Food thread

Is there anything in particular that sounds good to you right now/are craving?

Fuck man all I want is a Poke bowl with scallops and albacore with some masago and fried shallots

I'm really into salt and pepper now. I put that shit on everything.



>You will never start your own Poke bowl shop called Poke Man

Why do people like cheese so much?

feels good man

Beats the fuck out of me, I fucking hate cheese. The only cheese I like is artisan cheeses with exotic flavors but other than that cheese is pretty shit

A massive waste of good burgers

Is this really in America? No wonder America is going into shit when you eat so little burgers.

fucking how? I'd puke if I had 4 fucking burgers a day

I used to have high blood pressure until I stopped eating beef altogether, then it went down, hell, I still eat fried chicken, but beef is a huge no, red meat = never ever again

You are just weak fucking sister jacob. The truth is you are manlet. Try to deny it.

depends on the size of the burgers

I can do 4 McDoubles no problem, but 4 huge ass bacon burgers from some fancier place? no way

But Yuri, you tell me all time to be man, and I do many manly thing, I drive manly sports car and masturbate only to manly Russia pornography, but still, you do not accept me as man

That's what I thought too. I know she needed to make a point but nigga that's a ton of burgers. How are going to eat them all? Can you even eat them all?

Government Cheese, the bright yellow shit that's just sugar, is gross.
fancy cheeses are awesome. have some smoked gouda in the fridge, is amazing. havarti, sharp cheddar. brie is amazing, soft and delicious.

Fuck off with manly meme true men dont give a shit if they are manly or sissy they are doing what is needed to be done. Being manly mean you are collected, well disciplined and patient individual. Just act like you were soldier and you will be manly as fucking shit.


don't forget munster. it's like brie except better in every way






stop torturing me man

I believe he is dumping food in a food thread user

you don't need a bio hazard suit to eat brie.

you don't need one for munster either

another thing

pig plate of lasagna. can't because got fucked smoking weed


Most of these packages are probably empty and they placed a few real ones on the floor so people think its that massive amount. Theres no good reason to actually waste that huge amount of food.

mmmmmmm food

shit, shit, good
sht, shit, shit
dunno looks good. really shit. cute.
no bun fuck off. alright. shit.
good. shit. ok.
ok. fucking monkeys. ew.
nice. more bun-less retards. stupid.
ech. ok. fucking niggers.
seriously a potato? good. confusing.
messy shit. lol baguette.
looks awesome actually. nice. good.
dumbshit cleveland. wtf.

i missed a row, shit.
memphis looks awesome. Peru is about as retarded as I'd expect from Peru.

I could really go for some mämmi right now

unfortunately it's only available around Easter

loooks like shit. S H I T.

it's actually a fermented porridge made of rye

very tasty with cream and sugar

Peking motherfucking duck

I'd never had it until a couple years back. Im an American white male who always ordered shitty Chinese food like orange chicken. And then one day I had this. Holy fuck. Goes well with hoisin sauce.

looks like it's made of plastic

why such a small chicken ?


that's some next level hillbilly cuisine


*twirls moustache*

pulled pork sammichs are my favorite food tbh

I could go for baked chicken breast or steak right now

do you also like cold brew coffee and vaping?

Can somebody identify the shit he's eating here, please? I've been curious since I was a small child.


why would I?

just a hunch

you think I'm a hipster?

cause you couldn't be farther from the truth.

looks good

it's what keeps us alive



I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten anything worth eating in months. Hell, I've hardly eaten in months.

Just wasting away, and not in a fun Jimmy Buffett kind of way.

Everything here looks so good.

What I want the most, though, is macaroni salad. I've been craving macaroni salad for 3+ months.

I haven't had a Chicago dog in years.




















Sorry I accidentally posted the image twice



why are you posting the same picture of your dick all over the place?

Nigger how do you associate pulled pork with hipsters?

It's fucking barbecue food. You bake some pork, rip it up, and stir in cheap bbq sauce, heat it back up, and put it on a cheap bun.

It could not be less ostentatious.

maybe in America










If your country things pulled fucking pork is a pretention, upper-crusty dish or has made it into something overly complex and expensive, I can only imagine that the common folk live on dog and rice.


Not like I could even have a glass of wine with it either

Also, to the cheese haters, how many of you are Asian?

Because cheese is the fucking best

I could really go for some ice cream right about now

Damn dude just go watch some porn calm down no ISIS need to be here

kek that tumblrina ham hand

This is now a COOKING WITH SEMEN thread

Why you do this guy?


trips confirm the LIE


does he Phuc you Long time?

thats right
u fix the 1911 by getting a better gun

1911? U mean 911?