What are some movies where the bad guy never dies?

What are some movies where the bad guy never dies?

Its a Wonderful Life

More like """"""""""""""""villains"""""""""""""""" who did N O T H I N G wrong

But soros did plenty of things wrong though.

That's Harrowitz Fordenstein

Nice try Soros.

WII movies that feature FDR, Stalin, and Churchill

for tv
The wonder years

Isn't most capeshit like that ?

why do all jewish bankers look alike?

G-d white males are ugly

Shall I continue?

it's just business
there are no bad guys

No. End it.


Soros looks like a zombie with make-up on to make it seem more human.

That's Rockefeller you Drumpftards

There's a difference?

I'm no sure why gallactus died, he wasn't supposed to die.
That doctor strange villain didn't die. Dormumu or sth.

They are two different people but are about equally dastardly, just means that there is more of their kind in the world, as if one wasn't horrible enough.

Nah, rockfellers are higher tier due to how many generations they have managed to maintain at the top.

Rockefeller LITERALLY did N O T H I N G wrong

Go back to your cum bowl.

That's 3, and Bucky became a good guy, no? So there are like 3 times more villians who die in superhero movies


I wouldn't be surprised if they were cloning themselves at this point. Rockefeller and Soros look too much alike,

I'd rather live in Potterville.

Seems like a good guy. Nationalists and other tribals are degenerate filth that need to be swept into the obscurity of history.

go away kike


go away satan