Windows users get cucked again like usual

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Why update the firmware if it works fine now and will continue to regardless of it?

You don't even have to use their software to update the firmware either. You can download a bootable image and write it to a flash drive and update it like that.

Why upgrade firmware in first place oniichan ?

No there isn't. Just searched their support page and no fee update for the 850 of any kind was avaible

Some questions will never be answered.

Potential data loss bugs
Sometimes performance improvements

I learn something new everyday.

>if it works fine now and will continue to regardless of it

Because it's Samsung and they've already had problems with buggy firmware in the past?

Yep, this.

Linux kernel even has blacklisted 850-series SSDs from using TRIM because Samsung botched the implementation in their firmware and data kept getting lost.

Why do you need firmware for a hard drive?

Posted this pic in the consumer thread.
I need a replacement SSD for my 850, gonna sell it, but am wondering if all manufacturers collect info, my guess is they do.

What's the alternative? Jewtel?

Is there any SSD that has working TRIM on Linux then?

Having no TRIM sounds like recipe for disaster.

Yeah. He just said that that one series has been blacklisted.

My 840 Pro works fine with TRIM on Linux using fstrim. I have it scheduled to run once a week.

Low energy clickbait title.
Nothing to do with windows, entirely a Samsung issue.

Also Intel isn't a bad choice. Shitty memes aside the newer ones will have 3DXP for better storage/speed all thanks to the work of the companies linked above

MIDF out in full force today.

Install gentoo.



Because we don't use MFM drives any more.


When did this become acceptable? Sad!

This is the main method to get Samsung SSD firmware update on Windows. On Linux this is done via kernel update.

The only low energy thing here is your mind, user/

Windows is still irrelevant here, clickbait title >implies microsoft is somehow at fault for what Samsung did.


How is that implied? I'm OP btw. 99% of the time I use Windows, but also have another PC with Linux. I put that title because shit like this happens all the time, because companies can easily fuck with Windows users because majority doesn't care. While one Linux shit like that doesn't happen and I wish that it wouldn't happen on Windows too.

Microsoft can't do much about that I'm not impling that they are at fault here. Stop being butthurt when people complain that something on your favorite OS doesn't work like it should. We complain because we care. But I bet you're a good goy and stuff problems like this under the rug.

Try reading your clickbait title again.

water is wet but we don't need 40 threads about it

I'm sorry, I will put trigger warning next time.


"windows *users* get cucked again like usual"

I don't see any issue with this, MIDF. Microsoft isn't named at all, or accused of anything.

So, what the fuck does that firmware do

My 840evo was working just fine for 2 years and now is bitching about firmware updates, speeds are still fine and I never had issues with it

Samsung disgusts me. I still haven't forgotten the scandal in 2011 w/ their spyware-infested laptops that shipped w/ (not so well) hidden tracking programs installed.

Catte like you must be kept in control so shut the fuck up and install the new backdoor already you stupid goyim.


I never forgot about their spying smart tv's.

what did they mean by this?

Ah yes, those too. That was just a few months ago.
How about I just don't buy your fucking TV, you cunts?

I hope they go too far one day, and go bankrupt from the public boycotting them.

Turn the meme rapid mode off

It isn't. It just fell by the wayside as an autism gauge ever since MLP came along.

Everyone who uses an SSD is a cucked planned obsolescence faggot.

who is this 3d kurwa

So what's another high performance alternative that doesn't do this shit? I suspect all companies do this, but with Samsung confirming it, I won't buy it.

Kingston, Patriot, nor Sandisk have this firmware bullshit update process.

Sure. Also, I prefer something slowly and predictibly dying over the HDD failure lottery.

But do they contain data collection in their ToS?

wypierdalaj na swój karakan albo inne vi, nietrzymający z bonerem do losowych obrazków loszek

Wait a fucking minute here.

Does the Samsung SSD Magician software collect and phone home your personal data, OR DOES THE FUCKING SSD FIRMWARE ITSELF COLLECT YOUR DATA?

surreptitiously clones your ssd to utah data center. is automatic backup. it is a feature goy.

you paid for this future. now die in it.

Fuck off to pol
Saying MIDF means you are alright with the death of six million jews and are literally worse than a nazi.

Its hard to believe people still believe the holohoax.

Don't think any modern hardware is safe anymore, especially not the CPU. You can be using OpenBSD, does not matter, Israel and USA still can get to you.

Why can't Holla Forums make OC instead of shitty jew edits

It's hard to believe you're so emotionally invested in your conspiracy you can't see facts


nice strawman faggit. you surely belong to Holla Forums

Well then you deserve it.