Is he - dare i say it - the most important comedian of our time?

Is he - dare i say it - the most important comedian of our time?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep. His random standup at some dudes house was awesome. Much better than. "Women are funny, get over it".


he sucks

that's hilarious

bo never ever


drumpfcucks are so easy to trigger, they're the new SJWs

this is you

This is you

drumpfucks btfo

oh wow an mspaint strawman, i totally look & dress exactly like that hipster cliche from four years ago!
trumpcucks are so fucking easy.

wtf i hate drumpf now

Not even football hooligans get this butthurt.



now, maybe it's just poe's law kicking in but… these things are ironic, right?



stop shilling urself sam its sad

Not until you give me my show back you fat cunt.

No, they're made by Holla Forumsyps.
There isn't a shred of irony in any of those.
Seriously, go to Holla Forums sometime just to see just how serious they are about this sort of stuff.

You're not doing yourself any favours.

I can't believe that even Holla Forums are dumb enough to think you can just print more money.

I'm not Holla Forums but is it really so ridiculous?
I mean, these little pieces of paper can easily be printed and made. It's Holla Forums and porky that wants you to think they hold any value. Besides, you can't eat money, can you?

Money has to correspond to existing wealth. Say there's one cake in a shop, and you have a ticket that entitles you to it. you can't just print a second ticket and get two cakes. There's only one cake.

t. Holla Forums

Mmm…point taken but do we REALLY need it?
Just imagine for a second the concept of just, say, sharing the load together. Is it so ludicrous to think that people may share their bread instead of scoffing it all? I mean it's the first thing we teach to children. Surely adults can learn this and suddenly no more "PLZ GIB ME MORE PAPER". Again I'm not Holla Forums but isn't it a bit ridiculous we let these fatcats dictate what we see as valuable?

dont try to reason with them, they worship the rich who oppress them daily. you will never defeat the state-capitalist memes like "the rich are nice" and "they create jobs".

If the person who works hardest gets the same amount of bread as the person who works the least, why work hard?

Fuck off, trumpkike.

For the betterment of the party? I mean is that so weird, really? To want to help? Also a stick on it's own my snap but a bundle of sticks held firmly together is hardly going to break.

yes because he triggers goons like crazy


It honestly doesn't upset me that some people have more money than I do.

literal faggot

You live in a fairytale.

Speaking of

Get used to hearing a lot of this, assuming the fat idiot doesn't get himself shot or impeached (both very likely).

That is not accurate. The bread lines in communist areas were very productive.


I will

It's Holla Forums I refuse.

That's good Comrade, avoid the wrongthink. Now make the funny jokes about the Drumpfman.

Way ahead of you.

People frequently noted on the restaurant’s Facebook page that they waited more than 40 minutes for a sandwich—and that’s when the diner was even open. Because the employees set the shop’s hours by group decision, the restaurant opened and closed at random times, leaving potential sandwich buyers totally confused.
It turns out, in a shocking revelation to the store’s management, that those Soviet bread lines were a bug, not a feature of Communism.
On Reddit, the restaurant’s frequent political statements produced fiery confrontations. Some Grand Rapids residents resented that Bartertown offered them a side of Che Guevara with every bahn mi and $2 taco. Customers also complained that the restaurants “equal pay, no tipping” scheme failed to reward exceptional service, pointing out on the message board that “you shouldn’t try running your business on political good will alone.”
Even Bartertown’s inclusive, progressive politics couldn’t please everyone in their community. When the diner offered a free meal to Grand Rapids police officers as a “thank you” for keeping their neighborhood safe, local socialists complained that the business was abrogating its core ideals by siding with fascists and supporting “nearly all-white police force in this era of police violence.”
So, in a no-win situation, and discovering first hand the troubles that have plagued Communism for more than a century, the restaurant was forced to close its doors. As one community member put it, they discovered that “you can’t make payroll and your bills with Facebook and Tumblr ‘likes.'”
The owner, for his part, is admitting his mistake. When asked what his next venture would be, he told that he was “taking a vacation.”
How bourgeois.

Did you see his hair? Hahahah!

That's not real communism.
That's libertarianism.


lmao just like the jews

Antisemitism isn't funny.
A facebook post is not proof that this happened.
That woman is most likely lying.

Nice try, but I see through your lies looney tune

Yes it is. Oh wait, are you one of those "fake news" tinfoilers?

Haha, you increasingly nervous yet?

Fake News does exist unlike "PizzaGate" and other conspiracy theories. Sorry Looney Tune.

lmao yeah ok bud and reptilians are behind goobergate

No. Holla Forums is behind gamergate.

You are there puppet, I can just see the strings. I'm making a comic about you right now.

Cuckery at it's finest

If money has no value then why do you want to print more of it?

Hmm…nice argument.

Money has no value to me but it does to Porky and until we overthrow the new tsar then and only then will we reclaim equality

This has to be a poe. No fag from Holla Forums could be this autistic.
If you are a fellow pollack I applaud you, you're a master of satire.

my comic is better

ell oh ell

for you.


this has to be fake

now this is duncakino

too specific and convoluted tbh fam


I made a template so to mock this cuck
I made a small change so you can tell the satire from the real deal


please don't lower yourself to their level



thanks dude your compliment inspired me

Why does comics and cartoons guy have a boner, and why is le pedo man not throwing a tantrum about people hating him?

I tried to give him shaky knees but it didn't work out but it might because he's in a cartoon and that arouses him idk

This is currently the second best thread on Holla Forums

who's #1?


What did he mean by this?

It's just a prank, bro!

Don't hold out on us

but why the pokemon girl instead of pink sonichu girlfriend?

Thanks for cancelling my show shitlord

Getting impeached is kind of hard tbh

This comes off as ebin XD I was trolling

It ain't funny

we know

I love how much he triggers leftists

The most important comic of our time died long before he had a chance to reach his final form and become truly relevant

Hyde has a long way to go, hes not really funny yet but there is something unique about him. he hasnt suffered enough, he needs to do more standup and bomb more

best comic that is putting shit out right now on the regular is probably Nick Mullen, lot of niggers have fallen off as of late

woops forgot the plug, listen to the cast faggots you will make laff

Oh shit I knew he sounded familiar. He was on Ari Shaffir's podcast talking about how he started up a fake mommy blog that caused this article to be written.

Some choice quotes.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST this blogpost is atrocious

and then this cunt proceeds to shit on the onion, the fucking audacity is palpable

yeah no you pulled that out of your ass, thankfully she is already getting destroyed in her own comments, this woman is batshit

wat. the. fug. If mullen offended you just say he fucking offended you, dont try to build some kind of retarded theory you cunt, is this what people go to college for nowadays? unbefuckinglievable

thanks for that I guess, jeesus K christ on a stick this is why i avoid this kind of shit. Cumtown is funny, regardless of the political climate. This is what i meant above that we lost patrice far too early, he would have fucking destroyed all these hacks so utterly and profoundly

I listened and I believed.

not samefagging btw, who would even do that