Is this show good?
Is this show good?
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Its shit.
Kinda sweet, but mostly softcore porn.
Is it true this anime is for leftist cucks?
one of the recurring villains who make fun of the girls is a mixed race couple.
makes fun*
Goons are pathetic.
Goes on >>>/a/.
anime is for /a/
No it's one punk and his ganguro girlfriend. This is all in japan remember.
That said,
Yes OP the show is very good. Likable characters,funny plots, tons of fan service. You will find a monster girl you fancy. Just be aware this show WILL corrupt you into liking monster girls.
or is it
Cocktease anime. Would be better if they just made actual porn of it.
The entire premise of the anime basically is about mixed species relationships and basically tells men that they should go ahead and fuck these creatures, who never give birth to humans and that's totally fine. What's worse is that it takes place in Japan, a place notoriously known for its declining population.
White people
you're not a race, you are a virus
you destroy the world
everything beautiful you poison
you drag us from our homes
you rape our daughters, murder our sons
you crack our spines and do all you can to break our will
you stab us, then you put the knife in our hand and tell us its our fault
and if you don't do it yourself. you stand by, close your eyes, and pretend there's nothing wrong,
and then you pray to your god to silence our screams so that you can enjoy the happiness we built for you
with our blood
but its not your fault, its the only way you know how to be
and the only thing that will change anything
is if another virus comes along and does to you what you do to us
and i hope that happens very soon
fuck trump
Yes, surely this anime will inspire Japanese men to have sex with monster girls instead of real women.
Just more waifufaggotry
Where is this from? I know i've seen it.
Don't worry, found it.
Negro says it to (((Brett Gelman))) on a tv show.
Maybe real women should try being more like monstergirls.
2D > 3D
Anime is sexually charged cartoons for man children who like to think they are different from the unwashed masses but are focused more about MUH DIK than a pack of negros on the african plain. I despise anime watchers, especially /a/ users. They try to out taste each other and watch the most obscure thing they can find and brag about it but they actually forget they are watching poorly animated cartoons for japanese children so they can fap to the doujinshi later. Seriously, read a fucking book for once in your life and you will realize how you have been lied to by anime culture. You are not deep, you are not better than normalfags who watch sports, you are a sex pervert and a waste of oxygen.
are you autistic or something lad?
You're autisticus.
that's a videogame? how do you even know that lol
I was an anime posting sperg like you once, then I grew up.
so this post
is actually describing your past self
get out racist. this is a multicultural board!!
Like I said, he's projecting.
Yes, I was a masturbation pro and I would take a lot of drugs and watch anime for 30 hours straight. And I was really elitist for some reason, I thought I was superior to the people around me and especially to the people from other boards on 4chan. This was around 2009. Then after a couple years I realized that I hated the immature plot lines and unmemorable characters from generic anime (I would pick up like 10 series every season even if they were complete shit). I then became so focused on taste I began to hate everyone on my own board because they put up with watching shit. And then I realized I only really like a few series a year and I spent way too much time on the chan talking about a hobby that I didn't even like. Not only had this been an unpleasant experience, but while I was a regular on /a/ I dropped all my friends, stopped spending time with my family, and actually idealized the NEET life. Anime ruined my life and I have nothing to show for it, like a retard who spent his childhood playing World of Warcraft. I urge you to stop posting anime and encouraging the innocent pure hearted users of Holla Forums to watch this japanese mind control shit.
When I tell you you're a waste of oxygen, I know from experience. Yes I'm being hard on you but it's tough love.
I'm watching 29 shows from this season. Only two of them feature any significant amounts of fanservice. A few others have very minor amounts. So where are you getting this "sexually charged cartoons for man children" and "sex perverts" shit from? Seems like you're the one who's the "sex pervert" here since that's all you notice.
It also sure is strange how I never, ever see anyone object to sexual content in Western media. Nudity, suggestiveness, skimpy clothing, sex, rape–it's all fine. But god forbid if anime so much as suggests the existence of sexuality.
Anime has the best hand-drawn animation in the world, most of it is not made for children, and anime and cartoons are two different forms of animation.
Different characters have different voices.
Oh no, their skirts are slightly shorter than what is probably typical in the real world.
Character design does not mean just creating distinct faces. And nobody even recognizes American superhero characters by their faces anyway, they are defined by their costumes.
In your opinion.
I've watched anime for years and never had any issues that resulted from it. Maybe you just lack self control.
anime sucks tbh
why are u here weeb
Then so does everything else.
You need to go back.
sorry to hear that. what drugs?
It's not about fanservice, it's your motivation to watch terrible content that is sexually charged. You can deny it but the only way you put up with shit like anime is because you go to the sad panda after you finish a series and look up characters so you fan masturbate to them in a fantasy.
Sex is objected on Holla Forums, especially when it's a black buck fucking a skiny white girl because it's such obvious propaganda. Also we have sjws always calling western movies misogynistic and what not, but you probably don't pay attention.
Anime does not have the best ANIMATION, it has the best art style, which is different. Anime animators would rather spend their time drawing really detailed scenes then drawing a character doing an action in the scene. Western cartoons even have better animation then anime.
its proven only autist like anime
see. this is autism.
I'm in oklahoma, there is a lot of meth here. I would rather do heroin though.
What "terrible content that is sexually charged"?
I don't go to Exhentai frequently, and when I do I usually just browse through new uploads. Most of what I see is original, not based on anything. You are projecting.
It also sure is strange how there's nothing wrong with watching porn, webms of sexual scenes, and leaked nudes. As usual it's one set of rules for anime and another for live action.
No it isn't. Don't even try to pull this doublethink shit.
SJWs complain about everything, but even their complaints about live action pale in comparison to how much people shit on anime for daring to have any hint of sexuality in it.
It has the best animation too.
People vastly exaggerate this.
No they don't. Having more frames of animation does not mean having better animation.
No such thing has been proven.
He's kind of right though.
If I'm watching an anime and I really like one girl in particular, I'll fap to a bunch of lewds of said character afterwards.
People also masturbate to actresses.
He's acting like every single person who looks at anime does it though and that it's some sort of life-ruining experience.
Actresses are imperfect and nothing like my 2D girls.
I mean there's some I like obviously, but I really don't get why people go nuts over pretty much every GoT actress or Jennifer Lawrence for example.
its the over exaggerated emotions. its common with autist and its 80% of anime
This is a meme.
a lot of comedy comes from hyperbole
lol well thats kinda funny
The over the top stuff is really Nichijou's schtick, not all anime is like that.
This is all I can find on my computer for now but pretend I posted every non-CalArts cartoon in existence.
Every western cartoon portrays emotions in different ways. All anime is always about the eyes and eyebrows.
Anime uses more than eyes and eyebrows for expressing emotion. Where do you people come up with this shit?
They really do, they really really do. Sometimes they even create characters with no emotions so they don't have to draw it.
You are either making this up, repeating what someone told you, or jumping to conclusions based on an episode of something you saw ten years ago. In any case you are wrong.
So the writer of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels predicted it would get animated, and designed Yuki to be an android without visible emotions so the animators would have a little less work. Is that what you're saying?
Head this show promotes race mixing and multiculutralism.
Is that true?
That's an anime.
It goes on /a/.
Its still your own faul.
Jesus christ its like hearing a fat lard complain about being fat while he eats in mcdonalds. Man up and take responsibility for it, snowflake.
No. Poorly drawn haremshit cocktease anime, for the one of the gayest brands of anime bullshit currently available.
Why is it so hard to believe a character was made for motives other than artistic integrity? Why are you so ignorant and naive?
the only good anime is the manly kind
Manime? More like fagime!
even manly homoshit is better than moeshit
that's an anime brah
BO never ever
Go ask the weebs.
Holla Forums is not the board to spout derogatory and offensive words.
Holla Forums is a safe space away from chan behavior.
All monstergirl fags need to be gassed.
They're the new bronies next to SU.
Monstergirls are actually good though. Ponies and space rocks are shit.
I see that monsterfags are a vast untapped reservoir of salt.
Most of the salt itt actually came from that guy who claimed that anime ruined his life.
How are people who like monstergirls the same as bronies and SUfags?
cause Holla Forums said so, how dare you not to agree you perverted monster loving degenerate?
In a show where monster girls are mixed race.
There's a few user on Holla Forums and /christian/ who claims that they're "redpilled" and non-degenerate.
I've been in the fandom before /monster/ was created and he couldn't be anymore wrong. If only he knew about tumblr audience loving that genre and the numerous rape/guro doujins involving them.
Monstergirls are pro-white and redpilled. You just don't get it. Sorry you're such a dunce.
Insufferable autists who feel the need to shove their fetishes in everyone else's faces and think their preferred form of hedonism is god's gift to humanity.
monstergirls are degenerate as fuck. as they should be. fuck tightass fags who want make everything "muh redpilled".
get out
user, how is obsessively fantasizing about a mixed raced waifu not degenerate and anti-white?
goes on /a/
Monstergirls as a concept is a reflection of the current state of affairs plaguing society today.
The state of being a "monster" isn't a reflection of being a racial other like plebians (ie you) tend to think. You've been brainwashed by the media into having a kneejerk reaction about these sorts of things.
The jews have tried to connotate the word "monster" with "straight white male". These monstergirls aren't ghetto skank wiggers like the kind of sluts you're used to hooking up with. They're pure traditional virginal girls who know and accept the superiority of a patriarchal presence in a relationship. They see the straight white male and are drawn to him, hence "monster".
I'm almost 100% convinced you're either a goon or a shitskin and this is why your mind can only handle simplistic symbolism like "oh monstergirls thats like anime right thats like furry right? so racemixing" but surely even your weed-addled brain can see it's more nuanced than that.
The monstergirl is a proud statement that not all women are whores. That some proudly hold up their individuality as traditional and virtuous and are not swayed by small-minded and slow-witted media-suckers like yourself who see everything in black and white.
Goes on /a/.
Pretty sure monstergirls are for jap neets to jerk off to.
not an argument
>people jerk off to them even though most want them for romance
Do you think doujins are canon too?
wrong board
They certainly don't involve Jews and straight white males.
found the jew
It's still promoting having mixed-breed kids that are half and half, like mildly scaly eliot rodgers without clear race or identy. It's still portraying animal characteristics as being sexually attractive, exotic, exclusive and desirable for the average man. It's still the same beta bitch "I wish girls were stronger than me and they would rape me" weak, unnatural bullshit.
I'm in favor of pure, traditional, virginal girls that accept a patriarchal relationship. There's plenty of avenues for that, such as actual white women, that isn't animal-fucking, putrescent pathetic perversity. And those avenues also have better fucking animes to watch.
I specifically addressed this point. I see the jews have their claws far too deep in your brain. There is no helping you. You'll always be surface-level.
You missed /a/
I just think human girls are boring.
Actual white women are trash though.
You can ignore it all you want, the anime directly glorifies mixing with these creatures and creating half-breed babies that either look neither like the mother or the father, or erase the human character's gene's entirely. In the first case, on any logical level these kids would be crippled freaks, with a direct half-mixing of drastically different animal and human biology resulting in debilitation and disaster, not to mention the lack of any clear racial identity, leading to the fuckery of real life happas or other mixed race kids. In the second case, it's promoting throwing your genes away and not continuing any of your biological traits, like mating with niggers. It's degenerate, user, and there's much better places to be if you're actually interested in purity or traditional values.
At least you hold no pretensions about your weaboo delinquency.
Yeah, just like your japanese ones.
You do realize it's a cartoon?
A chinese cartoon provides a message, same as any other thing. This one sexualizes the features and forms of animals and glorifies birthing mixed-race children doomed to failure or inadequacy.
I already explained the message and you stuck your fingers in your ears and shouted "lalalala". You will never rise to the level of intellectualism required to be able to adequately discuss these issues. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
You didn't explain shit nigger. Yeah, there is an aspect about healthy traditional relationships with women, that doesn't change the degenerate, zoological perversion being portrayed, the undeniable cross-breeding element, and the heavy tendency towards the complete unnaturalness of females having a direct strength advantage upon males.
You're a degenerate, you've retreated into repeating the same already debunked point over and over again like Ed Milband whilst feigning intellectual superiority without evidence, and worst of all, you don't have an argument.
Holla Forums and /a/ needs to stop being so autistic ITT
Fug what an oxymoron.
This is what you're doing.
You're buying into the "monster = nigger" meme, when it hasn't been that way for decades. Monster now means straight white male. The monster girls are stand-ins for traditional values, not mudskins.
Yes, we know. You said that already. You have not made an argument as to why, though.
That's an anime.
The reason as to why /a/ is so rabidly opposed to political discussion on their board is becoming clear to me now.
stay blown out
Because they're fags? Tbh this is the most entertaining read on Holla Forums right now.
The characterization may not be mudskin, but every aspect of the visuals, the concept and the form is racemixing. It is inherently imbued with the notion of mixing your genes with that of the alien and irreconcilably diluting your genetics in the act of doing so. That's actually worse, because it conflates the two and creates the illusion that entering a healthy relationship with a white woman (as a white man of course), and pumping out two damaged mixed kids with an alien entity as identical in form and function. It's also still not an argument because there's innumerable media that has traditional relationships, patriarchy and virginity whilst still having healthy sexuality. Hell, there's an entire genre of harem anime that has similar shit like this, but without the part where you jerk off over spider legs or horse vagina.
Oh yeah, funny time to mention you still don't have anything resembling a coherent counter-point to the parts-selective animal fucking and the weak beta faggotry components of my argument. Good stuff, user.
Are there any plans to dub this?
Sorry, I don't like having to read while watching a movie.
The amount of freedom they have depends on the author and their employer.
Why do you think the editor of a light novel author is so concerned about the animation requirements of a possible anime adaptation somewhere down the line that he orders the author to create an expressionless character? He doesn't have anything to do with animation, and neither does his company. The anime production staff will make all the decisions regarding the animation, like how to adapt the character designs.
There isn't even anything noteworthy about having yet another character to fully animate, and if the anime industry was THAT concerned about cutting down on animation anime would look a lot different than it does now.
The real reason why Yuki exists is because she's just another character type among many others, and was popularized by NGE.
If you can't differentiate between anime and reality you should not be watching it.
Most dubs are shit. Too many shitty voices and shitty translations.
Entertainment despite not being real, reflects upon the real world and displays a perspective on the real world. Stop being a fag.
Just not in any of the ways that you think it does.
Just stop being a fag and let people have political arguments. Just because something isn't real doesn't mean it can't reflect upon the real world, affect the real world, or that it's contents and the underlying assumptions that went into its creation can't be viewed under the lense of the real world. Examining the perspectives of a piece of media and seeing the elements within is a perfectly natural and logical act.
Not all dubs are. The dub for Dragon Ball Z is arguably better than the original Japanese.
Without Vegeta's English voice DBZ just isn't the same.
Stop being an SJW-like loonie who watches media he hates so he can uncover hidden meanings that aren't there.
no your an sjw
But most are. Exceptions are rare.
I watch anime myself but I don't get why there needs to be anime threads on Holla Forums
It seems like you'd make anime threads on Holla Forums just so /a. won't shit on your entry level tastes.
A lot of anime threads here aren't allowed on /a/.
They're all cartoons for japanese children and man children. I get that /a/ would get tired of having the 9000th gurren lagann thread but there's this little thing you can click that hides threads forever, not to mention filters. Like the other guy said, you're not even allowed to discuss some anime on the anime board. Plus the user base is different. /a/ is heavily moderated and appeals to certain kinds of autism and Holla Forums is one of the least moderated boards and that appeals to a different kind of autism. Also I once got banned on /a/ for posting this pepe image so that really made me upset.
what reason did they give for the ban?
/a/ has no board logs. you will never receive a reason for why your posts rustle the autist mods jimmies.
Then so are live action movies and shows.
It's anime so no
This is THE worst thread I've seen on Holla Forums all month. The only way to salvage this is to spam it with crap memes.
Get out.
Meme off bro?
Kill yourself faggot
Good frogposting has morphed into Reddit cancer, stop doing it
hi goon
I'm serious, Holla Forums shitters have ruined Pepe forever.
I used to have frogposting folder, and I dumped it because I don't want to be associated with those cretins.
cry about it nerd
All cucks must hang
It's the small moments that get a chuckle out of me, though. The more elaborate, overly dramatic stuff doesn't really get me to laugh as much.
*slaps Pepe on the ass*
Wathcu gonna do about it, goon?
It has some cute girls but it is a shit show overall and does the stupid thing with having a beta-male MC who never gets any snakepussy and can't choose between any of the girls.
If you want a smut show, Keijo is better. If you want a romance, watch something like Ore Monogatari.
That's a cartoon bro
Are you a rancher or something?
Because you sure love talking about horseshoe bullshit.
Do you know why monstergirls are better than real girls?
Because with monster girls, the monster is on the outside.
ask /a/
I get incredibly hard when I read your posts diaperboy.
Me too
Oopie-doo! Not the right board
I dunno, but I want to fuck that redhead.
Looks liek a /monster/ thing to me
I know it probably took a while to figure it out, but anime isn't halal, Muhammad. Why don't you engage in an internet crusade against something worthwhile, like daytime TV or corporate news media?
Yes. It's just good enough to keep on after you've rubbed one off. Check out the manga if you want more.
The soundtrack's great, too, here's the character song of the Cyclops girl from Episode 7.
And was that user's replies to people making fun of him pasta too?
Video unrelated.
and black girls? ew…
The book was better.
@awyattmann88 thinks so
Bird is the word.
Yeah, we're all so well-adjusted.
Anime is not the cause of my issues though.
It's one of those shows that, as a show is mediocre overall, but has good girls in it. A western example is Ruby Gloom.
what the cuck
What kind of live action monster girls are there?
All western animation is shit.
this nigga speaks truth
I don't know if fucking the slime girl would count as bestiality tbh
There's tons of monstergirls with non-animal features yet people keep calling them "furry" anyway.
There's a bird, a horse and a snake.
In this anime, yes. Look at Monster Girl Encyclopedia and you'll see other non-animal ones though.
This is a better pic but it won't post since the file is too big:
That's a lot of animal features bruh
goes on >>>Holla Forums
My problem is that I'm actually not degenerate enough to seriously consider wanting a qt monstergirl waifu, but would like to become that degenerate.
What do I do Holla Forums?
It's a slow burn. You can do it. I believe in you!
So you're gonna purposely ignore the others?