Trump voters

Trump voters

Other urls found in this thread:

Hillary voters.

Are those pagans living innawoods?

Hillary Voters = Left
Trump Voters = right

Is Outsiders any good?

Non-voter that virtue signals for Hillary.

Trump voters look like average, hard working Americans. They dress normal and look like they just got off from work. They are tired and angry, but they still have hope for America.

Sanders voters look like degenerate freaks and dress like sloven hipsters. They look like they crawled out of bed and smoked a joint before drifting to the nearest Bernie drum circle. The only thing they hate more than America is their own white skin.

Hillary voters are dried up cunts. They look like they hopped on a broom to fly to a Hillary coven. Their intense hatred of men and anything that is good and just in the world is why the Founding Fathers refused to give women the power to vote.


What is that blondie's name again?

her name is smugfu and she is mine
**kayleigh mcenany

mind If I barrow her for a sec, she is 2qt

ok, i shouldn't be selfish.

Lad i'm not gonna racemix, stop it with the propaganda…


you clearly want to.




Champagne liberals, of course. They're all for the poor worker, but they haven't known a day of hard work.

trump voters

Hillary voters

right seems more fun.


Hillbilly coal country rednecks trying to keep the evil corporation off their mountain. Most of the show is about the power struggles within the clans. It's not bad.

It's alright but I'm only halfway through (first season is on hulu now). There's a small plotline about one of the rednecks having a crush on a negress and the show makes a point of showing that he is completely clueless about race, he doesn't understand when she gets mad at him for calling her neighborhood "coon hollow".

that nose tho. couldnt be more jewish if she got surgery

Left = Hillary voters
Right = Trump voters

ur bad at directions, how u drive??

She lost kiddo, its time to accept it.

america lost though.

Looks to me like America got exactly what it wanted.
I'd call that winning.

but muh popular vote
the country should bend the knee to what 15 or so cities want :'^((((

i guess they got tired of all the winning they did under king obongo's rulership , so they thought they should trysomething different ; y'know , just for the experience of it

the problem now is , what happens when they start not winning with Trump to the point that they get addicted to it ?

I worked the election polls on election day in a small town in south Texas (I made a thread about it on Holla Forums around the time) and I just want to say all the stereotypes are true. You're not supposed to ask who each person is voting for or their party affiliation, but most of them make it clear. It's like sports team affiliation. We're not supposed to even wear anything red or blue as that could be grounds for someone to file a BS complaint claiming we were trying to influence or intimidate them. You're not supposed to carry signs, have bumper stickers on your car or anything else like that, but I'll describe the two groups of voters as I witnessed them that day:

Trump: Cops, veterans, firemen, doctors/nurses. They wore clothing and pins with American flags, they spoke clearly and respectfully, they felt proud of what they were doing. My favorite voter of the day was a 40-something Hispanic man who came in whistling with his hands in his pockets wearing a MAGA hat.

Hillary: It sounds like I'm trying to be insulting, but the overwhelming majority of them did not speak english, and were either elderly women or obese 20-something guys living with their moms. Seriously, every single voter I had a problem with was a Hillary voter. One woman came to the wrong precinct, so I printed out a little label with the proper address on it. I read out the address to her and pointed at it and repeatedly said "Vote here! Votar Aqui!" and she nodded and took the address label into the booth thinking it was the voting ballot. She stood there for ten minutes flipping the notice over. Another was an elderly Mexican woman who voted straight Democrat. I wouldn't have known, except her ballot was rejected. Why was it rejected? There was a local Republican she didn't like, so she put an X over his bubble and wrote "NO!" next to it so the machine counted this as her voting for both candidates. My least favorite was a guy who fit every single terrible stereotype of anons. I actually found myself thinking "God, I hope I've never looked this bad…" Morbidly obese, filthy unkempt hair, patchy beard, torn up shirt, raggedy cargo shorts, flip-flops, long nails he'd filed sharp, and the dude smelled. "I CAME WITH MY MOM." "According to this you're not registered…" "I LIVE WITH MY MOM." "She's registered, did you register?" "I DIDN'T THINK I HAD TO." "Well, you can't vote in this election, but we have registration forms so you can be registered for next time…" "*snoooort* THAT'S OKAY, *handwaving* I GOT FOUR YEARS BEFORE THEN I CAN DO THAT, RIGHT?"

All the Hillary voters were brought in on buses, or entire families voting together, none of the registered. We had to stay an extra hour because an entire family of six people showed up five minutes before the polls closed and none of them was registered to vote, so we had to register all of them.

Glue70 has so many good songs like the one in webm related, but all anybody knows him for is Casin and Coral Fumes.

I'm still mad that ¡Yeb! didn't sweep all the states as the ultimate surprise in this election. RIP in guac, sweet prince.

All females on those pics look god awful

And thats a good thing


Hillary voter

drumpfcucks btfo

Poor, delusional hillshills.

Somehow this is bad
Somehow a bad thing

That last sentence was supposed to be erased but wound up at the bottom

great job spoonfeeding all the retards that so far couldn't look it up for themselves or were too lazy to do so and so subtle too. Now proceed to your nearest cliff/building/other steep tall ledge and throw yourself off from it to rid this board and the world of your faggotry once and for all

They are still trash trough

BO never ever rulecuck

You sound like a mindfucked christcuck.

What the fuck does disliking tattoos have to do with Christianity?

Isn't that a Muzzie tattoo on the guy's arm? Second from the left.

Those guys look pretty cool.

Hindu you dummy

i want to take a time machine to go back and woo laura ingram in her 20s.


why is it good that your country will get worse?

ann coulter was pretty fine when bush was in office

Do tell.
I never really see people elaborate when they say this.

Stay mad faggot

There's nothing to elaborate on. It's more media parroting.


What's this show and why do they look like they can fend for their own innawoods?

Slow and steady, user.

Right seems pretty fucking fun tbh

Nice anecdote user, one of the best things about /pol is the stories on the ground.

So did you ever register, fat man, or did you forget after mommy made your tendies?




Yeah, what a silly concept when every political opinion is exactly the same amirite?



not an argument.

Thanks Peter

Hillary supporters have achne and Trump supporters are gay?

If I was to say one thing about drumpftards it would be this: they're as tenacious as they are retarded. It's OVER Drumpfykins! The people have stood up in record numbers and declared with passion "HES NOT MY PRESIDENT!" The ball is in your court you sick fucks, either dump Drumpf or face the consequences of your bigotry. The people have spoken, now it's time for you to act.





You have to be doing this in order to make people laugh at this point.
I can't help but chuckle every time I see you post now.

Jack Black ruined that word for me.

I guess shitposting is a way to drown your sorrows. Personally, I'd go with booze & bleach.


power + prejudice
white establishment holds the power and education so you can't be racist towards them
also uneducated racist hillbillies are the reason the establishment didn't win
russia hacked the election for tinfoil conspiracy theorists who want war with russia
germans aren't actually an ethic group, also the ethnicity of germany is changing and you should accept that

drumpfcucks btfo

I hope that's bait, friend.