You gonna get nuked

So I just head that if the US fires a nuclear missile at another country, they'll actually fire nuclear missiles back.
So what are YOU going to do the week after Trump won the election i.e. the last week of your life?
You gonna celebrate the victory by raping sum bitches or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

Donald Trump is a negotiator and businessman, not a war mongerer who bathes in the blood of dead children from the middle east like Hillary.

Pics or it didn't happen.

I will be like pic related



You're fucked and you don't even know it.
I am so glad that I don't live in your country.
Bye-bye, fucktards!
You will not be missed.

USA will get wat it deserves

tell me why i should vote for hillary OP

Both Clintons will die of natural causes in the next few years

Because you'll live.
Ask yourself: How badly do you want to die in a feminist society?
…because that's your only option.

Simple OP, you glorious fucking faggot. Im going to laugh as the nuke that was fired back is shot out of the air and the US retaliates by nuking all of humanity off the face of the earth.


Sure, the guy who wants to vastly expand the already bloated US military, and has based his entire campaign on xenophobia and the "ZOMG TERRA!!1" card is not a warmonger. I also have beachfront property in Kansas to sell you.

Hitler was right

Oh! look, this thread again.

Haha… Like I would believe some edgy nerd, over Vladimir Putin, who is actually capable of starting a nuclear war.

Nuclear war is inevitable under a Hillary administration.

Nuclear war is unlikely under a Trump administration.

Kill yourself, kid.

Oh, this better be good. Please paint me a picture of what will lead to nuclear war under hillary.

Satan will Reign Super Supreme Pizza one again over all faggots, no matter who gets elected.

And which shithole do you hail from?

Oh wait, it doesn't matter.

Boots on the ground in Syria,

and blaming Russia for DNC leaks with zero evidence.

She's a sabre rattling neo-con puppet threatening Russia and trying to escalate Syria to defeat Assad, not ISIS.

My sides.

Go back to Reddit, you edgelord.

Trump is a Ferengi. He would never go to war because it simply isn't profitable.


Oh and I forgot to mention that the US is currently protecting the leader of the failed coup in Turkey, Fethullah Gülen, in Pennsylvania, and as head of State, this is entirely in her wheelhouse.


Won't happen under Trump.

Could *possibly happen under Hillary, likely won't even under her insane presidency either.

Even the current administration is eager to go to war, but not stupid enough to engage in Mutually Assured Destruction.

I'm much more scared of economic decline being the root cause of America's downfall.

pick one, also…


We need to devise a plan to drive all of the Holla Forums shills into the ocean.

Trump will bomb who his puppet masters tell him to bomb.

Watch Trump make peace with Putin and create the great American-Russian alliance. Join the fun as we remove kebab, illegals and leftist scum like you, OP.


I'm honestly a little worried that Trump might be too passive with Russia.


Hillary oversaw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, led the charge in Libya, and has said outright she wants to bomb Syria, you dumb fuck.

Trump would probably not cause a nuclear war. I doubt it'd be good for business. Like someone else said, he's going to be too lenient with Putin. Putin is a puppet for oligarchs, so why wouldn't they be chummy?

Dump rare putins and trumps

man that's tempting, I will vote for trump if you guarantee that will happen.

Fuck I want a nuclear war, who should I vote for hillary or trump?!!
make up your mind faggots.

That's gay.

This statement is patently untrue. The oligarchs are Putin's puppets, or more accurately, puppets of the state.
Have you noticed what happens to those who break ranks (Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Boris Berezovsky)? Have you noticed that most are ex-KGB, like Putin, and that during the sell-off of soviet assets, they suddenly conjured up billions of rubles from nowhere?
Have you noticed how Alexander Litvinenko quit this mortal coil? Make no mistake about who is in charge in Russia. Khodo did that and went from being the richest man in russia (15 billion)to a convict in the space of 6 hours. He stayed in jail exactly 10 years before Putin pardoned him and now lives in frightened exile with a paltry 100 million the Russians couldn't claw back.
It's a long story, but most of these men are kgb officers who were given kgb money to buy state assets during the Yeltsin sell-off.. They were to do this for the motherland and those who allowed it to go to their head and forget Russia were thrashed.

Lol - you guys are idiots for thinking that I was referring to Russia. I was referring to the middle east. Trump will nuke the middle east, reupon countries like China will shortly respond.
…but maybe you're fucked either way. Maybe Hillary will fuck things up just as bad. However, she will probably do it more slowly.

I can't wait to see you guys suffer.

But what about the leftists that support Trump?

We're not talking about your mom

My mom is a stupid cunt that thinks we should elect Hillary cuz womyn president

You know, we've never had a PEDO president before. I may not be from the US, but I'll run in the next election. Vote for me.

That… That's a very accurate description user.