Is your life a complete mess, user?
Is your life a complete mess?
Some NEETs should start an actual Church of Kek and allow only NEETs to join so they can socialize and discuss the fall of humanity or some weird shit like that
not at all
I finally got my room to look how I want
I already consider myself a Prophet of Kek
fucking casual
you don't like tigers?
Why do you have two beds?
And do you wear like size 5s or is it just the angle?
in case I bring a lady home with me
just the angle
My only hope is that one day soon I will contract an incurable disease that forces me to die, because I am too much of a pussy to eat the shotgun sitting in my closet.
but you know in the meantime I just post spicy memes on the internet.
Your mom
Poorfag detected.
Thanks dysnomia
I don't have a life to mess up.
no, but its not too far off from a complete mess. if my family died in an accident, i would be homeless within a month
It's not really a complete mess. Professionally I'm doing bretty good, have the money I need, live on my own, but on the sexual/romantic and friendship side I'm a complete mess and am a kissless permavirgin loser with absolutely no friends.
6/10 life I guess.
I keep a journal, daydream a lot, read cool books, watch movies and documentaries, I don't really go out and I'm fine with that, no friends and no gf but I don't really care about that, I'd consider myself a gamma male
what gets me more than anything are the fucking roller shoes
shit was passed in the making of this thread