Villains who did nothing wrong

Capt. Rhodes from day of the dead
Honestly how is he a bad guy? How was captain Rhodes even in the wrong?

I kind of feel for the guy a bit despite him being a dick. Especiall when one of his men gets dissected when he gets turned into a zombie.

He was a hothead who couldn't manage his emotions



Holy shit. He 40 yet he looks younger than I do

He was the Sgt. Hartman of Zombie movies.



White guy did nothing wrong.

except let the nigger kill him.

He was never a villain, just a guy stuck with two useless scientists, a batshit but ultimately successful scientist, and the dumbest military recruits to survive the zombie apocolypse. Your tolerance for bullshit would be pretty low too.


He did literally everything wrong you nigger


He wasn't really the bad guy. He just lost his shit in the end, which is a bit understandable as at the point, it looked like they were all fucked.

I'd say the head doctor was the villain of the movie. He kept everyone there through false hope, which inadvertently led to the deaths of numerous individuals. Several died in the zombie pens, which wouldn't have been necessary if they weren't trying to capture them. He also kept everyone in the dark, which only resulted in frustrating everyone and it also pushed everyone past the breaking point. The captain more than likely wouldn't have lost his shit if he knew what was going on and he probably would have kept his cool if the major hadn't died in the beginning.

All of the soldiers lost their minds near the end as they at last realized that the only way out was death. The scientist fucked off to some beach somewhere, but you know they're going to meet a similar fate eventually. We've already seen that the undead can travel through large bodies of water, so it won't be too long before one washes up on shore.




this tbh fam.
the doctor himself says "what are you going to do to them all? shoot them?"
he then goes on to propose that they feed the zombies. now, call me crazy, but they have a smaller supply of flesh than they do bullets, not to mention that it takes mulitple feeding sessions to pacify bub, as well as the ability to actually capture him and the space to house and train him

Well technically a plan could have been pulled off if they were cool headed. They had successfully trained Bub, or had the capacity to train him to do more. What could they do though with just one zombie? It wouldn't be worthwhile to train more with their resources, but more wouldn't be necessary. Bub could be trained to lead the other zombies away from their base, without the constant threat of zombies they would be able to focus on the long term cure research.

well thats true, since LOTD canonized that zombies were basically on the human level of intelligence

Claude Frollo

seriously what's wrong with genociding gypsies?

And who's fault was that?