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I'm not sure if LA is so filled with Hispanics to justify this or if the show is trying to push an agenda

It's true.

Poor us of a

They don't really consider themselves Americans anyway (unless it comes to federal funding), so no loss either way.

Might be because they are cheap labor.


Kek will soon reward us by sinking the troublesome parts of CA into the ocean.

The amount of racemixing in this show is off the charts
The entire show has only one likeable character, at least the edgelord gets put down like a dog. More shit characters should get a shit death

If you think that's bad, in the second season the group comes across a doomsday prepper and his family who's living the good life because he was prepared, but his crazy wife tells the group of people she's known for just a couple of days to take her kids away for no fucking reason. On top of that, the junkie of the group goes poking around the guy's house looking for drugs and finds some hidden suicide pills, and the guy's daughter just happens to see him while he does this. She goes back later on and takes one of the pills and dies.
They still try to go through with the plan of stealing his son and nearly do it but get stopped by the eldest son.

They tear this guy's entire family apart in just a few days, all the while giving him sideways looks for being le crazy white guy while he is nothing but polite and accommodating to them. I dropped the show not long after that.

After that they end up on a big plantation in mexico, the actual place the nigger was planning to go because his boyfriend owns the place. Yes, the nigger has a mexican boyfriend. However when they finally get there the boyfriend had been bit so you have this sob story of them deciding to an hero with poisoned food, nigger changes his mind in the last second and just shoots boyfriend in the head. Then the group discovers they are once again on a plantation with crazies because everyone there believes the dead are just another step in human evolution so they keep all zombies locked up in a part. Somewhere along this wild ride the old mexican dude goes crazy and starts hearing his wife speak to him so he decides to an hero too and walks into the zombie storage with some gasoline and sets shit ablaze. This somehow causes the entire plantation to burn down and the group splits up because reasons

Oh wow, I thought people were just exaggerating, but that does sound like the most pozzed shit.

Is this the new big agenda pushing by some well funded think tank like white privilege and sexism in vidya?


Yeah, all shows push identity politics really hard lately for some reason, I'm not sure what their deal is. What are the jews up to?


Meet the new SJW, same as the old SJW.

Sup, goon. How's things in the cuckshed?




Shit I stopped watching it after the fucking episode where the army corrals the neighborhood. They completely skipped the fucking break down of society due to the zombies.

Granted I lasted that long because I was giving it a chance. I fucking hated most of the characters. What a waste of fucking money.