It's been a while since I've seen one of these threads. There are over 10,000 public boards here on Holla Forums and 1,178 posts made in the last hour over the whole site. The big ones we all know, but can you even name 300? No you can not.
The missions is simple. Hit the shuffle play icon on the top left hand corner of the screen (like in pic related,) grab a pic and bring back here to post with some brief intel. NOT fucking Holla Forums. I want to know what is out there. Shit we never even knew was here. 10,000 boards is not nearly infinite, but it should keep us busy. If you get a major, well known board or something completely dead feel free to give the wheel another spin.
If you find something cool, please remember to post there every once in a while and cross post content here. Holla Forums is ideal for shilling smaller boards as well as making our own catalog more random.
ALSO: If left hand is touching face you fucking 800+ lurkers MUST POST!!!!
OP here. Did you think I actually expected you apathetic faggots to do your part? No I didn't. So here's what I found: >>>/elhipertexto/82 Something about the beta uprising from 2015. Place looks dead, nothing from current year. Spike Obama Bebop was there though. Anyone speaking Spanish can tell you more because I sure as hell don't speak it.
Thomas White
OP again. This time I found >>>/koboro/ A board for Spice and Wolf. Place looks dead as well but the board owner posted in their sticky on July 3rd about adding new banners. If you like Spice and Wolf go pay them a visit and feed off each other's autism. Seems there was a 10th anniversary back in April and a new movie due out soon.
Kayden Torres
Fuck me, that was >>>/korbo/
Juan Robinson
Alright, this one is very very dead but pretty funny. >>>/eu/12
1st post ever, in the sticky. December 18, 2014
July 7th, 2016 post #12.
Tyler Fisher
>>>/futh/ Futhark. Fucking RUNES and such. Last post in May of current year. I know there are some tabletop, pen and paper fuckers reading this right now. Somebody who knows this shit go gather more info and explain what they are up to, and make a post or two there to see if anyone is still alive.
Charles Ramirez
but op, i'm scared of what boards there might be
Anthony Carter
JESUS BASTARD SON OF KEK LAD! NOTHING COMES OF FEAR BUT MORE IGNORANCE! You're a tool, soldier, a tool! Built for a single purpose by lizard men who shut your third god damned eye for a good fucking reason! You can't teach a Holla Forumsastard to love the same shit all day erry day. That dog won't hunt!
You fire up your 9,000 proxies and bring us back the most revolting hurtcore CP the underbelly of this shitpile of an image board can vilonently vomit up! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!
Fuck the spam guy for including my new fetish in her arsenal. But bless this strange new to me form of porn.
I fucking love it, whatever it is.
What the everloving christ is this? Needs more posts. I'll post some stuff there later.
These poor guys need some help.
I knew once the ball got rolling, you guys wouldn't let me down. Outstanding work, scouts!
Samuel Gutierrez
my left hand is touching my dick, but I'll post anyway
>>>/facelicking/ a board for people with a facelicking fetish, but it's been dead for over a year
Dominic Anderson
Someone bring this place back to life!
Jeremiah Morales
This board was just created a week ago and only has one post so far. >>>/normalwhitepeople/ If you ever meet any, send some this guy's way.
Jayden Gray
Brayden Kelly
sure is a lot of spam and cp links…
Adam Morgan
I like it. Needs a lot more content though.
That's always the case, unfortunately.
Benjamin Ramirez
>>>/rocks/ Rock minerals and fossils. Last post was July 5th of this year. Catalog looked pretty full for a smaller board. Found this neat pic of Heinrichite.
Jacob Clark
Chase Robinson
>>>/crbrd/ Carby's Based Board Looks abandoned, reads like a blog. An insane amount of complex rules, I'll copypaste them here __
>Intellectual Honesty: It's hard to give cliffnotes, and I know it's more bullet points and rules but here's a good illustration of what I mean- (disregard the blurb and the source. Pretend I wrote it. The bullet points explain it pretty well). Full disclosure, I ripped most of these rules from Wizardchan and had a lot of help from my friend in writing them. __ ___
Looks like a lone wizard set up shot, then hanged himself about a year ago. Last post July 22, 2015. RIP in your onahole, Carborane.
Adam Sanders
Austin Brooks
Nathaniel Kelly
Kevin Jones
Wyatt Collins
>>>/dailydose/ thanks doc
Jaxon Ward
This is from /wgb/, a board with one thread that consists of a dox of pic related.
Chase Taylor
So …Holla Forums has a torrents and tracker board. fml, i wish i'd known this earlier.
pic related is from a thread where a dude shares a magnet link for amateur porn
Aiden Lopez
fisticuffs board
Tyler Reyes
damm >>>/fight/170
Try that again
David Morales
Christopher Walker
Fuck me.
Samuel Bailey
You and me both brah
Wyatt Jones
Link to the thread, nigger.
James Thompson
Grayson Walker
>>>/xo/21 Pepper your angus.
Leo Ross
Owen Perez
Michael Allen
Stop lurking start posting we all can contribute. There are lots of cool smaller boards. >>>/bmw/ >>>/jp/ >>>/kind/
Just contribute something a bit at a time and we can make things work niggas this concept isn't had to understand.
>>>/dino/ This is for all lovers of Dinosaurs and Dinosaur like things, non dino reptiles (synapsids, pterosaurs etc.) birds, Ice age creatures, fictional monsters and so on are all welcome as long as they are Dinosaur rleated.
Brayden Morales
A board about preteen feet love, or a foot fetish that involves preteens.
This board has ABSOLUTELY no posts.
Easton Green
>>>/altladys/ - Attractive Alternative Ladies 18+★ People appreciating the wonderful ladies that want to be different both nude and clothed. Including but not limited for: emo, goth, scene, rocker, nerd, cyberpunk, and so on.
Daniel Russell
Blake Perry
Welcome to /aacom/, the board for The Court of Magic attorney roleplay.
If you're looking for a case and it isn't here, the website you want is
Board Rules
1. Post out of character (OOC) in spoilers only.
2. Interject using headings. That's ==text== to you.
>>>/kfcnigger/ - Nigger Faggot Anus Kike KFC Black★ Tyrone Jamal Black
Daniel Nguyen
>>>/nfbc/ - Newfag Bootcamp
Brandon Lopez
Post the best unlisted boards you know, I bet there are some that have decent activity level and most of us don't even know, I understand the want to stay hidden from the mainstream casual browser of this site, but we're not them, they're just people looking at the board list.
Henry Peterson
>>>/natsoc/ - National Socialism★ The Natural worldview
Zachary Allen
>>>/cieloki/ - Melancholiczni Romantycy★
mode przypierdol
Michael Ramirez
>>>/goku/ - Goku and Goku Discussion★ GOKU CONFIRMED FOR SMASH
>>>/crg/ - The Comfy Robot Group★ "/crg/ was a mistake" - Ante
Kevin James
>>>/0563124021025431/ - the perverse cards★
Adrian Sanders
>>>/shoe0nhead/ - shoe0nhead★
Justin Smith
>>>/uncut/ - uncut dicks★
Parker Lee
>>>/namibia/ - A New Homeland★ Investment & Immigration
Isaiah Gutierrez
>>>/ausnudes/ - Southern Straya Nudes★ because i am American
Post your shit here. I ain't scurred no goddamn Ozzie cops.
Ryder Russell
>>>/edm/ - EDM★ Electronic Music
Xavier Robinson
>>>/szczur/ - Homoseksualne gryzonie★ i milosnicy norwegii
Benjamin Hall
Nicholas Perry
You inspired me to make this.
Jeremiah Lopez
>>>/britfeel/ - Feel Britannia★ By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories
Tyler Morgan
>>>/med/ - Medicine★ Fuck your meditation this board is about MEDICINE nigger
Owen Turner
>>>/porngames/ - Porn Flashes etc.★
Jackson Jones
Totally forgot about that board I remember having fun asking the autist owner stupid questions.
Jacob Mitchell
>>>/beer/ - Beer ★ a Gods gift to man
Ayden Gray
>>>/test555777/ - test★ You don't own nothing CRACKA
You don't own nothing WHITEY
You don't own nothing NAZI
You don't own nothing FAGGOT
You don't own nothing KIKE
You don't own nothing JEW
You don't own nothing NIGGER
You don't own nothing SPIC
You don't own nothing RETARD
Look at all these stupid GOYIM
They'll never learn these GOYIM
Jace Flores
It's some lonely sap blogging about his faggotry.
Robert Price
>>>/okemos/ - Okemos High School
Justin Miller
>>>/tuppers/ - Tuppers★ Not related to #tuppers
Logan Torres
/dxm/ - Dextromethorphan Discussion★ Over-the-Counter Gateway to the Gods
Jack Johnson
Tyler Hill
>>>/modernislam/ - Modern Islam★ Progressive Muslims for a brighter global future.
Alexander Harris
OP of that thread here, the girl threw a fit back in 2012 just to get it banned on 4chan and I knew instantly it was going to be gold. I posted again in that thread and some weren't able to download the first link which was pretty much complete and I promised them I would upload it on MEGA.
Josiah Garcia
>>>/gggggg/ - Gggggggg gg gggg gggggg★ Ggggg ggg g ggg g gggggg. Gggg gggg gg gggggggg gg ggg gg.
Someone has a hardon for the letter G
Alexander Jenkins
>>>/lefty/ - Left Hand★ Fap with the left, browse with the right.
This board was designed for the usage of your left hand, to share stories and experiences related to the left hand, discussion relevant to the left hand and superiority over right-handedness.
Are you left-handed? Here's a simple test:
Do you write with your left hand?
Then you're left-handed. If you're good enough to can learn to be part of the ambidextrous masterrace.
Hudson Jones
>>>/doge/ - Doge★ All things Doge
Jeremiah Hughes
>>>/thehouse/ - The House★ hang out with the family
Joseph Sullivan
>>>/s4s/ - Sh*t 4chan Says★ Bringing back le memeories :^)!
Justin Flores
>>>/fsg/ - fat stupid garbage★ the coolest place on the internet
You know what's funny? I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL. Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening. You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.
Logan Gonzalez
>>>/kink/ - For all things kinky / S&M★
Evan Martinez
>>>/hr/ - High Resolution★
Jaxson Jones
/goo/ - Goo Girls★ Best Monster Girl
Nolan Barnes
>>>/goo/ - Goo Girls★ Best Monster Girl
Jose Roberts
>>>/bbw/ - Big Beautiful Women★ Big tits, big asses, big bellies, big fun
Justin Fisher
>>>/storytime/ - Holla Forums Storytimes and comic dumps★ Helping you kill the comic industry one delightful thread at a time
I found something on that is really interesting and isn't about ruining Holla Forums or lefty bullshit. The link I'm going to post is to, a temp file hosting site made by the guys who made and freech. I think i might get banned for this, not from Holla Forums but from the actual website.
>>>/cunt2/ - Cunt★ /cunt/ reloaded and under new management. Enjoy.
The Real Board for the hatred of women. whether you're into hitting, humiliating, torturing, killing or just plain and simple belittling cunts, then you're right at home buddy!
Xavier Jackson
>>>/pdfs/ - Fash archiving project.★
Austin Myers
>>>/freedu/ - Free Education★ Learning resources, free, for everyone
Jacob Perry
Holla Forums is the only board worth going to in the history of any chan. I came here to try and steal Holla Forums's numbers. WHY the fuck are you losers still here? Be apart of a Nationalist Socialist think that that's changing the world for the better.
Cooper Williams
anything below /monster/ is a cementery
I used to browse: >>>/campfire/ >>>/lucid/ >>>/toy/
and the 3 are dead now
Jaxon Long
>>>/rmhr/ - Retro Metal and Hard Rock★ "What is this? Where am I, man?"-Ozzy Osbourne
Levi Myers
>>>/tikilounge/ - BIG KAHUNA'S Tiki Lounge★ Exotic drinks served mid the relaxing decor of a South Pacific paradise
>>>/deadkids/ - Sexy Little Dead Children★ Where pedophile necrophiles can share their fantacy
Evan Gomez
Jacob Cook
he's just trolling, I said there's no way that would exist, I said
and now my stomach is upside down
Andrew Collins
These are awesome, holy fuck so much cool shit discovered, we gotta grow this so I have more weird little chan boards to discover somewhere in my future.
Nolan Miller
Aaron Smith
>>>/rojava/ Based Kurdish women warriors removing jihad in the Syrian war. Place seems dead now but had some activity last year. Most recent post was on March 12th of this year. Seemed very sincere with links, resources, philosophy and other anons seemingly from the west wanting to help, offering what they could (tech knowledge, etc.) since they couldn't fight.
A very small but interesting slice of actual history for the war and Holla Forums's tiny corner for them to reach out.
Anthony Cooper
Joshua Williams
Gabriel Collins
Jack Sanchez
oy vey
Carson Miller
>>>/bellies/ - Bellies★ Forget the butt, it's all about the gut
Brayden Stewart
Gabriel Edwards
>>>/wsg/ - Worksafe Animation★
Blake Long
>>>/art/ - Art & Creative★ Create and discuss art
Asher Phillips
>>>/pcmr/ - PC Master Race★ Puny console peasants
Adrian Clark
>>>/pits/ - Armpit Fetish★ dedicated to the least appreciated erogenous zone
Matthew Hill
>>>/fem2/ - Females Only★ For Girls, and Only Girls. Cancer free!
I feel discriminated against.
Aiden Davis
>>>/cgiloli/ - CGI Lolicon★ computer-generated imagery of loli/shota art
Sebastian Lopez
>>>/hf/ - Hack Funk★ L33T's, Skids, and Leaks.
Carson Reed
>>>/dai/ - kaiju★ For all things kaiju related
Nolan Butler
>>>/fe/ - Fetish★ Not just leather and rope.
Connor Nelson
>>>/cat/ - Cats and kittens.★ Where every day is caturday.
Angel Lewis
>>>/lgdd/ - Littles, Babygirls, Daddies & Mommies★ Girls and boys into ageplay and the daddies and mommies who love them.
John Watson
>>>/cracky/ - The Temple of the Sky Queen★
Josiah Robinson
>>>/map/ - Maps★ A board for cartography and maps of any kind
Logan Nelson
>>>/necrophilia/ - Necrophilia★ Support and Discussion