can manage is to order a giant see through wall put up. No charm to keep people away, no wall that looks like everything else. No her incompetent and useless police force put up a giant shiny glimmering dome in the middle of the night and then killed a kid. Whats worse, afterwards they are all like
"Welp we fucked up"
"No we cant wipe everyone's minds, that would require actual work, we got house elfs to fuck and giggle potion to drink"
"Good thing we had this deus ex machina to convenietly wipe our ass for us"
"Hey you, are you exposing magic, to the death chamber"

I mean all the stupid decisions and incompetence would be fine if explained that Evil Wizard guy had been slowly weeding out the people who could do shit right, and the previous president had been assassinated, then fine. But its implied these are the best of the best working there.
Shits both hillarious that this was all unintentional and sad since this could of been a better movie expanding an interesting world.

Does the director have his balls in a vice?

tbf in this instance they thought he was the on responsible for releasing the black mist thingy on the city resulting in constant destruction, mind wipes and several deaths threatening to expose their entire society.

who caused the mayhem and threatening a huge war/schism between them and the muggles



Aren't these christians just a variant of kike propaganda?
Torah and the Bible

You don't want to be a heathen, do you?

tbh it's true in real life. Black men were free while still enslaved in the americas

Jesus fucking christ you would watch birth of a nation and complain there are too many niggers

Of course, that's why we watch The Jetsons instead.

lmao you are retarded


The worst part of this movie is that it was compeltely mediocre. I mean, it didn't rub me out so wrongly that I despised it, it just was eh. I couldn't force myself to give a fuck. I know I was supposed to sympathize with the fat guy, but he simply was annoying, and he was fat and I hate fat people. He wasn't even comedic to compensate, he was just incompetent and out of the water. He should have just been cured and made to forget it all. For fuck's sake, the wizards were fixing the whole city and making everyone forget everything but they couldn't make this dude forget it because of whatever "sympathy" I should feel but do not? Fuck you. Then there's the woman, who lives with her sister, which want instantly to fuck the fatty fuck for god knows what fucking reason. Yes, he's a fucking muggle, it's exotic just like the BBC the girl probably fucks on a daily basis in real life, but so what. You live in a city filled to the brim with muggles, for fucks goddamn fucking sake, do you go through the street constantly wetting your panties? How can you walk with a constant fucking orgasm? Do you not get out? What do you do with your life, then, just wake up, stay on a chair, eat and go back to sleep as if some kind of NPC? Then the goldstein chick who is simply just forgettable and didn't add almost anything to the plot other than that I wanted to fuck the actress and she was constantly complaining about the fact that the protagonist was a dumbfuck. It became obnoxious even. Then there's the thing that the protagonist is an irredeemable dumbfuck who couldn't fucking fix his briefcase like a faggot, dear god, he's useless.
And the animals were just animal+animal, or animal with whatever else, or lifted directly from somewhere else, like the whale rhinoceros, the naked rat that has poison (how magical!), or the badger+kangaroo thing from the beginning, the black smoke from lost, a dragon that changes size (how original!) and the grindelwald thing is just tacked on and shouldn't even be there.
Also, the fact that the guy gets in a fucking ship, it's ridiculous, and when he leaves he says "I'll write"? Shit, he can just come casually to visit every fucking day if he wants, the whole ordeal is just stupid.


I couldn't like any of the characters. The only inkling I felt was for the emo wizard boy.
