Holla Forums weeaboo has serious yellow fever

Holla Forums BTFO



I only ever see them praise nips for being a mostly ethnically homogeneous society, while claiming they're degenerate in the same breath.
I don't visit Holla Forums itself though, so maybe they weeb it up there?

bait thread

Yeah they're pretty autistic about the whole honorary aryans thing. Holla Forums is filled with these weeaboo sacks of shits

Did you miss all the yellowfever fags? Also, your post makes it look as if the Japs were in the right by acting the way they did to this guy. The husband was an asshole just because he could, despite the dude being an assliker with him. Then ge hot butthurt because he though whitey was assuming he was dumb and could get scammed, which he did, so he is a faggot.

The guy was an obsessive pervert and kept leering at his wife. Nigger was too much of a weeaboo to actually give an american's perspective on american literature and music because he was too busy guzzling nip cum.
They were right to cringe and be repulsed by his behavior. It's one thing to grovel but to worship them and go on about their superior jap culture is enough to make anyone be disgusted.


They humiliated him, and then the guy got redpilled on how Japs were actually cunts. Also, if he didn't want the guy to stare at his wife then he shouldn't have taken all those gifts the faggot gave to his wife.

I'm not denying the japs were cunts but they were more than justified for treating him the way they did.

they already own his ass, no need to be fucking cunts about it tbh

Nobody no matter the race would stand this trash.

Liberals do this with the invaders and niggers every day.

Well duh, the literally owned his ass. He sucked up to them because he though it was the only way to climb a higher social status. Which it's true, since the Japs didn't allow whitey to get very far in the social ladder.

Yeah but on the context of the show they literally owned the land and had no qualms with sending people to the gulag over anything.

Uh huh that's why he's lusting after the nip woman right? For social status?
You don't go full weeb even in the case of a jap occupation.

ITT: OP has lost his mind and seizured out a thread for reasons only OP knows but probably has something to do with still being mad Hillary lost

I'm too lazy to find the stormnigger edit so here.

Well for one he was a cuck, second he though that if he became a friend to the wealthy jap family he could start to make a name for himself in the jap society, which would be his ticket out of the shitty antique store.

Just dragged myself through this fucking show, god what a waste, the fucking weeabo with semitic tendencies was one of the few mildly entertaining things.

Im going to write a review for this shitshow here soon and nobody can stop me. There are elements of it that deserve to be analysed, but I really cant suggest it, its just fucking boring, especially if you watch it all in a few days.The story is incoherent, its laced with platitudes, deus ex machinas and all kinds of other garbage. Some of the props are ridiculous, the german goes from meh to laughably bad.

This is one of the few cases where the show would have actually benefitted from some massive lore dumps, even hackey kojima style diatribes would have really helped- instead worldbuilding is almost entirely avoided and its all interpersonal bullshit which is badly written, whiny, self-centered and decidedly western liberal both from a moral standpoint and from its understanding of occupation, war and insurgency.

the story from Dick was already not that good, one of his weakest ones imo, he did some research on the nahtzis but ultimately the man did not really understand the world war. He did get some things right but I would wager that most alt-history nerds would sneer at even his book, nevermind the godawful show. "greater nazi reich" le-fucking-mao, its so bad

give it a miss I say, unless you have a nahtzi fetish and want to hear people standing around in offices discussing the eradication of the semites, also desperate nazi housewives

Season 2 was especially bad. The story just went all over trying to keep up with the characters whose arcs and plotlines didn't come together cohesively. The dimension jumping jap, the inspector, the nazi spy, john, the girl, the jew, conspirators,resitance etc.

The biggest disappointment has to be the barebones powerstruggle within the reich. That might have been mildly interesting but nope all we get is the usurper from the first season going oh this guy is behind it all woops. The reveal that blake's dad was the conspirator just made me go eh.

I want to fuck that lady too