It is the year 10091

It is the year 10091

Only three black men exist in the universe, all close company of the emperor…

D&D picked it as their next project for a reason.

The Sardaukar are descended from a penal colony after all, like Australia with less dangerous wildlife





Is this Dune?


Just watched this today. Thought it was pretty good.
I actually liked the internal monologues

Lynch could have made a great film if he listened to reason.

Holy shit that guy's got a long face.
Also the only reason I know anything about dune is because of that porn game.

Hollywood has a quota to fill.
Notice how you never see them again after that scene. They're also on the losing side and probably died during the attack on Arraken or in the consequent holy war.

You know how those damn niggers got into those high military position? Diversity hire. Just sayin we wouldn't have lost to sandniggers if we had a all white group

I am afraid to ask?

No, it's pretty vanilla.

The most important thing is, though, will there be kikes?

You're thinking of harkonnens

You see them in the final battle scene. When the emperor's golden pyramid spaceship is being attacked by the fremen, the generals sit down at periscope looking things. I'm assuming they're gun emplacements or command stations.

That was the best part of the whole movie. If they ever reboot it, it should just be a zoom in on a guy's face while he thinks to himself for seven hours.

I'd torrent the fuck out of that.

Doesn't seem that different from hgg

That gave me nostalgia more than anything else.

You really should read the books, they're pretty great but also overhyped.

Harkonans were sadistic faggots
Imperial Court were pozzed whites
Spacer Guild is a bunch of abominations
Mentats are kikes
Bene Gesserit are self serving women, aka: Feminists
Fremen are sand niggers

House Atreides are the last true whites, who go an conquer everything.
Spice is Oil

Internal monologues with the quiet voices were gay as fuck fam

You're just too pleb to get it.



I miss FMV cheese.


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.