Things to do on Holla Forums

Is this correct?


no. metaposting is worse than weebposting and blackedposting is only acceptable with louis ck or one of those faggot youtuber people you guys seem to love talking about

only masiefaggots are concerned with what they call "metaposting"

get back to your containment thread gifmaker

Revised Holla Forums tier list:

What did he mean by this?


You forgot something.

It's the thinking man's fetish.

That's an impressive ass for a man


I would say that actually discussing Television and Film are the highest caliber of posting.

That was said by literally the biggest flaming faggot alive. AND a literal cuckold.


I don't disagree with that. You must have to do some pretty amazing mental gymnastics to justify having that fetish.


auteru tier should also include "what did he mean by this?" posting

this is all correct

t. lurker who rarely posts










probably cuckchanners


>>>/reddit/ is thataway fam




Get on my level hombre

pure cuckino friendo


I wanna fugg her tho tbh fam smdh 360 windmill tbh

Still haven't watched this.
I'll watch it while I take a dump. Will report back with my thoughts.

Well, it's a consistent message a tleast.

Took a nice big dump while I watched these. No thoughts.

…Why are we here?…Just to suffer?

At least we suffer together.

I was really excited to hear his thoughts too :(

