Tumblrwashing Thread #2: It All Comes Tumblring Down

Post the most horrific tumblrfications you can find here.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


arms do not bend like that
I never noticed how weird elsa looked in side view

They made her a kike?

Ever notice how most of these are racial caricatures? Like they're actually pretty fucking racist?

Why don't we make the Proud Family white and trigger them?

Most SJWs dont really seem to know any minorities, other than gendersearching transplanarqueers. So whenever they try to add diversity into something, or create diverse character, they just end up making stuff that wouldn't look out of place in the 30's caricatures.

I remember coming across a tumblr post about Peter Parker where they not only made him and his family black, they made it so that Uncle Ben got shot by racist police officers. And then black Spider-Man went around webbing up the police and letting
dindus go free because the real criminals were white people or some shit.

It was all very autistic, believe me.

I-is that… Jonathan?
It's time to start collecting hands.

I believe you.

This shit writes itself.

I kind of like the last one

you and me brother, you and me

Honestly, that one doesn't bug me that much. She looks like a fucked up chipmunk chipmunk normally- giving her a more realistic jaw, nose and eyes isn't that bad.

she kinda has a man jaw
it's still tame compared to other stuff you see




thank goodness


I know it's not Holla Forums but somene who have i,post that absurd disgusting shit of Kill la Kill.You know the one.



That was last thread, and since you asked for it here it is again.

That's not even the worst part of it; look at how the tumblrina claims xhe "fixed" it, as if xhe feels superior to the original design staff.

Make them all into sexy aryan snow queens.


I didn't know you could make Jojo gayer, but they found a way.

jojo isn't gay, it's old Rome manly.
Tumblr has however has indeed created a twisted gay reflection of it.



It's not even that they make them black or whatever. If you just tinted the skin color of most female characters down a few notches you end up with some Korra-tier delicious brown.

It's that they fucking ugly them up as well. Gross gap teeth, hairy legs, fucking disgusting.

You know why society has collectively decided that these defects are unappealing? Because they are. Most people aren't even that ugly, and this is coming from a fat guy, so this 'we need more representation/unrealistic beauty standards/we are the 99%' bullshit is hilariously false.

Fuck Tumblr, everyone who actively uses it for anything other than the occasional bit of fetish porn needs to be gassed.

It's too fucking early for me to see those, and why do they keep insisting any of the Jojos or characters like Hermes as black while there are black characters in the story already.

Reminder that Tumblr SJWs are more racist than any stormfag.

Are those skin grafts or something?
They couldn't make them more hideous if they drawn actual sheboons.

My English is going to shit…

Dubs confirm.
Pick a dictionary up!

Because they're racist and can't like something unless at least half the characters are black.
Now post more of that sweet, sweet Jojo fanart.

It's vitiligo, a condition where the skin goes white in patches like that. Usually over the years it's all white or just patchy.

My mother has it and really doesn't like it. Tumblr SJWs want to turn it into a fashion statement.

Tumblr fetishizes this stuff. There are tons of pictures where they randomly pick white/non-human characters and make them black-with-skin-conditions.
If a character has more than one hue in their skin color palette, it's guaranteed.
The big orange chick from SU gets it especially bad, because she has those redddish lightning patterns all over her body, so naturally, tumblr turns her into michael jackson.

You got it, user. Will post more from time to time, if need to.

Here's some more from the same artist from>>576822


This has to be a trolling I swear

Vegeta pic might be passable if it's some AU thing, but this whole thing of blackwashing things is retarded and creepy.

Everything about this is ugly, and how many muppets had to be sacrificed to make that?

God fucking dammit tumblr.

Again, god fucking dammit tumblr.

Didn't Michael Jackson got that as well and that's why he became white ?

Most likely. Went for plastic surgery so it was even and gradual rather than patchy.

He used make up and I believe had some kind of treatment so his skin would actually be all white instead of the weird paterns you usually get when having vitiligo.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

I think I figured out that last pic
Josuke's wearing clothes to look like The Hand while Oku's is supposed to look like Crazy Diamond

If so, then why does Oku isn't using any of Josuke's icons, like his Heart, the Peace sign or the Anchor ?
He's wearing his regular Yen sign

Either it's an oversight or the artist is hinting to the viewers that they ship it.

Vitiligo is the new heterochromia for shitty fan art/ OC DONUT STEELs

At least they can't get their hands on Fist of the North Star or Judge Dredd

Oh, I get. Because it's set in a prison.

Too much toxic masculinity. I thought that would protect JoJo as well, but Araki is too fabulous for his own good and basically made the perfect fujo-bait and yoai shipper's paradise

Kek, Why not draw all part 3 characters as muslims since it's set in egypt?
On second thought, scratch that. Don't want to give Tumblr ideas

Pic related.

I think it may be too late for that, user. Don't have any pics, but there is probably something like somewhere

Will Araki ever try to do muscular big guys 4U again ?
I know that he switched to fabulous because the 80's were over and not that many people were onto musclebound characters that much anymore

IDW's current run on Dredd tried to do social commentary the same way current socjus comic writters do, but it fails so miserably that you don't get what the fuck is going on
Short story, they tried to do what Wagner, Mills, Ennis, Grant and many other classic 2000AD writers do when they implement satire and social commentary on their stories but they failed miserably, thank grud that this wasn't on regular 2000AD
I could storytime it for you some time, so you can suffer with me
But don't worry, this wasn't part of Dredd's regular release, neither weekly 2000AD or Megazine, so it isn't part of Judge Dredd's cannon, as far as I know

I dont think so

That kinda blows, and I like fujoshit but I like musclebound/handsome characters.

Hopefully. Seeing that sort of thing in today's stuff would be very refreshing.

No, now is the era of sameface in JoJo

Oh it is an AU, but only the weapons.
My point of sharing that art was because the artist headcanons Vegeta, as well as numerous other characters, like Goku and Chi-Chi (because Ox King looks "stereotypically Columbian") as spics.

tbh I think Akrai could make a 1920s Black Jojo in a zoot suit work to bad part 8 is set in 2011.

Ah okay, I'll retract that statement.

It's creepy when artists or anyone do that sort thing with race, disabilities, ect, and yet they mad when someone does the opposite or calls them out on their shit.

And tumblr will have a god damn field day if that happens.

>ncbiSay no to spamm.nih.gov/pubmed/534100

tldr: Vitiligo causes severe vision, but who cares it makes you look all unique and speshul

Hopefully part 9 will have big guys once again.

At least they wont taint Anderson or Hershey with their bullshit

does it also give you major health

Hopefully, someday.

severe vision problems*

I never see the mistake until after I hit post


Tone it down.
If we get too homoerotic we're likely to summon the Gay Priest.

Aside from not having nipples, that Jotaro is sexy.

Fair enough.

Summon him in the next Adventure time thread

That reminds me
Remember that time when someone made a Tumblr of nothing but SU edits that were the total opposite of Tumblrwashing, like Connie and Lapiz being Aryans or Steven as a negro caricature with a "black magic" sign on his shit that lead to his underwear ?

Where's GMILF Joseph?


That fucking thing makes Jotaros SDC outfit

Unfortunately the artist only showed the back.

Forgot about Iggy.


No fun, indeed.

Now this I like

This is alright.

Apparently Smokey becoming the mayor of a town in Georgia isn't progressive enough for them.

If I wasn't aware of how insane these people actually are I'd say that the spic was being trolled.

Hey guys, remember this ?

They will never be happy.
I've seen fan fiction where they turn Smokey into Obama, despite being like 80 years old in that universe.

And he was a cool bro too.

It's rather surprising that Tumblr likes Stone Ocean quite a lot, seeing that Weather Report and Pucci's backstory should have triggered them along with Battle Tendency.

Most JJBA fanfics are a bit of a hit and miss, but that one sounded terrible. Just stick to doujinshi or fan comics.


The best fanfics are the ones that devolve into complete insanity.

White Connie shouldn't be adorable since she was made with pure hilarious evil, but she's fucking adorable.

They're suppose to be black? I thought they were just japanese with tanned skin?

Mah nigga.

In tumblr and SJW eyes, yes.


I think he means the guy from part 7.
The guy whos stand was named after an Outkast song.
Pocoloco Tripleseven, user of the stand [Hey Ya!]

Fuck you, I'll be as gay as Jojo allows.


That's rather cute, user.

That Jotaro with the sweater is cute, too.

Ermes Costello is a Mexican you stupid fucking mongs. And Jolyne is at least a quarter Japanese. Foo Fighters is a dead girl filled with sentient plankton. THESE ARE NOT CHARACTERS THAT NEED TO BE RACE-BENT. Stone Ocean is already plenty diverse.

The villain is a gay, black, Italian catholic priest who becomes the single most powerful Stand user in the series, for fuck's sake.

I would argue Giorno might've been stronger, since his Stand is just the equivalent of saying no to any other Stand's abilities, but we'll never know for sure.

Seeing that Giorno's Stand can withstand Puccis' in the JJBA: ASB game, it could be strong. Too bad Vento Aureo was weak.

I feel I must point out that tumblr also has plenty of good Jojo fanart as well, since this is now a Jojo fanart thread.

Aaand here's some more.


Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. Both pic related.

Yet they do the same shit when they make characters some ugly tran queer muslim shit. Nah, I'll continue liking high quality genderbend stuff while they can bitch until their faces turn blue.

Jesus. He looks like a caricature of fucking Rocky Balboa.

With the power of his stand, Yo, Adrian!.

The Enigma Boy faggot is either tanned or a POO IN THE LOO character
Pocoloco is the spade comic relief character in SBR who not only is pretty likeable but ends up being the winner of the SBR after DiegoAU is disqualified because his horse didn't have the exact same head as the one from that universe. Plus he talks to EnyabaSBR and shit.
Then there's Mike O. who is a servant of Funny Valentine and blows puppy balloons that seek and kill opponents and is honorable enough that he'd rather die than admit defeat.
Pucci is the gay italian nigger priest of part VI, Weather Report is his halfling niglet.
Oh yeah also there's Smokey from part II, everyone forgets about him but he becomes the Jojoverse version of obummer in Georgia.

Which bears the question, Hermes is the only confirmed spic in this series and they keep on making her a black tranny. Is it because they want a negress jojo characters so bad or is it because they have to score some Privilege Points with their enlightened friends? This is quite literally gaslighting canon.

Wasn't the hodidiglilyirneatoancom whatever guy making a bunch of Steven Jewniverse pictures to trigger the socks off of tumblristas?

I'm getting mixed feelings

Have you read Purple Haze Feedback, it's pretty nice

tell me they made more gosh I love me some fake posters

So giving Japanese characters blackface is totally fine because those dirty Japs are honorary aryans right?

The Enigma Boy faggot is either tanned or a POO IN THE LOO character
Pocoloco is the spade comic relief character in SBR who not only is pretty likeable but ends up being the winner of the SBR after DiegoAU is disqualified because his horse didn't have the exact same head as the one from that universe. Plus he talks to EnyabaSBR and shit.
Then there's Mike O. who is a servant of Funny Valentine and blows puppy balloons that seek and kill opponents and is honorable enough that he'd rather die than admit defeat.
Pucci is the gay italian nigger priest of part VI, Weather Report is his halfling niglet.
Oh yeah also there's Smokey from part II, everyone forgets about him but he becomes the Jojoverse version of obummer in Georgia.

Which bears the question, Hermes is the only confirmed spic in this series and they keep on making her a black tranny. Is it because they want a negress jojo characters so bad or is it because they have to score some Privilege Points with their enlightened friends? This is quite literally gaslighting canon.

Wasn't the hodidiglilyirneatoancom whatever guy making a bunch of Steven Jewniverse pictures to trigger the socks off of tumblristas?

I'm getting mixed feelings

Have you read Purple Haze Feedback, it's pretty nice

tell me they made more gosh I love me some fake posters

Nah, but they've made some other good shit. Good genderbents, too.

Not yet, but I definitely should since fugo is great.


This is the only other fake poster I've seen.

My crazy d

Also a small suggestion, always add "_1280" at the end of these pictures when browsing tumblr, it has this unreasonable need to shrink the files to a midget size and remove any detail

The entire supporting cast in part V is the best one out of all the jojos and the best part of the chapter period, it's too bad no one likes it

good shit

many thanks

Trannies are insane, got it.

Fucking tumblr

no face

ny fycy

thank you

nice trips btw

hotdiggitydemon dot com?
dunno, would like to find out/see

Can we just discuss comics plz.



Ok, going to admit something, if your going to do a human version of the Gems, having jasper have the skin pigmentation affect is a pretty decent way of representing her two tone skin, as she is the only character that has that on stuff that isn't her "clothes".


You mean this?

(mista is triggered)
Kek, glorious

pic related

This artist's work is good, especially the two panel comics with Johnny and Gyro.

Can't really agree to that, all supporting casts in each part are good in their own way.

Vento Aureo is a mixed bag, but it's a fun read. Though, Japan really fucking loves the shit out of Part V, but it may have to do with the designs. Though I kinda wished Araki retained some of the musclebound style while implementing the J-Pop boy band look and fashion themes into the character designs.

Why can't they just do face paint instead of making the character disfigured or have a skin condition for no reason.



Weather Report is Pucci's twin brother who was lost at birth. They're both supposed to be white.

Ironically Pucci hired the KKK to find his brother, who was discovered to have been adopted by a race-mixed couple. They assume Weather Report was their half-black biological son so they tried to lynch him despite him being whiter-looking than Pucci himself.

That's Cesaer right? I feel stupid saying this, but when I first looked at it I thought it was the D'arbys.
Thats just sad.
I really wish someone would make a comic of the JoJo afterlife, make it like the help office from Beetlejuice. Have Abdul reach for a magazine but then remember he doesn't have arms. Kakyoin trying to drink some water only to have it drain out of the hole in his gut. That sort of thing

Vegeta is Mexican in that racebend, and he's dressed as a stereotypical "bandito".

Holla Forumslocks take note; you can pepper your words with all the racial slurs you looked up on google, you can chant the same tired and unsubstantiated Jewish conspiracy theories until the Internet shuts down, but Tumblrina SJWs are more genuinely racist on accident than you ever will be even in the depths of your try-hard rantings.

I'm scared guys



Would love to see that, and I could see that as a request for a drawfag.

I'm about.. 70% certain that picture was made to mock the usual tumblr-washing of characters.

It makes sense when you break it down; SJWs are majority well-off, overweight, narcisstic white college girls or their sexually impotent beta orbiters, who think they're hot shit. They tote "inter-sectionalism", the post-modernist school of thought were all forms of "oppression" from the worst human rights violations to the flimsiest imagined "micro aggressions" are all conflated and assumed to be experience by every group equally. It's how modern feminism has justified co-opting race and queer civil movements, despite old-school feminisms documented history of being a white girls' club and suppressing and exploiting rival black and lesbian advocate groups.

Someone already stated it at the top of the thread, but it merits repeating; when Tumblrinas racebend, they don't stop at making the character darker or dressed in ethnic attire; they redesign them to have disgusting hygiene or outright resemble old racist caricatures. Ask yourself why they do that. If they see these groups as worthy fellow human beings, and not just tokens and shields to legitimize their complaints about petty personal grievances, why do they depict them so grossly?

I promise you that the person I copied it from claimed it was submitted unironically. It wouldn't even be the most egregious example of Tumblrinas drawing racebends as sub-humans.

Speaking of which, anyone remember this sin against all things beautiful?

I swear that these redesigns are more monstrous than the actual canon monsters

U sure m8?
I thought it was one of those situations where a mom gets fucked by two guys of different races and ends up impregnated by both of them. Happens sometimes.

Toby Fox must have the patience of a saint, I would be livid if people draw this shit.>>577692


This pisses me off, and I don't even like Undertale.

I can't wait 'till 2020's, where social justice will be considered as a "thing of the past".

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh or cry at this moment….

I wouldn't expect them to remember they were axis powers, but they at least consider them honorary aryans. Expect a wave of hate for "whitey's pet" soon enough

It's a cyclic battle; five or so years of media watchdogs screeching about "harmful subliminal messages" and ruining everything for everyone, then the public grows some sense for ten to fifteen years and pushes out the PC horseshit until a new demographic appoints itself media watchdogs.

It turns over like clockwork everytime since at least the sixties. I'm just worried that the extent of collusion among these millennial a might end up breaking the mission and preventing a true turnover like the ones before.

I mean, yes, conservative minded backlash is on the rise, but ideologues don't care about being unpopular, and they still have a stranglehold monopoly on journalism, entertainment media production, and academia.

What will it take to oust them entire?

Imagine, if you will: a 37 year old gender swapped jotaro
Ara ara daze~


Some more good stuff from the same artist.

I regret not doing a genocide run.

As much as i'd like to say "gamergate done right", I feel as if there's no hope.

True, you could just go with a face paint, that might actually work better because it is shown that gems can choose what they look like, thus she may have power over the color streaks as well.

Either way, skin condition or warpaint, I still admit the effect works well with that character.

Laziness, coupled with the invention of the internet. Digesting information is not the SJW's strong suit, as much as forming a reaction off of the first thing that pops into their mind or on screen.

Quick example: I'm in a border town, just moments away from the U.S. Mexico border, in that little sweet point where shit's 50/50 around here. Let's look at the first ten images when I ask Jewgle about 'Mexicans':

To start, that first one's a fucking meme. 2 and 5 are costumes. 7, 8, and 9 are Trump (decidedly not Mexican), 4 is a caricature from a newspaper column, and I'm not sure what the hell is going on in 6. Now look at 10: It's close to what the population around here actually looks like, and you'll notice they don't bear much semblance to the hat-toting poncho-wearing giant-goddamn-mustache people of the other pictures. The internet considers the accurate picture less important than a meme.

If SJWs were any good at doing research, they wouldn't be SJWs, but the thing is, they're pretty damn lazy (they still believe in the ~20% wage gap myth) and go with what they -think- a minority looks like. And when they aren't sure of that, they go to Google, and just based on my own test with this, Google has an 80% chance of not showing you said minority, but what people THINK that minority looks like. So that's the picture an SJW comes away with.

In a way, it's fucking hilarious to me and I never bother to correct them, because I love seeing minorities eat these people up when they inevitably (and, as someone said, accidentally) piss off that very same group with a depiction that even the 30's couldn't have made more lulzy.




I ate at a fried chicken place in South Central LA earlier

Niggers everywhere, and the counter where you order food was behind a bullet-proof glass window like you see at banks

I casually ordered my food and left without making eye contact with the people eating there, I could feel the vibes they were giving off of " 'Dis cracka ain't 'spose t'be he' "

And I just think to myself "Where the fuck did we all go so fucking wrong?"

gang culture I guess

Speaking of Hol, what would you guys have thought if Araki had added him as one of the main characters of part 3 like he'd originally planned?
Personally, I'd miss Abdul, but he ended up dying anyway so it wouldn't be a huge loss.

Would still love the character, but would hate to see him get eviscerated or killed like Abdul, Iggy, and Kakyoin.

Even gangs have actual class my friend, pic related



I really like stories where characters redeem themselves by sacrificing themselves to save others so I probably would've been cool with it, especially since Hol is one of my favourite part 3 characters.


I haven't read Stone Ocean myself yet but nothing suggests that the very Italian Pucci is black in any way, despite all appearances. I really don't understand it myself.

Considering these days they're usually weedy little sociopaths or backstabbing cowards, no, not really.

As much as it sucks seeing that happen, I like those quite a lot too. Makes me wonder if Kakyoin's parents ever found out about their son's death.

Maybe Pucci is just tanned as shit?

If I recall, there was a statement somewhere that Kakyoin didn't tell his parents he was leaving, so they thought they had upset him somehow and he had run away from home.

So either they think their son hates them and abandoned them forever, or they find out he got his guts punched out in a water tower in Egypt.

That's the likely answer, but dang if he doesn't have the face for it too. You'd probably be hardpressed to find an Italian that does look like him.

Wow, that's pretty rough when you think about it. Hope Abdul didn't have any relatives.

Or someone from the Speedwagon Foundation told them what happened and gave them some money for their loss and maybe to sweep things under the rug. But either way, it sucks that they lost their kid by an evil force, and the possibility that they may never know what happened.

If anything Goku and Vegeta should be Black.

I know you're making an ape joke but that's definitely a thing, too.

no, surely he was referring to the Saiyan's war-like nature and the fact their home was destroyed by an evil white man.

By that I mean they're hilarious compared to the rest of them jobros
They're a bunch of criminal kids doing criminal kids shit
I thought it was because 1) it's set in Italy since they know WWII never ended and they're still allies with it and 2) it has exotic scenery that they definitely wouldn't see back home, everyone in part v dresses like a fucking moron, it's not even haute coture shit

Is this some high caliber bait

I guess the main difference between some Holla Forums guy and a third wave tumblrista is that the former is openly and jokingly mocking the race/gender/sexual orientation of their target while the latter is a batshit insane cat lady who is completely serious in their remarks

I really liked how in Heritage some characters get their own kid version with their stands intact. It'd be cool to see more of that concept.

Welp I still don't understand, he's definitely darker-skinned than the Southernmost Italians, maybe Weather could pass as one but he definitely looks like a black person.

I chalk it up to the fact it's made by a Japanese man who probably doesn't give a fuck. Araki probably thought a villain with dark skin was cool, so he did it.

Sometimes people post jokes, user.
Do you know what those are?

I'm honestly surprised tumblrtards haven't shit all over JoJo considering a literal Nazi was a good guy in one iteration.

They distract themselves with mountains of gay porn.

You have no idea how much they want every guy to bang each other.

Joseph and Caesar, bang. Jotaro and Kakyoin, bang. Josuke and Okuyasu/Rohan, bang. Giorno and everyone, bang.

I thought gay shit was now considered cis-shitlord tier for them now that colon conquistadors aren't a big deal anymore.

Only when the gays call them out on their fetishization of minorities.

Wish I was autistic enough to be triggered with you guys ) =

Yeah you're really missing out on all these sensations of disgusted amusement and superiority to the common Tumblrtard.

we should crusade Tumblr. and have pictures of gallant Knights Templar cutting their horde of degenerate to a bloody mess.





Mein nigger
It's been a while since I read it, someone should storytime it one of these days


But getting shot in the head due to Boingo and his troll comic is A-OK?

Aromantic and Demisexual? That's fucking contradictory. Demis are attracted to people they're romantically attached to and Aromantics are people who aren't romantically attached to people.

This has to be some sort of sly parody. They can't be this fucking dense.

100% serious
the "artist" is also block happy from what I remember
they also made Asgore get preggo

He did survive the gunshot, and that whole part with oingo was hilarious.


I am ok.



You know, there is something about Asgore being "gay" that fucking pisses me.
Is stereotypical.

pisses me off because Asgore was the least Tumblr shit in the entire cast and they ruined it

I am new to Holla Forums and I didn`t know what this thread was about and now I want to kill people


To be fair, even Tumblr hated this and got it canned.

What, not progressive enough, or was there enough borderline normal people to call this shit like it properly is?

I guess because she made the characters humans

From tumblr. Never look at the humantale tag ever.

These are supposed to be human versions but all I see is a bunch of blobfaced monsters.

Why am I not fucking surprised they'll draw Chara as white?

I think the spider (can't remember her name) is suppose to be an asian that needs her eyebrows cleaned and trimmed.

Those fucking pig bulbous noses.

Her name's Muffet (miss muffet sat on her tuffet yadda yadda), and I can only assume she's white because of how pink she is.

Of course these faces are so horrible that applying human ethnicities is probably misguided. The fact they made a blonde black and Arab should testify the creator doesn't know much themselves.

These faces look like something Holla Forums would doodle. You can practically see the WE WUZ KANGS N SHIET under Papyrus and Sans's faces–hell, most of those faces.

fucking beautiful

I can't believe that I'm saying something positive about this picture, but the fat back-alley cat-slut actually works perfectly as a nigger. She's spot on.

lol no, faglord. Vitiligo is a disgusting fucking disease not some mark of uniqueness.

No, there will never be enough Mugi-brows in the world to satisfy me.

It's the new trendy illness among the spoiled rich kids that have never experienced hardship.

They've upgraded from mental illness to physical.

Those are cute, but if it's like Satsuki eyebrows, then god no.


Pretty sure pic 1 is a Holla Forums-type meme applying WE WUZ QUAINZ N SHIT to SU, not tumblrwashing.

user, it's a mix Holla Forums Holla Forums meme

and yes, WE WUZ KANGS is pretty much what it is

would a sjw superhero pity and protect the villain, and bitch about superheroes' treatment of villains, prioritizing the criminal and not the victims?

Any thread with "tumblr" in the OP is always full of rage material regardless of whatever board it's on.

Pretty sure spider Jew is Asian in that pic.

5th pic at least looks like real people.
Everything else looks like it belongs on one of those unsightly but pervasive urban murals.
Which is pretty much what they are.


I kind of like these ones. Nigger Gaster looks like a smooth jazz musician.

Yeah she's just pale

Mettaton looks like Michael Jackson

That's okay

seriously though why does Tumblr have such a MASSIVE HARD-ON for making the skeletons black?

Since "The Dover Boys" are trending in tumblr ever since they went public domain, are there any tumblrfications of them yet?

On the other hand is there any porn of Dora Stanpipe?

That explains halfchan's constant Doverposting

Aside from reblogs and adding the Jojo "to be continued" thing in posts, no, for now at least.


ITT: SJWs proving themselves to be stereotyping racists.
Embed related is literally what they sound like.

take it from an explosive genius

Dover Boys went public domain? Neat. I always liked that cartoon.


We can learn so much from Uncle Ted

Who's that first one supposed to be?

This guy, from Wander Over Yonder.

Not possible. Even if they were to doggedly cling to their beliefs and constantly use their media as a political mouth-piece, the sheer popularity of a different voice with either get them changing their tune or force them into obscurity.

SJWs aren't the Jews. They don't control everything.

That's an oxymoron.

The third one's grammar is atrocious.

This looks interesting, even if it's a screenshot without context. Sauce?

It's Tomboy. It's a comic about a weeb girl going on a murderous rampage after the death of her boyfriend.

wtf tumblr?

I ache for the day Carl the Cuck's body is discovered floating face-down in a sewer.

Maybe not literally, but close enough. I still haven't decided whether or not social justice is just carefully crafted sarcasm.

I always worry when it looks like yesterday's nutjobs are tomorrows prophets, and vice versa. Makes me question EVERYTHING, and there's a lot of "everything" to question. Then I need to go take my mind off it before I end up living in a shack in the woods, crafting bombs out of pinecones and my own poop.


So what did they turn Emperor Awesome into? WTF is that?

It's the undercurrent of basketballing papyrus had going. And yes, it's 'vaguely' raciss

I have seen some of them praising Dora for being in a polygamous relantionship

Is that Jonathan's skull ?

How is it?

What do you guys think of my snoopy?

Possibly yes.

Poor Johnny boy won't catch a break even after his death…

Even his counterpart can't catch a break either.

It looks like they took a character who was a pro wrestler in aesthetics, and turned him into a black drag queen.

Speaking about that artist, their stuff has been popping up lately. Apparently she drew some JoJo stuff.

I'm not even angry anymore.

This art is so hideous it is completely unrecognizable. The bastardization doesn't even register in my head.

This is horrible…

That's suppose to Miku? Holy shit.

These look like the anime version of Mr. Potato Head.

I really like these Waluigi redesigns. Nintendo needs to hire this person.

What exactly is the point of drawing characters ugly? Not even your own characters, but other people characters…

It's one of those "everyone is beautiful", type of things?

You just answered your own question.

It's more like "I'm an ugly beast of a person so I'll draw pretty things as ugly as me and insist it's pretty so I can stop hating myself."

Brownie points, and to make other tumblrtards feel like they're something. Apparently drawing ridiculously and unrealisticly ugly pics are like love letters to tumblrtards/SJWs, and anything else that's the opposite of that is an insult or a threat.

Though when you think about it, wouldn't this make others feel more repulsive and less confident about themselves that have these disfigurements/disabilities/diseases/ect. You see them draw people with vitiligo and glorify it, but you don't see them drawing those who have uncureable skin diseases.


That's a dude. I can tell, because any time you see a red head, now, it's a dude.

Excuse the Holla Forums, I'm actually having trouble finding the proper kind of trash this thread is for.

Most of Tumblr is just poorly-drawn cute things.

You missed one


I have no idea whose that suppose to be or where she came from.

Wanna know the worst part?

Some Tumblrina analcunt is going around unironically defending that style and claiming that they like the artist and use this shit as inspiration.

Probably something like the "superheroine comixxx" group on sadpanda


I'm not a handsome fella, but I can identify to handsome characters just fine because I'm not a insecure fuck.

It's like in today society it's wrong to feel bad about yourself. If you're fat, ugly, skinny… you have all the right to feel bad about it, you can ignore it and live on, or you can try to improve. But people talk like it's a fucking crime to acknowledge you're not perfect.

I can't believe we got to this point where you need to tell people that it's fucking ok to not feel good about who you are and how you look. I mean… if someone tell you that you're beautiful when you know this is not true, THEN you should feel offended. People like that not only have pity for you, but are willing to lie in your face.

Reminds me of those ugly deformed kids that people put in pretty clothes and ribbons and everyone praises then saying he/she is beautiful. People should teach these kids that there is other shit in life outside of appearance, not putting then in a bubble and pretend the world is just rainbows and sunshine, then throw a hissy fit if anyone dares to say otherwise.

I fell this is what's going on with the tumblr crowd. They want to be treated like the deformed kids.

I actually have more respect for the deformed kids, since those can't actually do anything about their appearance. Your usual tumblr landwhale could actually work out, dress better and try to improve, but nope… it's easier to just live in a hugbox.

These people aren't just ugly on the outside, they are ugly on the inside too.

Oh god, it's that supposed to be the girl from Kill Bill?


Really it's more like "I want this character to be as ugly on the outside as I am on the inside"

Damn, I want that first pic to look comfy, but the poses make me get a feeling so complicated
My autism compels me to speculate.


That ain't Miku- it's Shion from Higurashi. Still horrible, though.

I thought she was just with Tom

I agree, the lack of Alessi and the other villains does sour the comfy pic quite a lot.


Tumblr's racism forever amuses me.



That better be a reaction of disgust and not arousal.

It's disgust, user.

uga booga chaka laka it does not matter what I put here you can't read anyway

oh god, why did I do this

because you're stupid and nothing about this is amusing in any way.


does anyone have any more pictures to piss of tumblr people? I'm thinking more like the one on the left considering that people outside of tumblr will have no idea why its supposedly offensive.

so the nasally voiced, micropenis hivemind hates Max G now?

Why didn't they make Hater human? Are skeleton monsters not people to them?! Fucking triggered! #SkeletonMonsterLivesMatter

I love this. But part of me can't forgive him for whoring out to bronies and making those shitty pony.mov videos. But I guess we all make mistakes. Also is it just me or does she xhe look like a black Eric Cartman?

get your head out of your ass they're just stupid youtube cartoons. Besides you should see all the interviews and shit he did at those bronie conventions. he was trolling them the whole time.

This is suffering. I don't understand what's wrong with this one.

Get out.

the pose makes the stomach lookk a bit thin

Congratulations, you have a blatant obesity fetish.

Sexual attraction to Jabba the Hutt is not normal, and people will find you disgusting for it.

no it doesn't, but I agree with your point.
This picture still has her retain all the feminine curves, instead of fatass curves.
Legs are still perfectly thin and muscular.
Fat is evenly distributed between belly, back arms, giving her reasonable human proportions.
Ass is still round, instead of flopping down like a bag of lard it is.
I'm not going to say that it's sexy, but it's BY FUCKING FAR an idealized picture of a fat woman. Fat people don't look like that. Toppity funking kek at everybody who thinks that this ever resembles a real fatso.


Can someone at least edit the face and stomach to make it thinner?

So she looks more like a MILF


I'm talking about . I'm not into obese women, I just thought Slave Rose looked like a MILF.

No, you thought obese Slave Rose looked like a MILF.

so he's basically a double faggot?

The narrator introduces Dora as "their" (referring to the Dover Boys) fiancee.

well, that one's actually true though

Does Gwyndolin refer to himself as a woman?

Because if not then he is just a man in a dress with a girly name.

Let's look at the lore buddy

Yeah, no, fuck you. Gwyndolin's a man through-and-through, and had femininity forced on him out of other's presumption that he wouldn't be masculine enough anyway (Gwyndolin's backstory is actually a rather common trope in Japanese Entertainment serving as social commentary and deconstruction of their own traditional male gender roles and the overly harsh denial of fitness that happens when individual boys don't live up to them; compare Gwyndolin to Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa as another example)

This artist made human versions of the gorillas from Tarzan. Namely the mother and Terk (who I always thought was male…?)
They did not stop to think about the fact that maybe it was kind of racist to make the gorillas black.
Didn't even give them traditional African clothing. Just made them look like they were straight out of the fucking hood.

Well they were African, so can't complain about that. Not like it'd make sense to make them white.

But the clothes, is a fair point. Not sure what the point of this art even is.

I understand making them black would work if you did make them human. But to do it blatantly like this is racist. The story is about a kid raised by gorillas finding people who look like him. Doing it like this is racist in at least 20 different ways.
But if she had to do it the only way it could be done semi-tastefully is if you put more attention on their culture than their race. If they did some Lion King shit, it can pass.

She's played by Rosie O'Donald.

It's understandable though. In the Tarzan tv show, the elephant expresses surprise that Terk is female.

now thats what i call disgusting
