Best of the Worst



The only joy I get from RLM any more is living vicariously through it by imagining I've bullied Jay into being my sexually submissive gay boyfriend, whom I punish and discipline whenever he white knights for Star Wars or capeshit until all remnants of his shit taste have been replaced with dickthirst.

What are the best old BOTW to download instead of this garbage? Anything before the dinosaur episode applies.

I didn't know they made a Christmas Vacation sequel to this



episode was great.


Hahah xD my favourite part!

posts like these make me think you guys hate them mostly because they became too popular

That and they like the new star wars shit.

Can't like someone with a different opinion than you after all.

they liked individual elements of the new SW shit., you can clearly see that they hate pretty much everything in the movies except for a few select things.

if Holla Forums hates RLM so much, why do they keep making threads about them?


because Holla Forums actually likes RLM but they have to pretend they hate it to keep redditors out, because rlm became too popular and if you like something too popular, the redditors come.

Holla Forums a true human bean


They ==WERE== funny & the plinkett stuff
==WAS== good.
They are trash now particularly due to their doubling down on TFA shit no one that complained that much the all the problems the prequels had could ever see TFA and believe that TFA was a good movie as many of the same problems persist in TFA & and are in fact worse.
If RLM or Mike really as it seems its really his opinion we are hearing said well TFA did X , Y, Z better than the prequels but its still trash…. that would be more believable than jumping on the 2015 fanboy bandwagon and claiming TFA was a terrific movie when it very clearly is not. Even some of those fanboys from 2015 have began to realize TFA sucked while RLM doubled down on their retarded remarks….

I hope TFA's sequel bombs terribly…

what's wrong with Rich's head here?

Opening a present is strenuous for him

Obesity and male pattern baldness.

More anti-Trump shit at the end……

Forcing Jay gay would be pretty rad.

At this rate we'll have meme'd Jessi into taking a ton of nigger dicks before long.

I always disliked them, their reddit styled prequel "reviews" were awful. Space Cop made me hate them, I want to behead Mike for being such an unfunny cuck.

What did they do now?

Mostly it was just AIDSMoby being a little bitch and pretending he totally didn't like either candidate despite his tweets.

Then it went on for a while and they complained about the movie "picking the worst cabinet candidates" while I think trying to hide it as a joke on people complaining about Trump's picks but it was pretty obvious that they were actually bothered by it and trying to hide it behind the usual "it's just a joke bro" type thing that people like John Oliver do.

They almost made it through without getting political but AIDSMoby just can't help but exude butthurt in every new video.

Mike made it worse tbh.

Oh Jay.

yeah well said….m8 its exactly as you put it.
Why is Aids still there? No one likes him. He also reminds me of that disgusting faggot from community ( pic related).

Looks like Conan O'brien + Rich Evans genetic experiment.


There's another element. Holla Forums doesn't like RLM because once RLM got mainstream (maybe the shark was Tim or Max Landis), they got a new audience different than the original, so Mike & co had to tone down their style (AIDS Moby is there to tone police). That's why Plinkett isn't Plinkett anymore and why all their videos (HitB, BotW/WotW) contains mostly catchphrases ("oh my god", "whaaaaat?", "juicy shaq meat", "AAAAIIIDDDDSSS", "look I'm acting like if I was dead drunk and didn't want to be here" etc.) than actual writing, they even made 2 posters out of their reddit memes.


I used to, but after the TFA review it just wasn't fun anymore. Mike started talking about how hard Marina Sirtis had it in the next episode, or actresses forced to take their tops off, and what a prick the director was. The thing js Mike has made tons of jokes about Marina Sirtis being old and unattractive, so it was like the standard comedian who does years of blue humor who goes faggot and starts lecturing people.

When Disney started paying them, Mike when SocJus, and once you're aware of that it just isn't enjoyable.


After all the shitty epsiodes this one made me smile a couple of times at least.


man, you Holla Forumstards sure love throwing satire and sarcasm around but hate receiving it


here we go again
fuck off Holla Forums. learn to read sarcasm and stop getting triggered like a tumblrite.

opening presents is the most exercise Rich gets all year

so obviously on christmas he's going to be completely fine because no one gets him any presents for christmas.

The salt …… must flow!


u mad drumpfskin?


Fuck's sake.

Gone are the days of 9/11 jokes during Christmas.

It appears drumpfspic is a RLM cuckold as well.
How pathetic can one sperg be?

They were memed into being actual hack frauds
They are literally paid to shill by Disney(and probably others) now
If you still watch them, you're basically watching cheap advertising with fat old drunks

Christ you tumblrcucks are out in full force tonight eh?
The only cultural relevance RLM had was shitting on things the media told us where great.
They stopped doing that so they lost their connection to their audience, be it from being paid to shill or their brains rotting from alcohol and social justice.
The only entertaining videos they make these days are wheel of the worst, which relies completely on the videos being funny, no real thought required on their part.

looks like the drumpfskins have entered the thread

Daily reminder that Mike, Jack, and Rich all read Gawker, and were mad that Hogan won the lawsuit.

Daily reminder that Jay always knew Devin F was a piece of shit, ergo Jay is the least cancerous of the bunch.

Say drumpf again, it totally doesn't make you look like a buttblasted retard still crying about the elections.


You sound pooper-pained :^)

Stay strong comrade shadow sasuke, we're gonna shame those nazi's by using a german name until drumpf leaves office.

Drumpfy is not a gnatzi, he's just retarded.

No i'm not. They are just dumb trustfund babies that never made any use of the opportunity they had by being accepted into film school. Fuck them, and fuck Drumpf.

So what set the drumpfspic off this time?
I'm looking at the thread and there isn't anything terribly political.

Nothing. You guys summoned me tbh.

y tho
There's literally nothing to be butthurt about here.

I saw this while browsing the first page and couldn't help myself

Sorry Drumpftard, but i'm never gonna stop thinking your fat faggot president is worth a damn.

So you're saying you can't contain your butthurt?
y Holla Forums tho?
Nobody actually cares about politics here.

Drumpftards are crawling all over this board. And because you can't get banned hero. Holla Forums banned me because muh drumpf

Are you sure you didn't get banned for spamming?
You tend to do that.

You're gonna really enjoy the next eight years…

I got banned because I unfortunately decided to drumpfpost on the one night when the hotpocket was actually doing his job.

So do you do it exclusively for (you)s, or are you actually mad?
You've been doing this for a long time and I never could figure out if you're legitimately assmad or not, which is frustrating tbh.

I'm not assmad, I just legitimately don't like you Drumpftards and it takes no time for me to post about it here. This is the only board where I do it. Any other will likely ban me and unlike other trustfund fags here, I don't have a dynamic IP or 7000 proxies and VPNs.

VPNs only cost like $40 a year though.
If you're too poor to afford that, then how can you even afford the internet at all?
Thank fuck I finally got an answer about the assmad question. Good to know it actually makes you mad.
I'm not even an American citizen btw, so I couldn't have voted for Trump even if I actually cared enough to get off of my ass to do so.
I just post "Trump won" because it riles you up and derails threads I don't like tbh

nobody will have dynamic IPs anymore soon… optic fiber is eating away at ADSL technology due to its superior speed. normies don't care that they're being tracked 24/7 and have no privacy, so dynamic IPs will die soon.

i don't really care about the boardwars but im sticking to ADSL until they come in person to rip the cables out of my wall.

Good, let's be faggots together and derail all the threads.

Sounds fun to me.

oh no anything but derailing threads on Holla Forums

what will we do without on-topic RLM, whatdidhemeanbythis, dunkaccino, and cuckposting threads? Maybe even the maiseniggers and justposters will have to try harder to stay on topic of

oh wait that's right, this is fucking Holla Forums, it's just Holla Forums but with even more repetition.

I'm not convinced any thread here is ever railed to begin with.

There are some, and they're almost always shit threads started by redditors that deserve to be derailed.



Then why are you here? Holla Forums is heavily pro trump, go to literally any other online community and you wont be constantly triggered.
Out of a sea of websites you could go to where they suckle on Hillary's saggy tits, you come here to complain about those ebul drumpfywumpys.
Maybe youre just frustrated because the counter culture you saw yourself as part of is supporting someone you dont like, or maybe youre just addicted to getting angry and seek it out.
Either way, it seems pretty unhealthy.

They're so boring now.

Maybe if you didn't bring up Trump more than Trump supporters do maybe people wouldn't hate you so damn much. You do it every fucking time everyone disagrees with you and every time you look more and more like a butthurt Bernout who can't stfu about politics already. Just do everyone a favor and end your life. You were banned from the other boards because all you did was shitpost about how much Trump triggers you and about how much you hate the world. Suck it the fuck up and just stay on topic you loathsome queer.

Agreed, but he won't admit it.

I lost all interest in them after the Suicide Squad review. How could both of them not notice where Quinn's cellphone came from while also ignoring several other stated plot points in it and other movies? Just makes me suspect all the more that they just skim through a movie while talking and then read what everyone else is saying after they've realized that they don't have enough to talk about half the time.